Read Oasis Online

Authors: Imari Jade

Oasis (5 page)

BOOK: Oasis
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“Don’t play games with me, Shakir. It’s written all over your face.”


He sighed. “Yes, but how can that be possible? I just met her.”


“Sometimes one look is all it takes.”


“But she’s spoken for.”


“So it appears, but she’s not married to him yet.”


“It would be wrong for me to intrude.”


“Says who?”


“The gentlemen’s code of honor.”


Femi laughed. “Piss on the gentlemen’s code of honor. Your father wooed me away from my fiancé two weeks before we were to be married.”


“Father did that?”


Femi nodded. “He came to my house and demanded to speak with my father, confessing his love for me and the rest is history.”


“You loved him, yet you were prepared to marry someone else?”


“Yes, I loved him, but he kept his feelings to himself until it was almost too late.”


“It might already be too late. They were just kissing at the table.”


“Has she discussed any future plans that include Mr. Edwards?”


Shakir shook his head. “She just said that she wants to be a photo-journalist.”


“She can do that without him right here in
. She’s not afraid of snakes.”


Shakir smiled. “You’re a very wise mother.”


“I know. That dress she is wearing is very nice. It shows off her curves. She has big hips and a big behind which means she will bear many sons.”


Shakir blushed.


“You’re blushing. That means you have thought of her that way too.”


“Yes, but…”


“But what? Women like sex, too.”


“Mother, I’m shocked.”


“Why? I have five children. I didn’t do it out of wifely duties. I love sex. Your father is a very good lover.”


“Should we be having this conversation?”


“Yes, I know you are not innocent. The maids talk and giggle whenever your name is mentioned.”


His blush deepened. “That was a long time ago. I have learned control. Besides, I have this little problem.”


“So I’ve heard. All men should have such a problem.” She laughed. “The problem is all in your head. Have any of the women complained?”




“You’ve been blessed and you don’t even know it.”


He kissed her cheek again. “So you think I have a chance with Charisma?”


“A very good chance. I don’t think that she is in love with Mr. Edwards. Her eyes lit up when you walked into the ballroom.”


“She’s a very strong-willed young woman. We always argue and she takes too many chances. You saw her in the desert.”


“She is a free-spirit. She will make your life interesting. Do not judge her by our standards. Have fun and enjoy life.”


* * * *


Shakir returned his mother to the party but before he could get to Charisma, he was pulled to the dance floor by Halima Lehmkuhl, an old girlfriend. “I don’t have time for this.”


“Make some time.”


Halima wrapped her arms around his waist and rubbed her pelvis against his. His penis jumped.


“At least I know that you are still alive down there. You haven’t been around to see me in a long time.”


“I’ve been busy.”


She looked over at Charisma. “I just bet you have. She is an American.”


“Yes, I’m aware of that.”


“Rabiah said she was pretty. I had to see for myself.”


“Rabiah has a big mouth.”


“What’s her name? Is she a princess?”


“Charisma, and no.”


“Have you had sex with her?’


Shakir stopped dancing. “What’s with all the questions?”


“I’m just curious about the woman who has lured you out of my bed.”


“Don’t blame her. I’ve just met her. She doesn’t know anything about us.”


“Who is that man she’s kissing?”


Shakir spun Halima around so that he could see. Charisma and Robert were out in the courtyard and they were kissing. “A friend.”


“A kissing friend?”


“Americans call it friends with benefits.” He paused. “Why are you torturing me, Halima? You broke it off with me, remember?”


“That’s because you were screwing around on me.”


“I was not.”


“I don’t want to argue.” The music ended. Shakir walked away.


“Where are you going?” Halima asked.


“To bed. I have a headache.”


* * * *


Someone knocked at his door several minutes later. “Who is it?”




Shakir got off of the bed and opened the door. Aton and Amon were with Haji. “What do you morons want?”


They all walked inside the room and Shakir closed the door. Haji sat on his bed while the other two sat on the floor. “We’ve come to cheer you up like we used to when you were a kid.”


“I’m not seven any more.”


Aton tossed a sponge football up and down in his hand. “We all saw the kiss.”


Shakir frowned. “Good for you.”


“It was a big wet one.”


“Now, Aton, to be fair, he did pull her out into the courtyard. It didn’t appear to me that Charisma wanted to go,” Amon chipped in.


“But it wasn’t until she saw Halima dry-humping Shakir on the dance floor that she stopped fighting and followed him out.”


Shakir slapped his forehead. “That bitch.”


All three men stopped talking and looked at him.


“Which one are you referring to?” Haji asked.


“Halima. She knew just what she was doing. That’s one reason I’m glad to be rid of her. She’s such a trouble-maker.”


Haji agreed. “She made a big show just for Charisma and she fell for it.”


“This is going to put a big damper on our trip to
tomorrow,” Aton replied.


? I forgot about that,” Shakir replied.


“Let’s take the camels,” Haji suggested. “I think Robert will enjoy it if we take the scenic route through the swamp.”


Shakir smiled. Suddenly the night didn’t seem like a total loss.


Chapter Four


“That thing is evil,” Charisma said of the camel assigned to her. It had tossed her to the ground twice already.


“Asina is usually a good-natured camel,” Shakir told her. “Maybe you did something to annoy her.”


“I did not. That thing hates me.”


“Nonsense.” He smirked. Asina was very picky about whom she allowed to ride her. He chose her just to get back at Charisma for that kiss. “Here, let me help you.” He spoke to the camel in Arabic and it knelt. He lifted Charisma up by her tiny waist and sat her atop the camel. “Rise.” Asina rose, took a couple of steps forward and tossed Charisma to the ground roughly. She struck her head and passed out.


Robert ran over but Shakir got to her first. Her aunt and uncle sprang from their limousine and ran over.


“Is she okay?” Julio asked.


“She’s unconscious,” Robert replied angrily. “She did not want to ride that camel.”


“Maybe we should cancel the trip,” Femi said once she made it over to them.


“Nonsense,” Shakir replied. “You all go on. I will see to her. It is all my fault that this has happened. I should be the one who cares for her. Go, we’ll catch up as soon as she recovers.”


Carmen stoked Charisma’s forehead. “I don’t know. Maybe I should stay behind to look after her.”


“No,” Shakir assured her. “We have an excellent physician on staff. I will contact you via cell phone if an emergency arises.” Charisma stirred in his arms and opened her eyes.


“My head hurts.”


“You hit your head on the ground after Asina bucked you off.”


“Evil camel.”


“She’s okay,” Robert announced. “You can put her down now.”


Shakir refused. “She may still be dizzy.”


Robert frowned. “She seems okay to me. She can continue on the trip with us. Anyway, it’s not appropriate to leave her alone with you.”


“What’s wrong with me?”


Femi came to her son’s defense. “We have hundreds of employees on staff in the palace who can act as chaperone. Layla is there, and Shakir is a responsible young man. He will not let anything happen to her.”


Robert wasn’t satisfied.


“No, go enjoy yourself,” Shakir insisted just to get at Robert. “We’ll join you tomorrow. I will see that Ms. Romaine is taken care of and that she gets some rest. I will have her there tomorrow.”


Haji winked and nodded as he climbed aboard his camel.


* * * *


The physician arrived a few minutes after Shakir got back to the palace and summoned him. He gave Charisma a clean bill of health and recommended a good meal and a good night’s sleep. He didn’t think she had a concussion, but he wanted Shakir to watch her for a while.


“That was a very foolish prank,” Amon said to him after the two of them retired to the study. He fixed two snifters of brandy and handed one to Shakir.


“Yes, it was.” Shakir sipped, grimaced and then swallowed. “What the hell is this?”


“Your father’s brandy.”


“He is going to kill you.”


“No he won’t. I’m his favorite nephew.” He sipped and grimaced. “What did you think to accomplish by putting her on Asina? You know how mean that camel is.”


“Just a little revenge for her kissing Robert.”


“You’re a lot of things but I didn’t know you were petty.”


Shakir sulked. “Yes, I am. I got so jealous when I saw her kissing him.”


“He was kissing her and she doesn’t love him. She looked so hurt when you were dancing with Halima.”


“That won’t happen again. If it wasn’t for Halima’s father I wouldn’t have anything to do with her.”


“So what are you going to do to make things better?” He rose and put the snifter down. “This stuff is awful. I don’t know how Uncle drinks it.”


Shakir nodded. “I’m going to apologize and make it up to her.”


* * * *


“How was your nap?”


Charisma sat up and stretched. “Very nice, Layla. Thanks for asking.”

BOOK: Oasis
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