Monza (Formula Men #1) (7 page)

BOOK: Monza (Formula Men #1)
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Huh. I somehow doubted that.



My mother’s visit merely shook the teetering edge I was trying to hold on to. I wasn’t feeling any better a few hours later, so I had to succumb to taking my medication once more. The aches and pains I could deal with, but the blinding headache that was pounding my skull needed addressing since it was getting worse. Each sound my ears picked up felt a hundred times louder.

Felicia Constantia di Medici had the audacity to demand such idiotic things from me just because she was the person who gave birth to me. Her main objective was to save us and for the family name not to be tainted by bad press. Regardless, I wasn’t a child she could simply boss around and have cater to her whims and wishes. I had lived with my fair share of wanting to please my mother, but I had later realized that she was never going to be satisfied. She would forever demand whatever she needed to suit her purpose. There was no winning with her; I had long ago admitted that fact.

With an intrusive mother, my father actually was the polar opposite. Gianni di Medici was a reasonably fair man. He didn’t necessarily intrude into my personal business unless it was critical. We had a good relationship, but it was one that wouldn’t be considered close.

Not one single person I knew at the moment seemed to have any qualms about me being in bad shape. Even my best friends, Jacques and Andrès, had advised that I should seek help. I felt betrayed by everyone. I had no one—not a damn soul—who would simply be there without having to judge my actions. It was a saddening thought. It wasn’t so long ago where the three of us were thick as thieves. But I suppose, as we got older, things were truly shifting to place where we were gradually drifting apart.

Based on the negative spotlight on me as of late, I was actually wondering why FIA hadn’t called yet for my suspension. I had been fielding calls left and right from friends and acquaintances to media outlets, vying to get a word out of me. There were heavy speculations about my drinking and that there was a “reliable source” from the hospital that confirmed I had alcohol in my system during the time of the crash.

Sighing, I checked the time to see how long it had been since I had taken the pills. It had been five minutes of waiting for the medicine to relieve the pain. I was getting frustrated when it didn’t do anything, so I decided to sleep it off.


The sun’s going to be out soon,” she happily observed as she looked up, admiring the beautiful, contrasting colors of the first signs of the dawn breaking into morning. She released a whimsical sigh before pressing her breasts against my chest.

We were on the hill in my family’s orchard where we had spent the night on a blanket underneath the lemon tree, surrounded by the invigorating, romantic scents of lavender and roses.

I knew it had only been a few days, and this was the first time we’d had sex, but I had never felt this peaceful state. It was refreshing, exciting to be with a woman who didn’t irritate me. Not only that, but her cute, quirky attitude and filthy mouth made her even more endearing. And after dealing with my mother’s pestering about taking on a wife from her meticulously selected roster, I knew I had to get her away…away from the chaos that was my life. There was no better place to take her on a short trip but here…to the place where I would gather my thoughts—my sanctuary—a place where I never brought any woman before until this very instance.

Faintly brushing her soft strands with my fingertips, I took in the simplicity of our setting and how right it felt to be cuddling with a woman, something I rarely did. I couldn’t even recall when the last time had been, if ever.

There was just something about her that simply enthralled me and kept me from being able to take my eyes off her, which was unnerving to say the least. The women I typically dated were vain, haughty, snobby women, so being with Kimberly was a nice surprise. It was a true novelty to be able to enjoy a woman’s company without having my credit cards being beaten to death by endless shopping sprees. That type of lifestyle, of course, was what I had grown up with, so seeing how much women spent on clothes and other frivolous purchases was my normal.

This, though? How could I fully describe it without sounding ludicrous? This thing with her was singularly beautiful in the most unconventional way. I felt as if something had lit and revived the dying embers of my soul, torching my entire previous existence before I was reborn.

She came into my life and completely changed me forever.

It was profound, yet I was still wary about the rest of the details: the commitment, the expectations, and all that entailed being in an exclusive relationship. I was weighing things out.

Apart from having a beautiful family orchard, what else can you tell me about you? What do you like to do?” she broke into my thoughts, eyeing me expectantly. “You don’t look like a man fresh out of college, so I’m wondering what you do for a living, if you don’t mind me asking.”

What I did for a living? A part of me ought to have found it laughable. She was so innocent and naïve, and I, the blasted man I was, wanted to enjoy the rarity longer before I told her the truth. For now, I could happily play along to satisfy her curiosity.

I’m a driver of sorts, amongst other things.”

Oh, like a transporter? I hope you’re not a drug dealer or any of that bad stuff.”

I frowned from her odd guess. “What makes you think that?”

It was just a random thought, you know, since I love watching movies and all that. It’s quite a common trend these days.”

Well, I’m not doing anything illegal, so that should put your worries away.”

I hesitated a moment, contemplating if I should tell her who I was. However, just as I was weighing it out, she shifted about enough to fully expose her supple breasts. From that moment on, I concluded that I was done talking and in dire need of action.

That’s enough talking. I need you again, cara mia.”

Again?” She feigned shock, making me grin like an idiot. “You’re an insatiable man, Luca.”

Oh, she had no idea what she had gotten herself into. “You’re in for some wet and wild fun, guaranteed.”

You’re so arrogant sometimes. I’m surprised I find it so fucking hot and sexy. It turns me on so bad.”

I want to kiss you all over,” I seductively whispered as I watched her with hooded eyes.

She blushed from head to foot, seductively biting her lip, looking like a true temptress and pure innocence at the same time.

You take my breath away,” I murmured, feeling as though I had won the lottery. To me, she was truly unique and beautiful in every sense of the word.

Leaning over the beautiful, smooth planes of her body, my eyes devoured her, hungry for another round of amazing fucking. Pushing her thighs apart, I heard her gasp as I gradually moved south, situating myself between her legs, breathing in nirvana, the beautiful smell of sweet cunt, wet and succulent against my mouth, my lips. Using my bottom lip, I brushed it alongside her smooth labia, endlessly teasing it until I felt her pussy getting wetter and wetter at the sweet torture.

I moved up her body, resting myself over her. My cock rubbed against her wet, velvety pussy, surging pleasures through me that reminded me of electrical currents running all over, rousing my sensitized body with invigorating aftershocks.

Luca,” she moaned as I felt her nails dig into my skin.

I hissed from the tiny spurt of pain and pleasure it provided my body. I gently guided my dick to her tight entrance before I slowly eased my way in, motioning my hips in small, steady thrusts until I felt her slippery essence coat my cock, inviting me in, craving for more.

Loving the brilliant feel of her, I bottomed out my cock inside of her. My lips were rounded about her breast, honing in on her rosy nipple, before I took a feral bite, making her gasp and clench her vaginal walls, tightening around my already constricted shaft. A man could only last so long before he was ready to go ballistic, desperate for release.

Feverishly wild, I used my teeth on her breast while my other hand lifted her hips as I drove into her cunt like it was my only way out in life, as if it was my heaven, my salvation, and my redemption all in one.

It felt sacred, feral, and timeless. Most of all, it truly felt sublime.


Waking up from that vivid dream was not only unsettling, it also felt as if I had been transported back in time, profoundly feeling that unique kind of elation, connecting to another person like I had never had before, except when I was behind the wheel. That could be the very reason behind the obsession.

There was only one person in this world who would put a stop to the nonsensical madness that was wreaking havoc with my livelihood. Even though it was one in the morning, I knew I had to see her.

Fuel surged into my blood, electrifying me with adrenaline as I jumped into the shower then changed into my worn out, black, distressed jeans and a black V-neck shirt.

Sliding inside my Maserati GranTurismo, I hastily started the engine, stepped on the gas pedal, and then gunned the super sports car out of my driveway. Remembering ever detail in the file that Gino handed me, I didn’t hesitate driving towards her new home in Via Margutta.

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do once I got to her place. All I knew was that I needed more answers, because what she had supplied wasn’t enough, far from it, actually. Besides, I was dying just to be near her, to feel her presence. At this pivotal point, I would seriously be happy to take whatever crumbs she was willing to give me.

Lost in my own world of dreams, it barely registered that I had actually arrived at my destination until I practically flew past the house. I briskly glanced at the house number before the sinking feeling began in my stomach once more. It seemed it was a common occurrence whenever
was part of the equation.

Cazzo Madre di Dio, get a fucking hold of yourself!” I muttered under my breath as I gripped the wheel, watching as my knuckles turned white.

There was a high chance her husband was going to answer the door. What was my plan once that happened? I would most likely knock him out so I could speak to his wife uninterrupted. If I did that, it would undoubtedly upset Kim, which was the last thing I wanted. Given her condition, I should act a little delicately around her and not like some brooding bastard who was too wounded to see the bigger picture.

What exactly was the bigger picture, though?

I was soon to find that out.

Sliding out of the car, I ground my teeth together as I strode up the small, uphill driveway. Once I reached the door, I sporadically buzzed the doorbell while my knuckle rapped at the door. I was prepared to see Anton Gallo, but I was surprised that it was actually Kimberly who opened it.

Shit, Luca, can you quit that before you wake up Anton!” Obviously stunned to see me, her face was contorted into a cute frown as she noted my overall appearance, scars and all. Her eyes were glued to the small, bandaged side of my hairline.

How’d you know it was me? You can’t just open the door without asking who it is first.” She was too trusting. Even though Rome and this affluent side of town wasn’t known for crime, it didn’t mean a thing. Obviously corruption was everywhere, and no city was an exception.

She opened her mouth to say something then paused for a second, hesitating, before she spoke again. “It was the sound of your car. I still remember it.”

Dio mio
. She still managed to leave me breathless.

Her demeanor wasn’t welcoming, though it wasn’t hostile, either. Should I take that as a good sign? Assuming this might be premature.

I took a chance and tried to match her yielding gaze, but I was too nervous to do so. Instead, I tried to look anywhere but at her, which would be a mistake, because she was donning a black, silk robe that had a good view of her cleavage. While I tried to avoid her gaze, I was left staring boldly at her neck, which helped little with my tensed state.

Where’s your husband?” I casually asked, shifting from foot to foot, all the while wondering if she was going to invite me inside. It was highly unlikely, given the awkward situation.

He’s asleep. He has a sleeping problem, so he takes a pill before he goes to bed. That’s why he wasn’t here to greet you,
.” She paused, looking concerned as she watched me intently.

BOOK: Monza (Formula Men #1)
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