Milked by Royalty: The Full Collection (A Human Cow Erotic Romance) (10 page)

BOOK: Milked by Royalty: The Full Collection (A Human Cow Erotic Romance)
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She sobbed even harder.

Metal crashed behind her. Glass shattered. Labored breathing filled the room, followed by the meaty smack of flesh against flesh.

She curled into a ball.

She couldn’t tell if seconds, minutes, or maybe even hours had passed before everything finally went still. Too scared to open her eyes, she shied away as soon as a hand touched her back.

“Jewel? Are you all right?”

Slowly, she opened her eyes.

Her breath caught as soon as she saw his lordship leaning over her. His hair fell wildly about his forehead. Blood coated his jaw and neck, though she couldn’t tell whether or not it was his. Behind him, Goliath’s giant body lay immobile and unconscious across the floor.

She was sure the shock on her face had to be priceless.

His lordship swept her hair behind one ear. “You really must give me more credit, my dear. I’m more than capable of subduing a single bull.”

His smile was what undid her.

With the last of her strength, she threw herself into his arms and sobbed against his chest. His lordship didn’t push her away. He held her close, almost as if she was still human, and whispered soft shushing sounds while others rushed in to offer assistance.

“Oh, my God!” Lady Sybil cried. “My bulls. What did you do to my precious bulls?”

Julia heard the woman fussing over her prized pets. Dr. Polliver came in behind her. He checked each body before moving on to the next.

From what he said, none were dead at least. Samson was close. His beating from Goliath had nearly been the end of him, but he still had a pulse. Achilles had a broken jaw and concussion. And Goliath…

“You broke his back!” Lady Sybil screamed. “Sweet Lord, Brother, do you not know what this bull is worth. I planned to put him to stud. Why, if we’d bred him with your little Jewel, just imagine the offspring.”

Julia’s mouth went dry when she heard the word “offspring,” and she shook even harder.

I’m only here for a week. I’m only here for a week. I’m only here for a week.

With each passing day the lie grew harder to swallow.

“That’s enough, Sybil,” his lordship said. “My Jewel isn’t to be bred with anyone, least of all one of your monsters.”

“They aren’t monsters,” Lady Sybil said. “They’re prize breeding stock.”

“They’re beasts that should have been properly restrained, which I was assured you would make certain of when I agreed to let you house them on my property.”

“But I did,” his sister said. “I checked each of their pens myself. The cells were solid. Not even Goliath could have broken out unless someone released him, and who would ever be foolish enough to do a thing like that?”

“Who indeed,” his lordship muttered. “Doctor, if you would be so kind as to come with me.”

Lord Ashe lifted Julia into his arms. He carried her out of the refrigeration unit and back into the barn. Lady Sybil screeched about needing the doctor for her bulls, but one look from his lordship was enough to shut her up.

“He’ll see to my Jewel first. Then he can deal with your monstrosities.”

From the look on her face, Lady Sybil knew better than to argue.

Julia’s heart still raced and her muscles jumped against her skin, but his lordship’s embrace calmed her more than she would have ever imagined possible. She burrowed her face into the crook of Lord Ashe’s neck. She dug her fingers into the fabric of his shirt even as he settled her onto the floor and the doctor began his examination.

Especially as the doctor began his examination.

Memories of Matthew and their time together mixed with the present. The doctor parted her legs, but it was her former fiancé’s fingers she felt probing her nether regions. Her tears fell. His lordship cradled her against his body. He stroked her hair gently while whispering a steady string of soft, comforting words.

She couldn’t focus on everything he said, but her lord’s voice kept her grounded in the present just long enough to rebury the memories of her past.

And did they ever need to be buried.

Only the rarest of sobs erupted from her throat when the doctor finally patted her thigh and said he was done. “No lasting harm,” he said. “Just a few bruises, but otherwise she’ll be fine for work in the morning.”

His words made sense even if they didn’t match the pain now radiating through her body. She was spent. All she wanted was to curl up into a tiny ball and pretend nothing had ever happened, but the look on his lordship’s face was far too tense to let her relax.

He dismissed the doctor with a nod then barked out an order for a basin of water to be brought to her stall. He offered no “thank-you.” He said no words at all while he cleaned the semen and milk and blood from her body. His tenderness had dried up with his voice, and with each passing moment her nervousness grew.

Was she in trouble? Did she do something wrong? She’d only meant to help, but maybe his lordship hadn’t seen it that way. She’d undermined his authority. She’d offered her body to a trio of monsters—not that she’d wanted to, of course, but she’d done it all the same. And even worse, at one point, she’d liked it.

She shivered.

His lordship had just finished cleaning the last flecks of semen out of her hair when she finally summoned up the courage to speak.

“Are you mad?”

His face was stoic. “I’m certainly not pleased.”

Her chest tightened.

“I’m sorry,” she said in such a low voice she could barely hear the words. “I didn’t mean to be bad.”

His hand froze.

Her mind played tricks on her. For a moment, maybe a second at most, Matthew was the man holding her in his arms. His lips quirked into the same malicious grin she’d grown all too accustomed to seeing.

She shook even harder.

“Please don’t punish me,” she said before she could stop herself. “I won’t do it again. I won’t speak. I won’t be bad. I’ll be whatever you want me to be, Matthew. Please, just don’t hurt me.”

She squeezed her eyes shut and drew her hands over her face. She knew she needed to calm down, but she couldn’t. The aftermath of everything that had happened was just too much. They’d dredged up more memories than she could deal with, and if something didn’t happen soon, she didn’t think her sanity could last much longer.

Strong hands pulled her arms away from her face. A single thumb tipped back her chin.

“Open your eyes.”

She obeyed automatically.

Above her, his lordship stared down at her in stoic appraisal.

“Who am I?” he asked.

She choked back a sob. “Lord…Lord Ashe.”

He nodded.

“And have I ever hurt you?”

Her massive breasts heaved against her chest. He’d given her those. He’d turned her into his perverted dairy cow, but he hadn’t hurt her. No, he’d done everything but that.

“Jewel,” he said when she didn’t respond. “Answer me. Have I hurt you?”

She shook her head.

“Do you think I ever will hurt you?”

Again, she shook her head.

“Just because I’m upset does not mean I’m upset with you.” He took a deep breath. “Though you did certainly give me reason. Tell me, just what were you thinking when you ran off as you did?”

Julia bit her lip.

“Don’t play coy with me, my little cow. My sister might not wish to hear you speak, but I do.”

Julia licked her lips. Just knowing his lordship cared what she thought—in this matter, if nothing else—lit a spark inside her that she didn’t care much to think about.

“I don’t know. I just…wanted to do something.”

His eyes narrowed. “You wanted to get killed, you mean.”

“No,” she said quickly. “I mean…I just thought it’d be better me than you.”

He didn’t speak. He just stared down at her while she fidgeted in his arms.  

Stupid, so stupid
, a voice whispered in the back of her mind. 
You’ve just let him know you care about him. He’ll use that to manipulate you, just like Matthew did

But maybe she didn’t care if he manipulated her. Maybe she wanted him to. Maybe…

“From now on you will follow my orders without question, am I understood?”

She nodded quickly.

“I promised to protect you, and I will endeavor to do so, but I can only succeed so long as you place the same value on your life that I do.”

She blinked. She had no idea how much his lordship valued her life, but from the tone of his voice, he seemed to think more highly of it than she did.

Only because he doesn’t know me so well.

The realization of her own inferiority stung so badly she had to lower her eyes.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I was stupid today, and I…I…”

Before she could finish, his lordship tightened his grip on her chin.

“Don’t,” he all but growled. “Don’t you ever dare apologize for today.”

His lips descended on hers before she knew what was happening. Her eyes widened. The kiss was strong, commanding, but also…tender. He clutched her to him like a drowning man clinging to a life raft. His mouth devoured her own, and she struggled to understand the passion behind his embrace.

This wasn’t how a master treated his slave, it couldn’t be. Matthew had never shown her this level of naked emotion. After they’d become engaged, he’d never again even shown her he cared.

When his lordship broke away, both of them were breathless. Julia’s heart pounded as he lay her down amongst the hay and gently swept the hair out of her eyes.

“My Jewel, I…”

His lordship’s voice broke. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head.

“Sleep,” he commanded. “I’ll expect you well-rested for tomorrow’s milking. You only have four more days to your contract, after all, and I intend to make the most of them.”

He left before she could even reply.

As if he’d want me to

She was his cow, his property—at least until her contract ran out. She was nothing more than a fool if she thought she could be anything more than that, but still, it was sometimes nice to dream.

She closed her eyes.

Sleep came more quickly than she would have ever dared hope. Though any sane woman would have had nightmares over her run with the bulls, her dreams were sweet and hopeful. His lordship was with her. She was his and he was hers and everything was as it should be.

Or at least, how she wanted to it to be.

And perhaps that in itself was the nightmare.

Part Four: A Royal Gangbang


Julia’s muscles ached, but in a good way.

When she’d awoken, his lordship had been the first thing she’d seen. He stood above her naked body and regarded her silently as she stretched her limbs and climbed to her knees.

“Feeling better?” he asked.

She almost said “yes,” but her ladyship was standing behind him. A cane-length cattle prod hung from the woman’s left hand, and Julia knew better than to give Lady Sybil any just cause to use it.

So instead of speaking, she crawled up to his lordship and leaned back to show him her breasts. “Moo.”

He chuckled. “And to think I was worried last night’s activities might have left you permanently traumatized.”

He brushed his knuckles across the edge of Julia’s cheek, and she leaned into his touch. Traumatized? She might have snorted if she wasn’t aware of how distinctly un-cowlike the action would be. She’d been through far worse than a gangbang with three near-inhuman bulls. Why, she could list a hundred much more horrible things Matthew had done to her, and if she’d stuck around her fiancé much longer, she could only imagine what kind of creature he would have turned her into.

And what about his lordship? He wants you to be his permanent cow. How is that any better than what Matthew did?

She clenched her jaw. She knew it wasn’t logical to run away from one monster, yet feel so comfortable with the next, but she couldn’t explain it. Lord Ashe was different. He dominated her—he dominated everyone, it seemed—but whereas Matthew had been cruel and callous, his lordship took care of her. He protected her. Even though she knew she was nothing but property to him, she had a deep-seated certainty that he would do anything to keep her safe.

At least until her contract ran out.

“We really are running short on time, brother,” Lady Sybil said. “The others will be arriving shortly.”

His lordship sighed. “I still think our Jewel could use another day’s rest. If our guests should pick her...”

“Then she’ll have another night’s worth of entertainment.” Lady Sybil put a hand on her brother’s arm. “Come, James, you know the duke expects to be given the freedom to choose from the entire herd. We can’t keep her separated. And besides, what are the odds he’ll even choose this one? I seem to remember he has quite the fondness for blondes.”

His lordship sighed. Julia had no idea what the pair were discussing, but from the frown on her lord’s face, she doubted it was anything good.

He bent forward to clip the rope to her collar. He cupped her chin in one hand even as his eyes traveled down to her chest. When Julia followed his gaze she was amazed to see her breasts looked even bigger than they had the night before.

A single white bead clung to the tip of her left nipple. His lordship bent forward to lick it away, and a shiver rippled through her body.

“Mark my words sister,” he said almost regretfully. “When it comes time to make a decision, they’ll choose her. How could anyone not?”

His lips wrapped around her teat once more, and sparks danced behind her eyelids. She moaned softly. Her breaths grew deeper by the second as moisture coated her cunt and fresh beads of milk leaked from her neglected breast.

She wondered if he might take her for himself then and there, or if perhaps Lady Sybil would join in as she had before, but her ladyship was already leaving and when his lordship pulled away, he merely straightened his back and pulled at her rope.

“Come, cow,” he said. “Time to join the rest of your herd in the paddock. Your duty awaits.”

She had no idea what duty he meant, but she obeyed nonetheless. Her breasts swayed beneath her as she followed his lordship down the hall, past the milking room, and all the way out to the paddock. Across the grounds, the rest of her herd grazed lazily. Their udders, just as painfully swollen as her own, leaked tiny trails of milk as they feasted on the grass beneath them.

We don’t get a morning milking? But why?

Her confusion was further amplified when one of his lordship’s servants ran up to the front gate, breathless.

“My lord, the guests, they’re here.”

His lordship nodded stiffly. “Show them over, Brisbee. Better to get this done with sooner rather than later.”

While Brisbee hurried off to do his lordship’s bidding, Lord Ashe knelt beside Julia and unhooked her rope.

“Keep your head down and try to keep to the center of the herd,” he whispered into her ear. “If anyone comes near you, pretend not to notice.”

She nodded quickly. She wanted to ask more, but already voices were drifting towards them from the other side of the barn.

His lordship kissed the top of her head quickly. “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine. Even if they do choose you, you’ll…you’ll still be fine.”

Her brow furrowed.

Why is he so worried?

Before she could even move, his lordship sprang away from her. He crossed the paddock to the front gate and exchanged greetings with the growing entourage of finely dressed men and women converging at the edge of the fence.

His people
, she thought.
Lords and ladies all of them

She stared at the smiling women with their designer dresses and perfectly made-up faces. What she wouldn’t have given to be like them, to be beautiful and strong and important enough to command his lordship’s undivided attention, to be worthy of his…


The notion was too crazy to bear thinking, yet she couldn’t force it from her mind. How could she even think about loving his lordship? And even more ridiculous, how could she ever expect him to love her?

Across the yard, a young woman in red sidled up beside Lord Ashe. The cut of her dress highlighted her slim waist and long legs. Her breasts, though not nearly the size of Julia’s, were full enough to be considered a C-cup at least, and her face…

Julia’s heart broke just looking at the woman’s face. The lady looked as if she’d been carved by a master craftsman. High cheekbones, full lips, and heavily-lashed eyes stared up at his lordship in rapt attention. While Lord Ashe didn’t exactly swoon over the woman beside him, he didn’t push her away either.

And why would he? She’s a woman, just the kind he deserves, and I’m

She didn’t want to admit she was an animal, but even if she didn’t, she knew it wouldn’t be any less true.

His lordship opened the gate, and Farthington Hall’s newest guests poured through.

Julia hurried over to her herd. Her shoulders grazed against naked hips and thighs as she pressed her way through the throng of lactating women, all the way to the center where her favorite fellow cow, Charity, knelt grazing upon a sprig of clover.

“Moo,” Charity said when Julia eased up beside her, but Julia was far too concerned about Lord Ashe’s newest guests to worry about offering any greeting of her own.

“So, James, just what fine delicacies do you have waiting for us this year?”

Julia couldn’t help but look up when she heard a deep, baritone voice address his lordship. The man it belonged to wasn’t quite as tall as Lord Ashe, but his presence alone made up for any deficit in his height. He was slim with light brown hair, gray eyes, and a slightly hooked nose that, rather than detracting from his features, gave his face an almost noble, aristocratic air.

For the first time in days, Julia felt ashamed of her nakedness.

“I’m sure we can find something to suit even the Duke of Mooreshead’s finer tastes. Of course, if the cows won’t do, my sister has a few bulls I’d be delighted to show you instead.”

The duke laughed. “I might like a bit of variety, but I’m afraid my tastes haven’t changed that much, James.”

His lordship’s lips curled into a smile when the duke patted him on the back.

“No,” the duke said. “I believe we’d all prefer the company of one of these lovely ladies. The only problem is which one to choose.”

The duke knelt beside a blonde that had thrust her breasts against his leg. She mooed while he tugged at her bulging nipples, and Julia felt the wetness already running down her inside leg.

Maybe she really did deserve to be a cow. She obviously wasn’t human enough to control her own urges.

“Not that one, Thomas” the lady in red said. “Just listen to those moans. You’d think the creature was giving birth instead of being fondled.”

Lord Ashe’s back stiffened. “Woman, Melissa.”

The lady in red raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

“Just because she is a cow doesn’t mean she’s a creature,” his lordship said. “That is a woman, and I’ll not have you forget it.”

Melissa rolled her eyes and laughed. “Oh, James, if I didn’t know better I might almost think you’ve grown too attached to your stock. They are just cows, after all. That’s what they wanted to be, and that’s what we’ve made them, so I see no reason not to treat them as such.”

“Just because a cow’s nature leads her to submit doesn’t mean she should be regarded with any less value than any other woman.”

“Quite right,” the duke said. “Anyone could dominate and demean these women, but then all to be gained would be a dozen or so shivering and broken slaves. I’ve seen other farms filled with just that, but not at Farthington Hall.”

“No,” his lordship said. “Never at Farthington.”

“Never?” Melissa batted her eyes. “But what about that one cow you seemed so fond of? What was her name? Bea? Bella?”

Lord Ashe’s voice was flat. “Belle.”

“Yes.” Melissa smiled. “Belle. You know, I never did understand why you didn’t make more cows like her. She seemed so well trained.”

Even from several yards away, Julia could see the tendons standing out against Lord Ashe’s neck as he took a deep breath and walked away without saying another word.

The duke cleared his throat.

“Ladies, gentlemen, I believe we have work to do. Lord Ashe has given us the honor of selecting one cow from his herd, and I, for one, don’t intend to choose anything short of the best.”

A quick surge of applause burst up from the entourage, and then a whole host of lords and ladies descended upon the herd. A woman in pink chiffon bent over the red head several feet to her left while two men in matching gray suits measured Charity’s hips before discussing the merits her high production versus her known lack of endurance.

Julia tried to keep her head down, but all around her, the rest of her herd was being poked and prodded by some of the most finely dressed molesters she’d ever seen.

His lordship must be crazy to think they’d actually choose me. Any one of these other women has to be at least a thousand times better.

She should have felt comforted by the fact that her odds of being chosen for…whatever it was these people had in mind was so small it didn’t even bear thinking, but oddly enough, she wasn’t.

You want to know you’re the best. No matter what these people have planned, you’d rather endure their torture than have his lordship realize you aren’t nearly as perfect as he thinks you are. And why? Because deep down you secretly think he might come in and sweep you off your feet just like one of those princes in all those Disney movies you grew up watching.

Tears touched her eyes.

Somehow she didn’t think the next Disney princess would be a naked woman who mooed like a cow and yearned for her true love to one day pop in and give her a good milking.

Matthew was so right. She really was an idiot at heart.

Julia was so caught up in her thoughts, she didn’t notice the man gazing down at her until his shadow fell across her eyes. She looked up without thinking. Above her, the duke regarded her with an almost curious stare.

“And what of this one?” he asked Lord Ashe. “I don’t believe I’ve seen her before.”

His lordship cleared his throat. “Her name is Jewel. This is only her fourth day.”

“And already she fits into the herd so well. You truly do have the touch when it comes to training these girls.”

“If you pick the right stock, they practically train themselves.”

Julia didn’t know whether she should take the remark as an insult or not. Either way, she wished the two would stop talking about her so openly, but like every other wish she’d made in her life, this one didn’t come true either.

“You certainly seem to have chosen a fine one in this cow.” The duke knelt beside Julia and lifted one of her breasts in his hand. “Amazing size for one so newly induced. You mean to say she only received the Laculin four days ago.”

“Give or take a few hours,” his lordship replied.


The duke kneaded her swollen nipple, and despite her trepidation, Julia moaned. She tried to remember his lordship’s warning. She needed to keep her head down, but how could she when this man was tormenting her with the pleasure of his touch?

A shiver rippled through her. A gasp bubbled up from her throat. The duke gave her nipple a hard, quick tug, and warm milk shot across the grass in front of her. Without thinking, Julia licked it off each blade before even a drop could reach the dirt.

“Absolutely amazing,” the duke said. “Excellent production, especially for one so new.”

BOOK: Milked by Royalty: The Full Collection (A Human Cow Erotic Romance)
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