Read New Title 1 Online

Authors: Jennifer Loren

New Title 1 (2 page)

BOOK: New Title 1
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“I am not going to allow you to work late tonight. I don’t care what you say.” Kyle said stretching back in his chair making his glare, even more obvious. “Ava it’s your birthday and we are going to celebrate tonight.”

“I don’t want to be tired for my meeting tomorrow, Kyle.”

“We at least need to get a bottle of wine tonight.”

“Wine?” I laughed. “Do tell, what goes with peanut butter and crackers or do we have any frozen waffles left?” I giggled with him.

“No, I ate the last one for dinner last night. Oh and we are going to have to pick up some more crackers from the cafeteria on our way out. As far as the wine, I think that a Merlot might be nice since we do have a creamy peanut butter. Or whatever they have for less than ten dollars because that’s all I have until payday.” He said pulling out his lint filled pockets.

“Oh you poor pitiful boy,” I said pulling out a fifty dollar bill.

“Hey, where did you get that?”

“Jasper gave me some money to buy myself some flowers or any other dying organism that I might like to waste money on.” I said with a sarcastic tone.

“Uggghhh, I don’t get what you see in him but at least the jerk gave you cash and left town, the best gift of all.” Kyle smiles.

. I thought we could get some nicer wine with this and maybe a movie and use the rest to put towards our …
We have a dream jar

“So you have decided?” Kyle asked with a vibrating expectation.

“I don’t know for sure yet but it can’t hurt to dream.”

“I’ll accept that for now but I know it’s only a matter of time before I get to say, GOOD-BYE Mr. Jasper Andrews, and hello Kyle Brice and Ava Kelley Architecture and Design.” Kyle said exaggerating his glamorous walk out the door. “Come on girl let’s get out of here, these bright gray walls are starting to close in on me.”

“I’m coming but I need to go by the library first. I want to do some research.”

“Ava, Jasper already said he liked your ideas, don’t over analyze what you have already done.”

“I am not over analyzing. I simply want to be prepared for an important client.”

“Well when it’s my birthday, we are calling in sick and watching Lifetime in bed and eating cheddar popcorn all-day, because I’m worth it.” He said waiting for me to agree.

“Of course you are, sweetie,” I laughed kissing him gently on the cheek.

As soon as we get to the library, we both take to a computer searching for anything and everything helpful, Kyle a little less eagerly. Once I feel satisfied, I gather what I have found while Kyle throws a book on my pile of notes, about why not to sleep with your boss. “Funny.” I said rolling my eyes at him and ignoring his laughter. Preparing for the cold, I overly bundle up, barely leaving enough room for my eyes to see where I am going and as expected, one-step outside and we both let out a frigid gasp.

“Let’s go to the liquor store near that fancy little Italian restaurant, I love the smells,” I yelled through the blistering wind and the layers of fabric.

“You’re only going to torture yourself,” Kyle said shaking his head.

“I don’t care, at least this way I can dream my wretched dinner is a lavish Italian meal,” I said earning a reluctant sigh of acceptance before we cross the street, huddled close together. I pay for the bottle of wine and wait outside for Kyle while he searches through the market across the street for an extra surprise birthday treat. I might have complained or even followed if not for the seductive aroma of the restaurant next door. Its torturous smells carry me away to a better place. With one last inhale, I take a short step back before hearing a screaming mob approaching me rapidly. With no time to prepare a safe exit, I curl around my wine and brace for impact. Unexpectedly, warm strong arms surround me and carry me safely through the hormonal girls.

“Don’t worry they’ll be gone in a minute,” he said continuing to hover over me. I lie peacefully between his open coat and against his warm, taut chest, letting a new alluring scent fill my nose.” Okay I think it is safe now. You okay?”

“What?” I asked feeling his rhythmic heart beat against his chest while mine speeds.

“Are you okay?” He stressed with a sarcastic chuckle.

“Yes, I think so,” I said lifting my head only to be stunned into silence again by his deep green eyes and warm smile. The cold wind barely moves his expertly styled dark hair and his sweater gently highlights his athletic build but when his smile stretches across his handsome face, I imagine my heavy beating heart jumping from body into his.

“What the hell happened to you?” Kyle yelled reminding me of my scattered books and notes that are beginning to blow out of reach.

“Oh no!” I yell jumping from the man’s arms to try to rescue my hours of work, managing to grab most everything in sight except the book Kyle got me, which the stranger hands me with the rest of my notes. I respond shyly, thanking him while unable to take my eyes off him, I can barely grasp what he is saying to me.
Just smile and nod Ava.
Damn what is wrong with me!
He said good-bye … I think. Say something you idiot.
Wow, that was impressive.
I watch him walk away as Kyle grabs my arm turning me back towards our apartment but I look back once more to see him doing the same before disappearing into the restaurant.

“Ava, do you know who that was?” Kyle asked.

“I think that guy called him Sean.”

Kyle laughs, “no ridiculous girl not him, the other one, the one the mob was herding towards.” Shaking my head, I can already foresee the informative celebrity news coming by way of dramatic explanation. “It was Ethan Grant, the actor, the hottest and the sexiest movie star I can think of and he …”

“Oh, well I didn’t talk to him.”

“No, but you sure did get close and personal with his brother, who I must say is not bad either. I hear Sean is getting ready to do a movie too, I can’t remember what it was about though. Wow you are having one hell of a birthday,” Kyle said hanging his arm around my shoulders.

“Yea, I guess I am. So what did you get from the store?”

A huge smile sweeps across his face as he reaches into his bag and pulls out a box, “macaroni and cheese, the name brand too. My best friend wants a lavish Italian meal and I will do everything possible to get it for her,” he said as both our stomachs growl in anticipation.


y meeting went better than expected and Jasper made good on his promise for a birthday dinner together. As usual, he is charming and sweet, even dancing with me at least long enough for him to convince me to come back to his place. His breath heats up with every item of clothing he removes from my body, his hands grasping me securely and confidently, while kissing me as if he owns me. The cold stiffness of it all is bringing up a harsh realization and my stomach immediately begins to churn with every grunting obnoxious pounding into my body and the feeling of his sweat dripping down between my breasts. He reaches his climax, finishing with no worries or regrets. I receive a simple kiss to the forehead for my assistance before he leaves me to clean up. I am allowed to sleep over, if I promise not to keep him awake because he has a hectic schedule to keep tomorrow. Instead, I decide to take his offer to pay for a cab ride home.
I prefer to go into work with Kyle anyway.


yle is gasping and huffing at me the whole ride to work this morning. “Ava you are one of the smartest people I know and somehow you have gone stupid over this guy,”

“You don’t know, maybe it’s something.” Kyle interrupts me with a -
I see through your bullshit smile

“Well at least you got laid. Was it good at least?” He said as I give him a quick look. “It wasn’t even good?” Cringing, I look away from my judge.

“Good morning Ava!” A security guard from the building greets me standing and giving me his full attention.

“Good morning …”
What was his name? I think I saw him at last year’s Christmas party. What was it?

“You look beautiful today, Ava.” Spencer says awkwardly fidgeting with his pocket change.

“Thank you,” I said feeling the nudge from Kyle as we rush away to the elevators.

“What was that about?” Kyle asked.

“He helped me get rid of some guy that followed me in from lunch the other day.”

“What guy?”

“Just a guy who wanted to take me out, he said he wouldn’t take no for an answer, so ummm …
… stepped in and told him to leave. It was nothing but he was sweet to step in and help me out as he did. I told him that he’s my hero.”

“Your hero, if he is your hero he will rid Jasper Andrews from your life.” With an angry huff, I take an obvious step away from Kyle. “Ava you know he is using you, he doesn’t care about you. He knows as well as everyone else that you are the most talented person in this place and that includes him. Not to mention, you look great on his arm.”

“He said he loves me.” I said instantly regretting the stupidity.

“Loves you? Please, that man is too full of himself to love anyone but himself. Kick him to the curb Ava, you know that’s what you should do. Stop trying to be respectful to a man who has not bothered to do the same for you,” Kyle said leaving me to drown in my doubts.

I know Kyle is right about my relationship with Jasper, it is less of an equal partnership and more of Ava being the dutiful shadow. We argue all the time now, and Jasper is jealous of everyone I talk to but he feels righted flirting with anyone and everyone he meets with a skirt. I know he is cheating on me but the telling part is … I don’t care.


ecently, Kyle has made some new contacts in Atlanta, a chance he says for us to go out on our own and today, I finally agree to go with him.
I cannot wait to move.
I had planned to tell Jasper tonight at dinner, although the rumors have obviously already reached his ears since he has asked to speak to me alone. Jasper manages to put me off until after everyone has left.

Inhaling deep before I walk boldly into his office, “Jasper I have everything ready for you. You should have no problem impressing them on Monday.”

Jasper eases back in his chair and admires me with an obvious smile. “Why don’t you come with me? We can leave tonight, spend the weekend together …”

“No Jasper, I can’t.”

“No?” He says getting up and taking my hand. “I was going to wait to do this but as usual you’re stubborn.” With his confidence shining through he kisses me, “Ava I want to marry you.”


“I know, not something you expected at all from me but I love you and I know you love me. We can do it this weekend in Paris, go to the meeting on Monday, and be back and ready to work …”

“Jasper, have you lost your mind? You don’t love me, you only want me to stay here.” I push his hands away and take a deep breath. “Jasper, I am so appreciative for what you have done for me here but it’s time for me to move on - Kyle and I are going to start our own firm. I was planning to tell you tonight.”

Jasper with a harsh expression begins gathering his things, “you fucking bitch! With all that I have done for you, you are going to leave me!”

“Done for me? I have been doing your work for the last year. The clients have liked my ideas because you have been too busy fucking everything that you came across to deal with work. Oh don’t look at me that way. Did you think I didn’t know? Everyone knows and you love that they do. It is over Jasper. Let me leave, so we can end this respectably.”

“Good luck with your little woodsheds in Atlanta, Ava.” Jasper takes a wide curve to walk around me.

“You’re leaving? You are going to leave me here.” Jasper shrugs with an obnoxious expression. “Jasper it’s raining and it’s late, you know I can’t afford a cab … drive me home at least.”

“I would Ava but it is late and I don’t want to have to drive that far out of my way in the rain. But I don’t want you to think I’m bitter about anything, so here, you can take my umbrella.” Jasper hands me his designer umbrella and grips my face hard, “I will give you until Monday to change your mind.” Like a fool, I stand silently watching him leave.

With Jasper’s umbrella, I fight the cold rain while making my way home. Taking notice of everything around me along the dark streets, I become aware of a car slowly traveling behind me. I quicken my pace and the car suddenly pulls up next to me. “Ava do you need a ride home?” A familiar voice calls out.

Looking down in the car, I see the security guard from our building. “No, I’m fine Spencer, thank you though.”

“You have to be cold. Get in. It’s no problem, really.”

After considering for only a few seconds, my frigid, exhausted body replies eagerly. “Okay, thank you,” I said jumping into his car.

“So are you going out tonight?” Spencer asked.

“Jasper was supposed to take me out to dinner but …”

“He doesn’t deserve you, Ava.”

“Well thank you, but it doesn’t matter anymore I broke it off with him for good. Kyle and I are going to move out of New York and start our own firm.” Before I can speak another word, Spencer’s silence becomes noticeably awkward and cold. Suddenly he turns the car around. “Spencer, I live in the other direction.”

“You need to see my house.”

“No, I want to go home,” I said fisting my hands and pounding on the seat, demanding my way.

“No! You need to see our house.” He demands.

My body begins to shake violently as I try to calm, “Spencer, I would love to see your house sometime but tonight is not a good time but maybe tomorrow. I will call you and we can setup a time.”

“You are going to love it. I even restored your old desk from college and put it in the study. Don’t worry though, I removed that piece you were always hitting your knee on.” He smiles happily, as a familiar haunting presence takes over him.

BOOK: New Title 1
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