Read Mustard on Top Online

Authors: Wanda Degolier

Mustard on Top (24 page)

BOOK: Mustard on Top
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Ben broke off the kiss and asked, “Can I undress you?”

Wearing the T-shirt and jeans she’d worn while working on the roof, Helen felt grimy. Not the moment she’d envisioned for her next first time. “I need a shower.”

“Then I’ll undress you in the bathroom.” Ben grinned.


He stood, captured her hand in his, and led her toward the bathroom. Helen gaped at the shower as Ben dimmed the lights. Made of marble, the shower was wider and longer than her shower at home, plus there were two showerheads. She caught their reflection in a mirror that ran floor to ceiling taking up an entire wall. In the scant light, they looked like two silhouettes moving in the moonlight.

Fascinated, Helen watched Ben reach for her ponytail. He pulled the band binding it off, and her cascaded over her shoulders and down her back. Ben moved behind her, so he wasn’t blocking her reflection.

He caught her eye in the mirror. “You are lovely,” he whispered and tugged the bottom of her T-shirt up. Helen lifted her arms, and he pulled the T-shirt over her head exposing her white belly and a thick white, grandmother bra. Ben wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her shoulder then looked at her in the mirror and smiled.

“I’m not sure I know what to do,” Helen said.

Ben smiled. “That’s easy, you relax and enjoy.” Ben unclasped her bra. It fell forward onto her shoulders, and he slid it down her arms and onto to the floor. He walked his fingertips back up her arms.

Using one finger from each hand, Ben drew shrinking concentric circles around each breast. Each circle got smaller as he got closer to her nipples. Helen appreciated the sight of Ben’s tanned hands against her light skin, and the slight scratch of his fingertips as they moved closer to her areola. Goosebumps rose on her skin as her desire grew.

Ben kissed the side of her neck, and Helen tilted her head back. A quiet moan escaped her mouth, surprising her. When Ben’s fingertips grazed her nipples, a jolt of energy shot straight to her groin. He gently squeezed the peaks of her breasts sending vibrations across her body. Helen slid her arms back and, grasping his butt, pulled him closer until his erection pressed into the small of her back.

Ben cupped her breasts before gliding his hands down across her belly. He let his fingertips rest at the top of her jeans. “Would you look at you,” he whispered in her ear. Helen opened her eyes as Ben tossed some of her dark hair over one shoulder. Her locks fell over one breast then spread, revealing her taut nipple. “You could be a pinup girl.”

“Be serious.”

“I am.” Ben unbuttoned her jeans then unzipped them. He hooked his thumbs inside the waist of her pants and dragged them down her legs. Had she really worn the waist-high, white, cotton panties with the overstretched elastic?

Ben lifted one of her feet, and Helen leaned into him for support as he pulled her shoe off, her sock off, then tugged her pant leg over her foot. He did the same on the other side leaving her wearing the worn, granny panties. Embarrassed by her underwear, she began pulling them off herself.

“No. No. I get to do it. Undressing you is like opening a present.”

Their gazes met in the mirror. The longing in his eyes, told her he hadn’t noticed the panties at all. Ben took his time working her panties down and off her legs revealing her dark triangle of curly hair. The trend was to clear-cut or at least groom the forest, but without a serious relationship in her life, Helen never took the time.

“If I keep looking at you, we’ll never shower,” Ben said.

He pulled his shirt off. He’d kicked his shoes off, and had his pants unbuttoned, and pushed down before Helen said, “Wait, I get to undress you.”

“Oops.” Ben grinned and pulled up his jeans. Tugging at the pockets, Helen lowered them. Unlike Ben’s sensual removal of her underwear, she was clumsy pulling his boxers over his erection and taking them off.

“Oh man. We’ll never get in the shower.” Ben dragged his attention away from her and started one spigot then the other.

“I can start my own water.”

“No. No.” He shooed her away. After adjusting the temperature on both showerheads, Ben said, “Hop on in.”

The water temperature was perfect. Helen tilted her head back and let the water soak her hair and run down her skin while Ben had taken his place across from her under the other showerhead.

Helen’s gaze traveled Ben’s body to his thick, rigid cock. Her knees went weak, and she heard the sound of her own heavy breathing. Shocked by the force of her lust, she turned and grabbed at a miniature bottle of shampoo, knocking it to the floor.

“Allow me.” Ben picked up the shampoo, and instead of giving it to her, he poured some in his own hand and stepped closer. He held his hands toward her hair. “May I?”

No one other than a hairdresser had ever washed her hair. “I guess.”

“Turn around.” With her back to him, Ben worked the shampoo through her hair to her scalp. He took a step closer and took turns stroking then crunching her locks before weaving his fingers back through to her scalp. His fingers were strong, seductive.

“I think this is the most thorough hair washing I’ve ever had,” Helen cooed.

“Turn for me.”

Rotating, Helen faced him.

Gently lifting handfuls of her hair, Ben held them under the water.

“You have such thick hair.” His tone was appreciative.

A smile curved Helen’s lips, and Ben’s gaze settled on her face.

“Don’t move an inch,” Ben said, lathering a bar of soap between his hands until foam dripped to the shower floor.

“Turn around again.”

“Bossy,” Helen jested as she pivoted so that her back was to him. Ben’s soapy hands glided over her shoulders and down her arms. When his hands retreated, Helen glanced over her shoulder. He was rubbing bar soap between his palms. His warm, slick hands glided down her back to the curve of her rear.

His hands continued their exploration as he slid them across her belly. He stepped closer and the tip of his erection touched her back. His slippery hands caressed her breasts, stomach, and thighs. Helen reached up and back. She found his cheek. A day’s worth of beard growth made it rough. Ben closed the space between them pressing his body against hers.

She slid both her hands around the back of Ben’s neck then entwined her fingers to hold him in a backward semi-hug. Ben cupped her taut breasts, as he kissed her temple. His hot breath brushed her sensitive ears, and a deep ache pooled between her legs. As Ben nibbled her neck, his thumb and finger gently squeezed her erect nipples eliciting an unbidden groan.

Helen leaned in to him then twisted in his arms to face him. Their mouths met, and the kiss exploded into fiery passion. Helen coiled both arms and one leg around him as hot water pelted her.

Ben broke away. Bending over, he twisted the faucets off before sliding an arm under her knees. The other encircled her waist.

“What are you—” Helen screeched as he lifted her, laughing, she flung her arms around his neck.

“Hold on.” He stepped out of the tub and onto the floor taking her with him.

“This carrying me around issue you have is caveman-ish.”

“My woman,” Ben grunted, making her laugh.

He carried her to the bed where he lay her down. Goosebumps rose on her cool, wet skin. “Oooo! It’s cold!”

“Not for long.” Ben moved to the foot of the bed.

Helen considered scampering beneath the blankets when he crawled on the bed and reached for her ankles. When he lifted them onto his shoulders, Helen bit her lip. She had an idea of his plans, and her fragile confidence wavered. Kenny had tried the same a few times with poor results. Helen believed she was at fault.

Ben trailed his tongue up her inner thigh tickling and titillating her, and Helen let out a nervous giggle. His hand snaked between her thighs and his fingertips spread her sensitive folds. Worried she couldn’t respond correctly, Helen tensed.

Ben lowered his face, and the slightest heat warmed the teeniest spot. The dab of titillation was feather light. She focused on the sensation, and it became more intense.
What is he doing?
she wondered and glanced up. Ben’s face was buried between her thighs, and his outstretched tongue jiggled.

His gentle request was nothing like Kenny’s ferocious attacks in the past. He’d overwhelmed her; this was less insistent, more of a gentle invitation. Ben coaxed her into wanting more pressure. She lifted her hips, pressing into Ben’s tongue. He adjusted his position accordingly, obviously intent on continuing the mind-numbing tickle. “Oh.” Helen gyrated, hoping to get more pressure. He sucked her parts into his mouth, “Oh my,” Helen said in shocked pleasure.

When Ben slid a finger inside her and began wiggling it, Helen involuntarily bucked. The crazy ache inside her grew. Ben slid another finger inside as he released her clit. He slid open the folds of her labia before running his tongue over her, and the maddening tingle began anew.

Helen had climaxed precious few times in her life, but was aware that one was building. She only hoped—now she was on the verge of praying—that Ben could continue his perfect assault on her senses, because he seemed to know her body better than she did.

Her whole body tensed as Ben slowly eased her closer to climax. Teetering on the brink, she bucked and jerked as Ben changed the angle of his mouth or fingers.

She needed him to put an end to her mind-numbing ache. “Please,” she managed.

Ben seemed to understand because he increased the pressure with his tongue and his fingers increased in speed. “Oooohhh.” Helen’s body writhed as her orgasm built. She released on a guttural moan as her body quivered in a way she’d never experienced. To her surprise, Ben continued to pulse and suck and lick, extending her orgasm in a way she hadn’t even known possible.

Helen inhaled long, heavy gulps of air. “Oh my.” Ben had stopped wiggling his fingers and flicking his tongue, but he hadn’t changed position. Helen pushed onto her elbows and looked at Ben. “What,” she breathed several times, “are you still doing down there.”



Ben chuckled. “You’ll see.”

The effort of holding her head up proved too great and she dropped back on the bed. Something warm brush across her sensitive vulva. She glanced down. Ben was blowing on her as if she were a birthday candle. She smiled at the pleasant sensation. “You’ve got all sorts of tricks.”

Slowly, Ben urged her body toward the precipice again. Within a few minutes, Helen found herself dizzy with arousal. She repeated “Oh my, oh my.” until the next orgasm hit.

Her clit became supersensitive, and Helen slapped her hand over it. “Stop. No more.” Ben pulled away. Helen heaved and breathlessly intoned, “Oh my. Oh boy. Oh my.” She wished she’d stop repeating herself and dug into her brain looking for something intelligent. “Oh man. Wow. Man.” Feeling goofy, she decided to shut up until oxygen returned to her brain. Her other senses slowly came back. Ben got up, and Helen lolled her head to the side to watch him walk to the bathroom.

She managed to roll onto her side to get a better view. When Ben returned, he leaned over her, giving her a kiss. Helen wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and held him a moment before letting go. She heard the crackle of a wrapper. Deftly, Ben slipped on a condom.

“I should have done that for you.”

“That’s okay.” Ben turned.

Helen smiled, lying on her back as Ben straddled her. His cock, now covered in milk-colored latex, hovered over her belly. Helen reached down and squeezed it.

Ben groaned. “You have no idea what you do to me.”

He lowered until the tip of his penis brushed her folds. She wanted him inside and spread her legs wider. She grasped his hips and pulled until the tip of his penis pushed into her. Ben’s eyes closed, and the corners of his mouth lifted. Helen thought he meant to tease her again. “Ben, please—” Helen bit her lip “—do it!”

“God woman.” His voice was thick as he thrust inside her.

“Yes.” Helen gushed and wondered where this vocal woman had come from. Clutching his hips, she moved with him, meeting his every drive with one of her own. They found a rhythm. Helen built toward another climax.

“Oh my. Oooh my.” Helen reached her pre-climax tremble. Her words morphed into moans and grew louder in tone and volume. She’d never come three times in one night. In a perfect moment, the heavens opened up and blessed her parts. Her core exploded into waves of color and texture that reached up to her vocal cords.

She screamed as Ben growled out his release. Ben jerked with aftershocks. Finally, their breathing slowed, and he flopped next to her on the bed.

“Oh my,” Ben said, and they both laughed.

“I’ve never screamed before, I don’t know what happened tonight.”

Ben rubbed her hip. “You were perfect.”

She rolled into his arms, laying her head on his chest. “I can hear your heart beat.”

“It’s beating in time with yours.”

“Charmer.” Helen slapped his chest.

She didn’t want to fall asleep gooey, besides she had to pee. “I’ll be right back.” She lumbered from the bed and looked back.



“You still have your socks on.”

“Huh?” Ben lifted his leg and chuckled. “See what a distraction you are?” Bending his knee, he stuck his thumb inside one and yanked it off. The wet sock hit the floor with a wet plop. The other sock met the same fate.

When Helen returned, Ben was under the blankets. He held them up inviting her in. She crawled inside and settled into his arms.

“That was amazing,” Ben said. “You are amazing.”

“Get out of town. I laid there like a slug.”

“No. Noooo.”

Helen yawned. “You’re the perfect pillow.”

“That’s not a compliment.”

Helen laughed. “Do you think we should go back home to check on Jeremy?”

“He’s through his withdrawals, he’ll be okay.” Ben’s tone turned serious. “I put the cement block in some sand, so now he can at least pivot. He can reach the toilet and the sink, so I think he’ll be fine. Besides, until we get rid of those flowers, I’m not sure
be safe.”

“Maybe.” Warm and sated, Helen closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.

Chapter 14

Helen blinked awake. The clock radio on the bed stand read 3:41 a.m. For the second time in two days, Helen had awoken with Ben beside her. Light trickled into the room from the bathroom reflecting off the marble floors. It would be a luxury to leave the bed unmade and the sheets unwashed. A respite from real life. Memories of love making flooded Helen’s thoughts. She’d been ignorant about her own body and was grateful to be enlightened.

She tried to fall back to sleep, but her mind refused. The riddle of the cards plagued her. A sleepless half hour had passed before Helen crept from bed, collected her purse, and retreated to the bathroom. She sat on the cold floor wrapped in a towel and took the cards from her purse. After putting them in numerical order, she read:

Forty-five represents the number of seconds it took me to realize I love you. I can see clearly in my mind’s eye, how everything aligned, so that we may be together. The tangled line was simply one more sign. We have been chosen to fulfill a great fate. I have known this time would come for many years. Do not forsake fate, my love. It’s destiny that we be together. Marry me and make my life complete. Seth.

BOOK: Mustard on Top
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