Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (17 page)

BOOK: Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“So fucking wet for us. It’s going to be a pleasure getting to know this ass, Mikayla, and this pussy.”

His words caused a slew of emotions to encase her mind and body. She tried to push back to let him know she wanted him inside of her, but he had other plans.

His fingers pressed to her pussy, stroking and bringing more juices from her body to lubricate his finger.

He pulled from her, and she moaned, lifting her ass back against him. Simultaneously she felt the tip of his cock at her entrance and his finger pushing against her puckered hole.

“Oh!” she moaned as he pressed both inside of her at the same time.

She felt the slight burning as his finger pressed through the tight rings while his cock invaded her channel. In and out he kept both his finger and cock moving inside of her. She could feel the heel of his palm press against her ass cheeks as his finger invaded her ass. It stimulated her senses and sent her pushing back against his finger.

“Oh yeah, you like my finger in your ass while I’m fucking this pussy, huh, Mikayla?” Douglas asked while tilting his hips and pressing her harder against the counter. She was speechless until she felt the slap to her ass.

“Ouch!” she exclaimed, and her body betrayed her verbal reaction as the sloshing sound filled the kitchen.

Douglas continued to torment her until she sensed Michael doing something next to her. She looked to her side, nearly panting for air, to see Michael with his cock in his hand sitting on the stool a mere foot away from her.

“Let go of the counter, Mikayla,” Douglas ordered as he pulled his finger from her ass and wrapped an arm around her midsection.

She did as she was told, and he turned her toward Michael. She knew what they wanted, and she complied.

Mikayla licked her lips and took Michael’s cock into her mouth. Douglas increased his thrusts, sending her face deeper onto Michael’s lap where his male scent consumed her.

“Oh yeah, sugar, just like that, so good,” Michael complimented then ran his fingers through her hair and held her head guiding her up and down on his shaft.

She felt so wild and sexual right now but tight as if something else would set her free.

Douglas thrust into her a few more times before he grabbed her breasts, pulled, then exploded inside of her calling her name.

She continued to suck on Michael as Douglas kissed along her neck, her spine, and then her ass as he pulled from her body.

She felt her dress lying bunched up against her waist and knew that her ass was waving in the wind, but she didn’t care. She felt so naughty and alive.

The cool air caressed her pussy and her ass cheeks making her need and hunger grow. Then she felt someone behind her. It was Antoine.


* * * *


Antoine was so fucking hard right now he knew he wouldn’t last long at all. Mikayla was accepting their rules and their commitment to her. What better way than allowing them to have her like this in a fantasy they would remember and repeat in the future.

He grabbed the tube of lube that Pierre had gotten and pressed some to his finger and then to Mikayla’s ass. He massaged her cheeks and pressed a finger to her anus. She jumped but continued to suck on Michael.

Michael reached down and massaged her ass as Antoine got ready to fuck her.

“Such a great fucking ass. Don’t you think so, Antoine?” Michael asked, and Mikayla moaned against his cock.

Antoine reached down to play with her clit then press a finger to her pussy. “So wet, baby. Do you want my cock, honey?” he asked, and she nodded her head. Michael caressed her ass and her lower back then shoulders with his free hand.

Antoine pushed the tip of his cock against her puckered hole waiting for her response. His fingers played with her pussy, and she pressed back against him in acceptance. He slowly watched as his cock disappeared in her ass. It was an amazing sight as he clenched his teeth and slowly penetrated deeper.

Michael watched from above.

“Fuck!” he stated then held Mikayla’s head in place as he thrust up into her.

“I’m coming, baby!” Michael yelled then exploded inside of her.

Antoine took that moment to slowly ease out then thrust back into her ass as she released Michael’s cock.

The sound of Michael moving out of the way and the stool moving caught Antoine’s attention. Then he saw Mikayla gripping the sides for support as he continued to fuck her ass.

“So good, sugar, and so tight. I love this ass.” He thrust faster, exploding inside of her.

Mikayla panted for air as Antoine withdrew from her. He held her steady then turned her around and lifted her into his arms hugging her to him.

“So good, baby. Was that good?” he whispered, and she pulled back to look into his eyes. Her big brown eyes sparkled as she smiled.

“Very good,” she whispered then hugged him tight.

Chapter 8


Mikayla was tired as she drove to Aubert’s Restaurant for breakfast Monday morning. It had been a late night last night. She’d stayed for dinner. Then Antoine drove her back to the agency to get her car, and then he’d followed her home. She needed to talk to her sisters, especially Illeanna and Angelique.

As she pulled into the parking lot, she saw that the place was crowded, but her sisters were there. She grabbed her purse and got out of the car, fixing her business suit. She had two closings to do today plus interviews this afternoon. Pierre’s was one of the closings and would take place at the attorney’s office in town. It was a very well-known real estate group.

Her hand was feeling a lot better, and Antoine confessed that he knew it wasn’t broken but was so concerned over her well-being that he was being overly protective. She appreciated his honesty and felt guilty about not telling them about Vincent. Perhaps it would be better if Pierre knew. Maybe Vincent Lukon was after one of Pierre’s companies. Her sisters would give her great advice. They were always there for her.

As Mikayla approached the front door, she saw Marie Cherise Laveau appear. She hadn’t been there a moment ago. Mikayla brushed it off. She hadn’t gotten much sleep last night.

“Mikayla, so nice to see you this morning. You’re simply glowing.” The old voodoo priestess winked at her. Mikayla felt her cheeks warm. How embarrassing that Marie would know what she had been up to all weekend.

“Ah, no need to be shy about it. They are meant to be your men and you their woman.”

Mikayla was shocked at her words as she held the door open for Marie Cherise and began to enter the restaurant.

Marie grabbed her arm to stop her then leaned closer.

“Honesty is the best policy. That other one you brought home was no good. He’ll never settle down with any woman no matter how perfect. Put that behind you and embrace the new love beginning in your life. You’ll need them, and they’ll need your sisters and their men when the time comes.”

“What are you talking about, Cherise?”

“Time will tell, child, time will tell. Now be sure to listen to what I said. Keep your men aware of your feelings and your fears. Otherwise the fears will ruin your chances at happiness.”

Mikayla watched Marie Cherise walk through the restaurant then speak to Mr. Perkins, a resident of Orchidea, before heading back out through the front door. By the look on Mr. Perkins’s face, the man didn’t seem too happy.

“Hey, what was that all about?” Illeanna asked Mikayla as she joined her by the table.

“I have no idea. Cherise was just carrying on about a bunch of things.”

“Do tell, sister.” Illeanna sat down at the table to join Mikayla.

Mikayla began to explain when Ellena and Angelina came over, too.

“Someone looks very happy this morning. What a beautiful, sexy outfit you’re wearing,” Ellena teased.

“Yeah, that’s sure to gain some major male attention,” Angelina added.

Mikayla thought about what Marie Cherise had told her. She should have told Pierre about Vincent. What if he showed up again today?

“So spill the beans, how did the dates go?” Ellena asked. And Mikayla smiled.

“They went fantastic. Each of them is so amazing.”

“And what about Douglas, the one you really knew nothing about?” Ellena asked, and Mikayla gently rubbed her injured hand.

“We didn’t make it to that date, it’s tonight but it really doesn’t matter. I like them all, and well, things went a little fast yesterday and last night,” Mikayla confessed.

“Fast? Oh my God, you slept with the four of them?” Angelia asked, filled with excitement but a little too loud for a Monday-morning breakfast crowd.

“Angelina!” Mikayla reprimanded.

“Oh hell, they know what’s going on around here. Most of the people in this diner are in ménage relationships.”

They laughed, and Ellena continued, “So what happened, aside from the great sex?”

“You may not want to know the details, but I sure as hell do. Especially since Mikayla was the one that pushed the Boudoux brothers at me,” Illeanna teased.

“I’ll explain another time. I kind of have a problem, and I need to get to work, so I need quick advice.”

“Okay, shoot,” Illeanna said.

Mikayla explained about the phone call Sunday morning, the client, and then about Vincent.

“That slimy piece of shit! Oh my God, he tried to force himself on you?” Ellena stated a bit too loud and Franco, Johnny, and Gustave overheard them. They were sitting at the counter.

Franco got up and walked toward the table.

“What did I just hear?” he asked, sounding all protective and ready to shoot someone. God, he was just like Michael and his brothers.

Mikayla exhaled and explained about what happened.

“So how did you stop him?” Angelina asked.

“I kicked him in the jewels then started walking away. As he recovered, he grabbed me and I thought he might hit me or try to force himself on me again, so I threw a right hook, hence that is why my hand is swollen.” She showed them her hand, and they all looked at it and then her mouth.

“When he kissed you, he hurt your lip?” Ellena asked, eyeing her lip.

“Yes. I don’t think you can tell though, can you?” Mikayla asked as she brought her fingers up to her mouth.

“Kind of,” Angelina replied, and Franco was beside Mikayla now, looking at her hand then placing his fingers under her chin to look at her lip.

“What did Michael and his brothers say when you told them?”

Mikayla lowered her eyes.

“Mikayla, you told them immediately or called the police right?” Ellena asked.

She shook her head.

“What?” Franco asked, raising his voice.

“I couldn’t tell them what happened. They weren’t my boyfriends or my protectors. I handled it myself and there was no need to tell them anything. I was just going on a date with Antoine so we could get to know one another. There was no relationship or so I thought until they saw my hand and I sort of told them what happened.”

“What do you mean ‘sort of,’ Mikayla?” Franco asked. Now Johnny and Gustave joined them.

They filled Johnny and Gustave in on what happened, and they looked angry, too. Mikayla wondered if this was some sort of a ménage relationship thing and whether or not she could handle the guys overreacting to every little thing that may or may not have happened to her.

“You didn’t tell them that you know who the guy is?” Johnny asked.

“I didn’t give his name because I didn’t want Pierre and them to go all crazy testosterone on the guy and get into some sort of trouble.”

“That wasn’t your decision to make. You made an assumption about how Pierre, Michael, Douglas, and Antoine would have reacted. Their first priority would have been you and your well-being, and then they would have dealt with this asshole accordingly,” Johnny told her. She was really starting to feel like an idiot.

Illeanna touched Mikayla’s hand. “Why didn’t you tell them?”

“I was afraid. You remember what happened with Justin.”

“Fuck Justin, that piece of shit. He wasn’t a real boyfriend or a real man. You can’t go around thinking that every guy would be like Justin, Mikayla. He was an idiot, and he used you when all you did was love him and forgive him for what he did,” Illeanna told her.

“These are real men, and the commitment involved with this type of relationship is not decided upon easily. If this relationship is going to work between the five of you, then trust is important. They need to know the truth,” Ellena told her, and she looked up at Franco.

“How intense is Pierre?” she asked him.

“Pretty intense. He’s a perfectionist and is very demanding. Why?”

“In his business he might gain some enemies along the way then, huh?” she asked.

“Mikayla, did this guy attacking you have something to do with Pierre?” Franco asked.

“Kind of.”

“You need to call him and tell him. If it was any of us, then we would expect the same thing,” Johnny added.

“You can’t call them,” Mikayla stated.

BOOK: Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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