Read Miles of Pleasure Online

Authors: Stephanie Nicole

Tags: #Romance

Miles of Pleasure (21 page)

BOOK: Miles of Pleasure
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After walking away from the cops, she collapsed into the waiting arms of Ashton. "Take me home?" she pleaded.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital to be there for Noah?" he asked.

"No, I think he needs some time alone to process what's going on," Kaylee told him. "Besides, maybe he needs to realize how much he's isolated himself lately because of her."

"If you're sure..." Ashton said, leading her out to his car. "Colton and Jayden had left already, and said they'd stop at the house in the morning."

Kaylee sat in Ashton's car on the way home, staring out the window. "Do you think I'm doing the right thing by not going to the hospital for Noah?" she finally asked.

"I'm not really one to say what you should or shouldn't do, but I do know that you should always trust your instincts," Ashton pointed out. "Your instincts are always right, you know?"

At the stoplight, he grabbed her hand as a means of comfort, but also to get her attention. Her head finally turned towards him, and their eyes met. Even in the dark of the night, he could see the emotion pooled in her intense gaze.

"You told me to trust my instincts...I love you," she said, and for the first time since the Brittany episode, Kaylee smiled. The smile didn't last long as Ashton jerked the car over to the curb, taking Kaylee by surprise. "What the hell?"

Ashton slammed the car in park and got out, running over to Kaylee's side, yanking the door open and pulling her out. "Would you mind repeating that?" he asked breathlessly.

"Trust my instincts?" she teased, and backed up so that she was leaning against the car. He moved closer to her and surrounded her with his arms. She looked up at him and voiced the words that made his stomach and hers do all sorts of weird things. "I love you, too."

Ashton put his lips on Kaylee's before anything else could be said.

Noah sat alone in the waiting room at the hospital ER. So many thoughts were running rampant through his head, but the dominant one was, "How long has she been doing this, and why haven't I seen the signs?" He just didn't have the answers.

The doctor finally appeared, and told Noah that Brittany was awake and ready to see him. He made his way to her temporary room, not quite sure what to say once he got there.

"If you're here to lecture me, save your breath," she told him as soon as he walked through the curtain. Brittany didn't even make a move to look at him. "I made one little mistake and shot a little too much. It was all your fault anyway."

Noah looked blankly at her. "My fault?"

"Yeah, your fault. If you hadn't forced me to hang out with your bitch sister and your loser friends, this never would have happened. I just needed a little more to get through the night, but I guess I had too much," she tried to reason.

Noah stared at her. This was crazier than anything he had ever dreamed. "Are you that damned stupid? I wasn't the one who put the needle in your arm. I'm not to blame here whatsoever!" he spat at her. "Forgive me for wanting my friends and family to get along with my girlfriend. None of them needed drugs to put up with you, but now, I wouldn't blame them if they did. You need to get some help, some serious help. I thought I could bring back the girl I fell in love with, but was I ever wrong."

"Shut up. I told you I didn't want a lecture," she snapped at him.

"Well, I don't want a controlling, bitch druggie for a girlfriend either. I'll pack your shit and have it sent to you here. Find someone else to sponge off of, and don't ever call me again," Noah growled.

He turned and walked out of the room. His heart was breaking, but he was too furious to let the pain hit him just yet. He couldn't believe how stupid and blind he had been in regards to Brittany. He definitely owed a huge apology to the band, and to his sister.

Chapter 19

he drive home seemed to take forever, when in reality, it only took ten minutes. Those ten minutes slowly ticked off the clock, the anticipation growing with each second that passed. When their destination was finally reached, there was a mad scramble to get in the house.

As soon as the door to Kaylee's bedroom was shut and locked, her lips met Ashton's in a passionate embrace. Those three little words concocted an aphrodisiac like no other, igniting the fire inside both of them.

Clothes were flying through the air as Ashton guided Kaylee backward, towards the bed. The time that their lips parted from each other to remove their clothing took too long, and each felt the urgency to be connected again.

As Ashton trailed his lips down Kaylee's naked body, it fed fuel to the fire inside Kaylee, until his lips met the juncture between her legs. Never before had she been so accepting of this act; it had always made her shy and uncomfortable. Now she was opening up for the world to see...her world, Ashton.

He worked his tongue like he was a dying man, lapping up the last of the water on earth. Each drop that fell into his mouth was like a gift, pushing him further to get more and more. The greedier he got for it, the louder Kaylee became, until the faucet turned wide open, and pulse after pulse, Ashton got his drink.

He slowly kissed his way back up her body, stopping to pay special attention to the perky mounds that waited for him there. The peaks were so rosy and swollen, he had to give them some relief by licking and nipping at him. When Kaylee couldn't take the sensation anymore, she pulled him back up to her lips and kissed the breath out of him.

"Wow," was all he could say when he came up for air.

"You took the words out of my mouth," she panted. "Now, let's see what kind of pleasure I can bring you." She softly ran her hand up and down his torso, going lower each time, until her hand fell on his straining shaft.

She positioned herself on her knees, between his legs and bent over to kiss the member she was holding. Looking up to see Ashton watching her through heavily-lidded eyes, she changed her course and kissed his pelvis, blowing hot air as she went past his engorged shaft. He moaned in anticipation, hoping that her teasing wouldn't last much longer.

Kaylee felt him hardening in her hand each time she teasingly passed him up for a kiss on another part of his body. When she didn't think it was possible for him to get any harder, she finally stopped her pleasant torture and went for the main attraction. Ashton groaned and twitched in appreciation.

She let her mouth and tongue move freely over Ashton, while her hand added to his pleasure. Before he had time to warn her, he erupted into her hot mouth. She didn't seem surprised at all. He felt like a teenager again, not able to control himself.

Kaylee smiled and wiped off the corner of her mouth, then laid back down next to Ashton. He kissed her with all he had, not even caring about what she just had in her mouth.

She snaked her hand back down, surprised to find that he hadn't deflated at all. She rolled onto her back and with her hands on his hips, rolled him on top of her. She could feel his manhood digging into her hip, and she couldn't wait to feel him inside of her.

"Please, Ashton, I love you. Make love to me," she begged breathlessly.

"I love you too," he whispered, as he positioned himself at her entrance. He moved slightly, barely entering her, but then he stopped. A pained look crossed his face just before he rolled away from her.

"What are you doing, are you okay?" she asked, almost in a panic.

"I can't do this right now," he said through gritted teeth.

Kaylee looked down at his still erect member. "It doesn't look like there's a problem to me," she said, her emotions all over the place.

"Not physically I can't, but I just can't, alright?" Ashton was getting angry. Why wasn't she understanding what he was saying?

"No, not alright. This is the second time you've turned me down. What the hell is wrong with me that you can't make love to me, but yet you never turned down any other girl!" she yelled at him, as she scrambled off the bed, hastily getting dressed.

Ashton sat there on the bed, looking at her in shock.

"Oh, I get it. I'm just not good enough. Well fuck you! You lost your chance. You'll never touch me again. Now get out of my room!"

She stood looking at him. He didn't move.

"Fine. I'll be the one to go!"

Her words scathed the man sitting at the edge of her bed with his head in his hands. Not even the sound of the door slamming got him to look up. He couldn't look up. The tears in his eyes wouldn't let him.

Kaylee sat in the kitchen wearing a bright pink satin camisole and bright yellow sweat shorts. She hadn't looked at the clothes she was putting on when she got dressed, she just threw on whatever she could find.

She silently stewed, with her only companion being a glass of grape juice and a bottle of vodka. She knew it was only a matter of time before the anger wore off and the hurt moved in. She just hoped she was drunk and numb enough before the tears came.

And that was how Noah found her, somewhere in the middle. Without a word, Kaylee got up and retrieved another glass of grape juice and another bottle of vodka. He took it and put it on the counter.

"I don't even know what I can say to make up for what an ass I've been," he said with a sigh. "But it's over now, and I am sorry."

"I'm sorry too," Kaylee said, her words slurred slightly.

"You are my sister, and I completely turned my back on you." His eyes began to tear up. "You are the one person in the world I should trust above everyone, and I shut you out and didn't listen to a word you said."

She waved her hand in the air as if it didn't matter.

"Don't worry about it. We all make mistakes. I'm still here, and I'm still your sister. That's never going to change. Push me away all you want, you know I'll always be here in the end," she assured him.

"Well, if I ever do something this stupid again, be sure to kick my ass, and never let me forget this little lesson I learned," he asked of his sister.

"You got it," she promised.

"How am I ever going to face the guys?" he asked.

"You'll just have to do it. Of course, they won't be as forgiving as I am, but you'll figure out how to make it right with them," she told him honestly.

"So, do you want to talk about why you're sitting here in the kitchen, all alone, nursing a bottle of vodka in the middle of the night?" Noah asked, making her realize that he wasn't as self-absorbed as he'd been lately.

"Just washing the taste from my mouth," Kaylee replied flippantly.

"I don't think I want to know what that means, but if you want to talk, I'll listen," he offered.

"Thanks, but I've done really well with not crying yet, so I think I'm going to hold off," she paused, not sure if she wanted to say any more. "Let's just say that no matter what you do, sometimes you'll never live up to other people's standards."

"Amen, sister!" Noah said and held his glass up in a toast.

Kaylee clinked her glass against his, and then drained the contents. In the distance, she heard the door to her room slam shut, then a few loud footsteps, and another door slam shut. She knew then that it was all clear for her to go back to her room.

Wanting to be alone, she put down her glass, gave Noah a shaky smile, walked to her room, and allowed the tears to flow.

BOOK: Miles of Pleasure
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