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Authors: Kathryn Kelly

misunderstoodebook (26 page)

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Johnnie thrust his fingers through his hair, his frustration towards her building like a thundercloud. He glared at her. “When. Did. You. And. Spoon. Last. Fuck?”

“A-about th-three or f-four m-months a-ago.”

Releasing her, he shifted and leaned back, drawing her attention to his erection and his coiled power. “Who else have you fucked in between then and now?”

“No one but you.”

His gaze dropped to her belly then raised back to her face and she knew that he knew she was expecting a baby. His next words confirmed it. “You’re five weeks pregnant.”

Oh God! They’d gone through her purse, where her ultrasound photos had been. He’d come in with the knowledge of her pregnancy.

made you pregnant, didn’t I?”

This wasn’t the way the conversation should go. The words she was supposed to say were in her head, but they were coming out wrong and she didn’t know how to fix it. Every time she felt some semblance of normalcy, she had a setback.

He took her face between his hands and kissed the tip of her nose. “Didn’t I, gorgeous?”

He still looked furious enough to spit bullets, but the tenderness of his tone undid her. “Yes.”

She gazed into his eyes. He slid his fingertips over her face as if he wanted to memorize her through touch. “And Spoon hurt you with
baby inside of you?”

She flushed at the possession in his tone and she dropped her gaze. “He doesn’t know. If he finds out, he’ll kill it. And me.”

His nasty chuckle and tensing muscles made her look up. “You fucking think?”

Maybe….not when he sounded as deadly as a killer in a frenzy. “You, um, you’re happy about the baby?”

“I am,” he said, although he didn’t look particularly happy. He looked odd, a combination of the fury he couldn’t shake and a dawning bleakness.

She leaned forward, aiming for his lips, the sudden urge to celebrate her Baby Biker,
Baby Biker, with a joining of their mouths and bodies. But he turned his head away, still unwilling to kiss her. His response hurt her and she searched her mind for a reason why he refused to kiss her. And, then it hit her.

“Tell me about Megan.”

His nostrils flared and he narrowed his eyes at her. “Megs is the last person I want to discuss right now.”

She squirmed in her seat, picked up her fork, and pushed the carrots and potatoes congealed with gravy around on her plate. “She seems to be at the center of everything.”

“She is.”

His unapologetic tone irritated Kendall. “Were you two ever an item?”


“Did you want to be?”


A little goddess for the blond god. “Did she know that?”


Nothing more. No other explanation.

“Did she want to have an affair with you?”

Johnnie’s full mouth tightened and she knew she’d hit a nerve. “What the hell is this?” he snapped. “Twenty questions? We have other things to discuss besides

“I just want to know about her. Spoon said she’s the most perfect woman in the world.”

“That fucking graveyard resident-to-be said
?” he roared, the throbbing vein in his temple threatening to break free. His hands balled into fists and the anger freezing his gaze stole all the beautiful silver, leaving behind merciless gunmetal gray. “If I didn’t intend to make him fucking suffer, I’d tell Christopher what that motherfucker said about Megs,” he sneered.

He looked like an angel but sounded like a demon.

He slammed his chair back and got to his feet. “I need to make some phone calls, Kendall.”

That was it? They hadn’t even finished discussing her sister and, now, he was leaving her, a haze of anger clouding him and she didn’t want them to depart like that. She got to her feet, too, blocking his departure. “Move, Kendall.”

Her breath came in harsh pants and she tried to understand how a man who’d been so tender toward her when she admitted she carried his baby could look so fearsome. His erection jerked, luring Kendall to her knees. She just stared, the scene in her office with Spoon flashing in her mind. Johnnie wasn’t Spoon. Her fingers shaking, she unzipped his pants and gripped his erection. He was huge and hard, but he stood there, waiting for
to make the move. If she stood up and walked away, Johnnie wouldn’t attack her.

She loved the way he’d tasted and felt in her mouth. He might shout at her, but he’d never force her to do anything. The thought allowed her to lean forward and caress the crown of his cock with her cheek, spreading the sticky fluid already leaking from him on her skin. Relenting beneath the weight of his ruthless stare, she took him into her mouth, bobbing her head up and down as she worked him down her throat.

Gazing up, she saw him throw back his head, the tendons in his strong neck straining. His hands sank into her hair and she pulled his cock out of her mouth to drop saliva on his hot, rigid flesh, using her tongue to coat him before gulping him down her throat again.

Her clit swelled and throbbed. Kendall couldn’t wait until he bent her over the table and rammed his dick into her. The thought made her suck harder and faster. She wrapped her hands around his thick base and pumped while milking him with her mouth. His dick jerked against her tongue and the first jet of semen shot down her throat. She moaned, her nipples aching, her pussy soaked. When the salty stream eased, Kendall swallowed and freed him from her mouth.

On her knees, she stared at him through the fringes of her lashes, her heart pounding in a frantic rhythm. He didn’t say a word, just swept her with a cold gaze, and sauntered out of the room.

Leaving her stunned. And still on her knees.

Locked in his bedroom, Johnnie paced, damning his horror and fury. Cursing his lust. Kendall didn’t need to suck his dick. She needed to find out her little sister was dead. Her
sister. Not eighteen, like Caroline claimed. No, that had been bullshit Logan had ordered her to say.


What the fuck was he doing with Caroline there?

Growling in rage, he pulled out his cell phone and dialed the number he had for his grandfather, surprised when he answered.

“Caroline is Kendall’s sister,” he snarled.

A brief moment of silence followed Johnnie’s statement.

Kendall’s sister,” he said finally.

“You bastard. She was a child.”

“Johnnie, I asked Spoon to give her to me, so I could keep her safe.”

Bitterness exploded from Johnnie. “Fucking
? She’s dead, Grandda.”

“I swear, Johnnie…after what happened to Zoann…I swear I’d never hurt another young lady again.”


“When I do something, I admit to it, right?”

“Do you? Rather than fucking admit to what the argument was about between you and Big Joe, you told me Christopher was my brother. How’s that admitting anything?”

“C’mon, boy,” Logan said gruffly. “I’m sorry about her death. Why do you think I haven’t…? I’ve been here with her, looking at her young face, frozen in death.”

God, Kendall.
“Shut the fuck up,” he roared, not wanting to think about Caroline at all. He had to tell Kendall what had happened. She was so distraught already and he didn’t want to damage her further. She was pregnant.
For him,
and he didn’t want anything to upset her. “You had no fucking business with her.”

“Spoon gave her to me when I got to town.
put me up in the house. I don’t know where he got her from.”

Okay, so another thing to make Spoon suffer over, but there were still holes in his grandfather’s story. “How do you know Kendall? Why the fuck did you come back here?”

“I know Kendall through Spoon, John,” Logan said quietly, with the tiredness of an old man. “Spoon hasn’t been all that nice to her. I think she believes we all are like him.”

“You told me she was working for Spoon.”

Logan sighed. “She is. Don’t mean he’s nice to her.”

“I’m putting you on the fucking plane
. I don’t ever want to fucking see you again. You’ve ruined enough fucking lives. No one wants you. Me, Christopher, Val, Mortician, K-P…we’re fucking fine without you.”

“K-P?” Logan made a noise. “I asked him to come with me. He told me no. He was too fucking busy with his fucking mongrel. So don’t talk to me about K-P. He let me down.”

“K-P is ten times the man you’ll ever be.” But K-P wasn’t important, not in this matter.

Logan sniffled. “I’m sorry,” he said and his voice cracked. “You’ve always been my pride and joy, John.”

He didn’t want to hear the words. His grandfather sounded so fucking pitiful, it tore through him. “I’m picking you up for three, Grandda. No bullshit. I’m sick of this fucking club. K-P talked about dissolving it, years ago, when Boss was still alive.”


“You heard me. He might be fucking on to something. A club built on shit fucking swims in it.”

“K-P had no right—“

“K-P had

“Calm down,” Logan said, his tone growing weary and sad. “I won’t give you any more problems, John. I’ll be waiting for you tomorrow at three o’clock sharp.”

Chapter 16

16 years earlier

Johnnie rocked back on his heels and flicked away the cigarette, his gaze roaming toward the entryway of the clubhouse, waiting for Christopher. They were both celebrating milestones today. Johnnie had graduated from high school and Christopher had just finished his first trip to Europe, courtesy of Big Joe.

K-P slammed through the kitchen doors, holding a plate of his favorite food. It amazed Johnnie the man found women to fuck, as much as he loved raw onions.

“Johnnie!” he boomed, loping behind the bar and leaning on it, removing even the safety of the counter distance to ward off the oniony breath. “How’s it going? How are you doing? Have you seen Christopher yet? I have to congratulate you. Heard you graduated.”

“Fuck off, asshole,” Johnnie growled, leaning away. “You’re using all those ‘h’ words on purpose.”

K-P crunched on another onion and the fumes stung Johnnie’s eyes. He really felt like punching the asshole. By the time he saw Christopher, his suit and tie would smell horrible and not even Chastity, the class whore, would lay him.

“Don’t know what the fuck you talking about, Pretty Boy,” K-P argued with a smirk, slapping his thick, damp fingers against Johnnie’s cheek.

Before Johnnie decked him, Rack walked up and clapped him on the back. “Congrats, boy,” he said gruffly. “Logan’s damn proud of you. A high school graduate, off to college in New York City.”

Another reason Johnnie felt so anxious to see Christopher. Although they’d long ago stopped spending a lot of time together, he really didn’t want to leave. As a matter of fact, now that he’d graduated, he thought he’d finally be able to spend more time at the clubhouse with all the brothers, especially his cousin. Christopher wasn’t a patched-in member, but he, along with Big Joe’s fifteen-year-old son, Joey, were the man’s prodigies. Johnnie always got the feeling their treatment of Christopher was more genuine. To him, they knew his grandfather—and the hidden Big Boss—expected everyone to kowtow to Johnnie. He was Logan’s chosen one. Chosen for a pricey education. Chosen for love. Chosen for wealth.

“Not sure about that yet,” he responded. A tall girl, with exposed boobs bouncing, smiled at him and his dick hardened immediately. Johnnie sighed, his body getting a little ridiculous with its demands he find a girl to get into.

The door opened and balmy, early June air wafted inside. Awed, Johnnie watched as Big Joe sauntered in, his golden hair framed around him. Even from this distance, the intensity of the man’s blue eyes captured attention. Another man followed behind him and—

Johnnie caught himself before he allowed his jaw to drop open. A man. Not a man. Christopher. Well, not
man, since his cousin had turned eighteen four months ago.

He had gotten taller, broader, and looked older than eighteen. For a moment, Johnnie wished he’d been able to go to Europe, too, but Grandda had forbidden it and told him Christopher didn’t want him there.

That had hurt, but he’d accepted it. After all, he was getting an education while Christopher was pissing his life away. He could take Europe and shove the fuck up his dick.

The girl that had been eyeing Johnnie honed in on Christopher and a gleam entered her eyes. Virgin or not, Johnnie recognized it and knew Christopher would get laid tonight. Another boy walked in the door and Christopher dragged his gaze away from the girl, his features darkening when he saw Joey Foy.

It pleased Johnnie to see that at least he was still taller than Joey, even if Christopher surpassed both of them. Joey laid his hand on the girl’s tit and squeezed. Christopher opened his mouth, but Big Joe elbowed him and pointed in Johnnie’s direction.

From the disapproval in Christopher’s eyes, Johnnie knew his cousin didn’t want him there. If that’s the way it would be between them, fine, but he had a few words to spit at Christopher first.

BOOK: misunderstoodebook
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