Minecraft: Diary of a Minecraft Zombie Book 5: School Daze (An Unofficial Minecraft Book) (5 page)

BOOK: Minecraft: Diary of a Minecraft Zombie Book 5: School Daze (An Unofficial Minecraft Book)
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Friday Night Special Entry

The carnival was a lot of fun. 

But the craziest thing happened toward the end of the night.

Me and Skelee decided to go on the Scary-Go-Round one last time.

I told Slimey to stick with Creepy so that Creepy wouldn’t have to go on the Ferris wheel by himself.

But something happened.

Slimey must’ve gotten distracted by the rotten candy machine, because somehow he lost Creepy.

Next thing we know there was a lot of screaming and yelling coming from the Ferris wheel.

We ran over there, and saw a big crowd.

Somehow the Ferris wheel got stuck, and there were Mob kids stuck in the seats.

I didn’t want to look up…But I did.

And there was Creepy all the way at the top, all by himself.

I could tell he was scared, which meant trouble for everybody.

I went to the Enderman that was operating the ride.

“Hey, somebody needs to climb up there to get him down!”  I said.

“Naw man, I just work here bro,” He said.

“Uuuurrrgghhh! Teenagers!”  I thought.

I realized that if I climbed up there, I wouldn’t be able to climb down with Creepy.

So I decided to climb up there and see if I could calm Creepy down.

So I climbed all the way to the top, which was really scary.

“Hey Creepy,” I said.  “How are you doing buddy?”

“I’m really scared Zombie, I want my Mom.”  He said.

“Don’t worry buddy, I’m here.  I won’t leave you alone.”  I said.

I tried to take his mind off of being up so high, so I talked to him about camp.

“I can’t wait to go to camp with you Creepy,” I said.  “We’re going to have so much fun.  We’re going to make lanyards, and macaroni pictures.  We’re going to do a lot of team building exercises.  And we can bunk together in the same cabin.  Camp is going to be a lot of fun isn’t it?”

“To be honest, Zombie, I really don’t like camp,” Creepy said. 


“Yeah.  I feel so lonely there.  And all the kids just pick on me all the time.  I think it’s because I’m really bad at all of the sports and stuff.  And I’m going to miss my Mom and Dad so much.  And I’m really going to miss you and the guys a lot, too.”

“Wow, Creepy.  I didn’t know,” I said.

“But now that I know that you’re going, Zombie, it’s going to be so much more fun,” Creepy said as he started smiling and stopped hissing.

Then, all of a sudden the Ferris wheel started moving again.

We got off the Ferris wheel and a Mobulance was waiting there for me and Creepy.

The Mobulance nurse put a blanket around Creepy and me and gave us some cake. 

She was really nice.

“Thank you,” we said.

“You’re welcome.  That was really brave of you to go up there and help your friend.  I wish there were more kids like you around.”  She said.

“Hey, I know you!” Creepy said.  “You’re the nurse that works at our camp every summer.”

“Creepy, right?” she said.

Creepy started turning red and green.  I think he had a crush on her or something.

“Wow, you’re the camp nurse?”  I asked.

“Yep.  I’ve worked at camp every year for the past few years,” She said.

I wanted to ask her if she had a craving for rotten flesh, but she walked away to take care of the other mob kids.

“She remembered my name!”  Creepy said.


I went to go visit Steve today to tell him about all that happened at the Carnival.

“Wow, Zombie,” He said.  “That was really cool.  You really went out on a limb for Creepy.”

“But I have all my limbs.”  I said.

“No, I mean that you really came through for Creepy, when he needed a friend.” Steve said.

“Yeah.  And you know, even though I don’t want to go to camp, I think I’m going to go just so that Creepy can have a friend around.  He said he gets real lonely at camp.” 

“Who’s going to be there for you?” Steve said.

“I guess it doesn’t matter…It’s only for a few weeks anyway.” I said.

“Well it matters to me,” Steve said.  “That’s why I’m going with you.”

“Are you serious?”

“Hey, that’s what friends for,” Steve said.  “Besides, we can always sneak out and bother some witches or something.”

Wow.   Steve is like the best friend I’ve ever had.

Which is weird because he’s human.

But I guess it doesn’t matter if you’re a human, Slime, Skeleton, or Creeper.  All that matters is a true friend will always be there when you need them.

So, I’m going to camp in a few weeks.

But I’m not going alone.  I’m going with two of the best friends any Zombie could ask for.

Plus, we’re going to need all the help we can get if we’re going to survive against the brain-eating, killer counselors…

…And the cafeteria food monster…

Find out What Happens Next in…
Diary of a Minecraft Zombie Book 6

“Creepaway Camp”

Coming Soon…

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BOOK: Minecraft: Diary of a Minecraft Zombie Book 5: School Daze (An Unofficial Minecraft Book)
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