Read Nine Inches of Snow and the Ebony Princess Online

Authors: Gracie C. Mckeever

Tags: #Siren Publishing, #Inc.

Nine Inches of Snow and the Ebony Princess (6 page)

BOOK: Nine Inches of Snow and the Ebony Princess
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Oh fuck, her mouth felt good! Too good.

Could a ghost-man-in-a-coma prematurely ejaculate?

David wasn’t sure, and he didn’t want to find out, sliding his hips out of her range and listening to his dick pop out of her mouth with a resounding slurp.


“I want to taste you first.”

She smirked. “And you always get what you want.”

He flipped her beneath him on the bed in answer, closed his eyes again, and willed her wrists bound to the head posts.

His magic was more powerful in here than out in the real world when he was corporeal, almost reaching his grandfather’s capacity.


Gracie C. McKeever

How could he accomplish what he had so far and not be capable of pulling himself out of a coma?

Aziza didn’t have a problem with his powers or audacious behavior, staring up at him with those dark cat eyes and testing the silk restraints on her wrist with a bold smile of her own. “You like being in charge.”

“It’s the only way I know.”

“Works for me. For now.”

That she alluded to a point in time his presumption wouldn’t work for her turned him on like her voluptuous curves. He couldn’t wait to tussle with this woman, craved a female equal to the task of stirring his soul and his mind the way he knew Aziza could.

David straddled her hips, slowly pulling her scrubs and panties down her gently rounded hips and long sleek legs as he sat back on his haunches. He admired his and God’s handiwork before bending his head to follow the path of her scrubs with his mouth, kissing and licking every inch of exposed dark-chocolate flesh from her bellybutton to her painted toenails.

Aziza writhed beneath him, neck and back arched when she closed her eyes. “You’re torturing me.”

“I haven’t even begun.” He chuckled, stopped his teasing long enough to remove her top and bra, haphazardly discarding them before he feasted on her ample breasts.

She moaned as he tongued each nipple in turn, alternately nibbling and licking the hard, erect nubs until they shone like polished ebony.

He lifted his head to see her struggling against her bounds, hands clenched into fists. He could only imagine what she would do with those hands if they were free, could almost feel the score of her fingernails on his back when he’d drive into her.

David moved from her breasts to her mouth, sampling his own earthy taste on her lips before thrusting his tongue in deep to plunder.

Nine Inches of Snow and the Ebony Princess


Aziza groaned low in her throat, meeting his tongue with equal fervor and pulling back to nip his lower lip. “You’re playing with me like a cat with a mouse.”

He planted his palms against the mattress on either side of her head and stared down at her. “I like enjoying my food.”


He shook his head and leaned in. “Hedonist,” he murmured against her throat, firmly sank his teeth into the soft skin connecting her shoulder to her neck before gentling his stroke, nipping and licking his mark.

Aziza shuddered beneath him. “When I’m free, I’ll—”

“What, sweet Aziza?”

She growled. “Don’t start no trouble and there won’t be none.”

He laughed at her barely veiled threat, nibbling a trail from her shoulders to her hips before pausing at her core, need barely contained when her musky-sweet scent wafted to him.

He nuzzled her pussy and inhaled deep as she moaned. “I’ve waited all my life for you. Aren’t you willing to wait a little for me?”

“Don’t make me…” She gasped and pitched her hips, offering herself. “Please, David.”

She was too much to resist, even for someone like him, who prided his self-control. She made his mouth water with want, and the only way to stop it was to satiate himself—in her body, in her essence.

David nudged her engorged clit with just the tip of his tongue, garnering a tremor that rocked through him before she bent her knees to brace her feet against his ass.

He slowly opened her with his thumbs, tracing her vulva before plunging his tongue inside her like a rapier.

“Ahhh, yes, yes…” She dug her heels into the small of his back while he alternately sucked and licked her cunt.


Gracie C. McKeever

He stopped after several minutes, only long enough to come up for air. He tongued and nibbled her clit, maintaining the internal pressure when he slid two fingers inside her and rhythmically stroked her G-spot.

Aziza stopped just short of squeezing his head between her knees, brutally pushing herself against his mouth, begging and calling his name until he curved one finger around the soft sex gland and massaged it with abandon.

“Oh man…oh God…David!” She stiffened beneath him, her juices hot and copious when they gushed and coated his fingers.

He pumped his fingers and sucked her in concert, bringing her to a frenzied orgasm that shook her entire body before he slid his fingers out of her to lick them with relish. The idea of prolonging their encounter flew out the window the minute he enjoyed the intense taste and whiff of hot female in heat. His female.

David instantly willed his pants and boxer briefs away, rising up between Aziza’s legs and spreading her thighs wide with his knee. He poised at her entrance for just a second, the tip of his dick moist with pre-come and mingling with her cream as he experimentally circled his hips and teased her opening.

Impatient, Aziza wrapped her legs around his waist and drew him forward, wiggling beneath him in an irresistible sensual rhythm that had his heart pounding in his ears and fired his entire body from the inside out.

He bent his head to nip her earlobe, pulling it into his mouth and sucking hard before drawing back to lick the tender spot. He circled the shell of her ear with his tongue and murmured, “I’m going to have to teach you the virtue of restraint.”

“Not before I teach you the virtue of wild abandon,” Aziza purred, nestling her face close to his chest and biting a flat male nipple.

The low sound that escaped his lips was a hybrid of a grunt and gasp, emphasizing his approval and surprise at her intense
Nine Inches of Snow and the Ebony Princess


instruction. He thrust into her on a roar, scorching a path through her hot, wet canal, stretching her slow and deep.

She welcomed him inside her with a long moan, tightening her legs and pitching her hips to meet his steady thrusts.

David lowered his head to kiss her, alternately drawing her voluptuous lower lip between his teeth and plunging his tongue to the rhythm of his hips.

Aziza pulled back long enough to whisper against his mouth,

“Make me come again, David. Make me come hard and fast.”

She had a point. Fuck restraint!

David pumped harder, speeding his thrusts and nipping her shoulder in his excitement.

Aziza whimpered and bucked her hips in response, sinking her teeth into his chest right above one nipple when he sank into her one last time and ground his pelvis against her so fiercely, he no longer knew where he began and she ended.

For one infinite moment, their world balanced on a knife edge of ecstasy and pain while David staved off coming only through sheer force of will and wanting to see Aziza come again before he allowed his release.

He eased away from her just enough to allow his hand to squeeze between them, thumbed her clit and circled his pelvis until Aziza cried out and vibrated beneath him.

She pulled against her bindings so roughly, David half-worried about her bruising her wrists. The other half of his brain was occupied with the climax that suddenly crashed down on him and shattered his remaining senses.

Wordlessly, David gathered her close and held her the length of his shuddering and release.


Gracie C. McKeever

Chapter 6

“Untie me, baby,” Aziza panted, nuzzling his ear and moving suggestively against him.

His cock was semi-erect inside her, showing signs of life when she squeezed her pussy muscles around his hot flesh, still hungry for him. She wondered if there would ever come a time when she wouldn’t be.

Chiding her nosiness and jealousy beforehand, she wondered too if David had tried half the stuff with Philomena that he had done with her, especially the rough sex and bondage. She couldn’t imagine it. Despite the other woman’s cruelty and calculation, Philomena had low self-esteem, was just a damaged and fragile little girl deep down.

Not that she didn’t want to see her stepmother punished, and good, for what she did to David, but Aziza felt sorry for the woman.

David lifted his head and frowned. “Why?”

“Why what?” She played dumb, hoping he hadn’t caught her last thought. She’d been working hard to keep him out of her head, the same way she worked to get into his.

“Why do you want me to untie you?”

“You’ll see.” She wanted to taste him, the need so urgent, she licked her lips in anticipation.

David leered. “You don’t need your hands to taste me.”

“I want to touch you, too, smart-ass.”

He chuckled, closing his eyes and lifting up to move away from her.

Nine Inches of Snow and the Ebony Princess


It took Aziza a second to realize he had done her bidding before he took her hands in his and gently kissed each wrist.

“Wild woman,” he murmured.

“I’ll show you wild.” She sat up and flipped him beneath her, full knowing he had let her, especially when he laughed and pulled her down on top of him with one powerful arm.

“Now what?”

Aziza straddled him, bent her head to kiss a path from his chest to his hard, sectioned abdomen, swirling and zigzagging her tongue around his navel before moving further down. She glanced up at him once before she lost her nerve, watched him lift an eyebrow and fold his hands behind his head, looking supremely relaxed and satisfied.

She lowered her head again, determined to knock him off his haughty little throne.

His erection jutted straight up, a big tasty treat, beckoning her.

Aziza couldn’t resist.

She began at his balls, sucking them into her mouth before licking a path from them up his enormous, hard shaft. She circled the head of his penis with the tip of her tongue before finally licking the pearl of liquid from the tip, closing her mouth over him and sucking hard.

David shifted and moaned beneath her, hands automatically burrowing in her hair.

She descended further, reached the base of his cock, and licked his balls. Then, she sucked her way back up to the purple mushroom head, loving the moist surface with her tongue before starting over and repeating the process again and again.

For several minutes, she worked up a steady rhythm that had David writhing before a hoarse shout ripped from his throat. His fingers tightened against her scalp.


Gracie C. McKeever

Needlessly, he held her in place, and Aziza coaxed every drop of come she could out of him, savoring the down-to-earth taste of him when she swallowed.

“Damn.” He caught her around the shoulders and pulled her up against his chest.

“Don’t get too comfortable.”

“Why not?”

“I have to go.”

“My gramps will keep the rest of my family out.”

“It’s not your family I’m worried about.” She had shirked her duty long enough and didn’t want to give Nurse Goodwich any reason to doubt her reliability.

Reluctantly, he released her and sighed. “If you insist.”

He sounded like a little boy who’d just had his favorite toy taken away from him, and Aziza giggled at the picture before jerking up on her haunches, eyes wide.

“What is it?”

“Someone’s in the room. We have to get out of here, David.

Now!” She jumped from the bed, and David instantly willed her scrubs back on before she bumped into his solid chest on the way to where she thought a door should be.

“Calm down. I’ll get us out.”

“Um, your clothes?” Not that she wanted him to cover up that gorgeous naked body.

“Don’t need them.”


“C’mon.” He grabbed her hand, and darkness instantly enveloped them when he dragged her forward.

She thought she was prepared, but the trip out was a little rougher than in.

One minute, Aziza was standing in David’s mental bachelor pad. The next, she was sitting in a chair and blinking her eyes open back in his hospital room.

Nine Inches of Snow and the Ebony Princess


The moment she glanced around and spotted Philomena with her back to Aziza on the other side of the bed, she knew her earlier alarm had been warranted.

Silently, she stood and peered around Philomena to confirm what she was doing: trying to pull out the plug to David’s life support systems.

The woman didn’t know it wasn’t that easy.

“Trying to finish the job?”

Philomena yelped and turned to Aziza with a start. “Where did you come from?”

“I think the question should be, what are
doing here, Philomena?” Aziza came around the bed to confront her.

“I have more right to be here than you do.”

“Even if you were still his girlfriend, you’re not his family.”

“What do you mean, ‘if’? Has he said some—” Philomena snapped her mouth shut when she realized her mistake.

Aziza approached, grabbed Philomena around the arm. “I work here, and I have every right to be in here. You, on the other hand, are impersonating hospital staff.” Aziza gave Philomena’s white coat and stethoscope the once-over. “I’m sure security will have some questions regarding your attire.”

“You can’t prove anything.”

Aziza didn’t need to. She had David’s memories and would bluff a confession out of her stepmother if she had to. “I saw what you did, Philomena. I know your car.”

“Even if what you say was true, it’s your word against mine.

Who would believe
anyway?” Philomena sneered. “And as for this little visit, I’m just a concerned girlfriend desperate to see her injured boyfriend. Now let me go!” She tried to jerk her arm out of Aziza’s grip, but Aziza held fast.

BOOK: Nine Inches of Snow and the Ebony Princess
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