Read Ordinary Beauty Online

Authors: Laura Wiess

Ordinary Beauty (27 page)

BOOK: Ordinary Beauty
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Seven years ago, Sayre Bellavia had everything she could ever want. But when her mother’s relapse meets with unexpected tragedy, Sayre’s life is consumed by her mother’s addiction and neglect.

When fate lands Sayre in the truck of a wounded stranger with an out-of-service phone, she finds herself reliving some of the best and worst memories of her upbringing, including the year that changed everything. And time is running out—not just for Sayre’s mother, but for Sayre’s chance to finally speak her piece.


1. One of the overarching themes in
Ordinary Beauty
is identity. How would Sayre describe herself? What does she think of her last name, Bellavia? How do other characters in the book struggle with identity?

2. Why is Sayre so intent on feeding the kitten in the beginning of the story, especially when she barely has enough food for herself ? What kind of symbolism do animals represent throughout
Ordinary Beauty

3. When Evan swerves into a ditch to avoid hitting Sayre, she stays with him until help arrives—even when Candy tries to take her to the hospital to see her mother. Why does Sayre consider her promise to stay with Evan so unbreakable? How do the themes of trust and loyalty develop throughout the story?

4. Discuss the relationship between Dianne and Candy. Does their friendship resemble any relationship anything in your own life? In what ways is it healthy and unhealthy?

5. How would you characterize Sayre’s self-deprecation? How does her mother influence it? Which other characters have a powerful effect on Sayre’s self-esteem?

6. Red tells Sayre “There is no grief like the grief that does not speak.” (p. 107) Why is Sayre so hesitant to talk about her pain? Can you pinpoint any events with her mother that may have influenced this reluctance?

7. After her brief time on Sunrise Road, Sayre clings to the blissful memories of life with Beale, Aunt Loretta, and Ellie. Do you have a happy memory of your own that you feel you can never reclaim? How does living in the past affect Sayre’s emotional health? Is it helpful or hurtful?

8. In what moment does it become clear to Sayre that her mother is really dying? Why is this realization significant?

9. Sayre refers to Queen Anne’s lace as “clean and pure and safe.” (p. 156) How does this description fit into the larger themes of
Ordinary Beauty

10. When Sayre brings home an A+ on a homework assignment, Beale calls her a “genius,” but Sayre’s mother is not impressed. Why does Sayre’s success bother Dianne so much? Can you think of any other reasons why Dianne would resent her own daughter?

11. Can you name any redeeming qualities about Sayre’s mother, Dianne? Why is it so difficult to see beyond anything but the addict—even during the time she was clean, sober, and happy? Can you think of other identities that cloud our judgment of someone’s true character?

12. How did you react to the narrative structure in
Ordinary Beauty
? How do you think it relates to the story itself ?

13. Why did Sayre decide on her last words to be
Love you, ’bye
to her mother?

14. After reading
Ordinary Beauty,
has your understanding of addiction and its influence on those involved changed in any way? Why or why not? Have you ever known anyone who has battled this disease or do you yourself have any personal experience with addiction? If so, where there any parts of Sayre’s story that especially resonated?

15. Discuss the title,
Ordinary Beauty
. What were your assumptions about the book when you began reading? How would you characterize the title now?


1. Volunteer for a day at your local animal shelter. Like Sayre, who loved animals of all kinds, spend time with and care for strays and other unwanted cats and dogs. You might even find your own Stormy.

2. Bring your book club on a wilderness adventure and find a spot with Queen Anne’s lace. Discuss
Ordinary Beauty
in the company of its most prominent symbol.

3. Read one of Laura Wiess’s other books,
Such a Pretty Girl, Leftovers,
How It Ends
. Discuss any parallels it has with
Ordinary Beauty
. Which one did you like better?

4. Visit Laura Wiess’s website, Learn about her past works, favorite activities, and upcoming appearances.

BOOK: Ordinary Beauty
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