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Authors: Donita K. Paul

Tags: #ebook

One Realm Beyond (47 page)

BOOK: One Realm Beyond
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“You’re better,” wailed Bixby. “I’m glad. I’m so glad. You aren’t dead.”

Cantor raised his eyebrows when he looked at Bridger. In his mind, he clearly heard Bridger’s response. “I don’t know. I guess it’s one of those woman bones.”

He shifted his gaze and saw that Bixby had intercepted their exchange of looks. This was not a good thing. Her face proclaimed it was a very, very bad thing.

“Don’t you understand?”

He and Bridger shook their heads in unison.

“Some people are dead. Some people are alive. Some people who were just there are dead. Some people who were wicked and horrible are alive. I know one of the bad, bad councilmen is dead. He was supposed to be alive. And maybe the three good councilmen are dead. And maybe they are alive. And those farmhouse councilmen are probably alive. And what did we do to help? And was it enough? And it’s not over, because some people who want people dead are still alive.”

She collapsed on the side of Cantor’s bed. Cantor scooted away, giving her more room.

Totobee-Rodolow sat beside her, keeping an arm around her shoulders. He relished the relief he felt. The dragon had stepped in with comfort. He graciously allowed her to do all she could. He’d observe and stay close for support.

Bixby now faced Dukmee. Dukmee could take care of it.

The healer asked Bridger to bring over his healing
supplies. Totobee-Rodolow and her brother helped as Dukmee unwrapped Bixby’s hand, cleaned it, oozed ointment on the jagged tear, and re-wrapped it. He calmly washed the scrapes on her face and put a soothing lotion on them.

She sniffed and shuddered, sighed and squeaked once, and slowly calmed down.

Dukmee packed his unused supplies and gathered up the material that needed discarding.

He straightened and turned away.

Where were the words of wisdom that the healer should say? Wasn’t he going to point out a couple of things designed to make Bixby feel better? Oh, where was Ahma when he needed her?

Disappointment slammed into Cantor’s heart. They hadn’t stopped the explosions. They hadn’t found Ahma and Odem. With the guild in shambles, his likelihood of achieving full realm walker status was nil. For once in his life, instead of looking forward to the next stage of his training, all he could do was look back. He saw in his mind’s eye, his mentor and caretaker. She’d raised him. Her smiles were rare, but her eyes always glowed with love. He remembered her soft voice as he went to sleep. Talking. Not really
him. But the sound of her voice eased him to sleep.

Cantor reached out and cradled Bixby’s hurt hand.

“This is what Ahma said:

‘Forget the past, both the fame and the shame.

The fame and shame of yesteryear are not suitable foundation for today.

Carry with you the lessons you learn each day,

for each lesson is a brick,

solid and true.

Press on to finish the task set before you,

building today for the needs of tomorrow.

Don’t eye tomorrow with impatience in your heart.

For an eye on tomorrow’s journey

will cause you to stumble

over a rock at your foot.’ ”

He caught and squeezed her other hand. “It’s the last one I never get quite right.”

Bixby’s big eyes were still sad. “Do we know what happened to Toolooknaut and Ponack?”

Cantor shook his head slowly. Ahma’s words had comforted him, but not Bixby.

Bridger spoke up. “We don’t know, but Primen does. If I had a choice of who was to know where I am, I’d pick Primen over you two.”

“We’ll find them, Bix. We’ll find Ahma and Odem too. As Odem would say, ‘If you’re walking with Primen, you will reach the desires of your heart.’ ”

BOOK: One Realm Beyond
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