Neeri's Need: How to Crash a Party (7 page)

BOOK: Neeri's Need: How to Crash a Party
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Ocen eased past Neeri and his brother, pausing for a long moment next to Sasha. They gazed into each other’s eyes and Neeri would’ve laid good odds that Ocen was licking her up one side and down the other with that poetic tongue of his, judging by the melting of her
soft body toward him. Her brown eyes even glazed a little. Then he brushed his knuckles against her cheek and glided down the passage to the pilot’s den.

smirked, watching Sasha blink and sway slightly. Leaning on the wall next to her, she purred, “Need me to finish you off, little Red?”

The blush came back with a vengeance. “Would you
that?” Sasha exclaimed, glaring at her. “And no, you are never touching me again.”

Because you hated it?” Neeri said mockingly, feeling the ship hum and shift under her feet.

Sasha folded her arms and hunched her shoulders for a second, before shrugging abruptly. “Because I didn’t hate it,” she grumbled. “You’re kind of good at that.
But no matter what my body says,
don’t want you.” She slapped a hand to her chest in emphasis. “So, no. No more touching, Neeri.”

Neeri smiled, amused and rather captivated. “Fair enough. No more touching…until you get over those silly inhibitions of yours and beg me.”

To her surprise and delight, Sasha snickered instead of fluffing up like an outraged kitten. “Dream on, bad kitty.” Then she sauntered away, apparently unaware of how much challenge she put in the swing of her hips. Or how much Neeri adored challenges.

Neeri was studying the little human
with a bemused smile when Adin spoke behind her.
You touched my brother’s mate?

“Hmm? Oh, it was for a good cause.”

And that male?
He pointed a black claw past her at Ridge, still slumped and snoring in his restraints, pants open and withered dick exposed.

“Same cause,” she responded without looking at him.
She saw enough in her peripheral vision, the lights of the ship gleaming across his beautiful deep blue scales. That tantalizing Ophidian musk drifted around her, reminding her of just how good he tasted. “Ridge was your kidnapper,” she said to distract herself. And him, if he was peeking in her head. “He deserves a long prison sentence and a girlfriend named Big Eddy, but he got the ride of his life instead.”

Adin hissed ominously and crowded her
against the wall.
You laid with this male?
He growled in her mind, possessive fury tinging his tone deep red.

“No, but I might have,” she said
with a low growl of her own, hackles rising with annoyance. “I screw who I want. I’m not your mate—”

The hell you aren’t,
he snarled and shoved forward, hips crashing hard against her. Those marvelous cocks pressed furrows into her abdomen, promising all kinds of decadence. She looked into the wild swirl of colors in his eyes, saw the beauty and suffering in his fine-scaled features, felt the hard-muscled strength of his body, and forgot what they were arguing about.

“I want that tongue again,” she whispered, sliding her arms around his neck and tugging him closer
, shivering at the cool feel of smooth scales under her fingers. “And then I want this…” She sent him a picture of what she was dying to have, all of him inside her.

He shuddered from head to toe.
…he gasped.
I’m still burning. I might hurt you…

“Shh, you won’t,” she whispered and
kissed him, tangling her tongue with his in a sultry dance. Hooking a leg over his hip, she ground against those rock-hard ridges with a moan of utter need, wet and dripping already.

He shredded her shirt, stroking her naked torso with his maddeningly cool fingers, flicking each of her nipples until she keened into his mouth, pleasure shooting through her in sharp sparkles. Bracing against h
is shoulders, she wrapped her other leg around him, working her pelvis in harder circles. She wanted his tongue flicking over her nipples. She wanted him to suck her clit until she screamed. She wanted to taste his surprisingly sweet cum again, roll his heads around in her mouth like lollipops. She wanted him to claim every hole in her body, driving inside her hard and deep until she was his. She wanted to be his. His mate.

She jerk
ed back, shaking her head.
No, no, I’m not…
But Adin could read the yes in every other part of her, inside and out. He dropped her on her back in a berth and dove between her thighs, sucking her clit exactly as she wanted, using his tongue and teeth without mercy until she climaxed hard on a sharp cry, hips rolling frantically. Then he flipped her, tongue working her from that angle, flicking so fast between her clit, pussy, and asshole that she clenched into another orgasm with hardly a pause, breath slamming to a halt in her throat.

While she was still writhing and whimpering from that shattering pleasure, he tugged her to her knees and worked
a round, hard cockhead between her pussy lips, rolling his hips and driving her absolutely mad with the sensation, the head teasing and popping in and out of her hole. She was snarling wordless demands when he shoved deep, wringing a delighted scream from her. Then he pulled back out, worked her slippery fluid up her crack, and slid with agonizing slowness back in, his smaller cock expanding her other hole at the same time.

Neeri convulsed again, body exploding over and over with insane pleasure.
She was so
and he felt so
stretching, burning, sliding in and in, then out and out…

Then she felt a second cockhead push for entry into her pussy and her whole world narrowed to that point. She wanted this, so badly she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. She wanted all of him inside her, filling her utterly and driving her to heights she couldn’t even imagine.
It would probably hurt, but she wanted that too, wanted every sensation he could give her. She
him, a need so huge and hot it was scary, needed him sweet, demanding,

Adin, oh yes, oh pleeease!

Adin froze, shuddering all over. The mating burn sizzled along his bones and muscles, turning his mind to red mist and insanity. It demanded that he take her with everything he had, rut in her body like a wild thing. But this was his Neeri, his mate, and he was terrified of hurting her.
He tried to block her, but her pleasure licked at him, driving him like a goad, magnifying his own sensations maddeningly. He could feel her need matching his own, but how could she take both his larger cocks in her channel when she fit so perfect and snug around just one?

She rotated her hips, nearly driving him over the edge with the sweet slide and kiss of her lava-hot tissues around his heads. He growled and clamped his hands on her ass cheeks to hold her still, claws denting her skin. She keened and shivered in his hold, beg
ging and demanding, needing him. Utterly fearless.
My Neeri…

He pushed forward into her tightness, hot flesh engulfing his pulsing cocks in sultry welcome. Just inside he had to stop, gritting his teeth and shakin
g his head in denial of his pleasure while she cried out her own, squeezing and milking him unbearably. He could feel how he stretched her, how pleasure and pain merged with blinding intensity, and he very nearly lost himself. Holding on grimly to his shredding control, he worked deeper, growling like an animal as she writhed under him, He pressed his third aching cock into the pucker of her other entrance.

She screamed and bucked back against him, driving him in
deep. And the world blew away, shredding him with endless pulses of violent pleasure.


Sasha was feeling pretty proud of herself for learning to handle that crazy cat woman. Neeri wasn’t so bad, once she’d learned how to take her endless taunting, learned not to take her so seriously. True, the memory of Neeri’s clever fingers almost stroking her to orgasm would always be embarrassing—and hotly stimulating if she was honest—but Neeri’s view on sex was very different from Sasha’s own. It hadn’t embarrassed
to lick Sasha’s juice from her fingers; she apparently hadn’t even given it another thought.

So Sasha had decided
to try and relax, lay down a few boundaries, and ignore Neeri’s attempts to sexually shock her. Who knew, they might end up friends. She settled outside Ocen’s nook, studying his long body with a curl of her lips. Holy hell, he was delicious, strong and limber, his patterned skin endlessly tempting. And the thick bulges in his suit made her sweat and squirm. She remembered Adin’s astounding three dicks, fine scales gleaming in the light, and let out a dizzy huff of air. If Ocen was built anything like his brother, her future looked pretty bright. Yup, she was feeling pretty good about how things were turning out.

Until a flash of blue and a snarl caught her attention.
She jerked her head around, eyes widening to see Adin pushing Neeri against the wall. Her heart bumped hard in alarm and she almost blurted a warning to Ocen that his brother was getting violent—until Neeri climbed him like a tree, kissing him and writhing against him like a cat in heat. Which Sasha supposed she was.

She looked away, trying not to blush again.
Damn it, the woman kept finding new, uncomfortable ways to broaden Sasha’s horizons. She glanced at the sleeping Ridge with a grimace and a disgruntled sigh. The Lyo was a serious pain in her ass. Working hard to keep her gaze away from the sultry display, Sasha waited for them to break it up.

Instead, Ocen’s brother ripped the clothes from Neeri’s body, tossed her on a recessed bed, and dove between her thighs, eatin
g her out with the ravaging intensity of a plundering pirate, to Neeri’s obvious and loud delight. Sasha stared for a second with her jaw hanging open before she let out a strangled yelp of shock and spun away from the scene.

“Oh my
she whispered. “Ocen, your brother—”

I know,
he grated, his tone so rough and intense that she did a double take. His long muscles were ridged, fists clenched, jaw tight. She couldn’t see his eyes, the pilot helm still lowered.
I am sorry for your discomfort. But you must understand, he is suffering through his first mating burn. I only thank the Stars that Neeri is here to help him.

“First mating burn?” she said shakily, trying to ignore the wet and wild sounds over her shoulder.
The air was filling with the thick smell of sex and lust.

When my kind reaches sexual maturity. It is an insatiable fire.
Much like what I feel for you now, my sayshin.
He groaned, his forked tongue sliding out and flicking slow and tantalizing in the air.
I taste your need, like sweetest honey. Maddening…

She squirmed again, pressing her thighs together to ease the ache between them. Her nipples tightened with teasing flashes of pleasure and she swallowed hard.
“I’m—I do want you, but…”

Sweet Sasha, I too want to go slowly, to build something strong and beautiful with you. But your need is mine, and you have been teased into such a heady desire.
He shifted restlessly on the pilot’s couch, hands flexing and clenching into fists again.

“Y-you’re not mad? That I’m, you know…turned on?” she asked hesitantly.

Lust is natural, sayshin. I am not angry with you. I am only jealous I was not the cause. I so wanted to be the one to touch you, feel your heat and softness, taste the sweetness flowing so freely from your body. Your need tears at me, Sasha. Please, take your pleasure in me.

Sasha quivered all over,
practically whimpering with lust. Just then Neeri cried out extra loud and Sasha glanced over her shoulder before she could stop herself. The sight was insanely inflaming. Neeri lay chest down, spread and writhing, her face flooded with ecstasy, ass lifted to her scaled lover. Adin loomed behind her like a dark god, clawed hands anchoring her hips, his pelvis working with smooth, ruthless, mind-bending strokes, slippery cocks driving in and out of her quaking body.

Sasha’s mind went blank. Next thing she knew, Ocen’s strong hands were lifting her, spreading her like melted chocolate on top of him. He didn’t remove their clothing
, but her flesh was so sensitive she could almost feel every ridge and vein in the bulge he pressed between her thighs. The bolt of pleasure that shot from her clit to her extremities was so hot and hard that she strangled on a squeal.

Take your pleasure,
he said in a breathless tone. Helm pushed up on his forehead, eyes flaring with wild color as he watched her, Ocen thrust his hips and shredded any lingering inhibitions. Bracing her hands on his shoulders, she writhed and pumped and ground herself into a delirious orgasm, then two, then three, feeling Ocen pulse under her, their shouts mingling and eyes locked together in ecstasy. Oh yes, her future was looking very bright indeed.


“The facility has been contained. Would you like me to reacquire them, Director?” the man asked as he watched the Ophidian’s sleek ship flash away.

“Not yet. Mark them
as Phase Two and set a watcher on them. The Lyo is of particular interest. Her behavior has been…unexpected.”

BOOK: Neeri's Need: How to Crash a Party
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