Read One Night with her Boss Online

Authors: Noelle Adams

One Night with her Boss (5 page)

BOOK: One Night with her Boss
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“Why are you closing your robe?” he
asked, coming over to join her at the bed.

“Because I’m not in the habit of going
around naked.”

He gave her an unexpectedly rakish grin.
“I think you should change your habits, then.”

She was intensely relieved at his mood,
since it sounded like what had just happened wouldn’t just be a random fluke
that would leave things inescapably broken between them. “I don’t think I’ll
ever be in the habit of going around naked,” she told him, her breathing
picking up as he slowly pushed her down onto her back and untied her robe again.

His eyes were hot and possessive as he
gently moved the fabric aside to reveal her bare flesh. “That would be a real

He gazed at her for a long time, until
she shifted slightly with self-consciousness. “Okay,” she said at last. “I
think you’ve seen what there is to see.”

His gray eyes flickered up to her face.
“I haven’t seen nearly enough of you.”

But he did bend down then and kiss his
way from her collarbone to one of her nipples, where he flicked his tongue,
teasing her until she made a helpless sound of pleasure.

He smiled. “I like that you’re loud.”

She sucked in an indignant breath,
flushing hotly. “I’m not loud.”

With a low chuckle, he gave her nipple a
little nip, and she cried out in response before she could stop herself.

“I’m not that loud,” she insisted, when
she saw the amused vindication in his expression.

“It wasn’t an insult,” he said, still
looking both fond and amused. “I just said I liked it. You’re normally so quiet
and composed. I love that I can make you completely let go. It’s intoxicating.”
As he spoke, he fondled her breasts, his eyes never leaving her face.

She arched up into his touch but managed
to say with a degree of lucidity, “Still, I’m not that loud.”

The truth was, she’d never been
particularly loud in sex at all.

But she’d also never had sex with Jake
before either.

Everything was different with him.

He spent a long time caressing her,
teasing her into heights of arousal she’d never experienced before. But she
kept biting her lip when she got too loud in some irrational need to prove to
him that she wasn’t as loud as he thought.

“It’s no use,” he murmured eventually, his
mouth against her belly. “It won’t be long until I make you scream.”

“I’m not about to scream,” she told him,
with more confidence than was entirely warranted.

“Keep telling yourself that. Now turn


“Turn over. Onto your stomach.”

“That sounds kind of bossy.”

“I thought you said I was the boss
everywhere except the file room.” There was laughter in his tone that was as
sexy as his touch.

“You’re the boss everywhere except the
file room and the bedroom.”

He cocked an eyebrow at her. “So you’re
not going to turn over?”

“If you ask nicely.”

“Turn over, baby.” It wasn’t a request.
It was a guttural command that made her clench hard.

“You’ll have to practice asking nicely,”
she said, turning over because there was no way she could resist anymore.

“I’ll practice as much as you want.” He
adjusted her body the way he wanted it with his strong hands, until she was
sprawled out on her stomach beside him.

She gave him a look over her shoulder,
just to let him know she didn’t appreciate his smug tone.

She did actually appreciate his tone,
but he didn’t have to know that.

He was chuckling again as he kissed his
way down her spine, stroking her skin as he did so until her arousal threatened
to drive her crazy.

When his mouth was at the small of her
back, she shifted uncomfortably and tried to turn back over.

“Hey,” he objected. “I’m not done yet. I
haven’t made you scream.”

“You can make me scream when I turn

“What’s the matter?” he asked in a
different tone, obviously noticing something in her expression.

She sighed. “My ass isn’t my best
feature, so I’d rather not show it off.”

She was looking at him over her
shoulder, so she saw surprise reflected on his face. “What are you talking

“What do you mean, what am I talking

“Your ass is the sexiest thing I’ve ever

“No need to exaggerate. I’m not
expecting ridiculous flattery, you know.”

“It’s not flattery. It’s the truth. You have
no idea how much your ass turns me on. Everything about you turns me on.” He
bent down again and pressed a kiss at the small of her back. Then lower, at the
top of her bottom. He stroked her with a slow, sensual touch. “I’ve always had
to be sure not to walk behind you, since the sight of your ass gives me very
inappropriate thoughts.”

It sounded like he was speaking the
truth. The heated look in his eyes as he stared down at her body certainly
looked like he was speaking the truth. The knowledge sent another wave of
feeling through her, this one even deeper, even stronger.

“Now,” he drawled, sliding one hand
between her thighs and exploring until he found her hot, wet arousal, “I think
it’s time to make your scream.”

“Not going to happen.” She wasn’t sure
how convincing her words were, since she was already writhing with pleasure as
he sank a finger inside her.

She lifted her bottom slightly to give
him better access, and he kept caressing her with one hand and using his other
to pump inside her.

“I’m going to make you come like this,”
Jake said hoarsely. “You won’t be able to stop yourself from screaming.”

“Mm hmm,” was all the response she could
manage. She could feel an orgasm developing as he added a second finger to the
first as he stroked into her. He’d found her g-spot and started pushing against

She clutched at the bedding and
shamelessly tried to ride his fingers with her hips, her body once more nearly
out of her control.

With his free hand, he held her hips to
stop her eager motion. “No, baby. Let me. Otherwise, you’ll try to take credit
for it when I make you scream.”

She choked on both pleasure and
amusement at his slightly wry voice, but she responded to the command. She held
herself still as he fucked her with his hand, channeling her desperate urgency
into her grip on the bedding and gasping sounds that got louder and louder.

She knew she was supposed to keep
herself quiet, but that was increasingly impossible. Soon she was almost
sobbing with pleasure as he worked her up toward orgasm.

She knew he was smiling and watching her
hotly as she finally lost control. And she might have screamed—just a little—as
the climax sliced through her.

He was chuckling again as he pulled out
his fingers from her tight channel and rolled her over onto her back.

“Don’t say it,” she told him, feeling
too good to complain very strenuously about his smugness.

He pulled her into his arms and
murmured, just before he kissed her, “I love that you’re loud.”

She kissed him back, wrapping her arms
around him tightly and feeling so much affection, it was as overwhelming as her
arousal had been. She couldn’t believe she was with Jake like this—warm and
intimate and passionate. She’d daydreamed about it so many times, but this was
so much better than any of her dreams.

He was aroused again. She could feel his
erection hard against her hip. So, when they broke the kiss, she started to
work on his shirt, unbuttoning it and then trying to drag it off his shoulders.

He helped enough that they soon had
gotten rid of the dress shirt and his t-shirt, and she could finally caress his
bare chest. She loved the hair on his chest as she ran her palms over it. It
felt real. Masculine. Like Jake.

They were still near the bottom of the
bed, and her legs kept falling off, so she tried to scoot herself higher on the
bed as Jake worked on getting rid of his trousers.

“Ow,” she gasped, when she bumped her
head on her suitcase. She’d forgotten she’d laid it on her bed earlier when
she’d started to unpack.

He paused and glanced over to make sure
she was all right. “Be careful.”

“It’s too late to tell me to be careful
now. I’ve already bumped my head.”

His lips twitched slightly. “Well, be
careful not to do it again.”

She frowned. “If you were a gentleman,
you’d move it so it’s not in the way.”

With a soft laugh, he reached over her
body and pushed at the suitcase. It moved a few inches.

“Nice job.”

Now, he was frowning. “Hold on. I’ll get
it.” He pushed at it some more, hampered because he lying beside her and
reaching over her body.

It moved another inch or two.

“Just push it off,” she told him.

He gave it one more push, and it slowly
teetered on the edge for a few moments before it finally slid to the ground,
almost in slow motion.

She giggled helplessly. “Very sexy.
Almost as good as the dramatic sweeping the desk clear that you see in movies.”

He groaned and pulled her against him. “Let’s
pretend that didn’t happen. I’m usually more impressive than that.”

“I think you’re very impressive.” She
was looking him in the eye, still smiling, telling him the naked truth. “I
always have.”

He groaned again, differently this time,
and claimed her mouth in another hungry kiss.

They kissed for a long time, rolling
around some until they were in a better position on the bed, and he was lying
on top of her. Soon, they were rocking into each other with the rhythm of

“Oh, baby,” he murmured, finally
breaking the kiss and pressing more little kisses over her cheeks and jaw, “You
drive me wild.”

She loved the sound his voice. Fond.
Intimate. Hoarse with passion. She was turned on again, pulsing with need as
she rubbed herself against every part of his body she could touch.

She was shaking with it as he rolled on
another condom and parted her thighs to make room for him. As soon as he slid
himself home, she was fluttering all around him, moaning in helpless pleasure.

“Oh, fuck,” he gasped, holding himself
very still. “Oh, fuck, you feel so good. Wrap your legs around me again.”

She barely had the coordination to
comply, but she managed to get her legs hooked in the way he wanted. It was
perfect—she could feel him so deeply, so intensely. She gasped and arched up,
pleasure rippling through her that she couldn’t possibly control. Her hips were
moving of their own accord.

“That’s right, baby,” he rasped, starting
to thrust with the fast, hard rhythm she needed to feel. “Let yourself go.
Don’t hold anything back.”

She couldn’t have held back, even if
she’d wanted to. She was already making those same eager sounds and rocking her
body to meet his primitive motion.

He was bracing himself above her, but
she could still feel his heat, his weight, his intensity vibrating in the air
between them. His hot eyes never looked away from her face. “Give me all of it,
baby. I want everything from you.”

He was taking her almost roughly now,
but she wanted it, needed it. Tried to take him as hard as he was taking her.
She was too loud for a hotel, but she wasn’t embarrassed. She was barely
conscious of it—knowing only that this was what she needed. Needed at her
deepest core.

Jake. All he way. Just like this.

She was crying out when their frantic
motion finally drove her to the peak. Then he was letting go too, his sound of
release just as uninhibited as hers.

The pleasure rippled through her
body—through his—for a long time after the first wave. They’d collapsed
together, moaning and clinging to each other in the aftermath.

Finally, she heard him groan as he
pulled his weight off her.

She didn’t want to let him go, and she
kept clinging to him until she realized what she was doing.

“Let me just get the condom,” he said,
heaving himself out of bed and limping to the bathroom.

He was completely naked, completely
gorgeous. And, with a pang, she realized his knee had to still be hurting him.

She managed to find the energy to reach
down to the floor and grab his t-shirt to pull on so she wasn’t completely

She hadn’t pulled herself together by
the time he returned, so she was in no state to find something reasonable to
say or do—not after what had just happened between them.

 “I don’t think I can move,” she
mumbled, when he reached out for her.

“Me either.” There was a smile in his
voice as he adjusted her body against his. “So let’s not.”

“Sounds good to me.”

He did manage to reached for the covers
and pull them up over them.

BOOK: One Night with her Boss
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