Monroe, Melody S. - Deception Fantasy [Fantasy Resort 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (3 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Melody S. - Deception Fantasy [Fantasy Resort 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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She wasn’t sure if he was talking about their efforts or hers, but before she could figure it out, Trace scooted to the end of the bed, elbowed Jack out of the way, and leaned over her. He sucked hard on her swollen pussy as he spread her legs to the max. Her nipples still tingled from where he’d pleasured her. Trace’s tongue raced all over her opening, and she could have sworn liquid seeped out of her. He moved quicker than Jack, but she liked it just the same.

“I’d give it a rating of three on a scale of one to ten.” How she kept her voice even, she didn’t know.

Trace took a break and looked up. He shook his head. “Well, sugar, I have to say I’m stumped.”

The bulge in his pants seemed more pronounced than when he started. While her ego was stroked to know they were turned on, she couldn’t bring herself to tell them how much they’d almost made her weep for joy.

“Maybe I’ll be in a better mood tomorrow.” She waved her hands and wiggled her feet. “Would you mind untying me?”

Both glanced at each other and had her free in a few seconds. She desperately wanted to close her thighs and cover her too-large tits, but she didn’t want to show them how much they’d put her out of her sexual comfort zone.

Trace’s jaw hardened. “You are a very bad girl for holding back, you know.”

“Me?” Because she didn’t swoon like every other woman?

Trace returned to the head of the bed and pulled her over his thighs, facedown. No way was he going to spank her.

She wiggled, trying to get away. She failed. The first smack came quickly. “Ouch.” She wasn’t acting this time.

“That’s right. It should hurt. You are such a tease.”

What could she say? She had been. He spanked her again and heat spread over her ass. The quick shot of pain somehow turned erotic. Another slap came and her damned pussy moistened even more. Why was this happening?

“Jack,” Trace said. “Hold open her thighs.”

What? She tried to hold her legs together, but Jack moved behind her too fast. He grabbed her thighs high and spread apart her legs. The AC clicked on and blew over her wet pussy, lighting up her lower half. The next slap sent the heat straight to her pussy. How could she like being punished?

Two more slaps were followed by Jack’s tongue on her clit. She clenched her butt, the thrill so intense.

“Your ass is so red, darlin’. You are too sweet. I could eat you for hours.”

Trace laughed. “What you really want to do is make love to that apple-cheeked ass of hers.”

This time her intake of breath was audible. They wouldn’t dare. Dave had begged her to have sex that way, but she’d always said no. Good girls didn’t do that.

“You got that right, but we have to warm her up first.” He ran a thumb around the outside ring of that tight muscle.

“No. Please don’t.”

The pressure from his thumb disappeared. “I’ll stop for now, but I promise you, you’ll be begging me for it.”

That was never going to happen, though the thought of his big cock inside her, filling her to the max, excited her.

“You like it better this way, darlin’?” Jack plunged two thick fingers inside her then pulled them out before she was ready. “Hey, Trace. Diana has really been holding back. She’s wetter than a flower after a heavy shower. I’m thinking she likes being punished.” He patted her butt. “I’m betting she’s going to like the sex toys we have for her, too.”

“Oh, yeah,” Trace said. She imagined he was grinning. Damn him. A hard smack followed, and her thoughts raced to what Jack had suggested.

Instead of another smack, Trace lifted her up and sat her on the bed. “Tomorrow, darlin’. Be ready bright and early. We’ll come up with something for you, we promise. We want you to dream of having something really big snuggled up your pussy and in your back door.” He winked.

Though they looked like they knew it was only a matter of time before they succeeded, she almost felt sorry for them. If they knew who they’d been dealing with, they’d probably throw up. She convinced herself she’d saved them from the humiliation.

As soon as the door closed, she raced off the bed and drew on her robe. My God, nothing like this had ever happened to her. She ran over to the phone and called the front desk.

“Sharon speaking.”

“Sharon, this is Diana. Is it possible for me to change my fantasy?”

Chapter Three

Diana awoke early, her night tumultuous. Her body thrummed from all the touching, and her imagination had gone wild, leaving little time for sleep. Guilt assaulted her for even imagining making love to two men at the same time, but the way Jack acted when he mentioned having a ménage told her that would be his fantasy. She had to admit, the more she thought about it, the most tantalizing it became. Then again, sex was forbidden. Surely, no one would fault her for using her imagination.

After pondering their actions all night, she had to admit, both men were more mature than when they were seniors in high school. Back then, they were the cool jocks, very smart, but did as little work as possible off the field. Their big goal, besides winning games, was seeing how many of the cheerleaders they could have sex with. She didn’t recall either of them actually dating any one girl for long, but going through a string of women, one after the other. Their motto must have been “get in quick and leave just as fast.” These were the kind of men she always fell for. The ones no one could keep.

What bothered her about this whole situation was whether she should be holding this hang-up of hers against these guys after such a long time. They probably had changed, despite the fact they were working at a place focused solely on sex. If she were fair, she’d have to say they never had been mean to her on purpose. The fact both had asked her to write their English papers at one time still rankled. She’d jeopardized her chance at an Ivy League education to help them. They both earned As on the papers, but did they do more than thank her? No. They smiled, said she was the best, and then ignored her when they passed her in the hall.

She was young and foolish, but no more. Trace and Jack represented all the hurt heaped on her growing up, and teaching them a lesson might be the best thing for them. Okay, it might be cathartic for her, too.

She’d worried enough about them and she needed a good workout to get her head on straight. A swim would help exorcise them from her mind.

After eating a nice breakfast outside, she dove in and swam over to a chained-off lane to do laps. The water was warmer than she was used to in Flagstaff, but it was still refreshing. Only two others shared the large, Olympic-size pool. She stroked hard and fast to the end, then did a precise tuck and roll before heading back the other end. After twenty laps, she treaded water on one end, her elbows resting on the pool’s edge, while she caught her breath.

Another two dozen people were either in lounge chairs to catch the day’s rays, eating, or socializing. Most of the tables were taken up with one woman meeting two or more men. She couldn’t imagine being tempted by three men. She had her hands full with her duo.

A chair scraped then clanged on the Kool Deck at the far end of the pool, and a plastic glass bounced and pinged. “Shit.”

A woman, about forty and rather plump, must have tripped, sending her drink to the ground. She stood there staring at the spilled drink. Before Diana could get out of the deep end and help, Trace and Jack ran over. They must have arrived when she had her face in the water, doing her laps.

Trace picked up the downed chair while Jack seemed to be consoling the woman. Wow. That wouldn’t have happened a few years ago.

Not wanting to be noticed, she ducked under the water and held her breath, trying to sort out her conflicting thoughts. When she emerged, the woman was seated and apparently mollified. That was nice of them to come to her rescue.

High heels clacked toward them. “Trace and Jack. Yoo-hoo.” Some early-twenties redhead who possessed big boobs, a small waist, and legs longer than hers came out of the side door and waved to them. The men met her halfway. She had to be five-ten, even though Trace and Jack towered over her.

The beauty queen greeted them and laughed, and then they laughed.

It made Diana want to puke.

Trace reached out and grabbed the woman to his chest. An ugly sickness attacked Diana’s belly, which she refused to call jealousy, but it was the same feeling she had when these two tried to pick up the popular girls in school. Didn’t they see the woman only wanted them for their bodies? Okay, she wanted them for their bodies, too, but at least she thought they had something of merit to say. Or was she rationalizing again? Was she making excuses as to why these two seemed to want this girl instead of her?

She thought back to their time together. When they weren’t being typical high school boys, Jack, late in his junior year, had talked about wanting to fight world hunger, but she wasn’t sure if that was a ploy to make him sound like he had more to offer a college than his skill as a wide receiver. His grades had never been great. She’d heard he came from money, something to do with ranching, but he never talked about horses or cattle, so she’d chalked it up to rumor.

Trace had always been more aggressive than Jack and often was the first to get in a girl’s pants, even if he and Jack were vying for the same women. Often the girls would tire of him quickly, or so she’d heard. She figured it was the fact Trace came from a family who told him to suck it up and offered no sympathy, even when he’d cracked his ribs during a game. Not being surrounded by love had to affect a person growing up. His family was also poor, which might be why Trace spoke of running his own business one day. Guess that never panned out either.

The image of Trace alone by his locker, staring off into space, formed in her mind’s eye. At times, he wore the saddest expression. Diana had contemplated asking if he needed a hug, but she never had the courage. The rebuff would have been too much.

The woman’s lilting laugh drew her attention back to the threesome. Now the woman had her arms around Jack’s neck and was planting a big kiss on him. From the way his hands crawled over her back, he liked the attention. Well, damn. And here she thought he might be attracted to her.

The woman pulled away, reached out and squeezed Trace’s balls, smiled, and sashayed away. They laughed. Instead of going back to their conversation, they faced the direction the redhead had taken and watched her. Diana’s blood pressure rose. Hadn’t she hired them for five days to think only of her? Shit. Duped again.

* * * *

Jack leaned over to Trace and cut the mental line to Charlene. “She doesn’t compare to Diana, does she?”

“You got that fucking right. All she wants is to get into our pants. But after yesterday, I’m tempted to do her just to get rid of my blue balls.” He adjusted his crotch. “We can’t get near Diana for a lot of reasons.”

They’d both spent the night drinking, trying to figure out what to do with the sexy siren who’d turned their job on its end.

Jack nodded over Trace’s back. “Uh-oh. Look who’s coming our way. It’s Sharon.”

“Shit. I hope she isn’t here to lodge a complaint from our vixen.”

“We did exactly what Diana asked.” Though from the way she dismissed them yesterday they must have disappointed her in some way.

Trace shrugged. “I know, but there was something reserved about her. It was like she wanted to let go but couldn’t.”

“I liked that about her. There’s so much we could teach her. I think we could make a positive impact on her life if only she’d let us.”

The click of Sharon’s heels halted their conversation.

“Hi, boys. I got a call from your client.”

Her name’s Diana.
“She has a complaint?” Jack’s gut soured.

“No, but she wants to change her fantasy.”

BOOK: Monroe, Melody S. - Deception Fantasy [Fantasy Resort 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
5.86Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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