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Authors: Moxie North

Nikki and Chase (3 page)

BOOK: Nikki and Chase
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Chapter 4


Walking back to the table, Nikki gave Izzy a once over.  Izzy had an adorable shade of pink spotting both of her cheeks.  Her eyes were a little shiny, like she was trying to hold back nervous tears.

“Izzy?” Nikki started, but Chase jumped in with introductions.

“Eli my man, did I miss your show?” Chase asked.

“Nah, I just couldn’t risk someone else talking up my girl before I could,” he said with a grin.

“Your girl?” Izzy whispered, her head flicking between the two men standing in front of her.

Eli spotted Nikki and offered up his hand, “Hey I’m Eli, I work with Chase.”

“Eli, nice to meet you,” Nikki said trying to keep her tone friendly, when all she wanted to do was interrogate this guy to wheedle out his intentions with HER girl.  He didn’t get to lay claim to her until he had earned it.

“Well, I better get backstage, I’m up in a few,” he said, turning to Izzy he reach his hand up and tucked a stray hair behind her ear.  He let his finger trace lightly down her cheek, “I’ll be back angel, promise.”

Izzy looked to be holding her breath and Nikki really hoped she didn’t pass out and crack her pretty little head open.  That would ruin everyone’s evening.

Eli gave Chase a chin lift and made his way back to the stage area.

Nikki was still watching Izzy and made a realization almost too late. “Breathe girl!” Nikki barked at her.  Izzy looked up to Nikki and took a great gulping breath, her head swinging from Nikki back to where Eli had gone.

“I, I…don’t…um…” was all Izzy could seem to get out.

“Let me see if I can break this down for you baby girl. That stud, came over here, dazzled you, said all the right things and now you have no idea what the hell you are supposed to do. Sound familiar?” Nikki asked smiling sweetly at her.

“Yeah, that about sums it up,” Izzy said reaching for her beer.

“Well, my darling, you have two simple choices. You are a grown woman and he obviously is a fully grown man. You can spend some more time with him tonight, see if you two connect or you can go home alone with a tub of Ben and Jerry Cherry Garcia.” Nikki wasn’t trying to be mean with the ice cream crack, it was the same debate she was having with herself.

“Oh yeah smarty pants, what are you going to do this evening? Hmm?” Izzy taunted.

Nikki looked up at Chase who was quietly watching this play-by-play. He looked at her with a smolder in his eyes that made her clench her thighs together.

“Oh sweetie, I think I’m going to have to ditch you this evening,” she said quietly, although she said this never taking her eyes off of Chase.  For that comment, she was blinded with a beautiful smile and a hand snaking around her waist giving her a squeeze.

“Yeah I can see that,” Izzy said with a smirk. “Don’t worry about me, I think I’ll wait for Eli to get done with his act.”

Well alrighty then, Nikki wasn’t about to burst Izzy’s confidence bubble. She was an adult and could make her own decisions.

“Alright girl, you need anything you give me a call,” Nikki admonished leaning over and giving her friend a quick hug and a peck on her cheek. She was about to pull away when Izzy’s arms came around her with a squeeze. “Go get em’ girl,” Izzy whispered.

Turning back to Chase, Nikki cocked her eyebrow up, “We leaving or what Sparky?”

Chase gave Nikki a long slow smile that seared through her.  Man, this guy was hunky and she could feel the testosterone wafting off of him.  She wanted to soak it up and roll around in it until her inner cave-girl was happy.

Grabbing her hand, Chase gave Izzy a chin lift and a wink before turning to walk towards the front.  “Wait here while I grab my gear okay?” Chase said.  When Nikki gave a nod, he jogged back towards the stage to presumably grab, at least a shirt.

Watching him come back a few minutes later, she noticed he had pulled on a black fire department T-shirt and had a small bag with him.

“You drive, beautiful?” Chase asked grabbing her hand and heading towards the door.

“Nope, taxi,” she replied.

“Good, don’t want to lose you following me home.  If you want we can go to your house, but then we can’t play dress up,” he said with a wicked grin.

Oh she was not going to miss out on any bit of this stud’s plans for tonight she thought, as he led her out to the parking lot.  He walked her up to a black Dodge Charger, it was sex on wheels and looked exactly like what she thought he would drive.  Opening the passenger door he made sure she was situated before coming around to get into the driver’s seat.  He started the car and it purred like a panther.  He pushed a few buttons on the console then peeled out of the parking lot at a fairly high rate of speed. 

“You know speeding is illegal right?” Nikki admonished

“Beautiful, this isn’t fast. Just feels fast in this baby. Trust me when I say I know the dangers of speeding,” he said to her pointedly.

“Ah, true. So we are heading to your place?” Nikki asked trying to make small talk.

“Yup, I have a small bungalow in the burbs.  Bought it a few years back and work on it when I have time.  It’s not big, but has room for my daughter to run around and space for the dog,” he offered up.

That’s right, he had a daughter. Nikki wasn’t sure if she even wanted to delve into the personal life of this guy.  How much did you need to know about a one-night stand anyway?

“Since you aren’t asking, I was married for three years, had my daughter and my wife decided being the wife of a firefighter and a full-time mom was not the life for her. So she asked for a divorce, we agreed to split custody and she found a nice 9 to 5 guy that can afford a nanny. She’s not a bad mom exactly, just absent.  I spend more time with my kid than she does and I usually work 4 days on, 4 day off.”

“So you guys are friendly?” Nikki asked

“We are civil for the sake of our daughter, that’s the best I can offer her,” Chase said honestly.

Fair enough Nikki thought.  As she was pondering this, she noticed her ass getting hot.  What the hell? Was she suffering hot flashes? Squirming and glancing down at the car seat she heard a chuckle from Chase.

“I turned the seat warmer on darlin’,” he said the corner of his mouth tipping up. “I find most women like to be warm and comfortable.  I do my best to give them both.”

Looking at him with her eyes bugged out, she was trying to figure out if this guy was a player or just really smart.  She was comfortable and warm, her tush was toasty and her back was relaxing into the leather seat.  Darn him, he
smart she decided.

Glancing over to him, she saw he was smiling while keeping his eyes on the road.  “We have a few minutes, why don’t you tell me about yourself?” Chase asked.

“What do you want to know?” Nikki asked lightly, she was trying really hard to not let her inner bitch come to the surface.

“Anything baby, just talk to me,” he said quietly.

So, Nikki started talking about herself. She told him about her big family, her best friends, and her job. She told him how she liked music and had a terrible addiction to Pinterest, which he had no idea what that was.  She was happy to explain the amazingness of Pinterest to him.

She hadn’t realized she had been talking non-stop for about twenty minutes when they pulled into a small quiet neighborhood.  All the houses were from the forties or fifties, back when houses had style and looked like somewhere you would want to grow up.  Chase pulled into the driveway, pushing the remote for the garage and waited for the door to go up.  Once in he turned off the car, hopped out and was at Nikki’s door before she had a chance to open it.  Wow, a gentleman, she thought.

Walking to the back door of the house, he turned and said, “Don’t worry, my dog likes pretty ladies.”

He swung the door open and a dog came barreling out into the yard barking her happiness that her owner was home. 

“Down girl, go do your business,” Chase said gesturing to the yard. To her amazement the dog took off into the darkness to presumably do its business.

“Come on in, would you like something to drink? I’ve got beer, wine, and water,” he offered.

“Water is good thanks,” Nikki replied, placing her cute clutch on his kitchen table.  Looking around she saw that the place was clean, most of the furnishings in a normal dark, male palette.  Taking a few steps through the kitchen she could see a living room with a large couch and recliner and to the side a dining room that looked to be covered in sheeting with paint cans and a saw resting on the floor. 

Following her gaze, Chase handed her a bottle of water and said, “As I said it’s a work in progress. I’m replacing some of the wainscoting in there and then painting. Eventually I’ll be able to live here without sawdust and paint fumes. I figure at the rate I’m going it might be before I retire,” he said laughing at himself.

Nikki tried to laugh with him, but realized she was standing with a virtual stranger, chatting about his house and he was planning on having sex with her tonight.  She started getting nervous.

“Um, so…” Nikki started, taking a sip of her water.

“Hey, don’t get quiet on me now beautiful.  We don’t have to do anything you don’t want tonight.  If I can’t get my hands on that luscious body of yours, I’ll be happy to take a rain check.  Maybe schedule a real date with you later this week?” Chase said turning towards her.

She could see he was being serious.  Wow, he was decent, she wasn’t used to this. She decided it was now or never, no more waiting around.  She was nervous, horny, excited, and they needed to get this show on the road before she burst into flames.

“Alright Sparky, show me your beer maid dungeon,” Nikki said setting her bottle of water on the table.

“First, no dungeon, second are you sure about this? We can skip the corsets, although it might break my heart,” he said grinning at her with his head tilted like an adorable puppy.

“I’m sure you’d live,” Nikki snorted, ‘but you said you had pretty things that would look good on me, what girl can resist that? Plus you promised orgasms, I hope that wasn’t a tease.”

With those words, Chase stalked towards her, backing her into the kitchen table behind them.  He got so far into her space she started tilting back once her butt touched the edge.  He leaned both arms around her putting his water on the table by hers, leaning forward, forcing her toward the table until she felt a hand at the middle of her back support her descent.  She let herself lay back on the table as Chase pulled both hands up from behind her bringing them around her sides.  Nikki opened her legs so he could stand between them.

Seeing this, Chase gave a low growl and tugged her hips towards the front of his pants.  Nikki gave a gasp when she felt the rigid erection straining behind his zipper. With nothing between her and him but his pants and her tiny G-string, he could feel the heat coming off of her.

“No darlin’, I might not live if you turn me away now. You are stunning, I want to taste you, make you come, and have you beg for more. Will you do that? Let me have you tonight?” Chase asked rubbing down her sides to her legs to the backs of her knees.  He squeezed her legs towards his hips and tilted towards her core.

Nikki gave a low moan at the yummy friction he was making. God, that felt so good, she would have stayed right on this table all night just playing tickle the privates.

“Well beautiful?” Chase asked leaning towards her mouth.  When he was an inch away, she could feel his hot breath that smelled like peppermint fanning across her lips. “What do you say? Can I play dress up with you?”

Nikki was totally dazzled by this man.  He was laying on her with just enough of that incredible man weight, that it made her want to wrap her limbs around him like a horny octopus.  She could say nothing but, “Yes, anything you want.”

Chase took a moment to search her face for the truth, and apparently liking what he saw, she saw his eyes go from searching to scorching.  He whispered a low, “Mine.” Then he brought his mouth down on hers in a brutal kiss.  Hard and wet, Nikki opened her mouth at the touch of his tongue on her lips.  He didn’t hesitate and started making deep sweeps of her mouth with his tongue. Nikki answered his kiss with her own tongue, searching his out and tangling with a desperation that left them both panting.

As they caught their breath, Chase moved his mouth down her jaw and onto her neck.  He paused and sucked hard drawing on her skin. This caused Nikki to arch her back up off the table.  She knew that would leave a mark and she didn’t care.  He could mark her all he wanted; she’d wear it as a trophy.

Nikki was trying to move her aching core closer to Chase’s rigid dick when she heard a scratching sound.  Looking over her shoulder towards the door, she felt Chase clue in to the change in her body language.

“Dog, she needs let in, just a minute sweets.” Chase moved away to let the dog in giving Nikki a moment to compose herself. Whew, but that man could keep you from thinking straight.  One kiss and you were spaghetti brained.

Chapter 5


Chase made quick work of getting the dog in and settled.  Nikki used the opportunity to sit up and straighten her skirt.  Catching her breath and smoothing back her hair, she turned to see that Chase was standing watching her.

“Baby, come here,” he said quietly.

Nikki felt herself drawn to him; the look in his eyes was electric.  She wanted to feel the heat, let the burn wash over her. As she got closer to him, he reached out to pull her towards him.  He leaned down to whisper hotly in her ear, “Time to play.”

Grabbing her hand he walked her down the hallway to his master bedroom.  Sitting her gently on the end of the bed, he turned to open his closet doors and reached down to pull out a large trunk.  He dragged the trunk to the middle of the room and unlatched the top, flipping it open before looking up to see Nikki’s eyes following his every move.

“Would you like me to show you some options or just have me pick?” he growled quietly.

“You pick, I’ll wear whatever you want,” she answered. Her mind was spinning, every quiet word from him had her tingling. She was already wet and ready for this man, she was resisting the urge to rub her legs together just to feel some friction.

Chase gave her a stunning smile and dug into the chest of satin, leather, and lace.  Beautiful colors, it looked like a rainbow exploded in the box.

Pulling out the red satin corset with black lace he had mentioned before, he stood. “Can I dress you?” he whispered.

All Nikki could do was nod.  He prowled towards her and gently took her hand guiding her to stand.  He dropped the corset on the bed and his hands came up to her shoulders.  He slowly dragged his hands down her arms, ending at her hands.  He threaded his fingers through hers and pulled her arms until they were straight over her head.

He held them there, as he leaned down and brought his mouth down to hers in a hot, wet, slow kiss.  Nikki felt her body go from tense to soft in an instant.  Running his hands back down her arms, Nikki knew he wanted her to leave them up.  That got her a killer smirk from a glinting eyed Chase.

Chase dragged one finger down the faux laces on the front of her shirt, catching them with the tip of his finger, he gave a little tug forcing her body to rock towards him.  Moving to the hem, he pulled up removing her shirt in one move.  Standing in her bra and skirt, Nikki felt lush, desired and so horny she was trying not to whimper.

She felt hands trace back down her body to the zipper of her skirt. Down the zipper went and her skirt quickly followed once Chase worked it over her tush.  Kicking the skirt away, Nikki looked up at Chase.  He was looking down, his eyes trailing over every curve and dip of her body.  She felt his hands touch feather soft across her thighs, up her hips.  Using the back of his fingers he dragged them across her rounded tummy.

Continuing up her torso he brought his hands back up to hers that were still above her head.  Grabbing both he brought them down, trapping them behind her back with his own.  This thrust her breasts out towards him and he took the opportunity to press his face into her cleavage.  She felt his hot wet tongue tracing a path from her breasts back up to her neck and finally to her ear. “Turn around beautiful,” he whispered.

Turning, Nikki felt the flick of her bra being undone. Chase dragged her bra down her arms and flicked it away.  She couldn’t help her reaction, she covered her large breasts with her hands.  They were quickly replaced as Chase brought his hands around to the front of her and cupped them himself.  He kneaded them with his huge hands, teasing her nipples with slow circles finishing with sharp tugs between his finger and thumb.  Nikki let her head drop back to his shoulder, her eyes closed.  “Chase…” she breathed.

“I’m here baby, just getting you warmed up,” he responded.  He held one of her large breasts up and dropped his head down to slowly lick across the tip of her budded nipple.

“I’m warm, trust me,” she said

Chase chuckled against her neck, “I know you are, but I want you to be hot, burning for me,” he said placing a wet open mouth kiss on her neck.

“Sparky, I’m on fire,” she whined.

Chase sucked her nipple into his mouth, tugging hard.  He opened his mouth wider so he could lash at her nipple while sucking on the tight flesh surrounding it.  Nikki was panting, trying to stay upright she grabbed onto his biceps.  Hard muscles met her hands and she squeezed and got a groan in return from Chase.

He let go of her breast with his mouth and blew over her wet skin, making her already hard nipple tighten further.  He switched to her other breast and repeated his devious torment.  Sucking and squeezing, he was starting to pull back when Nikki felt him lightly bite down on the tip of her nipple, pain and heat flashed through her, she moaned and leaned into his mouth looking for more.

Pulling back from her he gave both of her nipples another flick of his thumbs and said, “Arms up again beauty.”

Nikki did as she was told and felt the kiss of satin and lace slide around from the back of her.  Chase slowly started at the bottom slowly latching each hook on the front busk.  The laces were completely loose on the back so the hooks slid neatly over the catches. It felt like dozens of hooks later, Chase reached the top.

“You’ll need to adjust as we tighten. How does it feel?” he asked sliding his hands back and forth across the smooth satin over her torso.

“It’s soft, I like it,” she said looking over her shoulder to him.  He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her shoulder.

“Reach out and grab the bed post on the footboard, and hold on tight. I’ll start drawing the laces just to get them even, I’ll warn you before we really start putting some effort into it,” he said smiling at her.

Chase slowly worked all the laces down, one by one, tugging and straightening as he went.  The sound of the cords rasping through the eyelets had Nikki shivering. It was strange, and it enveloped her.  The idea of this man having control of such a restrictive garment had goosebumps forming each time he drew on the laces.

“Almost there baby, you look so amazing, your shape is already stunning. This is going to make it mind-blowing,” he murmured.  “Take a deep breath in for me baby and stand up as tall as you can not letting go of the bed.”

Nikki did as she was told.  She could feel the fabric of the corset pull tight around her, the stays forcing her chest up and her body straight.  She held on as tight as she could, otherwise the strength Chase was using would have her flying back across the room.

“Again for me Nikki,” Chase said.

Nikki took another big breath in and couldn’t believe how much tighter he was able to draw the stays.  He adjusted as he went, pulling and tightening up and down from the top and bottom to where the laces met in the middle.

“Can you do one more?” Chase asked, leaning over running his tongue up the side of her neck.  Nikki tipped her head to the side to give him better access.  Her breath was already shallow from the constriction on her chest. All she was able to do was nod.  She felt his hands come around the front of her with the laces held tight.

“Hold these tight for me baby,” he said not moving from her neck.

Nikki grabbed the laces and she felt Chase step close.  She realized he was rock hard, the evidence pressing against her bottom.  She wanted to push back and feel more, but realized that Chase was moving his hands up her back to her shoulders.  When he got to the top he slowly moved one hand down the front of her chest to the opposite breast and reached in cupping her breast while dragging his fingers across her pebbled nipple.

Nikki couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t think, he was so close and smelled so damn fine.

Chase gave her breast another squeeze and pulled it up higher into the corset.  He repeated the procedure on the other side, teasing and tormenting her nipple before adjusting her.

“I think that will do it.  You’ll need to hold on tight and breathe out this time sweetie.  I’m going to pull and tie them off.  If it’s too tight we can adjust,” he offered. “Let your breath out and hold on,” Chase warned.

Nikki took one last breath, realizing it may be awhile before she could take in air deeply again.  Letting out the breath she took, she squeezed her hands around the bed post tightly.  Chase pulled hard and Nikki felt her body change shape.  Her muscles resisting and her organs giving against this outside force.  It didn’t hurt but the feeling was a bit overwhelming.  Letting her head drop down to give herself a moment, she could feel Chase tying off the laces.

“You ok? Is it too tight?” Chase asked, concern coloring his voice.

“Give me a sec ok?” Nikki whispered. She had to whisper, as there wasn’t a lot of oxygen to speak louder.  She concentrated on her breathing, realizing she needed to breathe with her lungs not her diaphragm.  This allowed more air in and she started to feel better, the tiny spots in her vision fading.

She heard a moan and looked over her shoulder.  Chase was standing with one hand covering his mouth and his eyes glued to her body.  Starting to turn with concern she heard a quiet, “Don’t move.”

BOOK: Nikki and Chase
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