Read No Place Like Home: The Coming Home Series, Book 1 Online

Authors: Jennifer Kacey

Tags: #FBI;unrequited love;New York;Texas;adoption;teacher;single father;love at first sight

No Place Like Home: The Coming Home Series, Book 1 (5 page)

BOOK: No Place Like Home: The Coming Home Series, Book 1
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“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

“Do you have handcuffs, too?” The look on his face? Priceless. Well worth the embarrassment she felt before she tipped her head forward and laughed against his chest.

“I’ll make sure I have some with me when I arrive at the hotel.

Her head snapped back up, hard enough to leave her neck muscles tight and stiff. “I was joking.”

“I was not.”

“You’re full of surprises, Agent Johnson.”

“As are you, Charlie with no last name still. And don’t think I haven’t forgotten.” He pulled her away from the side of the vehicle and opened the driver’s door. “Inside with you. Making out with you in a parking lot was not my smartest move. I want you in a bed so I can focus on you. Nothing but you.” He leaned in the open door and kissed her again, tilting her face to one direction so he could taste her.

“Do you have condoms?” She asked it. Yes, it embarrassed her, but it was better than the alternative of him showing up unprepared.

“I’ll bring one with me.”

“Can you bring a couple? Better safe than sorry, you know?”

“Smart, sexy, fun and safe-sex conscious. Total keeper.” He kissed her again, urged her to start the vehicle and then took a step back. “What’s the room number?”

“213. All the way at the end of the second floor.”

“Perfect. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Drive safe, okay?”

“Deal if you’ll do the same. And don’t forget the food on the top of my rental.”

“Dammit. I almost forgot it again. And I’d be in so much trouble if I forgot it. Okay.” He snatched the bag off the roof and closed the door.

Charlie pushed the button to put her window down. “Can I give you my number and if something comes up you can just text me? I’d hate to wait up and then have no reason to.”

“Great idea on the numbers. Let me give you mine and you can text me. I’ll capture your name and get you added to my contacts.”

He moved in and captured her lips in another kiss. “You’re real, right? You’re not just going to disappear when I turn around?”

Her palm found its way to his cheek and she held him close to kiss him again. “I’m pretty sure I should be asking you that question.”

He backed up and shook his head. “Okay. I’m focused. Mostly. Ready for my number?”

She pulled up a new contact screen. It took her three tries but…yeah. “Ready.”

“Did you just add a smiley face by my name?”

“Do not pay attention to the man behind the curtain.”

Wizard of Oz
reference? Seriously?”

“Yep. One of my favorites. Don’t let the exterior fool you. I’m still totally a geek at heart. Number, Agent Johnson?” She tacked the end on nonchalantly but her insides had seized up.

What if he didn’t really like smart chicks?

What if she’d just made a complete fool out of herself and he disappeared when he left the parking lot?

“I have a feeling you’re totally going to be my flavor.” He eyed her mouth when he said it and looked as if he were ready to lean back in the vehicle.

“That’s a good thing, right?”

He smiled. But it wasn’t some simple smile, a tilt of his lips. It was like a promise and a threat and a dream come true.

“Pulling you into the back of your rental and having sex with you would be a poor choice. I’m an FBI agent. I know how to control myself. I do.”

“Umm…are you telling me or convincing yourself?” The apex of her thighs was quite on board with the back of the Pilot idea. She was wet. As in really wet.

“How wet are you?”

“Please tell me I didn’t say that out loud. Please. Or I’m probably going to just die right here.”

“You said nothing. And I’ll check myself for confirmation of the comment you most definitely did not say out loud as soon as we’re locked in a room together. Number.” He rattled it off and she’d let her screen go dark so he had to repeat it.

He kissed her again and then tapped the bottom of the window opening.

“You promise you’ll text if something comes up?”

He’d already turned around to head to his vehicle but he paused and faced her again. “The fact that you’re asking that means someone else or several someone elses have disappointed you. I don’t want to admit that happening royally pisses me off. So I’ll simply say, I will not disappoint you. If something comes up I’ll call and tell you. And make another date while you’re still in town. But Charlie?”


“I’ll be less than five minutes behind you when you get to your hotel room. Mmmm… Make it ten since I need to stop at a drug store. And arriving to your gorgeous self? Naked in bed? Would not hurt my feelings in the slightest.”

Excitement welled inside Charlie and she thought she might burst with it. “I’ll see what I can do.”

“One last kiss and then we’re out of here. I have spaghetti to deliver and a very pretty girl to see tonight.” He leaned in and she met him halfway. Lips to lips, kiss for kiss. Need for need. “Okay. I’m leaving this time. Really. Be careful and I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

“Naked? Preferably…” She was flirting. With a cute guy. Who she was about to sleep with. Well…maybe not sleep exactly.

“Preferably. Give me a couple minutes. I’ll be right behind you.”

He palmed his keys and his spaghetti and took off across the lot.

Wonder who it’s for?

Charlie sent him a simple “Hi” text so he’d have her number and then reversed out of her space. She waited at the exit until Cole pulled up behind her and flashed his lights. He was driving a black SUV. He looked law enforcement as he followed her onto the highway.

Blood rushed in her veins as she thought about their date and what was to come. He was different than she expected. Much more than she expected. Him having a cat growing up was endearing and adorable. Losing his dad so young made her sad. The mere thought of how hard it was when her dad died still upset her.

Anytime is hard, but right when entering high school seemed exponentially more horrible.

He flashed his lights at her again when he exited the highway. One exit before hers. She called Kia as she parked at the hotel. It went to voicemail.

“It’s Charlie. My date with Cole was…wonderful. I’m a little thrown by it. Just got back to the hotel.” She hesitated. Waffling wasn’t normally her style but instead of telling Kia what was going on, like she originally called to do, she decided against it at the last minute. “Call me tomorrow morning and tell me when and where I need to meet you for the carnival setup. Bye!”

As soon as she disconnected, the phone pinged with a text message.

I’m adding “Charlie” but I don’t have a last name to put with it. Care to give me one? I guess I could just put a smiley face with it.

She sat in one of the chairs in the lobby to text him back.

How about a C and an emoji?

Didn’t take him long to text back.

Both. High maintenance… Sheesh. J

Before she could text back he sent another.

I’m on my way. Ready for me?

Eeep! No. I sat in the lobby to text my date.
She stood.
Heading to room now.

Lucky guy. Be there in a few. I have the extra items we discussed. Can’t wait to put them both to good use.

Skipping to her hotel room seemed somewhat juvenile.

But she did it anyway.

Chapter Four

Knocking on the door of 213 jacked his heart rate up by about a million. The extra weight of the handcuffs hooked to his belt jacked it even higher.

“Who’s there?”

Good girl
,” he mumbled under his breath. “It’s Cole.”

She cautiously opened the door and the upper latch was still in place. A bright smile lifted her lips before she pushed the door closed, truly unlocked it and swung it open fully. “Hi.” Wearing a white terry robe, she stepped back to let him in.

“Hi.” His mouth was on hers before he even remembered telling his feet to cross the threshold. He held her face, spearing his fingers into her hair to tilt her head back. “You took your heels off.”


The door slammed closed, so he moved her against it and flipped the locks into place. He kissed along her jaw, her chin, licking up the column of her throat. “And you showered. How in the hell did you have time to shower?”

“I ran to the room.”

He kissed her again and laughed against her mouth before standing to his full height to stare down at her. “Really?” He brushed several strands of hair from her cheek as she blinked. Slowly. Sensually. Focusing on him seemed to take her a few seconds, which jacked his arousal even higher.

“Might have been a wee bit excited. I’m not naked though.” She wrinkled her nose and he kissed it.

“You’re naked under the robe though.”


The heat from her hands beneath his suit jacket seeped through the fabric of his shirt, warming his sides. She watched her fingers as she moved them up over his pecs and then beneath the shoulders of his suit jacket. Staring at him, she pushed the material from his shoulders and he let it slide down his arms. He took it from her and turned to hang it in the closet. Something in her closet made him pause. “What is—”

Her gasp surprised him. “You’re armed.”

“Yes. I am.”

“You weren’t joking.”

“I rarely joke about firearms,” he confessed as he slipped the shoulder holster off, checked to make sure the safety was on and then hung it with his jacket. As he turned back to her, blood rushed to his cock. A faint blush pinked her cheeks and she wrung her hands. “Nervous, now?”

“Now?” She made a bit of a face. “I’ve been nervous since before I showed up at your office to give you the packet. So, nervous? That word is way down the totem pole on what I’m feeling right now.”

“You know most girls are turned on by the whole FBI agent, carrying a gun thing.”

“I’m not most girls.” She said it as a statement. Maybe even a negative one if her eyebrows pulled low was any indication. Definitely not a come-on, which he found endearing to say the very least.

“You are most definitely
most girls.” He took her shoulders, turning her around to face the door. He gathered her hair at the base of her skull and fisted it slowly until she gasped. Low, deep, he whispered in her ear. “Ma’am, we’ve had several complaints about noise coming from this room. Do you have any weapons on you at this time?”

“Uhh…no…uhh…no, sir.”

“Hesitation isn’t convincing. You’ll understand if I take matters into my own hands, won’t you?” Over the robe, he palmed her breasts and she leaned against him, her head resting on his chest.

“Whatever you need, Agent…?”

“Johnson. Agent Johnson.”

She snickered and clutched at the side of his slacks. “Johnson.”

He brushed his bulge against her backside and she arched with a groan.

“Like what you do to me?”

“I did that?” Her genuine surprise did something to him he couldn’t explain.

He unknotted the tie on her robe and lifted it from her shoulders. It slid to the floor in a heap and before she could get self-conscious about being naked in front of him, he kicked the robe out from between them. Lifting her arms, he placed her palms flat on the door and moved her feet apart. The pressure he put on the backs of her hands was supposed to tell her to keep them there.

The message must have been received because as he ran his hands up her arms and over her shoulders, she stayed in place.

So. Fucking. Sexy.

Kissing her shoulder, he spoke against her sweet smelling skin and touched the sensitive bit of flesh along her ribs and beneath her breasts. “So soft. Definitely no weapons here.” He moved back a half step, pushing her hair over one of her shoulders. The perfect expanse of her back, hips and ass called to his hands. His lips. “Don’t move.” The gentle swells deserved to be worshipped. Each piece individually and as a whole. She was magnificent.

He quickly yanked his dress shirt from his slacks, unbuttoning it down the front and then the cuffs around his wrists. Shedding it, he tossed it on her robe and then pressed his naked chest against her back.

“Oh. My. God. You’re so warm.”

“Pretty sure that’s mostly your fault.”

She glanced at him over her shoulder and nibbled at her bottom lip. “My fault?”

Hugging her to him, he trailed his fingers down her stomach and over her mound. “Fuck. Charlie. Your pussy’s bare. As in bare, bare. And you’re wet. Fuck again. Me being warm is now completely your fault.”

Her moan rocked him to the core as she moved against his fingers. “Kia took me to a spa she uses. Said it was a birthday present.”

“When’s your birthday?”


His chest moved against her skin as he chuckled. “Then maybe it was supposed to be for my birthday.” Slowly, he tunneled his fingers through her wet slit, running the slick digits around her clit. Tight circles around her sex made her shake. He filed that away under special things to remember.

He decided he most definitely liked her shaky.

“When’s…mmm…your birthday?”

“Two weeks.” Sliding a finger into the wet heat of her sex nearly had him coming in his pants. Her moan made it even harder not to take his cock out and slam into her until he came. But he wanted her even wetter. He wanted her to come. On his fingers, standing there naked while he was almost fully dressed. “So hot.”

Her toes curled into the carpet as a tremor moved up her spine. “I think I’m going to come.”

“Interesting.” He palmed one of her breasts with his free hand, pinching her nipple. “I know you’re about to come.”

“How?” She twitched and he hugged her closer so she knew he had her. “How do you know?” Her voice pitched higher and he added another finger to her pussy, rolling his thumb over her clit.

He spoke a mere whisper in her ear as he moved his fingers faster and faster. “The walls of your pussy are fluttering around my fingers. Your nipples got hard and you can’t control the shivers running through your muscles.”

Up on her tippy toes, she tried to get away from him but he just followed. Bringing her closer to orgasm as she panted and tightened on his fingers.

“I want you to come. I need it. Then after you come I’m going to put you on the bed and fuck you until you come again, and again, and again.”


His name. It came out a whisper and a prayer as he pulled her ass back flush to him. He rubbed against her, curling his fingers inside her, tapping her g-spot.

“Huh, huh, huh,” she breathed out. “Please…”

He bit her. Wasn’t something he planned or something he’d ever really done before, but that was all she needed.

Charlie came with a wail and her pussy clamped onto his fingers. Her sex was so tight he couldn’t move in and out of her any longer, so he focused on her g-spot and her clit. Ramping up her pleasure as far as it could go pushed her orgasm to another place. She collapsed in his arms and he twisted her around, lifting her into his arms.

It wouldn’t have taken him more than five steps to put her on the bed, another handful of seconds to get naked and inside her. But he simply held her instead. In the alcove of the door, he pulled her to him, swaying back and forth as she continued to jolt every few seconds in his arms. “That was incredible.” He whispered it into the sacred space between them.

Her giggle went straight through his chest, warming every inch of him.

Just sex. That’s all this is. Just. Sex.

“Isn’t that supposed to be my line?” She shifted against him until she could stare up at him. Her two-toned eyes seemed to be lit from inside. She lifted a shaky hand and touched his cheek. “Most definitely it’s my line.”

“I beg to differ.” He lifted her until he could kiss her lips. Her taste. He needed it.


“Yes, beautiful?”

“Set me down.”

Took him a few seconds to decide if he agreed with that plan. But the look in her eyes? As if she had a secret she wanted to tell him. Hell. Yes.

Oh so slowly he let her go, sliding her down his body until she stood before him.

He expected her to kiss him and climb on the bed. That’s what he was prepared for. But that’s not what she did.

“My turn.”

Several options seemed to filter through her head, and then a blush heated her cheeks and flushed down her chest.

That mystery he needed an answer to. How far it went down.


The rosy flesh spread along her sternum and the tops of her breasts, tingeing her nipples a darker shade.

“So that’s how far down it goes.” The pads of his fingers followed the color and he swirled it around her areola. His mouth watered as he thought of tasting her.

“Still my turn.” She slid to her knees, with the look of satisfied woman softening her breathing. Her hands on his skin enflamed a need in him he’d never felt before.

“I want you,” she mumbled as she nibbled on her bottom lip. Staring at his belt buckle, she squinted at it before tugging his belt through.

“You don’t have to do this.” He said it but he didn’t mean it. He didn’t want to say it, but it seemed like the right thing to do for some reason.

“But I do.” She unbuttoned his slacks, sliding the zipper down one pair of tines at a time.

Arousal came back twice as strong when she licked her lips.

“I can smell you.”

“Ooof.” He huffed out a breath and helped her push off his boxers and slacks. The handcuffs clanged together as they hit the ground. He grabbed them. “Come with me.” Snatching her hand, he pulled her to her feet and took her farther into the room.

“But I want to play.”

Cole fell onto his back on the bed and pulled her down next to him. “You can play all you want. I just didn’t want to pass out on you. I have a feeling when you put your hands on me, your mouth on me, I’m not going to be able to stand.”

She pushed her hair out of her face and looked down at him. “You made me stand.” Her smile. Fuck. Her smile.

“Yes, I did. I’ll never forget it either. You coming on my fingers for the first time? Epic.” He urged her down to kiss him. Her lips. So soft. On his jaw. His chest. His abdomen.

“I…umm…could use some pointers. I don’t have a lot of experience.” She hid behind her hair as she wrapped her fingers around his cock for the first time. But she wasn’t timid with him. Her fist tightened around him as her hand moved slowly up and down.

A groan came from his chest and trying to stifle it didn’t do any good. “Flip your hair to the other side. I want to see your face.”

Her hesitation only lasted a couple seconds and then she pushed her hair to the other side. Her eyes sparkled with lust. Need. “Want to see my face as I do what? Touch you?” She squeezed him and his stomach muscles tightened. Her tongue peeked out and she licked the tip of his cock, which was already wet with precome. “Taste you?” She swallowed and a moan passed her lips as she closed her eyes. “You taste even better than you smell. If that’s possible.” She licked him again and he nearly came off the bed.

He’d gotten head before. Lots of times. But not like this. Nothing like what he felt with her. What the hell that meant he had no idea, but he didn’t want it to end anytime soon. “Swirl your tongue around the head. Around the crown so I feel you everywhere.”

Her soft tongue licked him as she moved her head in a slow circle. The moisture of her mouth and his dick mingled together on the head of his cock and he wanted to take a picture to remember it forever. “Now close your mouth around it but keep your tongue circling.”

To a tee she followed his instructions and then she sucked the head until it exited her mouth with a pop.

“You’re so hard.”

“Yes, I am.”

“Can I lick your balls, too? Do you like that?”

“Normally I could take it or leave it. But with you? Fuck, I need it.”

With one hand she tilted his cock toward his belly button and then leaned farther over, ass in the air, and put her tongue on his sack. He was bare too, just like her, and he was so fucking happy about it. Every flick of her tongue he felt it. Every touch of her fingertips or piece of her hair that swept across it. He felt it all.

“Scoot your knees closer to me. Turn your hips. Feet towards me. Good.”

“Why? It’s harder for me to— Ooohh…” Her voice trailed off into surprise as he brushed his knuckles along the lips of her sex.

“I want to touch you again. And I don’t want to come yet.”

“Why not? Why don’t you want to come? Isn’t that kind of the point?”

He dipped a finger inside her and her rhythm stuttered.

“Eventually. Absolutely. But guys are way different when it comes to orgasming.” He felt strange explaining it, but if she really didn’t know because she hadn’t been with a lot of guys, then he was ridiculously happy to educate her. “When I come I have a feeling it’s going to be incredible. And it’s going to put me out of commission for a while. Doesn’t mean I can’t go down on you and get you off another couple times but I really want to feel you come on my cock.”

“Meh,” she mumbled around his cock as she sucked him in again.

His finger slid inside her and she groaned. “Meh? Did you just say ‘meh’ about getting your pussy eaten?”

Her shoulder lifted in a shrug as she continued to work him with her mouth. Moisture coated his finger as she sucked him. Her physical reaction to him multiplied his need to come even more.

“I’ve never come from that before.”

Barely more than a handful of words made Cole’s world pause.

BOOK: No Place Like Home: The Coming Home Series, Book 1
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