Oil and Leather: A Biker Erotic Romance (Free Devils MC) (2 page)

BOOK: Oil and Leather: A Biker Erotic Romance (Free Devils MC)
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"Sure," he said.


Kat was surprised. Not many guys would willingly get onto a woman's bike, let alone let her do the driving. This was an interesting development indeed, but she had no desire to make him look foolish, even if he didn't seem to care.


"Come on, Romeo. Show me what you and your beast there can do."




They rode for several miles, up into the hills, chasing the setting sun as it disappeared on the horizon. Kat pressed herself firmly against his back. The feel of his broad shoulders strong and solid against her cheek, as she lay her face against him. He smelled like sweat, oil, and worn denim. The wind whipped his hair back to chase hers, as they rode higher into the mountains. When they stopped, she was reluctant to pull away from him; but, then, he was turning in the seat. His chin brushed her temple, as she leaned into him.


He grabbed her arms from around his waist. He pulled her off his bike and swung her around until she was straddling the front of him, legs spread wide on either side of his bike. He kicked the stand down. Then, his hands were in her hair, tangled and rough. His open mouthed kisses pressed up and down her neck until he captured her mouth in a searing kiss.


Kat wound her slender arms around his neck. She arched against him and moaned as his hand came down to grasp her ass, tugging her closer. His mouth was hot and slick. His tongue moved in her mouth with a lazy exploration. The simple action made her try and force him tighter against her. He let out a breathy laugh between them. His hands wandered over her ass and up and down her lithe back.


Her leather jacket dropped to the ground. Kat pressed her swollen breasts up against his chest, making him grunt in pleasure. The way he gripped the small of her waist and kissed her over the swell of her chest was greedy and lustful. It made her throw her head back and moan into the coming night.




Kat actually got quite used to riding on the back of Tony's bike. It quickly became Tony, as opposed to Saenz. That was what the rest of the crew called him. Besides, Saenz was too distant of a name to call some who regularly kidnapped you on his bike. Especially, the ride usually transitioned into a make out session, complete with groping like teenagers away from prying eyes.


They were parked in the empty lot of a nature reserve. Kat's legs wrapped acrobatically around Tony's waist, as she straddled him on his bike. Suddenly, they realized their “Lovers’ Lane” wasn't going to remain so private.


The rumbling roar of a bike closing in was enough for them to pull apart and stand up. They watched to see who was intruding on their evening. When the bike tore into the lot, it only took Kat a split second to recognize it as a rival gang member. She didn't know the rider or the woman hanging off of his back; but, it was enough to know that this could turn ugly.


Tony immediately glanced at the small side-bag strapped to the back of the bike and then meaningfully at Kat. She nodded to show that she understood. Kat's own gun was usually tucked down the back of her jeans; but, not when she could potentially blow off a lover's wandering hands. It was back home with her bike. At least now she knew Tony carried one.


The new bike pulled up several feet from them and its riders slid off. They stood in front of the Tony and Kat. The man had several inches over Tony, but wasn't as broad. The girl was a stringy wisp of a thing with a mean look to her pinched face.


"This isn't your side of town," the man sneered, looking the pair of them up and down. Tony simply shrugged, like he wasn't concerned in the least.


"It ain’t yours either."


"Ooh, a Texan," the woman laughed. "That puts you well out of your place."


"Just get out of here and we can all go on with our night," Kat said and the man turned his eyes on her.


"You're old Leatherback's daughter," he said, considering the fact.


"What of it?" Kat lifted her chin and stared at him defiantly, but the woman spoke first.


"We don't like spoiled princesses, that's what."


"Then, what are you doing with him?" Kat pointed at the woman’s riding partner and Tony snickered.


"Fuck you," the woman spat. She stepped forward and threw a wild haymaker that caught Kat unprepared. She swore and raised an arm to shield herself from another blow. Tony tried to step forward, but the guy grabbed him roughly by the front of his denim vest. They scuffled for a moment. Then, the yelling of their fighting girlfriends was blocked out with the first serious right hook.


Tony drove his shoulder into the biker's stomach, sending him sprawling onto the ground. He grabbed him by the shirt collar, dragging him up and striking him in the jaw repeatedly. Kicking out wildly, his opponent managed to land a solid boot in his gut. Tony doubled over, coughing, giving the man time to scramble to his feet. Then, he drove an elbow between Tony’s shoulder blades.


"Fuck!" Tony made a frantic grab. He managed to hold onto the guy's jacket, keeping himself from falling to the ground. Then, they were back trading blows to the chest, face, stomach, anywhere they could reach. The men were panting and grunting, until a demanding shriek stopped them in their efforts.


"Stop it!"


Looking over they saw Kat, hands wrapped around the skinny woman's throat, as she knelt on her chest. Kat’s knees pinned the woman’s arms to her sides. The rival biker spat a mouthful of blood at the ground and reluctantly stepped away from Tony.


"Now," Kat addressed both the woman beneath her and her scowling lover, "you're both going to get back on your bike and get the fuck away from here, agreed?"


The gasping woman nodded her head frantically beneath Kat's grip. The man grumbled his agreement, too. With a sigh, Kat quickly got up and let the beaten woman scramble away and over to her man. Shaking his head, the rival biker looked over at Tony, even as he and his girlfriend got back on their ride.


"Fuckin' chicks, man."


Tony grimaced. "And they think we're violent."


As they motorcycle roared off and out of sight, Kat moved closer to Tony, raising her eyebrow.


"Are you complaining after I just saved your ass?"


Tony fixed her with an incredulous look, even as he was checking her over for serious injury. "Guys fight how guys fight. With our fists and shit. You women like using nails and teeth and pulling hair. It's brutal."


Kat smirked, holding up a small handful of stringy blonde hair she had liberated from her opponent’s scalp, before dropping it in the dirt. "If it makes you feel any better, I think she got a few good elbows in."


Tony shook his head. "I am both very scared and incredibly turned on right now."


Kat pressed herself tight against his body, hooking her fingers into the waist of his jeans.


"Well, which one are you feeling more right now?"


In response Tony grabbed her hips and ground the hard line of his cock against her.


"You have to ask?"




"What the hell happened to you two?"


Terri was wiping down the bar when Kat came trudging into the clubhouse. Tony was close behind her. Raising a hand to her face, Kat could feel the split, swollen lip she got from the fight. She hadn't really noticed, but Terri's exclamation made her turn and look at Tony. She took in his injuries, also. Nothing more than the beginnings of a black eye and a bloody nose that was already dried and swollen. Kat grinned at him before reassuring her friend.


"Ran into another lovely couple while we were out. From the east side of town."


Terri grimaced, coming around the bar to assess the pair of them. Poking the sides of Tony's nose, he swore and batted her hands away.


"Get off, woman. We're fine."


"There's a first aid kit in the office," she told him, ignoring his protests. She gestured towards the back of the club house. "Go and get yourselves sorted out."


He loped off, grumbling. Kat hung back, letting Terri turn her face this way and that until she was satisfied.


"Where is everyone?"


"Left about two hours ago. They've reopened South River Pass. Your father wants to see it before it's overrun with tourists."


"Sounds like Dad," Kat laughed. Then, she winced, as she felt her lips split painfully. "Wish I'd known. That would have been a good ride."


"Yes, well, your absence was definitely noted," Terri sighed with a meaningful look. "There's going to be an unpleasant conversation between that boy of yours and the men when they get back."


Kat grimaced. "If we leave now, we could make Mexico by tomorrow night." Only half joking, she left the older woman laughing and went to find her wayward lover.


He was bent over her father's desk, rifling through the first aid kit. Scattered bandages and ointments were everywhere.


"What are you doing?" Kat asked, standing beside him and looking at the mess he'd created.


"I'm not sure," he said with a sheepish smile, "but the lovely lady out there told me to move, so I did."


Kat laughed. "Come here." She pushed him back to sit on the solid timber desk, pulling an antiseptic swap out. She carefully wiped the small cuts on his cheeks. She dabbed at the dried blood and smiled when he reached up to do the same to her cut lip.


"You were very sexy out there today," she murmured against his surprisingly gentle fingers.


"I could say the same thing about you." He dropped his hands to her waist and pulled her closer between his legs. "Like a wildcat." He pressed his lips to hers, tasting the salty and sweet flavors of her mouth.


With a moan, Kat dropped her hands to his shoulders. She leaned in. She ignored the sting of her busted lips in favor of chasing his teasing tongue with her own.


Moving forward, she pressed her hands against his chest. She shoved him firmly, sending him back across the desk as she climbed astride his muscular body. The first aid kit and everything else on the desk went crashing to the floor. It was ignored by the gasping couple.


Kat felt the stiff length of his hard cock against her, as she writhed against him. She pulled back from their open mouth kiss, only to start tugging at their clothing. With laughter and snatched kisses, they tried to free themselves from their shirts and pants.


Tony's jeans were abandoned at his knees as soon as his thick cock jutted free. Kat's shirt ended up scrunched around her creamy waist. They didn't care. They were too busy touching, moaning, and licking the sweat from whatever skin they could reach. Scratching her sharp nails through the hair scattered across his chest, Kat laughed and soothed the red welts with her tongue. She bent her naked body over his own and made him throw his head back with a groan.


She was stunning, a wicked vixen crawling all over him. It was all he could do not to grab her and pound into her succulent body with abandon.


Soon enough her slender fingers found their way to the burning length of his prick. She leaned back on her knees. She fisted his cock tightly, panting as she watched his hips rise up and fuck her hand.


"Kat, baby, you're killing me," he managed to groan. His eyes were heavy lidded and begged her to take pity on him. Kat didn't reply. She just took one of his clenched hands and brought it to the junction of her thighs. She wanted him feel the slick wetness that had spread there.


"You've made me so wet, so ready for you," she whispered. She let go of his cock and crawled back up his body, until her wet pussy was barely grazing his jerking cock. Grasping it once more with impatient fingers, she slid the swollen head back and forth between her fold. She moaned and gasped at the knowledge of what was to come.


In one slick movement, she sank down onto his entire length. Her plump ass cheeks gripped his body, as he filled her completely. He groaned and grabbed her hips to steady himself. Her nails dug into the muscular planes of his stomach. Her cunt twitched and sucked around him, like heaven itself.

BOOK: Oil and Leather: A Biker Erotic Romance (Free Devils MC)
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