Read moan for uncle 6 Online

Authors: Terry Towers

moan for uncle 6 (2 page)

BOOK: moan for uncle 6
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London. Vegas. Paris. Cancún - I don't care. You choose."

Nikki's jaw dropped. "I have no idea."

"We can pack some bags when we get home and grab the first flight anywhere exciting that has availability."

"This is crazy."

He lowered his lips to hers and softly ghosted them. "I'm crazy in love with you," he whispered against her lips. "Everything has been so stressful. Maybe running away from all of this craziness is what we both need. No drama. No fuss.
Just you and me."

Nikki reached up and touched his cheek, staring deep into his eyes. He hadn't shaved for a couple of days so he had slightly rough stubble that gave him a rugged, dangerous look. He was such a handsome man he took her breath away, but he'd been looking weary lately and it concerned her.

She knew he worried about her night terrors and stayed up many nights holding and comforting her. This worried her since he was still recuperating from his injuries and surgery. He was the one that had got shot, not her. But Grant being the man that he was took it upon himself to worry for them both.

Yes, maybe his idea wasn't so crazy after all. "I love you," she whispered against his lips.

"So what do you say? Yes?" he
hopefulness in his tone.

She smiled, caught her lower lip between her teeth and nodded. "Let's do it.
I don't care when, the sooner the better. Let's get a dress and go."

Grabbing her tightly, he lifted her in the air and swung her around as if she weighed nothing more than a feather. She giggled, tightened her grip around his neck and held tight to him.

After three revolutions he set her back down, cupped her face in both his hands and lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her passionately. Her body reacted instantly. The fire within her flaring up as she pressed her body against his, feeling the hard length of his erection against her stomach.

Nikki parted her lips, moaning softly. His tongue slipped between her soft lips, to caress hers. The feel of his tongue on hers sent a rush through her and she felt a warming between her legs, as her pussy began to throb with her need for him. Would she ever be able to get enough of his man? She doubted it.

He groaned as she rubbed up against him. Pulling his lips from hers and taking a step back, he left her craving his embrace once more. "Behave yourself. There'll be plenty of time for that after the wedding."

Planting her fists on her hips Nikki glared over at him. "I am
waiting until the wedding." Hell, it was going to be hard enough waiting until they got home before she had a chance to feel him in her. Even if the wedding was a couple of days away that was way too long in her book.

He returned her glare, but there was amusement in his eyes. "Maybe I'm going to
you wait until our wedding night."

Nikki clucked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. Grant
for sex? She seriously doubted that would be possible, but she was up for the challenge. "You can't last a couple of days. You'll cave, so you might as well give me what I want, right here and now and we'll both be happy."

"You think I'm that easy? You think you can just
me for your satisfaction?"

"I do."

"And is this a bet?"

She paused, pretending to consider it. "Yes, it is."

"And the terms of this wager?" he raised a curious brow, and took a couple more steps back from her until he was reclining against the wall, arms crossed over his chest.

"Simple enough.
I will have you fucking me before our wedding night."

"Our wedding night could be as soon as tomorrow night," he warned; "so you seriously think I can't go twenty-four hours?"


He grimaced, but there was a smile on his lips, and excitement in his eyes. "Then I am going to greatly enjoy seeing you fail. I just hope you are prepared for what I have in store for my victory."

Her stomach fluttered. By the heated look in his grey eyes she suspected losing the wager wouldn't be such a bad thing. Lifting her chin, and squaring her shoulders she nodded. "Good luck to you Mr Rivers, I have a feeling you'll need it to get through what I have in store for you tonight."

He grinned.
"Looking forward to it.
Now let me get you that dress... in a slightly larger version." He turned on his heel and exited the dressing room without another look back.

Dirty bugger!
She'd have him on his knees begging her for sex by the end of the night. She just had to figure out the best way to go about the task.

Chapter 2

With everything packed for their trip the next day, Grant still refused to tell her where they were going to be married; he'd decided he wanted it to be a surprise. However, he had told her to make sure she packed swimsuits and clothing that would be suitable for warmer climates so she felt it was safe to assume they would be travelling to somewhere in Latin America.

Grant had loved the nurse costume she'd bought to wear for him not that long ago, so she decided that a little role play might just be in order to break him tonight and win their little wager. The stakes of the wager were high. The winner received a 'prize' of their choosing from the other person. She had still to decide what she wanted, but Grant was all too happy to let her know he knew
what he had in mind for her when she lost. He just wouldn't let her in on what it was.

Opening the bottom drawer of their bedroom dresser, she reached to the back and pulled out the police woman costume she'd picked out for their honeymoon and with which she'd been planning to surprise him. She reached for the handcuffs and pulled them out as well. Straightening up, she dangled the cuffs from her fingertips.

After the torture Grant had been forced to endure recently, should she dare consider cuffing him? The image of him strung up and being beaten came to her mind and she cringed at the thought of his beautiful body being brutalized. Of course, Grant wasn't like normal men. He was able to bury the harshness of those memories and not have them linger in the back of his psyche. Something
was still trying to figure out how to do.

With a smile and a reassuring nod to herself she decided the handcuffs were a go and closed the drawer with the heel of her bare foot, before turning away. She quickly shed her clothing and slipped into the tight, very revealing police woman uniform. It consisted of a skirt so short that bending over would reveal her naked, shaved pussy to the world and a light blue form fitting spandex blouse with a cute blue hat and thigh high black vinyl boots to complete the outfit.

What is it about men and thigh high hooker-style boots?
wondered as she dressed.

Once in costume, she stood in front of the full-length mirror and examined herself. Excited blue eyes peered back at her.

"Hey Nikki I-" Grant stopped dead in his tracks at the bedroom doorway. His mouth dropped open slightly as his eyes wandered the length of his bride-to-be as she turned to face him. His surprised look, suddenly turned to one of hunger as a slight, yet wicked smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "I was thinking we would turn in early because we have a flight in the morning..." he scanned her body once more, his eyes hesitating at her breasts. Her tight nipples pressed at the spandex material of the blue blouse. "But perhaps we could postpone sleep for an hour or so..."

"What about the wager?"

He grinned and shrugged.

Nikki loved that look in his eyes. His eyes burned so brightly with desire it made her pussy clench and sent shivers through her. No man had ever been able to make her wet with a look - until Grant.

As a child she'd admired him and looked up to him as some sort of god-like figure. By the time she had become a woman he had become the bar to which she measured every other man. But none ever came close to him. And tomorrow, he'd be hers to love and honour, until death parted them. It felt like a fairy tale to her, despite all the trials and tribulations they'd had to go through to be together.

Holding one of the cuffs between her fingers, she let the other drop with a clink as she waved it in front of her, enticing him. "Please lie on the bed with your hands over your head, Agent Rivers."

"I um," his grin widened, "Yes, Officer."

"And wipe that grin off your face!" she snapped. She was tempted to giggle as she chastised him, but held it down. Dammit, she wanted to stay in character; at least for the first few minutes.

"Sorry Officer," he made his way over to the bed and flopped down onto it, his hands behind his head. While the grin was gone she could tell he was fighting hard to keep it from creeping back onto his lips.

Keeping her expression stern she marched over to the bed, handcuffs dangling from her fingertips and hopped on, swinging a leg over him and straddling his waist. Her naked pussy, which was already becoming wet with her desire, settled onto his bare stomach and his breath hitched as she settled onto him.

"May I ask why I'm about to be interrogated, Officer?" he asked, raising a brow at her.

"I'll be the one asking the questions, Agent Rivers. Are we clear?" She suppressed a moan as she reached over him, her nipples grazing his chest through the fabric. She grabbed his first wrist and slapped the cuff onto it. She then hooked the chain around the bedpost above his head before cuffing his second wrist

"Yes, Ma'am.
But, just so we're clear. In terms of the wager, if I am forcibly seduced the win automatically goes to me."

Nikki had to bite her lip to keep from laughing at the thought of Grant being - as he called it -
seduced. "I assure you, Agent Rivers I will have you begging to be
seduced," she whispered in is ear as she finished securing his wrists.

He chuckled softly and struggled half-heartedly against the restraints.

Sitting back up, she peered down at him, his hands secure above his head. He was all hers, to do with as she pleased. She liked that idea - a lot. She ran her hands up his chest and the muscles rippled under her fingertips. There were so many scars on his beautiful torso that it tore at her heart. Gunshot wounds, long angry welts from the whip that had torn at his flesh, among various other scars. She closed her eyes and the memories of him being strung up, and the whip tearing into his flesh appeared in her mind's eye, causing her to shudder.
I have to stop thinking about it!
chastised herself.

Nikki?" Grant's concerned voice brought her back to the present as she opened her eyes and looked down into his concerned grey ones. He pulled against the restraints, clearly aching to touch her and pull her to him.

"I'm okay," she whispered giving him a reassuring smile as she stretched out over him, and placed a tender kiss on the side of his neck.

He groaned. "
, I'm concerned..."

"I'm fine," she muttered as she kissed her way across his collarbone to his chest. "So where are we going tomorrow, Agent Rivers?"

He chuckled. "I told you. You'll know when we get on the plane."

"I want to know
," she persisted, she as sat up on him, and wiggled herself down his body so she could undo his jeans. With the button undone, she unzipped the fly and yanked his jeans down quickly followed by his boxer briefs, exposing his thick, hard shaft to her.

"Patience is a virtue," he chided.

"Uh-huh." she kissed her way slowly down his chest to his stomach. He hissed through clenched teeth as she got closer to his groin. Once she reached his dick she stopped and sat upright on him. She assumed that by grasping or taking his cock into her mouth or hand, Grant would consider that being
seduced and she'd lose the wager.

Sitting up on her knees she grabbed the peak of the hat and pulled it off. Removing the pin from her hair she shook it loose. Her hair cascaded down her back in long, dark waves. His eyes darkened and he swallowed hard. She could see in his expression that he was straining for control.

"You know we can end this now," she gripped the hem of the skirt and lifted it up her thighs so her pussy peeked out from under it, "and this could be yours. Just ask for the keys to the cuffs and tell me where we're going tomorrow."

Raising a brow at her, he shook his head grinning. "Nah, not going to be that easy, Officer."

Eyes narrowed, she nodded. "Fair enough, Agent Rivers." Slowly she undid the first of the four buttons on the tight fitting blouse. His eyes followed her fingers as they slowly undid button after button; with each button she could see the fire within his eyes increasing.

Once undone, she shrugged off the blouse and tossed it to the floor with his jeans. She palmed both of her breasts in her hands, kneading them, pinching the nipples until they were good and tight. Grant watched, transfixed and licked his lower lip. His dick jumped and jerked under her. Damn, she wanted it in her so badly she could feel her dampness starting to slowly run down her inner thighs.

BOOK: moan for uncle 6
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