Matching Mr. Right (Rocky Mountain Matchmaker Series Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Matching Mr. Right (Rocky Mountain Matchmaker Series Book 1)
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She nodded sharply. “Change of plans. We’ll take Emily to your mother’s house and you can think of all the ways you can say you’re sorry while you wait for a cab.” She stomped away, got into the car, and they left.

Guess he’d found Shelby’s limit. Good data point for the future.

He pulled out his phone and ordered a taxi, and then dialed Lori’s cell to warn her of the storm approaching named Shelby. When Lori answered, he said, “I can’t explain right now, but when Shelby drops Em off, don’t let her know what you do for a living. And I need to know how many ways there are to apologize to a woman.”


After they’d dropped Emily off, Shelby and Greg headed back to his house. She wasn’t sure if Greg was still upset with her or not, so she said, “I’m really sorry about all that. What a mess.”

He shrugged. “After my shirt dried things got better.”

She laughed, but when she turned to look at him, she saw it wasn’t supposed to be funny. That had happened a few times during the game. He seemed different and a lot more serious than he used to be.

Greg definitely didn’t have Nick’s snappy wit. And he’d been a little quiet all afternoon. Maybe he was still mad about his shirt? “I don’t think Nick did that on purpose. I had just told him to get lost right before that, so he was actually following orders.”

Staring at the road ahead, Greg said quietly, “He wants you, Shelby. Do you want him?”

In her bed? Yes. But that’d be all she’d ever get, so no. “He doesn’t want the same things I do, so it’s a moot point as far as I’m concerned.”

Greg turned to her and smiled. “What things do you want?”

Would it scare him off if she told the truth? Probably better to lay her cards out. “Eventually, I’d like to be married and have kids. A dog would be good too, but optional.”

He chuckled as he pulled up in front of his parents’ house. “You’ll be a great mom if the way you handled Emily today is any indication. And a great disciplinarian by the way you handled Nick.”

She laughed. “He deserved it.” And he was so getting that fake set-up date with Jordan as his reward for his bad behavior. Nick knew how much was riding on this date with Greg, so she’d not feel a bit of remorse.

“No argument there.” Greg turned the car off and faced her. “This whole thing about not having a car or my own place yet feels like high school.” Clearing his throat, he drew a deep breath as if working up to something big.

A kiss maybe?

Greg smiled as he leaned closer and wrapped his arms around her before laying his lips on hers.

About time!

Nice soft mouth, not too dry, not too wet. Good start.

Shelby parted her lips, offering more, and the guy was no fool. He took.

His tongue gently danced with hers, his lips applying just the right pressure. He was a good kisser. What a relief.

But why wasn’t that switch that Nick always flipped inside of her doing its thing? She should be quivering with desire, aching for his hands to explore her needy body just as his tongue was doing inside her mouth.

Maybe because she’d waited for this for so long, she was being too analytical? She needed to shut her brain off and just go with it.

Shelby focused on the way his soft tongue tangled with hers, and then she slid a hand behind his neck.

But before she could tug him closer, Greg leaned away, ending their kiss. “They’ve got me working graveyard so my next night off isn’t until Thursday. Want to have dinner? You can pick the place.”

Okay. The kiss was a little too short in her estimation, but he’d finally asked her out. Progress at last.

“I’d love to. Something casual?”

He smiled and laid another quick peck on her lips. “Casual’s good. I’ll call you later to work out the details. Thanks for the game, it was . . . fun.”

“Anytime.” After Greg got out, Shelby slipped over to the driver’s side and then started for home.

Now that was more like it. Things were starting to look up. And he’d finally kissed her.

And the kiss had been . . . okay. It sizzled . . . a little.

Maybe once she relaxed and stopped sweating the details so much, it’d be as hot as any of the kisses Nick had given her. And Greg had finally asked her out. After two long years.


So why didn’t she feel like singing at the top of her lungs, or least calling Jo to share her good news? It’s what she’d wanted for so very long. It could be the start to achieving all she’d hoped for. The first step to the house, handsome husband, two-point-five kids and the pooch she’d always hoped to have.

As she waited for a stoplight to turn, her quick glance in the rearview mirror caught the sight of something pink near her ear. Some of Emily’s stray cotton candy.

She plucked out the offending piece of fluff. Glancing at her reflection again, she figured she’d see her victorious smile, not the little frown line splitting the middle of her forehead. Something was off and she couldn’t put a label on it. Or maybe she could.


Had her anger with Nick spoiled the mood with Greg? No, that wasn’t it. She wanted Nick. It was like when a toddler experiences candy for the first time. After savoring something so sweet, nothing else could ever taste as good.

But Nick was like a chocolate truffle. He’d be fantastic at first, then eventually he’d melt away, leaving nothing behind but a fond memory and a few extra pounds of regret to carry around.

Nope. Not going there.

When Shelby walked into her kitchen, Jo sat at the table eating a big bowl of pasta. Shelby hadn’t had a chance to talk to Jo outside of the café in days. She missed her best bud.

“Hey stranger. How are you?”

“Good. How was the date?”

“A disaster, but that’s Nick’s fault.” Shelby grabbed a bowl, filled it from the pot on the stove, and joined Jo. Then she told her the whole stupid tale.

“You really made Nick call a cab?”

Shelby stuffed more creamy, garlicy noodles into her mouth and moaned with pleasure. “Damn straight! That was just rude. The man drives me nuts. He’s the human version of Chester.”

“Yeah, but you couldn’t write Chester as well as you do if you weren’t a little that way too. Will you promise me something?”

Shelby laid her fork down. Jo’s serious tone startled her. “Are you worried about me and you if dating Greg doesn’t work out?”

Jo stood and washed her bowl out. When she was done, she turned around and crossed her arms. “No, it’s not that. You and I will always be good, no matter what. But you like analogies, so I’m going to give you one. Greg is like your Prius. It’s a reliable, steady, and economical vehicle, but it’s lacking in flash and speed. Now Nick, he’s like your old Porsche. That car was a fast, sexy, powerful ride that didn’t make economic sense, but was a hell of a lot of fun to drive. You’ve made some big changes in your life recently and admit it Shelby, you’re still missing your old Porsche.”

“Okay, I get your point. But what do you want me to promise?”

“I want you to promise to take your time with Greg. Tell him you just want to be friends until you’ve become reacquainted again. Don’t sleep with him until you’re sure he’s the same guy you’ve built him up to be in your mind all these years. You have an honest friendship with him you wouldn’t want to ruin. And I don’t want to see my brother hurt. But Nick? It’d be torture to always wonder what might have been. I think you should jump his bones as soon as possible so you’ll know exactly where you stand with him. Take Nick for a test drive.”

A strange sense of relief washed through her. As if Jo saying out loud those same thoughts that Shelby hadn’t wanted to face suddenly made them all right. If Emily hadn’t been there, would she and Greg have had enough to talk about all afternoon? They were different people now than when they were kids. Maybe she
built Greg up in her mind to be more than he could ever be.

“Deal. I’ll call Greg tonight and tell him it’s strictly platonic for now. I’ll even tell him why. He’ll probably cancel our dinner date, but you’re right, Jo. I need to be fair to your brother.”

“Thank you.” Jo’s lips tilted into one of her trademark smirks. “And Nick?”

She sighed. “I’m so mad at him right now. We’ll have to see.”


“Hanky-panky can lead to big spankies!”

Chester is in Trouble Again

Later the next week, Shelby tapped on her laptop at the café as a big shadow cast over her. Nick. His scrumptious cologne gave him away. Or maybe it was those delectable pheromones of his. “Are you ready to meet your lunch date?”

“I guess. Are you still mad at me?” He sat across from her looking all remorseful, but he wasn’t getting off that easy.

“Yep.” She slid the Bluetooth that wasn’t charged across the table.

He popped it in. “I found something interesting I’d like to show you later if you’re free.”

“What is it?”

Nick leaned closer and smiled. “You’ll have to wait and see, because I think I might have just snagged a huge job. I need to get back to my office as soon as this meet and greet is over. If you weren’t already mad at me I would’ve canceled.”

“You’ll be glad you didn’t cancel. I really think this might be the one for you, Nick. And you know what they say about brunettes. Now go over to that far table and let’s do a sound check.”


Shelby bit her lip to contain her smile as Nick made his way through the tables filled with diners. When he sat down and grinned at her, she struggled for a stern look.

Payback time.

She pretended to speak so Nick could see her mouth move. He tapped at his earpiece. Frowning, he took it out and examined it.

Finally he lifted it up and mouthed, “Not working.”

She stood and crossed to his table. She pretended to mess with it a bit and then said, “Shoot. Your date will be here any minute. I guess you’re on your own this time. Sorry.”

Nick shook his head. “You know what? Maybe it’d be best to cancel since I really don’t have time for this anyway.”

“Are you scared to do it alone?”

“No, of course not.” He huffed out a breath and glanced at his heavy gold watch. “But if she’s late I’m not waiting more than ten minutes for her.”

She patted his shoulder. “Okay. I need to talk to Jo about something. Remember your manners and make good choices.”

Nick scowled at her. “Make good choices? What are you talking about?”

“You’ll see. Bye.”

Shelby quickly disappeared into the kitchen. On the far wall in the back, two big flat-screens showed all the angles from their security cams, both inside and outside the café. Shelby grabbed a stool and waited for the show to begin.

Jo, wiping her hands on a towel, stood nearby. “Too bad we don’t have sound. That would’ve made this so much better.”

Jordan showed up, head swiveling looking for Nick. She’d given Jordan a description of Nick, so it didn’t take long before the very handsome Jordan headed Nick’s way and introduced himself. Jordan could model for GQ and had the best sense of humor of any of her friends.

The look on Nick’s face when he’d realized Jordan was his date—priceless. “See the way his jaw is slightly clenching, Jo? He’s livid.”

Jo’s chuckle was downright evil. “A vein in his forehead is popping. He’s definitely going to kill you. Or have a stroke.”

“Well, wait. It gets better.” Shelby turned her attention back to the screen. When Jordan reached out and laid a hand on Nick’s arm, Nick’s eyes shifted, as if looking for the fastest escape route.

Nick, clearly uncomfortable, stood to leave. Jordan laughed, held up a hand to stop him, and must have confessed it was a joke, just as Act Two came strolling in. A tall, beautiful blonde client who was also an actress who Shelby’d recruited to play a role in her payback plan.

Throwing an elbow into Jordan’s ribs in a “get lost” gesture, the blonde smiled sweetly at Nick.

Relief crossed Nick’s face as he shook her hand and pulled out a chair for her.

Jo said, “She’s gorgeous, Shelby. Aren’t you afraid he might go for her instead of you?”

“No. She’s perfect on the
just like Nick originally ordered.” Shelby’s lips tilted in anticipation. “But you can’t always judge a book by its cover. If she doesn’t make him blow a gasket, nothing will.”

“You’re a brave woman.” Jo patted her shoulder. “But you may have to hide out for a few days.”

While Nick and the actress talked, Shelby checked e-mails on her phone. After answering a few, she looked up again. Nick’s table was empty.

That was fast.

Both the kitchen’s double doors banged open. “Dammit, Shelby! Where are you?”


The fury in Nick’s voice had her making a run for it. If she could get to Jo’s office before him, maybe she could lock the door until he calmed down.

She sped down the short hallway stacked with baking supplies on either side, his loud footsteps warning her he was close.

When she reached the office, she slapped the door closed behind her, but a loud thud, followed by Nick’s vicious curse, told her he’d taken it in the face.

So not good!

Shelby rounded the desk and stood behind it, grateful for the solid piece of furniture that would separate her from the madman.

Nick threw the door open and stalked inside with a big red mark on his forehead and murderous intent in his eyes.

“I didn’t mean to hit you with the door, Nick. Sorry.”

“You were smart to run.” He started toward her, but she slipped around the side. He feinted left, then went right, but Shelby was a decent basketball player and didn’t fall for it.

“Give it up Shelby, you can’t escape.”

“We’ll see about that.” She made a big move that left him on the backside of the desk and her on the front, closer to the door. “Bye!”

She ran full tilt into the hall, smiling at the prospect of escape through the swinging doors. Her forward progress came to an abrupt halt when Nick wrapped his tree trunk of an arm around her waist. Then her feet left the ground, and he threw her over his shoulder, knocking the air out of her lungs.

“The day a little runt like you outmaneuvers me is the day I’m washed up.”

BOOK: Matching Mr. Right (Rocky Mountain Matchmaker Series Book 1)
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