Read Naughty Rendezvous Online

Authors: Lexie Davis

Naughty Rendezvous (2 page)

BOOK: Naughty Rendezvous
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"You feel so damn good, Gracie.” He nuzzled her neck, pressing his lips below her ear.

Chase knew when reality hit, as Grace pushed off from the car, dislodging their bodies before she fixed her clothing. “You won't remember this tomorrow."

He stared, bewildered at her. “Why won't I? I'm not that drunk."

Feeling exposed, he pulled his pants and boxers up, fastening them as he waited for her reply.

"Because, Chase. It didn't happen. We—” she waved a hand between them “—didn't happen."

"Are you crazy?” His mind ached with the alcohol, and the orgasm muddled his thoughts even more.

"Maybe. Possibly. Probably.” She started walking towards her car, and he stepped in stride beside her.

"Gracie,” he started, grabbing her arm.

"No.” She jerked away from him. “It shouldn't have happen. It will
happen again."

Under the harsh outdoor lighting around the bar, Chase stared at her as if she were a figment of his imagination. Her blonde hair hung loosely around her shoulders in small flowing waves. Her lips pouted a soft pink colour from his kisses. Just remembering her mouth on his struck up a hunger inside him, a desire and longing he hadn't felt before—not with the same intensity.

"Gracie, please,” he pleaded, though he didn't know what he asked for.

"Chase, I'll only say this once. I gave you a pity fuck. I felt sorry for you because that damn bitch made you feel two inches tall. I let you use me, but that's all it is, all it will ever be.” Her eyes misted with tears and he ached to pull her against him. “Please don't mention this ever again."

With that, she turned, and he watched her climb inside her car and drive away, leaving him standing alone and even more confused than before.

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Chapter Two

Grace woke up with a blistering headache, though her head wasn't the only thing recalling the previous night. Her pussy clenched with the thought of Chase being inside her, fucking her hard with a cock a god would envy. She shivered, reminded of her moans and final scream as he drove her to the edge of orgasm and then pushed her over. No man had ever made her scream in the middle of pleasure.

Rolling out of bed, she stumbled to the bathroom, used the facilities and stood naked before the mirror. She dreamt of him last night, continuing their escapade until the break of dawn. He caressed every inch of her body with his lips before finally leaning down to lick and play between her legs. And then he switched positions, giving her his cock to suck.

She closed her eyes, remembering how it felt when he touched her. He was surprised she wore no panties and she wasn't about to tell him she took them off in the car outside the bar. Granted, she didn't go looking for sex last night, but didn't want him smelling her arousal on the soaked cotton.

All day her horny body responded to him. One glance her way, or one brief touch and her nipples beaded while her pussy gushed. The damn office felt ninety degrees all the time. She didn't know what she'd do today at work after finally having him. How would she focus?

She sighed before turning to shower. She hadn't bothered bathing last night when she came in, and the faint scent of Chase lingered on her skin. Or was that her imagination? Either way, he smelt delicious and her body heated just thinking about it.

After showering, dressing and pouring a bowl of cereal to eat, she plopped down on the couch looking at her PDA for the itinerary she planned.

First things first, take Chase's suits to the dry cleaner. Honestly with the things he paid her to do you'd think she was his wife. Grace's spoon clattered to floor.
Where had that thought come from?
With a mouth full of Cheerios, she slowly swallowed and set the bowl aside. She didn't need to think about that.

Moving about her usual morning habits, she finally readied herself for work. Grabbing her briefcase, she headed out, stopping to lock the three dead-bolts on her door.

"Good morning, Gracie!” A voice sounded down the hall belonging to none other than her neighbour, Ms. Applebee. “Leaving already?"

Every morning Grace tried to leave before seven to avoid Ms. Applebee and her non-stop train of gossip of the happenings around their apartment building. Not that she didn't like the woman—she liked her very much. But Ms. Applebee talked and didn't stop until forced.

"Yes, Ms. Applebee. I have plenty of work to get done today and not enough time to do it.” Grace stepped past the elderly lady making her way to the elevator.

"Oh, Gracie. That don't work this morning. That Riggen's lady let her kid take those small toys in there and jammed the gears again. Paul hadn't come up to fix it yet."

Grace groaned, not looking forward to the nine flights of stairs she'd have to take in five-inch slip-on stiletto heels. Letting out a pent up breath, she smiled at her neighbour.

"Thanks, Ms. Applebee. I'll see you tonight."

"Anytime, dear. I won't wait up though. Last night you came in a bit late. With a smile on your face no less.” Ms. Applebee's all-knowing smirk explained it all.

"Uh-huh. Have a nice day, Ms. Applebee.” Without waiting for reply, Grace descended the stairs, taking them slowly for fear of falling on her ass. The grey pencil skirt she sported didn't allow much movement in the area of her thighs and her slip-on heels clicked with each step. Why didn't she change before going to work? A simple pair of jeans and a well worn tee would be nice, heaven actually, but strictly not allowed.

Chase liked her little pencil skirts and sexy heels. He complimented her more than once on this particular grey one so she found herself wearing it like it was the only thing she owned.
So junior high school,
she scolded herself.

After last night, Grace could imagine what Chase would think now. She couldn't believe she stuck her ass out for him, encouraging him to fuck her from behind. She'd never remotely done anything more exotic in her sex life than in a bed. Yet this man had her from behind in a parking lot.

Distracted by her thoughts, Grace slipped, tumbling to the bottom of the staircase. It happened so fast she barely had time to comprehend that she landed on her stomach sprawled in the middle of the floor. Pain shot up her leg to her hip, while her ankle throbbed like a bitch. When she turned, she realized two college boys living in 1C stared at her naked behind, drool nearly dripping from their mouths.

"Dammit!” she yelled pushing up from her position. Did they offer to help?
She fixed her skirt, snarling at them over her shoulder, making them recede back into their apartment.

The morning was not going well. Gathering her stuff, she limped out to the front, putting minimal pressure on her ankle. She bit her lip as she waited for the cab, praying to everything holy her ankle wasn't broken. Upon arriving to her office, pain seared up her leg and she cried out, clenching her fists and closing her eyes tight.

"Grace?” The last thing she needed right now was Chase checking up on her.

"Please just leave me alone.” She limped to her desk, wincing with each step she took.

"What happened to your foot?” He stepped inside her office, closing the door behind him. “Why are you limping?"

Narrowing her eyes, she plopped down in the leather office chair, sucking in a breath when she took the weight off her ankle. “I rather not tell you."

Chase rolled his eyes and stepped around her desk to squat at her feet. Before she could protest he lifted her foot, propping it on his thigh. His fingers ran lightly around the swollen purple skin, the heat from his touch more pleasurable than painful.

"It looks like a sprain. You need to put some ice on it, Grace.” One hand clenched her toes while the other continued its soft caresses gently prodding the puffy skin. “I don't think anything's broken though."

"Chase, I really don't need you—"

"Grace, these reports are in—” Madison Reynolds came through the door, stopping when she saw Grace in her office chair and Chase on his knees before her, “—complete. Uh, I'll come back later."

As fast as she'd come, she left, closing the door with a louder than normal thud. Grace groaned and pressed her fingers into her temples. “This can't be happening."

"Grace, I need to talk to you about last night."

"Last night never happened, Chase.” She tried jerking her foot from him, but he held tight, causing her to wince as he forced her to meet his gaze.

"It did, Grace, and we have to talk about it eventually.” His hands slid up her legs to the hem of her skirt then down again, leaving a trail of fire wherever they went. “We didn't use protection."

Oh, God.
Grace swallowed hard, thoughts of some unheard of disease entering her mind. “Tell me you're clean."

"I am. I was worried about pregnancy.” His eyes met hers.

"I'm on the pill.” She finally extracted her ankle from him, turning away. “Though being on the pill doesn't excuse our behaviour. You should have worn a rubber."

He stood, propping his butt on the edge of her desk. “Grace, I—"

"Unless you have business to discuss, I have nothing more to say, Mr. Cooper."

"Fine.” His voice was less than pleasant. “Cancel your plans for today. I need you to go to my house and gather up my things from my ex. It seems she's packed them for me, and I'd really like my belongings."

He turned to leave without another word and Grace gaped at him.

The day couldn't get much worse than this.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Three


Upon arriving at Libby's house, Grace soon found Libby hadn't packed a damn thing of his and expected Grace to do all the work. With an ACE bandage wrapped around her ankle, she took a deep breath, counted to twenty, and began shoving his belongings inside box after box, not really caring what went where.

"Aren't you his assistant?” Libby asked from the doorway. “I've seen you before, and you're not pretty enough to be his new girlfriend. So that means you're his assistant."

Grace bit her tongue. “Yeah, I'm his assistant."

She threw thousand dollar suits into a cheap cardboard box, not bothering to check the insides. She didn't care. She cleaned out his socks, underwear, and tee shirt drawers, making a note to keep an orange one she liked. It was the least he could do since she went through the trouble of packing all his shit for him while his ex-girlfriend watched.

Finally by noon, she finished. Grace loaded up the last of the boxes in the rented moving van and pulled out her cell to call Chase at the office. He picked up on the third ring.

"Where do you want me to take your shit?"

Sweat poured down her face, nearly falling into her eyes. A silk blouse, grey pencil skirt and five-inch heels didn't exactly account for the best moving outfit, in her opinion. She sweated to the point she feared she'd dehydrate. Libby had stood by her the entire time, not lifting a precious manicured nail to give her a hand. The damn bitch hadn't even offered her as much as a glass of water.

"Take it to your place."

Grace's mouth dropped open. “Excuse me? I'm not carting all your shit into my apartment."

"I haven't got anywhere else to stay."

"So? Rent a damn hotel. You've got enough money."

"Grace, I don't have time to discuss this. Just take it to your place and I'll pick it up there.” He hung up before she could protest.

"Fuck!” She slammed her phone closed before throwing it across Libby's front lawn.

She stared at all the shit she dreaded carrying up nine flights of stairs by herself. It didn't matter to him she had a hurt ankle. It didn't matter to him that she had a life.

Pulling the door to the back of the moving van down, she secured it and went on a hunt to find her cell phone. Luckily someone called, making the search easier than it would have been in the freshly mowed grass.


"Gracie, it's your mother."

Grace bit back her groan. “Mom, I'm kinda busy. What do you need?"

"Me and the girls decided to see
on Broadway and we'd like a place to stay. It'll be for one night and we won't get in your way. I know how busy you are trying to please that boss of yours—the one that doesn't appreciate anything you do for him."

Grace climbed in the front seat of the moving van. After turning the key and bringing the engine to life, she reached out to flick on the air conditioner. Nothing.

"Mom, there isn't room at my place for you and your four friends. There's barely room for me.” After manually rolling the windows down, she pulled out into the New York City traffic and came to a complete stop immediately.

"Gracie, it's just one night. I know you can lend us your living room for one night. And you have my word we won't get in your way."

One night? As long as Chase didn't decided to cohabitate, she could spare one night. After all, her mother was coming from Florida. The least she could do was allow her that much, and enjoy the time she was here.

Rubbing her forehead as traffic crept along, Grace approved. “Fine. One night. I'm not sure I'll be home much, but I'll make an effort to spend some time with you."

"Good. When will you be home?"

"Well, I'm on my way there right now, but I'm stuck in traffic. Why? Where are you?” Panic seared Grace's throat as she thought about what her mother would say when she pulled in front of her apartment building in a moving van.

"We're climbing the steps to your place. Ms. Applebee already warned us Paul hadn't fixed the elevators yet. Whew, it's hot."

After Grace disconnected, she tossed the phone in the seat next to her. As if the day couldn't get any worse, she knew for a fact it was about to.

* * * *

By the time five rolled around, Chase still hadn't heard anything from Grace. After he cut her off like that, he wouldn't be surprised if she threw all his belongings in the Hudson River. He got her address from Madison and handed it to his limo driver.

She sure wasn't going to like what he proposed but eventually, maybe, she'd finally talk about last night.

BOOK: Naughty Rendezvous
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