Read One Fiery Night Online

Authors: Em Petrova

Tags: #Erotica

One Fiery Night (8 page)

BOOK: One Fiery Night
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A deafening crack sounded.

“Get out of there, Puckett!” the captain yelled. The other firefighter followed. The two exchanged a glance that turned Josie’s bowels to water.

Hysteria rose in her sharply. She started forward and was snagged back, ripped off her feet. “Dammit, lady, you stay here or I’ll have you placed behind the police barricade!” the captain screamed.

Water sloshed over her feet as she was set down in a puddle. She clutched her head and gave in to her terrified weeping. Tears spurted from her and pain was a hot coal in her chest. Where was Luke? Had the house really collapsed, leaving him trapped?

She stared between her fingers at the inferno. Black smoke roiled from the brilliant flames, imprinting the sight on her eyes as if it were a negative. Colors flashed in her vision and dizziness swept her. Suddenly she felt as if she were riding the carousel with Maggie again, swooping around and around, trying to pick out Luke’s blue jacket with each rotation.

The captain and the other crew members continued to yell for their team member. Apparently he wasn’t answering, or worse, wasn’t able to. A funereal pall settled over the scene. Paramedics shifted from foot to foot, obviously thinking there would be no victims to transport to the hospital.

What kind of insanity was this? Why would Luke be sent into a situation like this alone? She thought firefighters always teamed up. She opened her mouth to scream this at the men around her who were doing absolutely nothing to help their fellow firefighter.

Just then, a collective cry rang out. She snapped around and stared at the house fixedly, seeing nothing but violent tongues of fire licking out of the charred shell.

“Where?” she cried frantically.

A man pointed over her shoulder. “There!” Then he rushed past her and met the big figure who was burdened with a man on his shoulders. A sob broke from Josie and she released it, along with a cry of relief as she ran forward.


He jerked as if he heard her, but how could he? She continued to yell as she zigzagged around the crush of people that now crowded around him and the victim.

Icy blue eyes met hers, and in that moment, they shared a thousand apologies. Understanding was a balm on her wounded soul.

“Let her through,” she heard him say. She studied his face through the mask and saw pain creasing his brow.

She dropped to her knees and reached for him.

“Don’t touch me yet. My hands.” He held them out. They trembled up and down as if pulsing with his heartbeat.

She plastered her own hands to her mouth to hold back the scream that threatened to tear free. His hands—his precious fingers—were red and raw, already blistering.

“Should have worn gloves, you ass,” the captain said. “Let the medics do their jobs, miss. These men need medical attention.”

With a shock, she looked down at the victim who was now being loaded onto a stretcher and borne off to the waiting ambulance. It was impossible to tell if he was a homeless man because his clothes were scorched and he was completely covered in soot. His hair was sticking up in thick clumps.

Luke followed the man with his gaze, and then looked at Josie once more. “Don’t go far, baby. Morelli, get her a coffee.”

The firefighter who had been guiding her wrapped his fingers around her upper arm and pulled her to her feet. As she moved away, Luke’s voice reached her, recounting his story.

The floor had collapsed out from under him and the man he’d saved. His communication device had been lost and he’d scrabbled in the flames for it before he’d thought better, burning his hands. As the fire had promised to end his existence, the house had shifted and he’d spied an opening. Taking a chance, he’d jumped through it with the homeless man slung over his shoulders. Luke had been shocked to hit the soaking wet grass in the yard.

The captain’s voice sounded. “Well, Lucifer, that’s why we send you in there. No one else can do what you do. Your gut drives you and you come out safe every time.”

Josie spun around. Through the bodies circling Luke, her gaze connected with his. His tone was clear and his blue eyes seemed to scorch hotter than the flames. “That’s right. My gut drives me.” He mouthed “I love you” to her.

A half sob burst from her even as a grin stretched across her face.

Chapter Six


Luke passed through the firehouse as swiftly as possible but his friends kept stopping him to congratulate him. He thanked them and joked about the fact that he would now wear gloves no matter what. But he was dying to get through the firehouse with all haste. He’d just escaped the press outside and wanted nothing more than to be alone.

Well, not exactly alone. With Josie.

He motioned to Morelli with his bandaged hand. “You told her to wait for me?”

“Yeah, she’s in the locker room right now.” He waggled his dark eyebrows. “If you hurry, I can almost guarantee you twenty minutes alone with her, Lucifer.”

Without warning, Luke’s cock hardened. Visions instantly rushed up in his mind—of pinning her against his locker, of bending her over the bench…

He quickened his pace. “Twenty minutes?” he called over his shoulder.

“Yeah. Unless there’s a fire.”

“Oh, there’s going to be a fire.” As he sped away, Morelli’s chuckle followed him. Luke took the stairs two at a time. Fortunately, the lounge was empty.

Reaching the door, he stared at the handle. With both hands completely wrapped in gauze, he wasn’t going to have an easy time turning that lever. He nudged it with his knee and the door swung inward.

“Oh Luke!” Josie flew at him, blonde hair twitching around the pale oval of her face. He wrapped her against him, careful to keep his hands off her, though he longed to press on her spine. Popping those blisters right now wasn’t a good idea, he’d been advised. In the morning—hell, it
morning—he’d return to the burn center to have his injuries tended. In the meantime, he had Josie in his arms and they were alone.

He’d have to get creative.

Burying his nose in her fragrant hair, he gave over to the emotion he’d been holding back for hours. The lump in his throat broke free and he issued a sob.

She cried out in reply and spiraled her arms around his torso, holding him tight. The memory of their argument returned at once. How had he been so stupid? Of course she hadn’t taken an interest in Ryan, and who cared if she had? They were all young. But Josie had never been anything but loving and faithful.

“I’ve been stupid,” he said thickly.

She scraped her fingers through the hair on the back of his head. “I could have lost you—”

“Such an idiot… You’re the world to me, baby.”

“You are too. I don’t know how to move on without you in my life.”

“You don’t have to.” He lifted his head and stared into her tear-bright eyes. “Will you forgive me?”

“I swear I never had any emotion for your brother—”

He covered her lips with his since his hands were out of commission. “Shh. I was wrong. Ryan said I was wrong then. I don’t know why I wouldn’t listen. I deserve to lose you.”

She moved her lips against his, kissing, nipping and teasing him with her tongue. “No,” she murmured.

He captured her tongue with his, holding it prisoner inside her mouth. White heat claimed his groin. His cock hardened until the ache nearly drove him mad. The urge to pound into her tight little body was almost too much to bear. But he was smart enough to realize he couldn’t just hurt her and then fuck her. He had to provide the things she needed—love words, soft caresses and wooing.

Her chest heaved against his. Damn, he wished he could cup her breasts and trace the ridged edges of her nipples through that little white sundress. Tearing his mouth away, he met her gaze.

“Baby, I want you bad. I want to use my body to show you how much I love you. But I’m going to need some help.”

She glanced around. “Here?”

He nodded, smiling crookedly. “Right now.” He walked her backward until her spine came up against his locker.

“Is this your locker?” Her words came out as a rasp.

He nuzzled her throat and sank his tongue into the soft depression behind her ear. “Uh-huh. Number eleven. Maybe it will become our lucky number. We’ll get married on the eleventh of June.”

“That’s only a month away!”

“Yep.” He continued to bathe the shell of her ear with his tongue. “I’ll make you come eleven times…”

“Ohhh.” A shiver ran through her and her skin lifted beneath his mouth in goose bumps.

He trailed his mouth around to her plump lips. “And we’ll have eleven children.”

She burst out laughing. “What? Are you sure?”

“Well, ten more. We already have one. If you’ll allow me to be part of Maggie’s life.” He wedged his thigh between hers, nudging them apart.

“Oh Luke. You’re an amazing man. Of course I’d love for you to be part of Maggie’s life.” She kissed him lingeringly, tenderly.

Swiftly, the gentle brushing of her lips escalated to something more. Something feral. He lifted her on his knee, rubbing against the heat of her.

“Christ, Josie, you’re not wearing any panties.”

She sank her teeth into his lower lip and dragged him back to her mouth. “There wasn’t time. I saw you on the news and had to get to you.”

He braced his weight against hers. “It’s all right now, baby. We’re together.” He thrust his tongue deep into her warm, wet mouth. His cock throbbed heavily as he thought about pushing up her dress and plunging into her sheath.

Long minutes of mind-blowing kissing later, he could barely contain himself. “Take my pants off, baby.”

Her eyes darkened two shades. “No one will come in?”

“I’ve got it covered.”

“Mmm.” She gripped his belt loops and tugged him against the V of her legs again. He ground against her and she released a ragged moan. His fingers itched inside the bandages to be let loose. The need to touch her was strong. How was he going to endure lovemaking without use of his fingers?

She held his gaze as she slid his work pants over his hips along with his boxers. Fingers dancing over his shirt buttons, she moved to draw the cloth off his shoulders. He stopped her by holding up his hands. “Let’s leave it for now, baby.”

“Okay. As long as I can do this.” She smoothed his chest and down to his ridged abs, her eyes hooded with desire.

Leaning in, he caught her lips and delivered a searing kiss again. “Pick up your dress for me, baby. I’m dying to taste you.”


Josie’s body came alive as Luke sank to his knees before her. He dragged his hair-roughened jaw over her sensitive inner thighs. She gasped and clutched his head with both hands, guiding him where she most wanted him. No—needed him.

Juices escaped her folds. With a moan, he captured a bead on his tongue and lapped it away, stroking up to the crease between her pussy and thigh.

Shuddering now, she fought to control her harsh breathing. She’d never had sex in public before and, although they were secluded behind a door, anyone could walk in on them, with or without Luke’s promise to give them privacy.

He dipped his tongue into her seam, simultaneously shoving her thighs wide. She braced her palms against the lockers behind her, the cloth of her dress gathered beneath them, and opened her legs to him.

“Mmm, so wet for me.” He thrust his tongue deep into her pussy.

Convulsing with the sweet torment, she ached for his touch on her breasts and inside her. Luke’s touch always sent her spiraling out of control. At this minute, she didn’t want to be in control. She needed him to sweep her up. He’d already offered his white horse. She was ready for the wild ride through life with him leading.

He rumbled against her folds as he spoke. “God, I wish I could touch you. You’ll have to do it for me. Play with your nipples, baby.”

Her breathing hitched. She stared down at his bright eyes, her pussy clenching around his tongue. Could she do that? Rub herself openly here in the locker room of the firehouse?

He removed his tongue. “Do it.”

The forceful command sent her into action. She cupped her breasts through her bodice. Her nipples pebbled immediately, straining outward in demand. Her eyes shuttered as she tugged on them.

Luke flicked her needy button between her legs, sending her into paroxysms of bliss. She clung to the edge of reason, knowing one more nudge and she’d be sailing. She pinched her nipples more forcefully, crying out as he ground the tip of his tongue into her body.

The sounds he made drove her mad. She rocked against him, seeking more of his heated touch. Her body stiffened and with a cry, she burst. Contractions struck her, stringing her out between the waves of ecstasy. Each rhythmic pulsation stole her control. She was screaming—making more noise than she ever had before. The sounds echoed off the walls and mixed with Luke’s grunts of approval.

Hypersensitive now, she folded around him. He continued to lap at her pussy using light, slow strokes, drawing the last of her cream from her.

When their gazes met, electricity sparked. He pulled his face away, her juices connecting her body to his lips. She quivered.

“See that locker? Number nine?” He was breathless, as if he’d just run into a burning building and hauled out half a dozen victims.


“Reach into it and find a condom. Morelli stores them on the top shelf.”

She inched a few feet to the right and opened the man’s locker. The scents of unfamiliar male and the underlying hint of smoke struck her. She felt like an intruder. Would this Morelli guy be upset with her digging through his possessions for a condom? And why exactly did he keep condoms in the locker room at work? Was it usual for women to be enclosed with them?

She rooted around on the top shelf, shifting several men’s magazines, a pair of eyeglasses and a dirty magazine featuring a couple entwined. Finally she located the condoms.

“Find one?”


“Now come over here, woman, and roll it on to me. I’m aching for you.”

She shut the locker. “Is he going to mind?”

“No. And I don’t plan to use these for very long. As soon as I can prove myself to you, there isn’t going to be a barrier between us.”

She held his gaze as she tore open the packet and removed the condom. He hissed as she drew his length into her hands. Before she positioned the condom, she helped him by unbuttoning his dress shirt all the way.

“Good, baby. Now pull your tits over the top of your bodice. They need a good tonguing.”

“Oooh.” She tore her gaze from his length, which was bobbing against his hard abs, and did his bidding. Tugging her full breasts over the cloth, she looked to him for approval.

He wore a lascivious grin.


“Perfect.” He dropped his head to them, nuzzling her cleavage. Her body pulsed with renewed lust and passion filled her completely. Having him in her life again was mind-blowing. She still couldn’t wrap her head around it. When she’d set eyes on him again, she knew she’d never really fallen out of love with him. Now her love for him was tenfold. Was it possible to be too much in love?

He swirled his tongue over each nipple until she was writhing. He plucked at them with his lips and teeth.

She reached for his cock, gripping it at the root. His trim curls brushed her knuckles and his scent filled her head.

“Please, Luke. Take me.”

He delivered a tongue-dueling kiss. She thought she’d die from lack of air, but never wanted to surface. She swayed her hips against his erection, pulling a groan from him.

He tore his mouth away. His eyes were two candles. “Turn around.”

She sucked in a sharp breath. Very slowly, she faced the locker. He wrapped an arm around her waist, hitching her against him. Her dress was thrown up around her waist and her tits rested on the shelf of fabric.

Without the use of his hands, he nudged her entrance with his thick cock. “You might have to guide me, baby, but I don’t think so. You’re so fucking wet, I’m going to slide right in.” It sounded as if he bit off each word through his clenched jaw.

He ground against her pussy. She threw him a pleading look over her shoulder. “Come to me, Luke. I can’t wait another minute.”

In one solid thrust, he rooted himself deep inside her. A flood of moisture soaked his shaft. She throbbed around him and he groaned.

“Damn, I can’t go slow. Not this time, sweetheart.” He bucked wildly, pounding her body.

She went on tiptoe, angling her ass to accept him more fully. Each caress stroked the fires of her need. Her heart blossomed with love. Just when she thought she could withstand no more, he pulled out, spinning her roughly using his forearms.

“Wrap your leg around me.”

She did, and he drove into her once more. She threw her head back and he caught it with his arm before she hit the metal locker. He sent her higher and higher, nearing the peak with each sensual roll of his hips.

“Josie, you’re mine forever.”

“You’re my world again,” she rasped, clinging to his body, her breasts chafing his hard chest.

With a final grunt, he came. She pulsated around him wildly as her own orgasm gripped her. Her senses were obliterated and she could only feel each warm inch splitting her perfectly as she soaked him with her come.

BOOK: One Fiery Night
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