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Authors: Alyssa Brooks

Naughty Tonight

BOOK: Naughty Tonight
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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication




Naughty Tonight


ISBN 9781419923821


Naughty Tonight Copyright © 2009 Alyssa Brooks


Edited by Mary Moran

Cover art by Syneca


Electronic book Publication August 2009


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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

Naughty Tonight

Alyssa Brooks

Trademarks Acknowledgement


The authors acknowledge the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following
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Green Giant: General Mills Marketing, Inc.


Philadelphia Eagles: Philadelphia Eagles LLC

Ravens: Baltimore Ravens, Inc.

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Score one, Kim!
The orange that was supposed to be part of her dinner—as if she could eat now—pitched through the air, across the kitchen, landing in a perfect dunk in a plastic bowl on the counter. The bowl rattled and rolled, mimicking her heart.
Shit, yeah!

Sparks shimmied over her skin and Kim Thomas could barely keep from screaming as the man on the phone rattled off details…details she really should be gluing to memory.
she could think straight.

Seriously, the Eagles! The Eagles, the Eagles, the Eagles!

She’d dreamed…hoped…prayed. Even blew dandelion wishes on it. But never once had she ever dared imagine she’d actually land a full-time paid internship in
major league’s media department.

Holy smokes!
The Eagles!

“So what do you say, Kim?
Ready to join our team?”

Kim opened her mouth with a big fat
…and just then in strutted Jackson.
Tall, lithe and tan in nothing but blue jeans.
Wheat-colored hair still falling in wet waves at his nape from the shower he’d just taken.

She’d have to leave him. Be two hours apart from her best friend in the whole world.

her lover, need she remind herself?

Oh, but how she wished…

A knot crawled into her throat as Jackson crooked an eyebrow and mouthed, “Who’s that?”

Kim turned her back—she had to, lest she lose the words in her throat. “Wow, I’m really flattered and so thrilled. But I didn’t quite expect to hear so soon on this. Today’s Thursday…do you think I can have the weekend to think things over?”

“Sure, sure, you’ve got my number. I’ll look forward to hearing from you.”

Aching inside, Kim thanked her potential new boss and hung up, turning back to Jackson. “That was just some guy wanting to go out.”

If she told him the truth, he’d never let her turn the job down.

But if she could get him to kiss her…to
She’d forget about it in a heartbeat.

“Some guy?
Suddenly, those whiskey eyes burned—she could swear from his demanding tone he was jealous—then just as quickly he averted his gaze. “Hey,
go grab some pizza and beer?”

Four days. She had four days to change everything between them—or decide to move on.

Chapter One


Tonight was it. If it killed her, Kim was making a move.

Now or never.

“Courage,” she commanded. “You can do this.” Arching on tiptoe, she used the small powder room mirror to awkwardly apply a coat of shimmery mauve to her lips, knowing she’d need all the help she could get.

There, almost… Misplaced lipstick edged the rim of her lips and she wiped it into line, stepping back to survey the result.

“Not so bad…” she told herself.

Normally ponytailed, the long golden hair she’d brushed to shining draped freely in waves and huge, petrified brown eyes stared back. Her blouse rode awkwardly on her shoulders, making her yearn for a soft, comfy, broke-in tee rather than this starched straitjacket, which hinted subtly at her cleavage and was far too cotton candy pink.

Pink. She hadn’t worn this color since she was four and her mother forced her into a frilly dress for Easter. Subsequently, she’d covered it in chocolate bunny and green dandruff shampoo that
get out the stain.

Right about now she’d rather be in that dress. At least it covered her chest.

Nerves drumming, Kim tugged the shirt into place then forced an alluring smile. With her blushed cheeks, it came out looking more like a

“Crap.” Maybe she was better off just being her natural, nude-lipped tomboy self…but the thought incited a strangled groan. “As if

Whether she was pretty or not, Jackson was used to trendy divas fresh out of the fashion magazine. Always perfect sluts—ahem, beauties.

Kim, on the other hand, was a whopping five-two, whose greatest claim to dressing up was dark denim, who, up to today, hadn’t applied makeup since her prom a decade ago—which he’d escorted her to.

But she had one thing on her side.

Jackson Hanley had owned her heart for years. And he loved her, at least as a best friend. They did everything side by side…worked together, shared the rent.
Rooted at football games.
Rode four-wheelers at her parents’ farm.
Went rock climbing and out for cheap, late-night fast food and horror movies.
Everything but

Well, she was sick to death of being one of the guys. Sick of him pinching her cheeks and calling her
, as if she were some kid sister. Sick of watching the string of endless women go by—with
man. Sick of him looking at her as if he could consume her…then quickly averting his gaze.

Sick, all the same, at the thought of leaving him.

Philly was two hours away.
Literally a hundred miles.
But this was it.

A long-distance friendship she could handle. But if there was any chance Jackson wanted her, as she suspected, as she
badly wanted him…she
to know. Not just walk away.

Hopefully Jackson took the bait, showed some

Squaring her shoulders, Kim forced herself to exit the bathroom, moving with lead feet back across the waiting room of Design Works to her office where she perched on the edge of the desk.

And now she waited.

Heart thudding a mile a minute, she checked her watch.
“Five of five.”
But Jackson was still with a web customer and there was no telling if he’d run late today or not. If he did, Kim might just crawl under the desk and call it quits.

She was risking a lot.
Her pride.
Their friendship.
If she made a fool of herself, there was no way she could ever look him in the eyes again.

She’d lose him entirely.

Maybe she should just call it quits, accept that job. No humiliation to suffer. They could stay friends, just a hundred miles apart. She’d get over him.

A minute ticked by.
Then another.




Finally, brassy laughter burst through his office door, resounding off the marble floors and brick walls. Out came Jackson with Ms. Veronica Parker dangled on one well-muscled arm. Her jewelry glistened in the light, her curves, accented by a skin-tight teal dress that played up the woman’s gorgeous eyes, made Kim want to die.

,” Jackson crooned in that ready-to-cut-loose, sexy voice of his. “What’d
say we call it a weekend?”

God, she loathed him calling her that.

God, he was too damn gorgeous for her own good.
Or his.

That body, tall and confident with just the right amount of muscles. The way he always kept his wavy hair a tad too long and it fell in disheveled curls at the nape of his neck. That strong, angular jaw and Roman nose and amber-colored eyes that made her melt when he half smiled, tweaking a dimple.

“About time,” she croaked out.
Real smooth.
“You sure make for a boring employer.
Files and phone calls…phone calls and files.

It really wasn’t
boring. After all, she got to be around him all day. But this had never been a permanent situation…
Just her helping Jackson out with his new company and him helping her out with a job to hold her over until she
finished school.
Having to single-handedly support her way through college had set her two years behind Jackson, who luckily—or really, unluckily—had bitter parents vying for his college bills to prove who loved him most. As if money could buy love. Make up for years of mistakes.

But now that she’d graduated top of her class from Maryland’s Notre Dame College—and secretly had an awesome internship to show for it—they both knew now it was time for her to take a real job…

“Don’t know what I’ll do once you’re gone.” As he dropped a file on her desk, Kim didn’t miss the whiskey eyes that darted to her chest then quickly away, as if ashamed. There! See that?
I like having an assistant who can call my sports bets.”

“Yeah, well, speaking of me leaving…”

Jackson’s gaze bolted to hers, those dark golden eyes suddenly aflame.
Burning with dread.
“You got an offer?”

She just couldn’t tell him. Not when he looked at her like that.

She forced a grin.
“Just wanted to spook

Ms. Husband Hunter preened on his arm—so far, not so good—with a glass smile that Kim knew would be shattered in an instant if she knew the real Jackson—Mr. No Commitment.

Only Kim did. Only Kim loved him still because she knew why. The toll his parents’ vicious war they called a divorce had taken on him, his view of love. It’d been awful for him…he’d been used like a pawn.
Constantly cornered into choosing sides.

“Spook me?
Real funny.
Listen, Ms. Parker will have to come back next week, about Thursday, for design approvals.” Of course she would.

Well crap, Kim knew what that meant.

Staring down at the planner, determination waning, Kim bit her tongue against reminding him those proofs could easily be emailed.

“Yeah, okay.”
“Same time?”

BOOK: Naughty Tonight
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