Offered to the Werewolves (Shifters of Shadow Falls Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Offered to the Werewolves (Shifters of Shadow Falls Book 1)
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Taken by the Werewolves



              I almost lost sight of my little wolf stalker; I heard the other dogs call him Vince.  I love the way his eyes follow me, just like the lost puppy he is.  I’ve been so damn bored scouting out this Podunk town for the coven.  Hearing this little dog pant with lust dripping from his desperate whimpers for me to be
has my cold, dead heart beating with scalding hot blood.  I’m tempted to play with the mutt, but the other werewolves following him around may put a little damper on my fun.  I wonder if he knows they’ve been tracking him all night, whispering words of revenge for the
pack of Shadow Falls.  Probably not, seeing as he hasn’t stopped following my every step in these grey suede pumps.  The dogs may smell better than us vamps, but their hearing is shit. 

I tap my sharp French manicured nail against the railing to the night club, waiting for the pup to catch up.  It’s the only place open this late at night and even it’s going to close down soon.  Boring ass town.  I keep mulling over the words of my pup’s predators:
pack.  The sordid creatures were planning on stealing the new alpha mate.  A devious smirk plays at my plump, pale lips; their plan happened to go to shit when their car wouldn’t start and they were stuck in this lame-ass town they so badly want possession of.  I grab my little to-go gift from my black, studded clutch and toss the spark plug into the dingy trashcan on the deserted sidewalk.  I was initially going to cut the brake line, but they were planning on following my pup’s pack and I wasn’t sure how that would turn out.  I’m all about control, so that didn’t sit well with me.  I’m usually a heartless bitch, but hearing that damn girl’s wolf whine broke something in me.  Poor thing needs to be let out of it’s cage.  How the hell those beasts couldn’t hear her is beyond me. 

I perk up as I hear the sound of the
pack to my right.  My long lashes flutter close as I listen around me.  My pup is shuffling somewhere behind me, maybe a mile back on my left, following my scent no doubt.  It seems his enemies have taken a liking to me.  My smirk pulls into an all out grin.  All their muttering makes it sound like they’ve set their sites on me this time.  I stifle my chuckle.  I guess my pup should’ve been more careful with his stalking.  Looks like his enemies want to get to his mate first. 

I hum out loud and tap away at the railing before piercing my nail through the metal and digging a long scratch into it as I walk to the end of the bar.  What are the odds that they know I’m a vampire?  Low, I’m sure.  Their haphazardly thrown together plan is careless.  It’ll be easy for me to take each one of them down on my own, and it’s been so damn long since I’ve been able to release this pent up energy.  My tongue grazes the sharp, pulsing fang just barely puncturing my bottom lip.  And so much longer since I’ve been able to drink my fill from a vein. 

To my right is a dark alley that’ll lead to the
pack.  The ones who are so damned determined to get revenge by scooping up their enemies’ mates.  I roll my eyes at their pathetic plan.

To my left is a winding dirt road sheltered in a thick forest that my panting pup chose to take so I wouldn’t see him following me around, silly little thing.  Well… no so little. 

When my two opposing suitors meet up, I’m sure blood will be shed.  Four on one aren’t good odds for my pup, although I’m interested in seeing how he’d fair.  We’re in human territory though.  I purse my lips; the coven will be pissed if I let it happen.  Not to mention the authority.

              I’ve never been much for dirt roads and seeing as I’m in heels, I think I’ll head to my right.  I wanted to have a little fun tonight anyway. 

The only thing I’m not quite sure of is how much fun I’m going to get to have before my pup catches up to me. 


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Taken by the Werewolves


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BOOK: Offered to the Werewolves (Shifters of Shadow Falls Book 1)
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