Read On the Hunt Online

Authors: Alexandra Ivy,Rebecca Zanetti,Dianne Duvall

Tags: #Fantasy, #Romance

On the Hunt (6 page)

BOOK: On the Hunt
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His free hand grasped her hip, urging her closer to his hard body.
“Tell me.”
Disturbed by the unnerving perception in his gaze, Bailey dropped her gaze to the smooth, sculpted muscles of his bare chest.
She already felt like a fool.
She didn’t need to see it reflected in his eyes.
“I spent my entire childhood trying to compete with my parents’ career. No matter what I did, how hard I tried, I could never claim more than a small portion of their attention. Their true love was saved for the children they taught.” She sucked in a slow, deep breath, savoring the male heat that brushed over her skin like a caress. “I think I was threatened by your devotion to the Sentinels and your brothers. It felt like I was coming in second place. Again.” She gave a slow shake of her head, wishing she could go back in time. “So I deliberately sabotaged our happiness. How shallow is that?”
His thumb slid beneath her chin, tilting back her face so he could capture her wary gaze.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, his expression somber.
She gave his hair a tug. Trust Mika to try to take the blame.
Just another way of protecting her.
“It wasn’t your fault.”
“It was,” he insisted, the heat of his skin branding her as his hand slid down the side of her neck. “I was battling my own fears, so instead of forcing you to talk to me, I kept letting you pull further and further away.”
She blinked. This man afraid? It seemed impossible.
Even as a young man he’d always been so composed. So utterly in command of his emotions. Unlike her flakey, impulsive self.
“What fears?”
“That I didn’t deserve you.”
She made a sound of disbelief. What the hell was he talking about?
“That’s ridiculous.”
“No, it truly isn’t.”
“Why would you say that?”
Her breath came out as a soft gasp as Mika reached out to wrap his arms around her, pressing her tight against his bare chest.
“You were so unbearably young and innocent when we met,” he breathed.
She circled his neck with her arms, her nipples hardening as the heat of his skin seared through the thin cotton of her sundress.
She swallowed a groan.
God. It’d been so long.
Years. And years.
To at last be back in Mika’s arms made her ache with need.
Unfortunately, they needed to talk. Didn’t they?
Her gaze drifted down to the sensuously carved lips, a flutter of anticipation making her heart skip a beat as she felt the hard thrust of his cock pressed against her lower stomach.
“I was only a few years younger than you,” she reminded him, her voice breathless.
He studied her flushed face with a brooding gaze. “You were a mere babe in experience, but from the moment we met I knew you were destined to be mine.” His hands rested possessively on her lower back, his gesture of blatant male ownership emphasizing his words. “Common sense warned me to give you the time and space you deserved to explore the world.”
“I’d already visited half a dozen countries before we arrived at the reservation,” she said dryly. “Trust me, the last thing I wanted was any more exploring of the world.”
“It wasn’t about distance,” he said, covertly beginning to urge her backward, herding her out of the kitchen. “It was about having friends and going to parties . . . dating boys.” His eyes flashed with barely leashed emotions as he continued to steer her across the floor. “But no matter what I told myself was best for you, I couldn’t force myself to set you free.”
“I never wanted to date other men,” she muttered, her stomach clenching with excitement as they entered the shadowed darkness of her bedroom.
“But how could you know?”
She met his dark, searching gaze, understanding that this was important.
Mika had truly feared that he’d somehow driven her away.
“Because I’ve had years of meeting other guys, and not one has made my heart beat faster or my knees weak.”
She could feel his body heating as his passions amped up.
“And me?” he demanded, his voice thick.
“Feel,” she murmured, reaching to grab his hand and place it over her heart, which was racing with an eager desire he couldn’t miss.
Mika pressed her against the wall of her bedroom.
His hands skimmed up her back, his hips easing forward so she could feel the heavy thrust of his arousal. Sweet passion sang through her blood, the intoxicating sensation making her head spin like she was drunk.
“Tell me that you missed me.”
She leaned forward to press a kiss to the pulse that beat at the base of his neck.
“Every minute of every day.”
“Yes.” He trembled, his silky hair brushing her shoulder as he leaned down to whisper directly into her ear. “Damn, but I need you, little one.”
Dear God, his skin was so hot it felt as if it was branding her, she acknowledged, allowing her hands to stroke over his bare chest.
Tilting back her head, she studied his lean face.
The wide brow. The proud nose. The high cheekbones. And the lush lips that begged for her kisses.
He was so beautiful.
Was it any wonder she wanted to rip off her clothes and demand that he take her?
Thankfully she wasn’t completely lost to reason.
Leaning back, she studied his shoulder.
“How is your wound?”
A wicked smile curved his lips as he dipped his head down to trace the line of her throat with his tongue.
“What wound?” he teased, grasping the sides of her dress and slowly inching it upward.
Chapter Six
Mika swallowed a groan.
But the pain that was plaguing him had nothing to do with the bullet wound. Hell, that’d been forgotten the minute Bailey’s healing touch had stirred to life his ever-ready need for her.
His agony stemmed directly from the rock-hard erection that was pressed hard enough against his zipper to threaten injury.
And the hunger that raged through him like a tsunami.
His hands impatiently tugged up the skirt of her dress so his fingers could appreciate the satin skin of her thighs, his head lowering so he could nibble a path down the length of her jaw.
He wanted to devour her.
To toss her on the nearby bed and take her in a fury of heat and raw need.
Instead, he forced himself to savor each slow kiss, the taste of her beneath his tongue, and the jasmine scent that was filling his senses.
He’d waited years and years to have her back in his arms. And after tonight, who knew if he would ever have the opportunity again?
He had to memorize every delectable moment.
Reluctantly pulling back, he tugged her dress over her head and tossed it onto the floor.
He hissed, feeling as if he’d been punched in the gut as his gaze slid down the beauty of her slender curves.
Oh . . . hell. He hadn’t forgotten. The memory of her was seared into his brain. But the sight of her rounded breasts tipped with rose-tinted nipples and the gentle swell of her hips always managed to shock him.
She was so perfect.
And his.
All his.
Unable to wait another minute, Mika scooped Bailey into his arms and headed toward the bed in the center of the room.
He heard her breath catch as he lowered her onto the mattress and followed her down, pressing his hardness against her. Mika stilled, preparing himself for her rejection. Her body was soft and eager, but he hadn’t forgotten the past.
She might now claim that it’d been her insecurity that made her flee Valhalla, but he’d spent longer than he wanted to remember fearing that it had been his bottomless need for her that had driven her away.
There was a nerve-racking pause that felt like an eternity to Mika before she smoothed her hands up his back and buried her fingers in his hair.
At the same time, she moved her hips in an unmistakable invitation.
“Bailey.” He muttered a curse, shoving himself to his feet so he could hastily strip off his remaining clothing before he was once again covering her with his naked body.
They groaned in unison, the heat combusting between them with nuclear force.
Mika spread impatient kisses over her face, wondering how the hell he’d survived so long without having this female in his arms.
Reaching her mouth, he slid his tongue between her lips. He moaned. She tasted of honey and gentle, glorious power.
His sweet, beautiful healer.
She stirred a hunger that went beyond lust. Beyond companionship.
This was a need that came from a place deep inside him that only she could touch.
Enjoying the feel of her fingers smoothing through his hair, Mika allowed his hands to trail over the curve of her ass to the softness of her inner thighs.
His cock twitched, begging for release.
Her skin was so warm. So smooth. So fucking perfect.
A blast of pleasure exploded through him as his fingertips explored down the back of her thighs and then up to the juncture between her legs.
“Mika,” she hissed as he allowed a finger to dip into her moistness.
His teeth nipped a path down her neck and over her shoulder.
Mmm. Jasmine temptation.
“Little one, I want to be inside you,” he whispered against her damp skin. “I want to feel you wrapped about me.”
“Yes.” Her face pressed into his neck, her hot breath sending a bolt of bliss down his spine. “Now, Mika.”
He meant to say something profound. Something that would let her know how much this moment meant to him.
But he’d never had a talent for making pretty speeches.
Hell, he was usually lucky to give a grunt when the occasion demanded a response.
This time he managed no more than a low growl as she reached to grab his cock, sliding her fingers down the aching length.
Sweat beaded his forehead as he struggled against the looming climax. Shit. He hadn’t even gotten inside her yet.
Using his thumb to circle her clitoris, he tilted his hips, the breath wrenched from his lungs at the sensation of her fingers giving his sack a gentle squeeze before her fingers explored back to the broad head of his arousal.
Oh . . . hell.
It’d been too long.
“Little one, I can’t make this last,” he rasped, kissing a path down her collarbone and over the swell of her breast.
Her fingers tightened on his cock, the small pain only increasing his fevered passions.
“Then don’t,” she commanded in hoarse tones.
He didn’t. Seizing her nipple in his mouth, he allowed his teeth to gently press into her skin even as he settled between her spread legs and slid deep into her heat.
Bailey gave a startled gasp. Her head arched back as hands lifted to grasp his shoulders.
Mika paused, giving her the chance to adjust to his intimate invasion.
And more importantly, a second to gather his own control.
Had anything ever felt so good?
The answer was simple.
No. Nothing—nothing at all—could compare to this moment.
Waiting until she began to move her hips beneath him, Mika caught her slow rhythm and rocked himself ever deeper. His eyes closed as the pleasure cascaded through his body. The heat, the scent, the feel of her tight wetness was nothing short of pure bliss.
“Mika . . .” she whispered, her breath coming in small pants.
He claimed her lips in a kiss of sheer demand, sliding his hands beneath her hips as he stroked into her over and over. There was no sound but the meeting of their flesh and their mutual moans of pleasure.
Outside the cottage, Jacob was still missing, and some bastard still had to be punished for taking a shot at him.
In this room, however, the world had disappeared and there was nothing but this woman who had always been a necessary part of his life.
Opening his eyes to watch Bailey moving beneath him, Mika quickened his pace. He could sense she was rapidly nearing her climax.
Just for a moment he was distracted by her sheer beauty.
The delicate features flushed with pleasure. The eyes darkened to emerald. The lips parted in passion. It was a sight he never, ever wanted to forget.
She gave a choked cry as the orgasm overwhelmed her, and the soft clenching around his erection tumbled him over the edge.
The release slammed into him with shocking force.
With a rasping groan he straightened his arms and sank as deep within her as he could go.
“Mine,” he gasped.
Bailey struggled through her morass of emotions, trying to decide how she felt.
Gloriously sated? Definitely.
With Mika sprawled on top of her and her heart slowly settling back to a steady rhythm, she wanted nothing more than to melt against his warm body and stay there for the rest of eternity.
God. It’d been so long since she’d felt . . . anything.
It was ironic, really.
She’d run from Valhalla, saying she couldn’t be caged, and where was her freedom? She’d created a prison of loneliness.
But beyond the bone-deep joy was a growing sense of unease.
A rising fear that this happiness might be suddenly snatched away from her.
With a sudden, irrational surge of panic, Bailey fought her way out of his arms and scooted off the bed.
Mika called out her name, but ignoring his legitimate confusion, she rushed out of the bedroom and through the living room.
It was only when she hit the kitchen that she realized she couldn’t keep running.
Not even her stupid cowardice would allow her to run naked through the swamp in the middle of the night.
Instead she reached for the bottle of wine she’d left on the counter and poured herself a glass.
She’d taken her first sip when Mika was suddenly standing directly in front of her, his lean face tight with frustration as he studied her with a brooding gaze.
“What’s going on, Bailey?” he demanded.
She held up her glass, doing her best not to allow her gaze to take a slow, thorough survey of his bronzed body.
Okay, maybe she took a peek.
Just enough to appreciate the hard, chiseled muscles and the fact that he was once again fully aroused despite the fact they’d just shared a cataclysmic orgasm.
“I needed wine,” she muttered, forcing herself to take in a deep, calming breath.
The dark eyes narrowed. “You have regrets?”
“No,” she instantly said, only to wrinkle her nose as she realized she wasn’t being entirely honest. “Well, not about what just happened.”
His expression remained grim, the gentle lover from just moments ago replaced by the focused hunter.
“Then why did you run?”
She took another large gulp. “I’m not running. I’m drinking.”
Without warning he reached to pluck the glass from her hand, setting it aside as he tilted her face up to meet his ruthless gaze.
“You couldn’t get out of my arms fast enough.”
She grimaced before allowing the truth to spill out. “You scare me.”
“I see.” A shocking pain darkened his eyes, as if she’d wounded him on a deep, cellular level. “I should go.”
“No.” She grabbed for his arm, instinctively knowing that if she allowed Mika to walk out of the cottage, she would never see him again. “Wait.”
His body was rigid with a brittle tension, his head turned away to hide his expression.
“I think you’ve said it all.”
“No, as usual I’ve put my foot in my mouth,” she admitted with a deep sigh. This man was right when he said she was too impulsive. “What I mean was that my feelings scare me.”
He slowly turned back to meet her wary gaze. “Why?”
Her hand skimmed over the bulging muscle of his arm, confessing her deepest, darkest fear.
“Because if I need you, then you can hurt me.”
Sucking in a sharp breath, he moved to grasp her face in his hands, his eyes blazing with an emotion that melted the ice that had surrounded her heart since she’d walked away from Valhalla.
“Never.” He said the word as a pledge of honor. “I swear, little one.”
She gave a slow nod, her heart lodged in her throat as his fingers lightly traced her face before following the line of her throat.
The tips of his fingers struck sparks of pleasure against her skin, reigniting her raw, unquenchable need for his touch.
“I believe you,” she husked.
“But?” he prompted, his head lowering as he pressed his lips to the curve of her neck.
A groan was wrenched from her throat, her head tilting to the side to give him greater access.
“I’ve spent a long time convincing myself it was better to be alone.”
“Then it’s my duty . . .” He kissed a scorching path down the line of her collarbone. “And my very great pleasure . . .” He caught the tip of her nipple between his lips, ravishing her until she was forced to grasp the countertop behind her to keep herself from melting into a willing puddle at his feet. “To prove that being together is much . . .” His mouth headed downward, exploring between her breasts and then the soft skin of her stomach as he lowered himself to his knees. “Much better than being alone.”
Her lips parted to agree with his plan of action only to come out as a gasp when his hands tugged her legs apart so he could find the center of her pleasure, his tongue penetrating her with a skill that made her forget how to speak.
Which was just fine by her.
There was nothing wrong with a little nonverbal communication....
BOOK: On the Hunt
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