Monroe, Marla - The Ranchers Take a Wife [Men of Space Station One #1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (3 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - The Ranchers Take a Wife [Men of Space Station One #1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Maybe she needed to stake her claim sooner rather than later. She just wasn’t sure she’d met everyone she might be interested in yet. It weighed heavily on her mind all during the meeting and after they had left for the day. She wondered if they would be back the next day and if they would seek her out or look for someone else to talk to.

She had a restless night and decided if they approached her again the next day, she would claim them. She knew she had made the right decision after her sensual dreams during the night.

They’d come to her after having been in the field all day, all hot and sweaty. She hadn’t minded. All that mattered was that they came to her. She’d slowly removed their shirts, rubbing her hands all over their shoulders, licking their salty chests, paying particular attention to their nipples. She was delighted to find out they enjoyed their nipples licked and sucked. So many men didn’t.

She sank to her knees and unfastened their jeans. She pulled out their impressive cocks and squeezed them until drops of pre-cum appeared in the slits of the dicks. She licked first one, then the other. Their tastes were different. She’d be able to tell them apart even if they blindfolded her. Phillip’s tasted tangy like a ripe orange. Cam’s was more like a salted apple. Obviously their talk of fruit had bled over into her dream.

She licked up and down each dick, then took first one into her mouth to suck at the head, then the other. She nibbled underneath the mushroom cap and then sucked them down to where her hand held them.

They each held her head as they fucked her mouth. She didn’t mind. They didn’t choke her, though they did encourage her to take more of them. She complied, following their directions to relax her throat and breathe through her nose.

Soon they were pumping their cocks in and out of her mouth. First one, then the other, filled her mouth until they came deep in her throat. She swallowed all of their cum, then licked them clean. They pulled her to her feet and each thoroughly kissed her, unmindful of their cum in her mouth.

Lacy was totally aroused when she had awakened from the dream and had masturbated with their names on her lips. Her fingers had brought her to completion but hadn’t satisfied her. She knew of only two men who could do that.

They pulled into town that morning, but when she walked out with the other women to go to the cafeteria for breakfast, they paired up with a couple of other women who’d shown interest in them. She couldn’t help the hurt that filled her heart. She knew better. They had to give everyone who showed an interest in them a chance, but it stung her pride, and she almost turned around and went back to the dorm. She wasn’t hungry anymore anyway.

Instead, she made herself attend breakfast and sat with a small group of women and talked with them. She forced herself to ignore Cam and Phillip and tried to tune out their voices. Still, she could hear them asking the other women about farming and what they liked to do. Maybe they didn’t want someone who was into farming. Maybe they wanted someone who liked other things.

She couldn’t be someone she wasn’t, even for them. Sooner or later, she’d revert back to who she really was and then they would all be miserable.

After breakfast, she returned to the dorm, not having any interest in any other men who were there. There was no reason to flirt with them when she wasn’t interested. It would just get their hopes up if they were attracted to her. She wouldn’t do that to anyone.

She skipped lunch and took a nap instead. Around two thirty, someone knocked on her door. She frowned and wondered who it could be. Maybe one of the other girls needed to talk. She opened the door and was surprised to see Phillip and Cam.

“Hey, we didn’t see you after breakfast and worried that you weren’t feeling well,” Phillip said.

“I had a bit of a headache, so I thought I would stay inside today.” It wasn’t much of a fib. She did have a slight headache, but it hadn’t appeared until she’d gotten back to her room.

“I’m sorry. Is it any better? They have a pharmacy here if you want us to pick you up something,” Cam offered.

“Oh, thank you so much, but it’s better. I had painkillers with me.” She wasn’t sure what to do. Should she invite them in or just stand there at the door talking to them?

“Um, would you like to come in for a while?” she asked.

“If you’re sure you’re feeling better,” Phillip said.

“Yes, I’m feeling much better. Come on in and have a seat.” She took the chair, leaving the bed for them.

“We’re going to be busy tomorrow and will not be able to come in, but we should be back the next day,” Cam told her.

“What do you have tomorrow, if it’s not too forward to ask?”

“It’s supposed to rain tomorrow according to the signs. We don’t really have a weather predictor here so we rely on signs we’ve seen over and over to predict the weather,” Cam explained.

“So, with it supposed to rain, we need to move the irrigation equipment and put out some fertilizer,” Phillip finished.

“Okay, so I should expect it to be rainy tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know,” she teased.

“You can just about count on it,” Cam assured her.

“Have you all decided on who you would like as your wife?” Lacy couldn’t believe she had just asked them that question.

“We’ve met a few women who seem nice enough. Most of them aren’t really suited for us, though. Have you made up your mind?” Phillip asked.

Chapter Three

Lacy swallowed and felt the nervous butterflies doing flybys in her stomach. She’d been so sure on waking up, but they’d been talking to other women today. Still they’d come by to check on her. What did she say?

“Yes, but I guess I need to know how they feel about me.”

“I know how we feel,” Phillip said.

“How is that?”

“You’re perfect for us. We like your personality, your body, and how you think.” Phillip reached out and touched her cheek.

“What about you, Cam? You haven’t said anything.” Lacy watched his facial expressions change.

“I’m not much on words,” he said.

He leaned in and wrapped his big hand around the back of her head and pulled her in for a kiss. He leaned down and took her mouth, nibbling at her lips before running his tongue along the seam of her mouth in a plea to let him in. She complied and opened to him. He plunged his tongue between her lips and licked along the roof of her mouth then slid his tongue sensually along hers.

When he pulled back, she very nearly followed him. His kisses were addicting.

“Is that answer enough?” he asked with an amused smile.

She realized he had a dry sense of humor. She almost stuck her tongue out at him, but how juvenile was that? Instead she ran her hand over Phillip’s lips and reached up to kiss him. She didn’t linger. Instead she backed up a step.

“I’ve made my choice. It’s the two of you.” There, she’d said it.

Phillip laughed and picked her up and swung her around.

“I take it you’re happy,” she said with a laugh.

“Very much so.”

Cam hugged her and got right down to business.

“We need to make arrangements for the ceremony. You need to pack all your things again. We’ll take you home as soon as the ceremony is over with.”

“Okay, I’ll be ready. Am I supposed to do anything for this ceremony?”

“No, other than be there when it is set.” Phillip grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

“I’ll let you know when it will be. We’ll go over there day after tomorrow and set it all up.” Cam ran a finger down her arm.

“Goodness. I forgot you wouldn’t be here tomorrow. Should I go and set it up?”

“No. That’s our duty, and besides, I don’t want you going into town alone. There are a number of animals here that aren’t friendly.” Cam shook his head.

“Oh, they didn’t tell us about the natural wildlife. You’ll have to teach me,” she said.

“Don’t worry. We’ll teach all you need to know once you’re home with us,” Phillip said in a soft voice.

Lacy shivered. That sounded like there was some things sexually she might not have been expecting. For once, she was nervous about her decision. Had she bitten off more than she could chew? What could they want sexually that she wasn’t prepared for? She knew there would be anal sex. She’d been prepared for that by the instructors when they’d been selected for the mission. Maybe they were dominant and would expect her to be very submissive in bed. She could do that.

She licked her lips and bit her lower one. The unknown was something she had never done well with. She liked to know what to expect and be ready for it. She very nearly asked Phillip what he meant by that, but refrained.

“We better go now. I don’t want to wear you out since you had a headache earlier. We’ll talk to you day after tomorrow once we have things set up,” Cam assured her.

“I’ll be watching for you. I’ll have things pretty much packed tomorrow.”

She saw them out and watched them leave the building. Now that she’d made her choice known to them, she was nervous about it. They were big men. They could easily overpower her. Somehow, she couldn’t see them abusing her. They were much too nice and had shown no indication of anger or aggravation around her.

Lacy sighed and turned to look over the room. She hadn’t spent that many days in it, but was suddenly a little nostalgic about leaving it. It was her first home on the alien planet. She’d felt safe here. She hoped she would feel safe in her new home.

Supper came and she hurried over to eat and get back to shower and go to bed. She wanted to be up bright and early to begin packing up her things.

When she arrived, there were several women discussing her men. She smiled and told them they were off the market.

“I claimed them this afternoon,” she told them.

“You’re kidding. They were flirting with us,” one of the women said.

“They were being polite,” she said.

“I don’t call kissing me just being polite,” one of the women boasted.

Although Lacy’s heart hurt at the revelation, she smiled and shrugged.

“Still, I claimed them. They’re mine.”

“Even after they kissed me? You would take them knowing they’d flirted with me, and asked me how I would like living with them?”

“Like I said. I made up my mind and I claimed them. I’m sorry you’re disappointed but there are thirty-eight other men to choose from.” Lacy swallowed hard around the lump in her throat.

The other woman grumbled and all but stomped off. She hated that the other woman was upset, but she’d chosen, and that was that. She wouldn’t go back on her word now. Even though she worried she might have made a mistake after all.

* * * *

Phillip and Cam hurried home. They would have just enough time before dark to move out a couple of the irrigation lines to get a head start on them tomorrow.

Phillip was excited over the fact that Lacy had chosen them. Now he felt guilty about kissing the other woman, but Cam had kissed her first, and he felt obligated to kiss her after he did. He wasn’t sure what Cam was thinking. They hadn’t really been that into her at first.

“Why did you kiss Rachel, Cam?” he asked when they’d returned to the house an hour later.

“I wanted to see how it felt. Plus, I wasn’t sure Lacy was going to choose us anyway. I wanted to have options.” He obviously wasn’t going to apologize for it.

“I feel guilty now,” Phillip admitted.

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - The Ranchers Take a Wife [Men of Space Station One #1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
11.2Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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