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Authors: Sam Crescent

Moving On (Cape Falls) (5 page)

BOOK: Moving On (Cape Falls)
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Rose nodded not wanting to push her luck. She was grateful to him for taking her away from the mess she’d created for herself.

Chapter Five


An hour later Peter checked on Rose to see if she was asleep. She was curled up in bed, wearing a teddy printed shirt. He moved close to the bed, reaching out to stroke the hair off her face.
She was such a beautiful woman. It was hard to imagine anyone trying to hurt her.

Leaving her alone, he closed her door silently. Heading downstairs he made all the necessary calls. There was no way he was leaving her alone.

Gabriel arrived, and soon after the Steer brothers did. William and Edward arrived last. He hadn’t bothered to call Dean.

“Is there a reason we’re meeting this late?” Paul Steer asked.

“Do you know where Rose Slater is?” Gabriel asked, cutting through Paul’s question.

“She’s upstairs, sleeping.”

The sheriff erupted. “Do you have any fucking clue how much trouble you’re in? Her parents are screaming at a kidnapping case. You could be arrested, Peter, and charged with her kidnapping.”

“They were starving her, Gabriel. She was trapped in her own home, afraid and being forced to eat the smallest amount of food. When I went to see her she was shaking with hunger. If you went to their house they’d hide it. I saw the chains on the cupboard. The bottle of milk was fucking marked so she couldn’t even sneak anything.” Peter stopped.
His anger was getting the better of him. “I helped her. When she wakes up you can ask her yourself. I didn’t kidnap her. I was saving her.”

Edward put a hand on his shoulder.

“Peter didn’t kidnap me,” Rose said. She stood in the doorway with bed-matted blonde hair. He stared at her, struck by how beautiful she looked. Every time he saw her, Peter was always stopped by her kindness. She had the most intense blue eyes he’d ever seen.

“Rose?” Gabriel asked.

“My family were starving me. I don’t want to go back there. I can’t.”

“Your parents are demanding your return,” Gabriel said.

Peter watched her shake her head. “No, Brad is demanding my return. Not my parents. They don’t give a shit about me. I’m not going back.”

He saw the determination in her eyes.

“I’m nineteen. This should be my choice, no one else’s.” She tucked some of her hair behind her ear. Rose looked so young. The setting sun cast a glow over her. The night shirt she was wearing came to above her knees. Her large breasts were pressed against the night shirt, showing hard erect nipples.

Removing his jacket, Peter wrapped it around her shoulders covering her up. Edward cleared his throat turning away. The other men didn’t show any signs of noticing. They all had their own
women to deal with.

“I’ll vouch for Rose. She can work behind the bar at Control to show her independence if that’s what you need,” William said.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Peter pulled her close. She went lax under his touch. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself the pleasure her nearness let him have.

“I’ll tell them you’re safe and you haven’t been kidnapped. Is there any chance you’ll want to talk to them yourself?” Gabriel asked.

“No, I don’t want to talk to them or have anything to do with them.”

Gabriel asked her a few more questions. Peter caressed her stomach, trying his best to offer her the support she needed.

“Go on into the kitchen. I’ll cook you something. I’m going to say bye to my friends.”

Rose nodded, leaving him alone to deal with their wrath.

“I know, I know. I fucked up,” Peter said, staring at William.

“I don’t think you fucked up. None of us know how we’re going to respond when we’re pushed into such a situation. I can see Rose is a submissive
, but she’s young, Peter. I need you to understand that,” William said.

Gabriel and William shook his hand on the way out of the door. Paul and David Steer had been quiet during the whole process. “Call us if you need us,” Paul said.

“You’re planning on moving away, aren’t you?” Peter asked.

“We have no choice. The town refuses to change. It’s getting worse
, and I’m not about to raise a family in a town that won’t get better,” Paul answered, shaking his hand. “We’ll be around some time yet.”

Peter nodded seeing them all out until only Edward remained.

“Take care of her, mate. She looks like she’s been hurt one time too many,” Edward said.

“I will.”

His friend glanced over his shoulder but then left. Frowning, Peter watched them all go.

Turning back into his home, he headed for the kitchen.
Rose was sat down waiting.

“They’re all your friends. The outcasts you talk about?” she asked.

“Yeah, your family have reported that you’ve been kidnapped.”

She handed his jacket back to him. “I didn’t think of putting anything on. I’m not used to men staring at me like that.”

“You’re a desirable woman, Rose. Men are going to want to look at you.”

Rose shook her head. “I don’t see that
, but thank you for saying it anyway.”

Taking her hand in his, Peter caught her chin in his other hand. “I’m not lying to you, Rose. I’m not trying to make you feel better. I’m telling you the truth. I mean what I say.”

“I’m sorry. I’m not used to it.”

He dropped her hands and removed his hand from her face
, but he didn’t leave. Peter couldn’t move away from her.

“What’s the matter?” she asked.

“Stand up.” Peter found himself ordering her without meaning to. He went to open his mouth to speak. The words he was looking for were held back.

She stood up. Her head tilted back looking up at him.

“Are you okay, Peter?”

He didn’t feel okay. Staring down into her beautiful face all he wanted to do was lift her in his arms and carry her up to bed. “Did you want Brad touching you? Being with you?”

“No, I can’t stand him. He makes my skin crawl.”

Reaching out, he pushed some of her hair off her face, stroking her cheek with his knuckles.

“What about me?” he asked. “Did you like my kiss?”

She nodded. “Yes, I loved your kiss. I like it when you touch me.”

He tilted her head back and leaned forward. “Do you want me to kiss you now?” he asked.

“Yes.” Her voice was so soft like a whisper.

“Are you sure?”



Was this really happening? Rose watched his head move
, and seconds later his mouth was on hers. At first the caress of his lips was light, and then something changed. His hands sank into her hair, fisting the strands. Her nipples hardened, and her pussy grew wet with need. She ached all over, and a fire was burning bright.

The kiss Peter had given her in the library had been the only thing to keep her stable
throughout it all. She was weak where it came to him, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. He tilted her head back, exposing her neck, and he plunged his tongue inside her mouth.

She moaned, meeting his tongue with her own.
Her heart pounded inside her chest so hard that she thought it was going to crash out of her chest.

He pressed her against the kitchen counter, holding her in place with his hands in her hair. Rose met his strokes and wished she knew what she was doing.

“Please,” she said, moaning. Peter broke the contact to press kisses down her neck. He sucked on her exposed neck. The night shirt she wore was too big and had fallen down one arm.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said.

She’d never thought herself as beautiful before. In Peter’s arms, she felt it.

“Peter.” H
is name came out as a groan. Nibbling her lip she gasped when he pushed her nightshirt down exposing one of her breasts.

Refusing him was out of the question. She was so turned on
, and she would do everything he asked.

“I shouldn’t be doing this,” he said.

“Please, don’t stop.” She lifted her hands up touching his arms. In all the time they’d known each other they’d never really been together intimately. She couldn’t recall really touching him.

“This isn’t right,” he said. Peter still held her arms
, and her breast was still exposed. His gaze went from her breast to her eyes then back again. She saw the fight he was having.

“This is so right. I’m not afraid with you, Peter. Please, I want you to be my first,” she said.

The instant the words left her lips, Rose felt him withdraw from her. She cursed her own stupidity as he looked at her. He drew her nightshirt back up, gave her one last lingering kiss, and backed away.

He didn’t say a word as he made her a sandwich. She ate in silence aware of his emotional and physical withdrawal.

“I need to go to the club for an hour. Will you be okay by yourself?” he asked.

She wanted to ask why
. Less than a couple of hours ago he’d told her he wouldn’t leave her.

“No problem.”

He gave her a card with several numbers on. “Here is where you can reach us all. Don’t answer the door to anyone. If something happens and you’re scared, call me and I’ll be here.”

Peter hesitated
, and all she wanted to do was go back to what they were doing. Instead, she picked up her sandwich and took a bite, not tasting anything. He left a few minutes later. Closing her eyes, she wished there was something she could do to have stopped him. Finished with her sandwich she started to clear away the dishes. She stood at the kitchen sink, washing the plates and putting away the stuff he’d taken from the fridge. Her heart ached for what she couldn’t have.

The town loved to talk about the outcasts
, and she’d heard a lot of rumours about him. She knew he was a Dom and what a Dom was. They’d also been a lot of talk about his feelings for Dean’s wife. She’d seen Laura Riley around town, and Laura was a beautiful woman.

The sound of the back door unlocking made Rose pause in her tracks. It was like she’d imagined her into appearance. Laura Riley stood removing her coat. “Peter, I’m going to kick your ass if you don’t come here.”

Clearing her throat, Rose gained the other woman’s attention. “I’m sorry, but he’s not here.”

Laura’s gaze turned to her.


“He’s left to go to the club. You’ve just missed him.” Rose turned the tap off. She saw why Peter loved the other woman. There was no way she could compete with Laura.

“I know I should have called, but he’s been avoiding me.” Laura moved forward, offering a hand. “I’m Laura Riley.”

“Rose Slater.” She shook her h
and. Rose wished she could find fault with the other woman, but there was nothing there. Laura looked happy to see her. Her gaze went up and down Rose’s body. Glancing down, Rose remembered she was in a nightshirt. “I’m sorry.”

“No, don’t be sorry. If you’re why Peter’s been avoiding me then I’m happy.”

She shook her head. “I’m not the reason why.”

“I don’t understand,” Laura said. “If you’re not here because of Peter then why are you?”

Heat rose in her cheeks. Rose didn’t know how to explain.

“He’s helping me out of a tricky situation. Nothing is going on with me or with Peter. He doesn’t see me that way.”

She thought about his kiss and his instant withdrawal from her. This woman was why Peter didn’t start anything with anyone else. He was totally in love with Laura Riley. Any hope she had at having a chance with Peter vanished. She saw the affection Laura had for Peter, and they’d been friends for a long time. There was no way for her to fight for a small piece of his heart.

“Well, how did you two meet?” Laura asked, keeping the subject on Peter but changing it slightly.

“We met at the library. I work there. I mean I used to work there.”

Laura smiled. “I remember working in the library. He always sat in the historical section. It was always quiet.”

Rose’s heart broke. Rose had thought he sat there to get some quiet time away from the rest of the library but to also talk to her. He’d probably been in the library hoping to relive memories of his time with Laura.

“Yeah, I forgot about that.” Rose smiled, wishing the pain would swallow her up. She’d been falling for a guy she had no chance with. The more she thought about it, the harder it was for her to handle.

“Come on, tell me some more,” Laura said.

Not wanting to send her away, Rose sat down and talked with the older woman. She answered all her questions
, and each time Laura said something, Rose felt her heart break a little more. She didn’t even know if she’d be able to survive the rest of the night.

Chapter Six


Peter shouldn’t have left her. He sat in one of the private booths watching as Edward worked over a sub
’s ass. The older man knew what he was doing with the leather-bound whip, and all Peter could do was admire his skill. His cock wasn’t rock hard for anything other than the little blonde back at his home.

He shouldn’t have kissed
her. Not only shouldn’t he have kissed her but he also shouldn’t have exposed her glorious full tit for him to see. Now he couldn’t stop thinking about her tits and how they’d taste in his mouth. Downing down the shot of whisky, he relished the burn it made him feel.

The sounds of male and female moans filtered through the air. None of them would sound like Rose when she came. He’d been so close to spreading her out on the counter and feasting from her body. Instead, he’d backed away. Rose was a fucking virgin. He’d never taken a virgin before in all of his life. The subs that came to him had experience. They knew the score and didn’t expect anything from him. Rose hadn’t even been taken by a man
, and he doubted she’d experienced an orgasm.

Edward sat back on the bench looking mighty smug.

“What the fuck are you smiling at?” Peter asked.

mate, I just saw a woman completely lose it, go into sub space, and I helped bring her down. I’ll be taking her to bed tonight, to make sure she doesn’t fall from her high. I’m all in good spirits. What are you doing here when you’ve got a pretty blonde waiting for you at home?” Edward asked, turning the questions on him.

“The blonde is not mine.”
Peter motioned to the waitress for a refill. Edward covered the glass, shaking his head.

“What are you doing?” Peter wasn’t in the mood to be controlled.

“I’m saving you from making a mistake. Alcohol, even in an experienced Dom, can change our focus. You’re not getting drunk on my watch.” Edward held up the bottled watered and motioned for two.

“Nothing is going to happen between Rose and me,” Peter said, grumbling. He never drank to numb the pain. There was a time he’d hoped something would numb it
, but only hard work and determination kept Laura out of his thoughts. Even though, thinking over the last few months, he’d not been constantly plagued by Laura. She wasn’t the first person he thought about, and ever since he’d met Rose, Laura had been the last thing on his mind, if she entered it at all.

“That girl is in love with you, Peter. I saw it in her eyes.”

“You got hard for her,” Peter said.

Edward shook his head. “She’s a beautiful, full
, ripe woman. A single man would be crazy not to get hard for her, but her eyes were on you, Peter. You’re the only person she wanted.”

Peter took the bottled water from the waitress and thanked her. She lingered a little
, but he refused to give her anything in return. He didn’t play with the waiting staff or any of the staff at William’s club. Peter thought about Rose. How was he going to keep his distance if she was working at the club?

“You can’t deny you don’t have feelings for her,” Edward said, drawing him back into a conversation.

“And why can’t I?”

“If you didn’t have feelings for her, Peter, you wouldn’t have taken her away from her parents. You’ve got feelings for her. You’re just trying to hide from them.”

He hated the fact his friend was right. Edward shouldn’t be right about shit like this.

Sipping down the cold water Peter wondered what he was going to do. He couldn’t stand the thought of setting her up alone elsewhere. The last couple of days of not seeing her had driven him crazy. Rose had become part of his life. The library became his one piece of heaven because he was close to her. When that was taken away from him, he’d been lost.

“Rose is a virgin. She’s never been with another man before.”

Edward nodded. “I saw that. Innocence clings to women
, and I can spot them miles away. Rose didn’t have to open her mouth before I saw it. She doesn’t see herself as desirable either. Coming downstairs in that shirt revealed so much about her, Peter. She needs a good Dom and a good man.”

“She’s too young to know what she wants.”

“Yet you settled for being in love with Laura from a young age. You went after her in college, but I recall you saying you felt for her in high school, right? That would put you at eighteen,” Edward said, arguing. “Besides, you don’t need to tie her up and spank her to be a Dom. You can wait for all that. I know you don’t crave it, Peter. You’re an experienced Dom, but it’s not something you need to keep yourself grounded. There is so much more to you than you realise.”

Peter took a long pull on the bottle. He really wished it was whisky. “Have you ever been with a virgin?”

“Yes, I’ve had two virgins in my life.”

Licking his lips, Peter felt embarrassed to be asking such questions. “How do you treat them?”

Edward chuckled. “You start out treating them like bone china. You make sure they know your desire, but you keep it locked away. Never frighten them and always show them how to take care of their bodies. Women have the right to know what to do with themselves more than anything.”

Peter listened. He really wanted to make it work with Rose. He couldn’t give her his heart
, but he could give her a life with him.

“The first time will always be painful. There’s nothing you can do to ease it. Ride the wave, listen to their bodies
, and then let everything else come naturally.” Edward grabbed his hand. “You’re a natural, and you care for Rose. You don’t need instructions on how to care for her.”

Nodding, Peter threw down a bill and turned to leave. “Thank you for discussing this with me.”

“Take care of her, Peter. She’s a keeper.”

Peter waved goodbye and headed back home.


Rose watched as Laura poured another cup of tea. There was a grace to the other woman that Rose knew she was lacking. Laura looked comfortable and confident
in her own skin while Rose felt anything but.

She listened to Laura talk about her marriage and the children. The other woman sounded so happy.

“Did you ever love Peter?” Rose asked.

Laura paused, turning to stare at her.

“I’m sorry. That’s rude.”

“No, it’s not rude at all. I know there’s a lot of gossip around town. You’ve not lived with Peter long have you?” Laura asked, bringing over the two cups.

“This is my first night.” Biting her lip Rose stared at the other woman wondering what she’d make of her words.

ter’s and my relationship goes a long way back. We went to the same high school. We were not really good friends, and I tutored him in high school.” Laura shook her head smiling. “College was when things started to change. It’s crazy when I think back to that time. Dean hadn’t long been in Cape Falls, and I’d already fallen for him. I found out later that Peter had fallen in love with me.”

Rose waited as the woman paused in her story.

“I fell pregnant with Dean’s baby. He’d left, and everything went to hell and back. Peter was always there. I never let it get far. I knew he was in love with me, but I made it clear that my love for Dean would always hold me back.” Laura laughed. “He was going to raise my child as his own.”

“Peter is a good guy.” Rose agreed.

“He’s the best. Peter wasn’t always good. Growing up he was a bully and a jerk. When I see him now, I’m shocked by the transformation inside him. He’s amazing and nothing like the guy I remember from our early years.”

“His love for you hasn’t changed,” Rose said.

Laura sighed. “I can’t speak for his feelings, Rose. I’ve never encouraged him. He’s my best friend, and yes, he’s the person I turn to.” Laura licked her lips. “I thought Dean was cheating on me, but he’d gotten cancer. Peter was there for me and Dean. I don’t know about his feelings anymore.”

“That kind of love doesn’t go away,” Rose said, hurting inside.

“Or it changes without anyone realising it.”

Rose frowned, not understanding the other woman.

“Peter is stubborn. You mean something to him, Rose.”

She wasn’t going to dispute Laura’s words. There was no need to fight what Rose already knew. Peter was in love with Laura
, and that was never going to change.

The sound of the front door opening made Rose pause. She still wore her nightshirt. Peter appeared in the doorway, stopping when he saw Laura. He was soaking wet
, and she finally heard the rain falling outside. His eyes widened, and Rose saw his guard fall into place.

“Laura, what are you doing here?” Peter asked.

His gaze remained rooted on Laura’s face. Rose knew she didn’t stand a chance even if his gaze
looked more shocked than happy by Laura’s appearance.

“She came to see you
, and I’ve taken up too much of your time.” Rose stood, leaving her cup on the table. “It was lovely to meet you, Laura.” She smiled at the other woman and left them alone in the kitchen. Making her way upstairs, Rose left her door partially ajar.

Going to the window she sat down on the sofa in the corner in the room. She watched the rain falling in the dark night. It was still warm. Holding onto her knees she wondered what was happening downstairs. Tears filled her eyes and fell down her cheeks as another wave of pain consumed her. She couldn’t handle the pain. Peter was in love with a woman who she had no chance of competing with.

Laura was a lucky woman to have two men who loved her. All Rose wanted was to have one man love her.

Wiping the tears from her cheeks, Rose stared out of the window wondering what she was going to do with her life.

Staying with Peter for any length of time was out of the question. She couldn’t live with him, knowing he wanted another woman.

Rose watched the rain fall down the windows finding little comfort in the constant
pitter-patter of the rain hitting the windows. Even if she didn’t stay with Peter there was no chance she was going back home.

Brad was dangerous news. There was never any proof of what he did to women. What could she do?

Shaking the fears from her thoughts she allowed herself to relax. Peter wasn’t going to kick her out of his home. She had a few weeks to get her bearings back.


Brad kicked over the television watching it smash. He’d been told by his father that Rose hadn’t been kidnapped. She’d gone with Peter Miller willingly. The fucking bitch was supposed to be his woman. He’d planned everything. Rose was going to be his wife, and she was going to do everything she was told.

“You can have any woman you want, Brad. Rose is not worth this shit,” Adam said.

Tyler was sat on the sofa waiting, and John stood near the door silent.

His plans had fucked up because of that bastard. The tension inside him wouldn’t ease. His wedding night was going to consist of sharing her with all three of his friends. They were all together in their plans. Adam, Tyler
, and John wanted Rose. He’d seen the desire for her on their faces. She’d been the one of the girls they’d left alone. They’d watched her for many years. Her family was part of the old Cape Falls ways. She would follow in her mother’s footsteps doing as she was told.

“I don’t want any other woman. I want Rose. All the other women before her were just sluts,”
Brad said. They’d taken a lot of women in the last few years. Some of the women had tried to make out they’d forced them. All four of them had made sure the women didn’t talk.

“I need another woman.”

John jerked. “You said Stacey was the last time. We’re not doing that again.”

Brad shook his head. “She was going to be the last woman. Rose was going to be ours. Until I get her back, my plans have changed.”

He headed toward the door.

“No, I can’t do that again,” John said. “I won’t.”

Grabbing his friend around the neck, Brad noticed John didn’t look frightened at all.

“We’re in this together no matter what happens. Remember, John, you never went to the cops before now. You’re an accomplice even if you don’t join in the fun.”

He let go of his friend and headed out the door. Rose was going to pay, and until then, he’d find another weak woman afraid of him. The one guarantee in Cape Falls was there were always women who were not heard. The Steer brothers and the fucking outcasts had tried to change that. No one could change it now.

BOOK: Moving On (Cape Falls)
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