Read Mistletoe Bachelors Online

Authors: Jennifer Snow

Mistletoe Bachelors (7 page)

BOOK: Mistletoe Bachelors
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Cole glanced at his watch. 11:16. He drummed his fingers against Nathan’s dining room
table. “What could possibly be taking her so long?” He hissed at Madison. They’d been waiting
for Becca to get ready for almost an hour.

“Shh,” Madison put her finger to her lips. She resumed typing on her iPad.
Cole stood and paced the living room.
Nathan had invited the two of them to join them at the spa that afternoon. He planned to

propose that evening and wanted to make sure Becca was refreshed and relaxed. Cole wasn’t
thrilled at the prospect of a spa day, but he couldn’t complain about a free massage.
“Nathan, could you zip me?” Becca emerged from the bedroom in a one-piece black jumper.
She’s wearing
to a spa?
“Gladly.” Nathan helped her with the zipper, placing a trail of kisses along her long neck as
he did.
Cole rolled his eyes.
Oh come on
. He’d like to be doing the same thing to Madison, but no
one needed to see it. Public displays of affection were not his
Madison hid a giggle behind her hand. She tucked the iPad into her purse and stood.
“Okay, I’m ready. Let’s go. Dahlia hates it when I am late.” Becca clapped her hands.
Cole suspected Becca was late for a lot of things.
High maintenance women
. He shook his
head as he wrapped his scarf around his neck. He didn’t see the appeal. He preferred a natural
beauty, like Madison. Her alarm went off in the room next to his every morning at eight, and she
was always waiting for him in the lobby less than an hour later
Looking beautiful as ever
. That
he could appreciate.
Becca’s brand new black
Audi R8
awaited them in her parking space in the underground
parking garage. Nathan uncovered the car and opened the passenger side for Becca, and then
opened the driver side door for Cole and Madison. He leaned in and pulled the driver side seat
back. He waited for them to climb in.
Cole looked at Madison and down at his tripod and camera bags. He didn’t travel light. The
backseat of the car was just big enough to fit the two of them.
“Maybe we should take the truck and meet you two at the spa.” Madison ran a hand along
the beautiful black exterior. She looked disappointed.
The smell of the new leather escaped from the open door.
“Nonsense, there’s plenty of room. Y’all
to experience this car. I bought it for her for
her birthday, but she refuses to drive it herself.” Nathan laughed.
“We’re going to be late.” Becca huffed from inside the car.
Cole cringed. Her voice had a nail on a chalkboard effect.
How could Nathan deal with that
whiny sound?
He preferred Madison’s voice—rich, silky and incredibly sexy.
“Well?” Madison asked. Her eyes begged him to say
Funny, he hadn’t pegged her for a fast car kind of girl.
“Why not?” Cole shrugged his
shoulders and climbed into the backseat placing his tripod on the back windowsill of the car and
securing his backpack in the tiny space between his feet on the floor.
Not bad.
Madison climbed in next to him and almost sat on his lap. These cars were not designed
with the comfort of the backseat passengers in mind.
Cole smiled, grateful for the tiny, confined space. He could smell Madison’s hair, and he
took a deep breath. The distinct smell of peppermint filled the space between them, and he
resisted the urge to kiss the top of her head. Their shoulders touched, and each time the car took
a sharp turn, she fell against him. Her hand brushed his leg on the seat, and he fought the urge to
wrap an arm around her, drawing her closer. She’d made it clear, his advances were unwelcome,
but the look in her eyes the night before in his studio told a different story. Keeping his hands
and lips off of her would be a challenge.
Despite the driving speed, they
late, and Becca pouted when she learned Dahlia had
gotten tired of waiting for her, and had taken a different client. She was reassigned to a young
girl named Anna, who looked nervous while Becca made demands, as they disappeared down the
Cole, Madison and Nathan were ushered down the hallway toward the dressing rooms. The
spa hostess handed them big, terry cloth bathrobes and slippers to change into. The spa was
spectacular with its ancient Egyptian theme and décor and dimly lit hallways. The tranquil sound
of running waterfalls had the desired soothing effect, and the aroma of jasmine in the air
invigorated the senses. Their Christmas décor consisted of a few decorated white Jesse trees in
various corners of the spa.
“So, what’s the deal with you two?” Nathan asked when they were alone in the waiting area.
Madison had yet to emerge from the women’s changing room.
“Who?” Cole avoided Nathan’s eyes.
Was his interest in Madison that transparent?
“You and our beautiful little journalist.” Nathan leaned back against the plush cushions of
the velvet armchair.
“Nothing.” Cole shrugged. It was true. So far, she’d fought off his advances. Her guard
didn’t seem to be coming down as quick as he’d assumed or hoped it might. Working for a
woman’s affection was foreign to him, but he suspected she was worth the effort.
“Whatever, man. There is so much sexual tension between the two of you, it makes Becca
and I look like an old married couple already.” Nathan took a sip of his lemon water. He
grimaced and looked at the glass. “Could use a shot of vodka.” He laughed and set the glass
Other people could sense the tension between them?
“As you said, she’s beautiful, who
wouldn’t be attracted to her, but we’re just co-workers.”
For now
Madison emerged from the changing room and laughed as she joined them.
“What’s so funny?” Cole’s eyes rested a little too long on her bare legs.
Man, they were
How would they feel wrapped around him? God, he hoped their working relationship
changed soon.
He didn’t know how much longer he’d be successful in keeping his hands to
“You two.” Madison took a seat next to Cole on the couch. “If only the sales clerk at
Tiffany’s could see you two lovebirds now.” She reached for a grape.
The men laughed at the memory of the clerk and Cole shuddered.
“Cole?” A massage therapist appeared and glanced between the two men.
Nathan pointed to Cole. “You’re up buddy. Enjoy.”
Cole stood and followed the petite woman into the therapy room.
“I’ll let you disrobe and climb under this top sheet. I’ll knock before entering.” She turned
on a soothing sounds CD and dimmed the lighting in the room before exiting.
Cole nodded.
The woman closed the door behind her.
Cole disrobed and climbed onto the soft, padded massage table. He rested his face in the
headrest and wiggled his hips on the table into a comfortable position.
Thank you Women’s
World Quarterly
. So far this assignment felt nothing like work. He relaxed his shoulders and let
his arms rest at his sides. His legs and feet sank into the table.
Madison’s voice in the room next to his came through the thin wall.

He stiffened.
How the hell was he supposed to relax knowing she was disrobing in the next
? Images of his sexy travel companion lying naked on the massage table clouded his head.
Damn, what a lucky massage therapist

* * * *

“Should I get down on one knee in the restaurant or slide it across the table?” Nathan
stopped pacing his living room and turned to Madison and Cole. That evening, he’d made
reservations to take Becca to dinner at her favorite Mexican restaurant in Manhattan, though it
was still up for debate, whether or not she did in fact eat.

Madison and Cole sat on his couch and watched him go back and forth.
“I think he’s asking you.” Madison poked Cole in the shoulder. She’d been discounted as a
valued authority on the subject after she’d suggested a blue tie, instead of a red one and had been
outvoted by the two men. The whole situation was hilarious. So far, he’d tried several
, which Cole continued to refuse.
“I’m not sure.” Cole paused. “I’m just not feeling it. Maybe try the knee again.” Cole sat
ready, his head high, shoulders back in his best impression of Becca.
Madison watched the two with amusement.
“Oh forget it. It’s getting late.” Nathan picked up his watch from the counter and snapped it
in place. He grabbed his sports coat. “I have to go. Make yourselves comfortable, and when we
get back we’ll have a drink to celebrate.
she says
. Oh no. What if she says
?” Panic crept
into his voice, and he paced again, biting his lower lip.
“She won’t.” Madison stood and took him by the shoulders. His pacing made her dizzy.
“Cole did.”
Madison struggled to supress a giggle. “Did you really want to marry Cole?” She cocked her
head to the side.
The tension in Nathan’s shoulders disappeared. “I guess not.”
“Hey! What’s wrong with me? You could do much worse you know.” Cole’s eyes burned
into Madison’s.
Madison glanced at her watch, breaking the gaze. “You’re going to be late.” She pushed
Nathan toward the door. “Go. Good luck.”
He leaned and gave her a quick hug. “Thanks.” He waved to Cole and disappeared into the
Once the door closed behind him, Madison rejoined Cole on the couch. She sat and tucked
her legs beneath her. A yawn escaped her lips. She’d been lazy and relaxed since the massage.
“So, do you think that red headed terror will say
?” Cole leaned against the arm of the
“She’s not that bad.” She shook her head.
It was a lie
. The truth was, Madison couldn’t
understand what a terrific guy like Nathan saw in a woman like Becca, aside from the obvious
fact she was beautiful. After their massages, they’d waited an additional forty-five minutes for
her to emerge from the changing room. In the meantime, her massage therapist emerged in tears,
claiming if she ever had to work on her again, she would quit. Nathan had been sympathetic
toward the girl, giving her what Madison could only assume was a very large tip. The tears dried
the moment the bills were tucked into her pocket.
Becca had claimed to be hungry, and they’d driven an hour to the only raw food restaurant
outside of the city. Cole had refused the food with a look of disgust, and Nathan had promised
him a hamburger once they arrived back to his place. Becca had picked at her raw veggie and
scrutinizing gaze when she dared to add salad dressing.
“Oh, come on. She looked at your salad dressing as if it was the cause of obesity.” Cole
shook his head and laughed. He stretched an arm out behind her on the couch.
“But you think she’s beautiful at least.” Madison studied her fingernails. Cole spent most of
his time with women as beautiful as Becca. She couldn’t understand why he wasn’t dating one.
Or many

Cole hesitated. “She’s…photogenic. Like most of the women I work with on photo-shoots.
She looks wonderful with her makeup on and every strand of fiery hair is in place, but spend five
minutes with her and that beauty fades. She isn’t the kind of woman who looks beautiful lying in
the snow, with her arms and legs flailing about, making a snow angel.” Cole moved closer to her
on the couch.

Madison flushed, and her pulse quickened
. Could he look any sexier?
His jeans hugged his
muscular thighs, and his sweater fit tight across his chest and arms. She didn’t trust herself to
meet his gaze.
How did he have such an effect on her?
Since her divorce, she’d found herself the
source of many men’s attention but never had she been attracted to one as she was to Cole.

“By the way,” Cole placed a hand under her chin and turned her face toward him, “I hope
you didn’t mean what you said yesterday about never kissing me.” He placed a hand on her knee
and leaned forward, his face inches from hers, forcing her to look at him.

I can’t breathe
. Madison tugged at the neck of her turtleneck. Her leg quivered under his
Could he feel her trembling?
Anticipation mounted for a kiss she knew was coming, yet
defenseless to prevent. She swallowed hard.
Was it hot in here

Cole licked his lips and lowered his head, tilting her chin upward to meet him.

Madison’s hands pressed against his chest, but she didn’t push him away. Instead, she
clutched his sweater as her thoughts conflicted with the passion cursing through her body.
. Cole’s cell phone vibrated in his jeans pocket.
Madison jumped and moved away from him. She took a deep breath.
Oh my God, that was
. She tugged at the neck of her turtleneck and placed a hand to her flushed cheeks.
“Damn it,” Cole muttered as he reached into his pocket and removed the vibrating phone.
He glanced at the caller I.D. “It’s Nathan.”
“Answer it.” Madison nodded toward the ringing phone.
Dammit that phone had the worse
interruption. She stood to distance herself from him and to calm her quickened heartbeat.
“Hey Nathan, what’s up?” Irritation at the interruption was evident in Cole’s terse voice.
Madison folded her arms and leaned against the doorframe to the living room.
“Sure, don’t worry. Give us twenty minutes.” Cole said. He too had stood and paced back
and forth the kitchen. He hung up the phone and turned to Madison. “He forgot the ring.” He
rolled his eyes.
“Are you serious?” She shook her head in disbelief.
After all that worrying and preparing,
how had he done something as stupid as that?
“Yes, and he sounds close to a panic attack. He said he left it on his bedside table. I’ll grab it
while you put on your coat.” Cole disappeared into the bedroom.
Madison grabbed her coat from the back of the chair and tossed it over her arm. Still hot
from their exchange, she longed for the cool fresh air outside.
Cole emerged from the bedroom seconds later, ring in hand. “Here it is. Shall we?” Cole
opened the door and waited for her to exit. “Oh, and don’t worry, I’m not forgetting about that
kiss,” he whispered.
Madison locked the door and jiggled the knob. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
The moment had passed. She was determined not to let the temptation occur again.
happened to her resolve whenever they found themselves in a situation alone together? Why was
she so helpless against his charm and gentle persuasion?
In three years, no other man had been
able to weaken her resolve. She would just make sure they weren’t alone together often.
“I’ll be sure to remind you.” Cole grabbed her hand and kissed her palm.
She didn’t doubt he would. She was in trouble.

BOOK: Mistletoe Bachelors
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