Read Misery Online

Authors: M Garnet

Tags: #paranormal, Erotic romance, Fantasy, Vampires

Misery (8 page)

BOOK: Misery
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“The music, you like it or was it just the station that was tuned in?” He looked over at her, then his gaze traveled down to the lights on the dashboard showing the radio.

“I like it.”
Sure, hard rock music goes fine with mayhem
. She looked at the lights flashing past.

He drove through the night without any more words. Finally as the sky began to lighten in the east, he pulled off the freeway, turning into an inexpensive motel.

“Stay here.” He left the SUV running, went in the office for a room, then drove around to the back. He got out, grabbing her bag along with a soft tote that was his. He went to a door, opened it. She slowly got out of the car, stretched, and followed with her large purse.

Inside, the room was adequate, a large bed with the door open to the bathroom. She just stood, watching as he put the bags on a low dresser.

“Use the bathroom.” He pointed as he moved around her, then went back outside.

Well, do what the guy with few words says, use the bathroom.
She went in with her purse that had her toothbrush. She took her top off. She stopped to look in the mirror. Her shoulder was all black and blue with some edges turning yellow. She peeled the wrapping off the wound and she really hesitated. Her wound was healed. More than that, it was only a couple of thin pink lines. What the hell had happened?

She brushed her teeth, then took the time to let down her long hair. She put on a light tee shirt but kept on her jeans, and decided she could go back out.

He had returned.

She never heard him except on the stairs at her apartment, and that was because they made a noise under his weight. Other than that, he walked like a ghost, no noise

how could he move like that with his size? Yes, it was because he was all muscle, so there was complete control. Thinking of all that muscle made her uncomfortable.

He turned away from his case with a small bag in his hand as if he wwas starting for the bathroom. He seemed to have hit a wall, frozen in place.

She moved sideways to give him room to pass but he didn’t move, just looked at her.

“Is something wrong?”

“Your hair.”

“I don’t understand. You say so little. Is it wrong, should I put it back up? I can braid it. I don’t want to cut it.”

“No.” It was almost a roar.

She stepped back. It seemed like he knew he had said that too loud.

“No, never cut it.” He rushed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. She heard the shower running. It seemed to run for a long time. She sat on the edge of the bed. She could see steam edging under the door. He must be taking a really hot shower. It was a wonder it didn’t burn his skin.

She was also learning things. Vampires shower, shave, and need to cut their hair. She also supposed they slept, because he wouldn’t have had to stop for her. She could have slept in the car while he drove. She finally slipped off her shoes, then slid her jeans off. In just her tee shirt and panties, she slipped into the bed, under the covers, staying on one side.

The only light was on the other side of the bed. Of course there was the light in the bathroom. She just waited, knowing she couldn’t sleep until he came out.

He finally emerged. He had turned the light out before he opened the door. The steamy heat came out with him. He had a towel wrapped around his hips. He walked around the bed and sat down. He turned the light out.

“Can I ask you some questions?” She tried to make her voice steady but it was still low, weak.

“Yes.” She felt him stretch out on top of the covers. She knew he was naked.

“You can see in the dark, can’t you?”


“Can you see me now?”

She felt a slight shift and knew he had turned his head to look at her.


“So you are protecting me to turn me in to your Council if my blood turns out to be the right stuff, correct?”

There was a longer pause. “No, to take you to my liege.”

“Well, as I see it I have a second choice. I can just run out into the world away from my protector, waiting for the other Vampires to catch and kill me, correct?”

There was a deep growl, almost like an animal, but he did answer. “Yes.”

“So I only have two choices, become a lab rat and lose my freedom, or go out and die, correct?”


This surprised her, and the answer came faster than she expected. It wasn’t what she thought it would be. She turned sideways towards him. It was too dark for her to see him but she believed that he saw her face. She rose up on one elbow holding her head.

“No? Is there a third alternative, some other avenue that I haven’t seen? If so, what?”

She felt his movement through the bed. It must not have been much, but she was aware that he had touched her hair.

“A bond with a strong nightwalker would make you untouchable.”

Wow, what was that? She lay back down, playing his words back again and again. The big guy didn’t say a lot, so you had to interpret. A bond, what did that mean? It could be a pledge, it could be something deeper, like marriage. Did Vampires marry? A strong nightwalker probably didn’t mean just muscles. It probably meant someone who had plenty of pull in their society.

Okay, in for a dime, in for a dollar.
“Deck, are you a strong nightwalker? Do you have the ability to protect someone like me?”

“Due to my Lord, yes.”

“Which is why you are telling me I have another choice.” No answer from Mr. Talkative.

“So like the TV game show, I have door number one lab rat, door number two lose my life, or door number three bond with a strong nightwalker. I need more intel, but getting info from you is like pulling teeth.”

“I do not know the game.”

“So what happens next?” she asked, and actually heard him sigh.

“My Lord is sending help, now we need sleep.” So he wasn’t used to explaining. He was use to giving orders or obeying orders. But having to explain, hmm, something different. She wondered what she was in bed with. She also knew she wasn’t going to be able to go to sleep. But she felt a butterfly touch her mind and she fell asleep.

* * * *

He had finally found a small time to drift off himself when he felt the bed move as she pushed against the covers. He rolled his head to look at her, thinking she was awake but, no, he could tell she was deep asleep.

She was thrashing around, thrashing her head on the pillow. She seemed to be mumbling
over and again. He realized she was having a nightmare. She threw her hands above her head, as if someone had held them there. She gave a small moan. He touched her stomach, calling her name softly, trying not to startle her but to wake her from the dream.

She awoke with a jerk, an intake of breath, lying still, maybe trying to figure where she was at, what was happening. Then sShe was often confused after wakening from the dream, but it only took a second for her to remember where she was. She lowered her arms, drawing the covers over her.

“Are you okay?” He looked at her in the dark.

“What? Yes, I just needed to shift positions. Sorry, didn’t mean to disturb you.” She rolled over away from him.

“You were dreaming.”

She sighed. “Just a sort of nightmare. Can’t even remember the details now. Goodnight.”

He looked at her back, wondering why she had lied. Just as he woke her, she had sent out a strong sexual emotion. It had continued for several seconds after she was awake. She knew what the dream was about but did not want to talk about it.

* * * *

When she woke up there was dim light from around the cheap curtains. She lay still as she realized she was up against a very warm body. She had her head on his shoulder with his arm under her, and she even had a leg over one of his, as he lay on his back.

“Are you awake?” She spoke quietly, hoping he was asleep.


Shit, just slide away.
She lifted her head, not looking at him, and moved away to the side of the bed. At least they were under the top sheet. She sat up, pulled her long tee down into place and thought of something.

“You entered my mind and put me to sleep.” She jerked around in anger.

“I cannot influence you, I suggested what you already wanted.”

“Look, you unfeeling bastard, stay out of my head.” She stamped into the bathroom, slamming the cheap door that popped back open. “Damn.” She slammed it again but this time she held it shut. Now she needed to cool down, to get herself under control. She started the shower as she wrapped her hair up into a knot, stripped and stepped into the warm water. She just stood there, trying to remember when she’d had her last shower. The water felt so good, even in the cheap plastic chipped shower. She just let it run in rivulets down her body to take the dirt, the memories of dust away, especially dust. She rolled the soap in her hands until she had suds. She started at the neck, worked down over her breasts, stomach and softly between her legs. She turned her back to the water and leaned into the cold tile. She relaxed as the warm water softened her bruised shoulder across her back.

* * * *

In the other room he sat on the side of the bed, absorbing the emotions. This was too much, it was too good, it was overload. He felt his erection grow until it became painful. She was running her hands over her breasts. It felt so good to her that she was sending out a soft flush, radiating feelings. His balls were so tight he needed a release.

He jumped up and tried to shut out the emotions, closing his eyes. That helped, but his body still had the memory of the female in the next room. He put on clothes and went outside, cursing as he closed the outer door. He could not run because he could not leave her unprotected. He paced back and forth. Finally his phone vibrated.

“Hey, bro, it’s Trump. What’s your local?”

“Route 110 and State Route 41.”

“Okay, head south on 110. I have weapons and gear. I know we are to keep the female safe. Alex is trying to find us a safe house. He has good friends, so we should be in something soon.”

He put his phone away, still pacing. He opened up the car and cleaned it out, although it really was spotless. He halted at the passenger seat. He leaned down to the leather. It smelled of her. Fuck. Finally he decided to go in and get his case.

She was dressed, sitting on the edge of the bed. Of course, she was part warrior. She would not waste time. He did not know the muscles to smile but he did let his face relax. He picked up the bags and went out, holding the door for her. She quietly followed. He approved, thinking of the teammates who had followed him into battles without words. It even made his hard erection twitch in some type of sanction.

He needed to do something for her. He felt the pull of protection and the want to do something, anything. Food, she needed food. He stopped the car and looked both ways. He saw the road sign for the entry back onto the highway, but he also saw a couple of signs for drive thru restaurants. He turned the wheel to the first one and pulled in. He pulled up to the microphone. He looked at her.

“I do not know what to get you?”

She nodded, then unbuckled to lean across him. She spoke though his open window. She placed a short order and moved back into her seat.

He sat there not moving, just gripping the wheel.

“Deck, we have to pull up to the window up there to pay for the meal. Do you understand?”

He looked at her. He quickly swung his gaze away. She had her hair in a long braid. Her body had leaned on his chest, the braid had slid across his bare arm. He had never felt such a soft sensation in his entire life. For a long second he thought of having that hair softly floating over him, unbound and free. He reached down to turn the radio on. The sounds of Led Zeppelin roared. He moved the SUV ahead to take the food. He pulled a bill from the ashtray. He got change back, took the drink for her. They were back on the road, onto the highway, heading south.

She munched and watched out the windows, taking quick looks at his profile as the time went by. She was careful with any crumbs, pulling all the papers and cup together to put everything into the sack. She folded it up tightly and set it by her purse on the floor.

He approved of her neatness. In the field, you did not leave traces for the enemy to read.

* * * *

After about two hours he pulled his phone from a pocket and punched the answer button.

She looked over

he must have it on vibrate. The conversation was his usual short words.


“Two miles.”


He put the phone away. For the first time on the highway, he slowed down, moving to the right hand lane.

In a short time she saw the green road sign that indicated a state rest area. She was ready for a rest from the loud music, the heavy beat of drums accompanied by the guitars that vibrated through the vehicle.

He pulled up next to an identical SUV, black tinted windows and all. GMC on the front, but large bumpers, big wheels, no fancy chrome on these vehicles. There were black runners as well as brush covers on front and back. As he put the window down, a big guy looking a lot like Deck leaned over.

BOOK: Misery
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