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Authors: The Prince of Pleasure

Nicole Jordan (7 page)

BOOK: Nicole Jordan
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“You have evidently done well for yourself since then,” he said finally. “But there are easier ways to earn a living than acting. I presume you are not planning to tread the boards forever?”

“No, not forever.”

“Is that why you intend to take a protector? To raise your income?”

Her smile seemed forced, although her tone remained light. “You may have compelled me to have supper with you, my lord, but I don’t believe I agreed to submit to an interrogation.”

“When you make your choice, I very much want it to be me.”

“Unfortunately,” she said sweetly, “you cannot always have everything you want. You have had everyone bowing and scraping before you since the day you were born, and it has obviously given you an exaggerated estimation of your self-worth.”

“I know my financial worth, at least. And I am prepared to be extremely generous. I’ll triple your usual remuneration. What is it you want? House, carriage, jewelry, allowance?”

Her eyes kindled with amusement. “I am not for sale, Lord Wolverton. I will be no man’s plaything, most especially not yours. If I take a protector, I assure you, it will
be you.”

“I wonder what it will take for you to change your mind?”

“I wonder why you are so set on having me, after our distasteful past? Revenge is a petty motive, after all. I should think you would consider it beneath you.”

“I’m not interested in revenge,” he replied with less than total honesty. “I’m merely intrigued by the thrill of the chase.”

“You mean to say that you are utterly bored with your indolent life and you require me to provide your entertainment?”

“Perhaps. I admit, I have never known a moment’s boredom with you, Jewel.”

“Only because I am able to resist you.”

“But for how long?” He gave her his most charming smile. “I will contrive to forgive you for your stubbornness, love, but you are only postponing the inevitable. Sooner or later I’ll have you again.” Intentionally he glanced at the curtained alcove. “It might as well be tonight. Why waste this ideal setting?”

Humor tugged at the corners of her mouth. “I will not go to bed with you, Dare.”

“Who needs a bed? Before the fireplace there will do quite nicely. You would look luscious spread out on a sable fur, completely nude.”

He heard her sharp intake of breath at his deliberate provocation. Reaching out, he lifted a curling tress from her breast. Her hair was glorious, rich and vibrant in color, thick and silky to the touch. The softness and fragrant scent teased him as he brought it to his lips.

Stiffening, Julienne drew back and raised an eyebrow.

Assuming a look of pure innocence, Dare surveyed her. “Rumor has it that you are cold-blooded as a lover, but I know differently. I know what a pretense that icy fa¸cade is, Jewel. I know how hot you can get…. How hot I can make you. How a single stroke of my fingers across your stomach makes you quiver. One touch of your delicious sex and you grow wet.”

With a graceful shrug, she returned an arch smile. “I told you, I am not the same green girl I was. It takes a great deal more to arouse me now.”

Heat coursed through Dare at her words, at the implied challenge. He couldn’t say the same; it had taken very little to arouse him tonight.

He hadn’t expected to make love to her this evening. Merely to stake his claim. But he should have known the effect Julienne would have on him. How inflamed he would become by their duel of wills. The exhilaration of matching wits with her again was a stronger aphrodisiac than any drug. And the temptation to do more than provoke her was overwhelming. In truth, he had visions of throwing her down on the table, tearing her clothes off, and tasting that body he’d yearned for so much, so long ago.

His jaw clenched against the hot flood of arousal that the image induced. He couldn’t remember ever hurting this much for a woman, or wanting one more. And he doubted Julienne was as indifferent as she pretended. He recognized her sexual response with a connoisseur’s eye.

“Shall we put your resistance to the test?” he asked softly.

With effort Julienne met his gaze, her feelings a confusion of wanting and not wanting. It unsettled her deeply, Dare’s arrogant presumption of victory. Unsettled and vexed her.

But he would not win, she promised silently. She would not make his revenge easy, letting him ride roughshod over her. She would do everything in her power to protect herself from his calculating schemes. If forced to, she would call upon a few seductive skills of her own to defend herself.

Measuring Dare, she took a sip of wine, wondering if she could hope for any better outcome. It would be supremely satisfying to beat the Prince of Pleasure at his own game—to make him fall in love with her and break his heart, as she’d publicly vowed. Regrettably, though, she didn’t hold any faith in her ability to carry out her part of the wager. Dare North had long been immune to female schemes to ensnare his heart.

But if he meant to torment her, she would show him that she was his match. She was an actress. She could play the role of a femme fatale.

She wouldn’t let it get out of hand, of course. She would merely arouse Dare’s lust and leave him panting for more. And when she walked away dispassionately, he would begin to understand that she would never be his conquest.

Relieved to have made a decision that would allow her to take the offensive, Julienne let a tempting smile wreathe her lips. “Why not?”

She saw the instant flare of heat in his eyes and hoped that she wasn’t making an irrevocable mistake.

For a long moment their eyes held. Then, taking her hand, Dare slowly turned it over and placed a kiss on the inner side of her wrist. His light caress made her tremble. Next, his lips moved over her palm, his tongue flicking the sensitive skin, and it was all she could do not to pull away.

His breath scorched her fingers as his lips moved to the tips. When he suckled the middle one, a heavy ache flowered low in her abdomen.

“I should warn you,” he murmured, his voice husky. “I’ve learned a few things since I last knew you.”

“I can imagine,” she said, her own voice dismayingly breathless.

His eyes would not free her from their intensity. To her surprise, though, he released her hand and stood. Going to the door, he locked it, then returned to her side and set the key on the table, along with the wineglass he took from her.

Time, dangerous with the undercurrents of passion, seemed to hang motionless as he stared down at her.

Her heart thudding, Julienne rose unsteadily to face Dare, unwilling to allow him the advantage. Her legs were weaker than she thought, and she leaned one hip against the table for support.

“Well?” he asked, the lazy drawl filled with challenge.

Holding his stare with bold, cool poise, she reached to unfasten the hooks at her back, slipping down first the bodice of her merino gown, then her chemise. Her breasts spilled out above the white cambric. Offering him a smile, she turned and rested her hands behind her on the table, an elegant courtesan’s gesture.

His mouth twisted crookedly. “So you mean to tempt me with your luscious body?”

“Let us see who can summon the greater resistance.”

“As you wish,” he said, his eyes alive with delighted interest.

With one foot he shoved her chair out of his way and stepped closer, his regard moving with leisurely thoroughness over her. A pulsing began deep inside Julienne in response to his heated gaze.

She managed to conceal her quivering excitement when he slowly drew a finger along the line of her collarbone, then traced a path between her breasts. But when he reached out to cup one curving swell, Julienne felt her heart leap.

With a knowing look, Dare splayed both hands over the ripe fullness of her breasts. Her nipples tightened shamefully, responding to his wicked teasing. His thumbs caressed the rosy peaks until they were distended and hard, and Julienne had to bite her lip to keep from pleading with him to stop the torment. She didn’t want him to stop. She wanted to press herself against him, wanted Dare to soothe the delicious ache he was creating.

As if he could read her mind, he took her by the arms and drew her against his chest. The full shock of his hard, supple body went through her. He was all honed muscle and lean strength—and he was wholly aroused. She could feel his rigid erection even through their layers of clothing.

She drew a steadying breath, trembling with need. She felt feverishly hot where her body was held tight against his, excruciatingly sensitive where her bare breasts rubbed the brocade fabric of his waistcoat. Yet every instinct she possessed told her Dare was fighting the same urgent need.

His own breath was rapid as he dipped his head. His lips moved against her throat, then skimmed upward over her jaw, her cheekbone. “Kiss me, Julienne,” he whispered, the words like velvet on her skin.

He gave her no chance to refuse. Instead he claimed her mouth, his lips soft and rough in turn.

His kiss was shatteringly familiar. She opened for him, shuddering beneath the raw force of his passion, but he didn’t seem satisfied. He slanted his mouth to deepen the kiss further, his tongue sliding in heated, sinuous rhythm within her mouth, awakening her mind and body from their coldly held reserve.

She felt as though he were drinking the breath from her. Julienne shivered uncontrollably. The bold press of his heated loins was making her weak; her soft, secret flesh melted with sleek moisture, even as a warning voice clamored in her mind, telling her to beware.

It was a struggle to remember the femme fatale role she had intended to play. Her breath was coming in soft pants when she finally pushed him away.

At least she was having the effect she wanted, she saw. A dark flush of desire stained Dare’s high cheekbones, while his eyes were hot and glittering. Frowning, he raised an eyebrow, as if to demand an explanation for her delay.

Deliberately Julienne glanced down at the swelling bulge at his groin. His breeches stretched taut, concealing his straining manhood. With a siren’s smile, she reached out to brush her fingers over the placket, letting her hand fondle his hardness beneath the white satin.

She heard Dare stifle a groan, saw his jaw clench. “Keep that up and we might not reach the bed.”

“As you said, who needs a bed?”

Requiring no further invitation, Dare reached down to unbutton his breeches and drawers. Desire burned in his eyes as he released his swollen male flesh. Instantly his arousal jerked upward against his belly, pulsing and erect.

Julienne caught her breath at the sight of him, huge and urgent, her gaze riveted. She badly wanted to touch him, to caress the thick, satiny length, the velvety pouch of his heavy testicles….

Evidently Dare wanted her just as badly. With visible impatience he leaned around her and pushed the dishes and crystal back to give them room. Then he lifted her up and set her on the edge of the table.

Julienne tried desperately to conceal her own treacherous excitement as he pulled up her skirts slowly, baring her to his gaze. It had been so long….

A streaking heat shuddered through her as he stared at the dark curls crowning the apex of her thighs, at the plump folds of female flesh already moist with her own need. His own gaze remained riveted as he reached down to caress her.

All her muscles clenched at the lazy stroke of his hand along her inner thigh. She felt her breath coming short and shallow as his fingers searched out the womanly softness of her—and it faltered sharply as he slid them against her honeyed crease.

“I would say you are thoroughly aroused now,” he murmured.

She could feel her will weakening, but when his fingers brushed more boldly, Julienne caught his wrist, staying his hand.

Dare’s gaze narrowed on hers. His hand was still between her legs, cupping possessively. “Do you still insist on denying you want me?”

She couldn’t bring herself to lie. “No,” she whispered.

“Part your legs wider.” It was a low, throaty command, one she wanted to obey. She shut her eyes briefly at the wild excitement coursing through her, steeling herself against the burning warmth that flowed from the palm of his hand. When his fingers gently probed her slick cleft and slid inside, she arched against him. Then his caresses became more rhythmic, and she imagined that it was Dare’s magnificent arousal thrusting deep inside her….

She tried to stifle a whimper, but it escaped her. In answer, Dare stepped between her spread thighs, his intent clear.

You should stop him,
a desperate warning voice urged. But the blood was pounding in her veins, stirring a fiery heat within her. She couldn’t form a protest when he gripped his swollen member and eased the silken head into her quivering flesh.

Julienne gasped at the enormous, pulsing size of him. He was shockingly hard, filling her to bursting.

When he swelled upward into her clinging heat, she tried to writhe away from him, but his hands prevented her, holding her hips still. A faint smile curving his sensual mouth, he withdrew his long shaft almost completely, until she moaned aloud with the loss.

Then he surged into her again, making her softly cry out his name.

It took only one more slow plunge to set her aflame. When he delved even deeper, burying himself inside her in another demanding stroke, Julienne gave in to the ravening hunger. Softening helplessly against him, she began to answer his thrusting hips, matching his pace and his sweet, relentless rhythm.

A sob welled in her throat at the primal force building inside her. It was elemental, primitive, and Dare was using all his skill to drive her even higher. She glimpsed him as her head fell back in surrender; his teeth were clenched, his handsome features contorted with pain and pleasure as he rocked her against him.

Then rapture engulfed her. She gripped his arms fiercely as an incoherent sound of panic sounded from her throat, but his mouth captured her scream. Wildly she dug her nails into his muscles as she erupted in a fiery, shimmering explosion, but Dare responded ruthlessly, his straining thighs forcing hers even wider to prolong her ecstasy.

BOOK: Nicole Jordan
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