Owned by the Dom: Part One (The Owners) (12 page)

BOOK: Owned by the Dom: Part One (The Owners)
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“So is Ravage your only business?”

“No. Castleden has many stocks and shares with businesses worldwide. I deal with them in my spare time. My father placed a board who oversee that side of the investment. I’m called in when things get difficult.” He lived a good life. His father had made sure he’d want for nothing. James preferred to be in his club. Ravage was his life. It was who he was and defined the man he’d turned into.

“Stephen also handles some of our joint ventures.”

“You and Stephen are friends?”

“We grew up together. Our family over generations had started the exclusive clubs. My father went through it all when I was younger.”

She was eating her pasta as the waiter came back with the wine bottle. Prudence covered her glass shaking her head. James took some.

“You own the BDSM club at the bottom? You’re a Dom?”

“I don’t know if they are questions or statements of facts,” he said.

“Do you own the BDSM club under Ravage?” she asked, slowly.


“Are you a Dom?” she asked, slowly once again.

“Do you know what a Dom is?”

“Answer the question, James.”

He glared at her. James wanted to pull her over his knee and tan that ass with his palm. The full round globes would be shining red with his hand print the moment he was through with her.

“Be careful, Prudence. I don’t like being spoken to like that.”

She placed her fork down, linked her fingers, and stared at him. He felt her assessment right down to his soul. Prudence saw past the layers he’d built up to the man beneath. He didn’t know how he knew this, only the way she made him feel as she looked at him.

“Forgive my impatience. Are you a Dom, Sir?”

James was taken back. Michael must have shared more with her than he anticipated. Did she have any idea what the title meant to him? From the glazed look in her eye, James could only imagine that she did.

His cock thickened. Her gaze lowered to her plate, her head bowed in
obedience. To anyone who was looking at their table, she looked like she was saying a small prayer. James knew the bowed head meant so much more.

“You’re forgiven. Yes, I’m a Dom.” James reached over and tapped her hand. She looked up at him then began eating when he nodded his head.

“What do you know?” he asked.

She smiled. “More than you realised, Sir.”

He watched as she forked a piece of pasta and popped it into her mouth. She wasn’t running. Prudence stared at him as if she was waiting for something.

“Aren’t you afraid?” he asked, needing to know the answer.

“I have nothing to be afraid of, James. I was showing you that I understood your lifestyle and respected it.”

“You’re too young,” he said. Proper words evaded him. What could he say to her?

“I’m twenty-three, James. There is no age limit for this. I’ve not been in the lifestyle. I’ve experimented a little.”

James was intrigued. “What have you done?”

“Tell me about your link to Possession, and I’ll tell you about what I’ve done.”

He smiled.
Prudence knew a lot more than he gave her credit for. James wished he’d been the one to teach her.

“Possession is designed for men who feel possessive towards their woman.”

“Isn’t every man supposed to feel that for their woman?” she asked.

“This kind of possession was for men

“With money,” she
said, interrupting him.

“With money to be around like
-minded people. I’ve seen it, Prudence. The way the men act around their woman. Stephen, for example, he didn’t believe in it, but he became obsessed with his woman. He needed to know where she was, and when another man was near her, he wanted to do harm.”

“That sounds very stalker
-ish to me.”

James laughed. “I agree. It sounds it
, but when you see it, you’d never think of a stalker. There is a consuming love sparking between them. I’ve seen Cadeon and Stephen with their women, and it is like little lightning bolts surging between them and their woman. It is amazing to witness.”

“And Possession provides these men with an outlet for all those feelings. They can take their women and feel at ease because the men who go there know to leave the women alone?” she asked.

James nodded. “The press made out we were forcing women to be taken in some kind of fucking orgy fetish. I’ve seen the way these men are with their women, and Possession is perfect for them. I believe in it.”

“Have you ever felt the consuming need for a woman, James?” she asked.



Chapter Ten


Prue felt a new yearning inside of her. She’d watched and listened to the way James described it. On the outside it sounded like an extreme stalker, but she craved to be completely taken by a man. She wondered what it would be like to have a man so completely possessive of her that he phoned her just to hear her voice.

She waited for him to answer her last question. Her thoughts
were drifting off to what he’d told her. The rumours where she’d worked about Cadeon had been similar, with the way he’d been with Violet up until she married him. Cadeon had been described as a demon possessed with keeping the other woman.

Staring down at her food, she wondered if there would ever be a man out there like that for her.

“No, I’ve never felt a possessive need for another woman.”

His words hung in the air between them.
She picked up a piece of pasta and ate it.

“It must be nice for the women who get that,” she said.


“The women who know their man adores them that much. It must be nice.” She felt a lump forming in the back of her throat. “Could you excuse me? I need to use the bathroom.”

Prue left her seat and followed the directions the man gave her to the toilet. The room was empty. She walked up to the mirrors and moistened her hands with the water. She shook off the excess then pressed her fingers to her neck.

She needed to calm down.

Her pulse raced in her neck, and her body was in turmoil at what she’d just learned. How could she ever think of finding a man to love, knowing there was someone out there who’d possess her?

A pair of hands wrapped around her waist. She
gasped, opening her eyes and seeing James behind her.

“You shouldn’t be in here,” she said.

“I’ve made sure the waiter won’t let anyone inside.”

His hand moved up against her neck. She bit her lip from the image she saw. His larger hand covered a great deal of her neck. His fingers glided over her pulse.

“Tell me what is wrong?” he asked.

She shook her head.

“I just want you to be sure, Prudence. We name ourselves ‘The Owners’.” He whispered the words against her ear. The possessive way he held her neck was making her nipples tighten and her cunt clench for so much more. “We own our women. They are ours to keep.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“I’m telling you this because there are some women who could not handle being truly taken by a man. There are times when our possession goes wrong.”

“Not always?”

“No. I’ve only heard of it once, but that once was enough. The woman in question is permanently scarred by what happened. Be careful what you wish for.”

His touch did not calm her.

“I’m going back to our table. When you come back I want to discuss what you’ve done.” He kissed her cheek and let her go. His arms unwound from her. She watched him take a step back until he was out of the door. She’d never been so turned in all of her life.

Prue held onto the sink to try
to gain support to her shaking limbs.

If this is what he could do from small touches, she wondered what he could do with more time
in his arms.

She gave herself a quick glance in the mirror before making her way to the table.

Her plate had been taken away while she’d been gone.

“The des
sert menu will be with us shortly,” James said.

Nodding her head, she sipped her water wishing she’d let the waiter fill her glass up.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

“I’m okay.”


The waiter handed them the de
ssert menu. She gave a quick look and settled on a chocolate cheesecake with whipped cream. Closing the menu, she waited for him to finish.

“Do you know what a safe word is?” he asked, still looking at his menu.

“Mine is ‘rose’.” She answered the question without hesitation.

He glanced up.

“It is my favourite flower.”

“What else have you done?” he asked.

“I don’t know everything. I’ve been tied up once, to a bed for a short time, and my ass has been spanked.” Prue didn’t know why she was telling him everything. She wanted to show him she wasn’t some simpering girl. She knew her own mind and what she liked in the bedroom.

“Have you ever needed to use your safe word?” he asked.

She shook her head.

“Have you been in a BDSM club?”

“Only a few and I’ve never joined in. Everything I’ve experienced is at home in the privacy of my room.”

“Would you like to see?”

Prue smiled. “I’d love to.”

The waiter took their orders for des
sert. They didn’t speak. James caught her hand in his, and his thumb stroked the pulse in her wrist.

When the
dessert came, she took a forkful of her cheesecake without letting go of his hand. She liked the comfort her gave her. His fingers continued to stroke her and soothe her. When the meal was finished, James grabbed his wallet and pulled out a card.

She felt the blush creep into her cheeks.

“What’s the matter?” he asked. The waiter left.

“I prefer to pay my own way.”

“I don’t want you to pay. When you’re with me, you won’t be paying for anything. I will look after you.” She nodded her head and waited for the man to come back.

He came back and handed the card to James. She made to get out of her seat. James gave her a look that made her sit back down. He helped her out of her seat then escorted her to get her coat. The chill from the night air caught them both as they made their way outside. The taxi they’d arrived in was waiting by the curb.

James eased her inside then followed in behind her. She didn’t say anything as he took her hand once again. The car pulled away from the curb and began the short journey to his club. Once they were there, Leo opened the door for his boss. James moved him out of the way to help her out of the taxi.

“Don’t you need to pay the driver?” she asked.

“They have an account with my name on it. I don’t like driving around the city anymore. I prefer to be taken.”

Leo remained at the door as James escorted her through the club. She felt gazes following them around the room. James kept a firm grip on her, taking her back to the room she’d found earlier that day. The guards were on the doors
, and James took the elevator instead of walking down the stairs. When the doors closed, James turned to her.

“When you go inside, you’re going as my guest. I will make them aware that you’re a new member and are learning the ropes.”


He cupped her cheek. “Prudence, for this short time I need you to be my sub.”

She licked her lips wondering what it would be like to be entering his part of the club as his sub. “I can do that.”

“Doms will not approach you if you’re with me. You’ll be able to look around freely.”

Prudence nodded her head. “Don’t I need to wear something?” she asked.

“Yes.” She watched him remove a silver chain with a cross on.

“You can wear this.”

She’d never seen the necklace before.

“I wear it whenever I go out. It was my father’s, and when I have a son, I’ll pass it on to him.”

Prudence nodded, moving her hair off the back of her neck so he could place the necklace around her neck.

“Let me take your coat.”

She turned to him, letting him take off what he wanted. He moved the arms of her dress up to cover more of her chest. “I don’t want other men looking at what is mine.”

What words followed that comment?

“I’m going to press the button to open the doors. I need you to keep this place absolutely private. The people and where it is.”

“I’d never tell anyone, James. I promise.”


His palm slammed against a button. “Show time.”

James pulled her close to his side. She kept her gaze lowered, pressing her body against his
. Her mind was a whirl of activity. Everything he’d told her was playing over her mind. To be owned by a man and in James’s case, to be owned and dominated. She shivered, feeling the pulse of the thought take effect throughout her body.

BOOK: Owned by the Dom: Part One (The Owners)
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