Never Get Enough (Enough #1) (5 page)

BOOK: Never Get Enough (Enough #1)
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She got up off of me and told all the guys to head inside if the
y wanted dinner. They all followed her with their eyes and then came over to me. Jace started talking immediately, “Fucking hell, man. I have never envied you the money, talent, or looks before. But this is something else, I am so jealous of you. Carter is the hottest, sweetest girl in the whole fuckin world. I can’t believe you get to touch her now.” I chuckled, smiled, and led them inside. It was so true. I was the luckiest guy in the world. As long as we had each other we would make it through anything. Dinner was great. Carter was her sweet self, and she found out what the guys did over the summer. Most took trips with their families, and I could tell that made her a little sad that we had never had parents that wanted to be around us long enough to travel somewhere with us. I wanted to tell her that we would have a family and travel with our kids someday, but I would have plenty of time to reassure her that we would change things later. Right now, we just enjoyed talking and eating with our friends.

After everyone left, I could
tell my girl was distracted by something. We were cleaning up together in the kitchen. Carter was considerate of everyone, even our housekeeper. She didn’t like to leave the dishes out for Lana to clean up in the morning. So she always cleaned up our mess before we went to bed. Finally I asked her, “Baby, is something bothering you. You seem really distracted and haven’t said two words since the guys left.” She sighed and seemed a little upset. “I just want to touch you so bad, but I am afraid that you don’t want me like that. You’ve only let things go so far. I’m worried that you aren’t sure about us, and that is why we have only kissed and not done anything else. We’ve been together for weeks.” By the end of this I could tell she was getting herself worked up, and I hate when she is upset about anything, especially something to do with me.

I would never want her to be worried about this. I just didn’t want to rush her or make her feel like all I wanted was her pussy. I just wanted her to know that I loved her not just her perfect body. I didn’t want her to feel used or empty because of me, but now my beautiful, sexy girl felt like I didn’t want her when she was a
ll I had ever wanted. Hell no, this would not fucking work. I guess I’d been holding back too much of myself. I hadn’t wanted to scare her off with how much I wanted her, and instead I’d got her all turned on and then not taken it to the next level. I had teased her and left her wanting without meaning too. My poor baby needed to feel how desirable and sexy she was. Other than Keller and me, Carter had never been shown any love or affection. I always forgot how starved she was for affection of any kind.

“Baby, what do you want to do?
Because I’m dying to touch and lick all of you. Is that what you want?” She started to look down and get shy from me talking about what I want to do to her. I hold her chin and make her look up. I slowly looked into her beautiful eyes and shook my head at her slowly. “No, no, baby, I want you to know I want you, and I want you to tell me what you want too. Your shyness is sexy as hell, but I still want to know what you want from me.” She looked up and spoke so softly I had to strain to hear her, “I want you to touch me and I want to touch you too. Please?” I took her hand and lead her into our living room. “Of course, baby. Why don’t you sit on my lap for a little bit, and I can just touch you? You tell me if you want me to stop or you feel uncomfortable.” She makes a frustrated sound then, “I’m excited but feel shy about this. I want you to touch me, Bray. Please?” I was already hard from just the thought of touching her, but when she starts begging me to touch her, I stiffen to the point it gets really uncomfortable. She is just so precious to me that I can hardly breathe; can’t even believe she is just sitting on my lap waiting for me to touch her. I start by just stroking her thighs and I can tell she loves it by the soft mewling sound she’s making. I then start to just stroke her stomach with my hands. I can tell she is ready for me to touch her breasts by how she is responding to my hand on her stomach so I slowly cup her breasts in my hands. She lets out the sexiest moan and I can’t resist talking dirty to her. “I love the size of these tits, baby. You are such a tiny girl to have such big breasts, but I love them so much. I want to just watch you touch them as you ride me, sweet girl.” I take off her shirt and then her bra. I don’t want any material between my hands and her right now. I wish I could have a picture of how she looks sitting on my lap right now with her facing forward. She looks so sweet with her big breasts in my hands and her having trouble even breathing with me stroking them and talking to her.

Finally, after stroking her until she is almost frantic, I ask her to stand up an
d take off her shorts. She is of course in a tiny lace thong that looks almost too sexy on her tiny frame. “Baby, sit back down, please.” She sits back on my lap and I start stroking her breasts and nipple with one hand as I start moving my other hand across her folds. She starts to squirm and it makes me even harder. She whispers in her sexy shy voice, “Please, Bray, Please, Please!” I stick my finger into her and she is just soaked. She feels so tight and perfect around my finger that I can’t believe she’ll ever be able to fit around my cock. I slowly and gently with the lightest touch move my finger in and out of her as I take turns with stroking her nipples with the other hand. She is starting to really let go and moan. Going past the point of realizing what noises she is making. I want her to orgasm so bad but I just keep up the torture of stroking her nipples and pussy until I can feel her start to move against my hand. She gets louder and louder until finally she is gasping for air and trying to say my name. I feel her pussy clench hard against my finger and she just lets go completely. Carter just came while sitting in my arms on my lap, best moment of my life.

She slowly recovers physically and takes in a deep breath. “Oh my gosh, Bray, that felt absolutely fantastic.” I encourage her by holding her tight and s
aying, “I know, baby, I know. I’m glad I could make you feel good.” She starts to reach for my dick and I shake my head at her. She pouts and I can tell she is confused, but I want tonight to be about the first time I really got to touch her. I have to bite her lip though because she is so cute with it all stuck out like that. She is just so perfect and I don’t want to rush and forget any of it. “Baby, I just want to focus on touching you tonight. I promise I enjoyed that so much. You are just so fucking beautiful, and I want to just remember all of what just happened. The only thing that I ask is you walk upstairs in just what you are wearing because you are the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in that thong.” She smiles and I can tell she really wants to touch me, but she also is mellow after her orgasm. So she gets off my lap and heads upstairs to my room. I crawl into bed with her and hold her close and sleep. I have to talk my dick down a few times throughout the night, but it’s completely worth it just to have those memories of touching her body. I love her so fucking much. I feel so much just from getting her off. She’s like an addictive drug to me. The feelings get more intense the more I get to touch her.












































Chapter 4


I couldn’t believe what Brayden had done to me the night before. I had never had an orgasm and didn’t even know a lot about sex and what all it involved, just the basics that every virgin knows from hearing friends talk and watching movies. Keller and Bray were my best friends, and they did not talk about that kinda stuff with me. The girls I hung out with at school were friends, but I think they were intimidated to talk about too much about sex with me. I was popular because of my step brothers, being a swimsuit model, and my family being super wealthy. My image at school did not inspire people to talk and confide in me. It was mainly superficial friendships at best. I still wasn’t at a point where I felt comfortable trusting or confiding in other people besides Bray or Keller, but I was at a place where I wanted to have fun with my teammates at parties and enjoy hanging out with girls as friends too.

I got up for practice after Brayden and packed a bag for my dance team practice after volleyball. I was so excited that Brayden wanted to touch me like he did last night, but still felt sad and unsure that he didn’t want me to touch him. Maybe he thought I wouldn’t be good at it, or maybe he just was trying to help me get over my awkwardness
with sex but was too kind to let me know. He has been so protective of me for so long that it’s hard to know when he is doing something for me or because he wants to. I get in the gym first and am relieved to see the net was left up from yesterday. So we can just get right to stretching then practice.

Coach has been extra hard on me this year
already because we are favorites for the state championship. I want it too, but then I have to decide if I’m going to play in college and where to go. I love volleyball but don’t love all the other complications and expectations it brings off the court. I feel like I already have too many of those to deal with. I’m dating my step brother and my father is dead but left me a multi-million dollar business to be involved in. My mother barely acknowledges me, but when she does she only wants to use me for something. It’s hard to always function normally when you get no parental support from home. Keller, Bray, and I are our own support system, but we all are pretty dependent on each other because of no parents at home.

getting all the balls out of the sports closet in the gym when I hear the door bang open. I think the girls are starting to arrive and turn around to greet one of my teammates when it’s Bray instead. “Hey, baby, you are hear early today and looking extra hot.” That makes me smile but I still feel unsure about why he didn’t let me touch him last night when I wanted to. He knows me so well he can tell immediately when I try to smile that something is wrong. “Baby, what’s wrong? Did I move too fast last night?  Are you upset or confused over what we did?” Of course, he goes there because he’s so protective. I wanted to do more and he thinks we did too much, feels like we have reversed the roles of the guy and the girl.

I take a deep breath and try to
figure out how to tell him I’m scared he doesn’t want me to touch him or doesn’t think I will be good at it. I want him to want me as bad as I want him. I feel resentful that he has so much experience while he and Keller made sure I was as pure as the driven snow. How messed up is that? “Bray, I wanted to touch you last night and I’m just upset that you said I could and then stopped me. I feel so insecure about all your experience, and I want to be able to touch you like you touched me.” I feel his eyes on me and he looks all torn up that I feel this way. All the sudden I wonder if he really doesn’t want me like I want him. My heart clenches at the thought of hearing Bray says he doesn’t want me. He has always been all that I want and now all that I depend on too, ever since Keller left. I’m selfish because I need and want all of him.

He looks so upset when he looks at me. He sighs
and says in a very serious tone, “Carter, baby, I want you to touch me and I want to touch you all the time. I just didn’t want to rush you and cause you to feel that everything happened too fast and I pushed you too far and took advantage of you trusting me. So I was taking things slow enough that you could tell me we need to stop at any time. I never thought you would see that as a rejection last night. I always want you with everything in me. You are a walking fantasy for every guy. So it is always hard to think of you as unsure but I need to remember you and I have both never got the emotional assurance and love that we needed. I want you so bad, all of you. But right now we need to take a timeout from life and you need to be able to touch me. Because you even talking about it gets me hard with wanting you.”

With that
, Bray picks me up and leads me over to the broom closet on the other side of the gym. This closet has a lock that you can do from the inside. He puts me inside it and closes the door and locks it. Then he looks at me with the most sincere expression on his beautiful face and says, “Baby doll, you are in charge here. What do you want to do with me?” I try not to even hesitate or be embarrassed about this. I really want to be as confident with this and him as I am in every other facet of my life, but he is my safe place. Bray has been one of the only people I’ve ever been able to show weakness and uncertainty with. So I decided not to pretend in this, but to be honest with the person that matters to me the most.

“Bray, I truly have no idea what to do? Should I touch it and stroke it through your pants? Should I unzipper you and pull it out and touch it. I just feel unsure here but want us to feel like partners even in this.” At the end of my little tirade I start to get
choked up and almost cry. This just feels so important to me and I want to please him. He looks so upset now, and I can tell he’s searching his brain now for how to make me happy and comfortable immediately. So I try to think quickly about how to let this progress without me feeling like a total inept clumsy idiot. “Bray, will you take of your shirt, please?” Before I got the sentence out he is already pulling it off. I start to tug my sports bra off too.

BOOK: Never Get Enough (Enough #1)
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