Mirror Image Seduction (Feline Shifters of Down Under Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Mirror Image Seduction (Feline Shifters of Down Under Book 1)
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“How are you feeling?” Ryan asked, moving up the bed to take her hand and squeeze it reassuringly.

She had to be honest, with both them and herself. She dropped her head so they couldn’t see her eyes. “Lost. Alone.”

Dylan growled a little, and her head snapped up in confusion. She hadn’t meant to upset them. She knew she wasn’t physically alone.

“I didn’t mean it like that, I’m sorry. It’s just … I don’t really have any family and…” Her absent mother hadn’t cared when she’d rung last night to say she’d been hurt, and it had been years since she’d seen her father so she hadn’t bothered even trying to get a hold of him.

“Then you need one. And now you’ve got one waiting for you to accept them.”

She stared at him harder, waiting for him to explain how she’d magically gained this new family.

“Us, Lacey, us! We want to be your family. And we come with seven big brothers and a set of parents who will willingly smother you in love for as long as you can handle their overbearing natures.”

Tears coursed down her cheeks as warmth began to fill her chest, pushing out the ice that Rodney had wedged in there last night when he’d abused her body.

“You still want me? Despite … everything?”

As soon as she said the words she realized that was the true reason she’d felt so terrified this morning. That once Ryan and Dylan saw the sort of men she used to date, men that would take her against her will and soil her, they wouldn’t want her any more. She felt so dirty and used … definitely not pure enough to deserve the two beautiful men before her.

Dylan exploded up from where he’d been sitting on the side of the mattress, throwing his hands up in the air. “Of course we do! We love you! You’re our sun, our moon, our everything. Nothing is ever going to change that. Especially not some fuckwit who thought he could just take you and do horrible things to you. Don’t you get that? Last night was not, in any way, your fault.”

She shook her head, the tears still flowing, her throat closed off to words. She’d assumed they’d blame her for the attack. If only she hadn’t dated him the first place, it wouldn’t have happened.

Ryan took over from Dylan. “Just because you dated him in the past, did not give him permission to assault you, baby. This was not your fault. I need to hear you say it, to know you believe it.”

She smiled through her tears. “It was not my fault.”

“What wasn’t your fault?”

She turned to Dylan who stood like a warrior with his arms crossed over his broad chest as he’d spoken.

“It wasn’t my fault that Rodney attacked me.”

With a grunt he nodded, and Ryan moved to kneel in front of her. “Lacey, be ours, please agree to mating us. We vow to stay by your side forever if you’ll allow us. Both of us will support you, love you, and one day, hopefully soon, we’ll have children to raise together. Anything you want.”

“You … really…” She tried to force out a whole sentence, but the words wouldn’t come.

Ryan’s blue eyes bored into hers, clearly pleading with her to give them the answer she’d been ready to give them before her ex had ruined everything yesterday.

“Say yes, Lacey, please say yes.”

Dylan’s desperate tone got her moving. She nodded. She couldn’t do anything else. The words were trapped inside her closed throat. But she meant them with all her heart and soul.

“Yes? You mean it?”

The uncertain look on Ryan’s face as he’d spoken cracked her heart open. She cleared her throat, then wet her lips.

“Of course yes, I love you, I love you both. How do we … uh, mate?”

They grinned and surged toward her. Between the two of them, they manhandled her until she was once more flat on her back on the bed.

“We make love to you, both of us, at the same time.”

Chapter Seventeen


Lacey reached her hand up to cup Ryan’s face. That sounded more pleasant than she’d originally thought. She’d had visions of animals and biting.

Dylan grabbed her other hand. “And there’s biting. Don’t forget the biting.”

Lacey stiffened.
Pardon me?

Ryan frowned over at Dylan. “You could have worded that better, bro. Way to scare our mate.” He looked back at her, his eyes serious. “After we make love together, we’ll both bite you on either side where your shoulder and neck meet. But don’t worry about it, there’s no pain. It’s a shifter magic thing, not a real bite. And once it’s done, all shifters will be able to see our marks on you and know who will rip their arms off if they dare touch you.”

That sounded incredible. To be loved forever, truly bonded. Not like a piece of paper that could be tossed aside as soon as one person wanted to. This was real, and forever.

“All right then, my answer is still yes. I don’t ever want to be away from either of you.”

Dylan swooped in for a kiss, crushing her lips with his. Lacey wound her fingers through his hair while her eyes slid closed and warm pleasure oozed through her center like honey.

Ryan’s hands tugged at her clothes. She’d only put on one of his t-shirts before she’d climbed into bed last night. After the attack she didn’t feel right naked.

Dylan pulled away from their kiss to help Ryan tug the t-shirt off over her head, leaving her completely bare to them both. Feeling a little vulnerable, she lowered her gaze, but Dylan was having none of that. He cupped her face in both palms and retook her mouth, kissing her until she melted against him. He only wore track pants so her chest came up against his hot flesh. A shudder ran through her as his light dusting of chest hair brushed over her already hard nipples.

Slowly he ended the kiss, sipping at her lips until he pulled back completely. She blinked open her eyes and stared into his piercing blue stare. The look in his eyes made her heart beat faster in recognition.

But of what?

Then one single thought filled her mind.

My mate.

Something new began to purr inside of her as she embraced the destiny before her. She had been born for these men. To love them, to live with them. She knew it as well as she knew her own name. The need for her men was a fire burning inside of her now that she’d accepted who she was. Hungry, burning, and insatiable. Why had she waited so long to agree to be theirs?

“I love you. I can’t wait to mate with you.”

Dylan groaned and slid from the bed. Before she could get upset at him leaving her a noise drew her attention to Ryan, who had now stripped completely. She couldn’t help but stare in wonder. He was gorgeous, his body strong, lithe and full of lean muscle. And between his thighs, his hard cock pointed straight at her, like a compass needle pointing true north.

She lifted her arms and gestured for him to come to her. She didn’t need to ask twice. Instantly he began crawling across the bed toward her with lust in his gaze.

He kept coming until she lay caged beneath him. When he lowered down to lie between her legs, they both moaned as hot flesh touched, their skin purring in raptures of being together again. And this time there would be nothing stopping them bonding as one. No way would she ever let her men get away with pleasuring her with no chance for her to reciprocate again.

Ryan kissed her, scattering her thoughts as his tongue began tangling and mating with hers, as their bodies soon would. He kissed her nose, her cheeks, then moved down to her neck, nipping and biting at the tender skin there.

She arched her back as he moved down to her breasts, shifting to lie next to her. A whimper left her at the loss of his body heat, but a second later she felt Dylan’s hands on her thighs as he parted them to give himself room to lie between them.

“Oh my…”

Dylan set his tongue to her slit before he licked his way up to her clit, and she cried out, pulsing pleasure moving through her blood, heating her up from the inside out, along with the air around them.

The boys worked on her together, completely in sync with each other as they pleasured her in ways she’d only ever read about. She couldn’t believe that this was her current reality, and her future. Happy tears slid down her cheeks as sensation after hot sensation bombarded her nervous system.

“I’m so lucky.”

Ryan lifted his head from her breasts and grinned at her. “We’re all so bloody lucky. That we found you while we’re so young. It’s basically unheard of that the youngest cubs of a family find their mate first.”

“Quit your babbling, bro, and get back to working our girl over. We can talk mushy shit later.”

Lacey’s eyes rolled back when Dylan delivered another wicked stroke to her core with his extremely talented tongue. When she blinked her vision clear, Ryan had moved up to kneel beside her head. With a grin, he leaned over her so the engorged head of his very fine cock was near her mouth, tempting her to lick and taste it.

She groaned as Dylan sank his tongue into her pussy again, before she opened her watering mouth for Ryan. She couldn’t wait to have his taste on her tongue.

The skin of his cock was hot, smooth, and sweet as it passed through her lips. She moaned as tingles began running just beneath her skin all over her body. Between Dylan’s spectacular oral skills and the sweet taste of Ryan’s arousal on her tongue, she had her hands clenched into the sheets beside her in an attempt to stay grounded.

She groaned louder, arching up as an orgasm tightened in her belly, ready to blow.

Then Dylan was gone from between her legs, and she pulled off Ryan with a growl. She was so close to coming! She wanted him back down there to finish what he started.

With a smirk, Dylan ignored her glare and noises of displeasure as he prowled up the mattress until he was kneeling on the other side of her head, offering her his cock for some loving.

“I need your mouth on me, beautiful, like you wouldn’t believe.”

Moving her face so she could take him, she reached her hand up to wrap her fingers around Ryan’s length. She began stroking Ryan’s cock as she took her first lick of the bulbous red head of Dylan’s erection.

Ryan gasped and pulled out of her grip, so she focused on Dylan, using her lips and tongue to return the amazing pleasure he’d just given her. After a minute or so, he also pulled free of her.

“Get up on top of Ryan, gorgeous. It’s time.”

Pleasuring them both at the same time had kept her arousal simmering just below climax, it was so bloody hot. Now, with the promise of fulfillment being so close, she rushed to slide her body over Ryan’s. Her skin was hypersensitive, and as she rubbed over his hard muscular frame she purred like a kitten.

She slid up until she could press her lips to his. A sigh escaped her when he took over the kiss and thrust his tongue into her mouth to tangle with hers. Strong hands gripped her hips and moved her until she could feel Ryan’s hot length pressed against her lower belly. She wriggled until his cock slipped between her thighs so his smooth head was pressed against her wet entrance.

“Oh, yes.”

Placing a palm against each pec, she pushed herself upright as she thrust back, lowering herself down his shaft.  She couldn’t wait for him to ease that deep ache inside her.

“Oh fuck…” Ryan moaned beneath her as she swiveled her hips over him.

Ryan grabbed her hips with rough hands and stared up at her, fire in his blue eyes, his mouth open as he panted for breath.

“Lean back down on my chest, sweetheart. Give Dylan some room to play.”

Dylan’s large warm palm pressed down on her back, between her shoulder blades, and she followed his cue. She leaned forward, kissing Ryan as her breasts flattened against his chest.

Dylan’s fingers tapped on her back hole, and she flinched.

“What are you…”

“This is how we mate you, sweetheart. Don’t worry, you’re made to take both of us.”

She doubted that very much, but pushed the negative thoughts aside. These men had never hurt her, never even disappointed her. They certainly hadn’t lied to her, so she chose to trust them now.

“All right.”

She turned her attention back to Ryan, who was gently thrusting inside her, and kissed him.

Dylan’s fingers probed and spread lube, the pressure tolerable, but strange. He pressed into her with his fingers, scissoring and stretching her. A moan rolled through her throat, and Ryan lifted her a moment before he increased his thrusts.

Sparks started to filter through her brain, the pleasure from Ryan’s cock in her pussy and Dylan’s fingers weaving together and building the pleasure higher with each stroke.

Oh my.

Dylan’s fingers disappeared, and she missed them instantly, an unfamiliar ache deep in her body.

Then he was behind her, his hands taking the place of Ryan’s on her hips as he pressed his hot cockhead to her virgin entrance.

She held her breath and pushed back, burrowing her head against Ryan’s chest as he continued his measured gentle thrusts. She inhaled, Ryan’s sweet scent calming her as Dylan moved deeper within her.

Heat and pain pierced her as Dylan stretched her. She let out a gasp, and he forged forward with tiny thrusts of his hips until they were all melded together.

There was pain, but it was fading, leaving behind a sense of intensity.

“Oh shit. I feel so full. Impossibly … full.”

“You’re so bloody beautiful. So amazingly tight.” Dylan panted in her ear, grabbing tight to her hips as he started to move and Ryan countered his twin’s movements with increasingly powerful thrusts.

She gasped and sucked on the skin covering Ryan’s collarbone, her fingers wrapping around his biceps, seeking an anchor in the tumultuous storm.

They seesawed back and forth, working a perfect tempo. All three of them heaving and gasping, chasing their completions together. Ryan started to keen beneath her, and Lacey tilted her pelvis just a little higher, searching for the perfect connection among all three of them.

He cried out as he came inside her, his cock pulsing into her womb, setting off her own orgasm. Her belly exploded with sensation, and she screamed out as the pleasure rolled over her in a huge wave.

Dylan moaned above her, thrusting in to her one last time before filling her ass with his hot cum. Her body gathered itself and squeezed tight again, milking both the cocks still within her body, loving everything they did to her.

Dylan wrapped her hair around a hand as he tugged her head back, revealing her throat to Ryan. Just as she began to tense up at what was to come, they both struck at the same moment, sharp teeth sinking into each side of her throat. The sensation wasn’t pain, but the pleasure it caused overwhelmed her body neared a painful level. Another orgasm barreled through her, and she screamed as her whole world shattered and fell apart.

She regained awareness as Dylan withdrew. She winced at the tenderness of her body as he fell to the bed beside her. A moment later he’d pulled her over into his arms as bliss continued to swim through her brain. She couldn’t lift her arms, she couldn’t open her eyes.

She tried to speak. She opened her mouth, yet nothing came out.

Ryan’s gentle fingers stroked her face. “Like I told you, Lacey, you’re so perfect for us.”

And now she agreed with them. “Uh huh.”

Ryan pulled up the blankets and settled in against her front, kissing her lips and hugging her tight while Dylan nestled her against her back.

She let sleep descend as perfect happiness swamped her for the first time in her life. She’d found everything she’d ever wanted, and she was starting a whole new life.


BOOK: Mirror Image Seduction (Feline Shifters of Down Under Book 1)
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