Read Man Up Party Boy Online

Authors: Danielle Sibarium

Man Up Party Boy (10 page)

BOOK: Man Up Party Boy
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   Chapter 14


The past few days have been amazing. It's all because of Lexi. She's smart and funny, and her body . .  . The more I see of it, of her, the more blown away I am. The sex is great, too. Nah, it's not great, it's out of the world spectacular. She gets me hard with a look, or accidentally rubbing up against me. And when she's cuming and screams my name, I can't help but explode inside her.

I hesitated asking her to escort me to the wedding, not because I don't want to be seen with her, quite the contrary. I don't want anyone opening their mouth to Cooper before I have a chance to. Even the threat of him finding out doesn't deter me. I want the world to see her on my arm. Not just because I'm head over fucking heels for her. I want every guy that eye fucks her to back the fuck off, because she's mine. Lexi Sutton is one hundred percent my girl.

"You need to go get ready, and wait for me to make my grand entrance," she teases before disappearing into her bathroom.

She wouldn't show me the dress, wouldn't shower in my bathroom, and outright refused to get dressed in my room. What bothers me most is Lexi wouldn't even let me pay for the dress. She claims she had a credit on her card, and so it didn't cost her anything. She thinks I want to pay out of some sort of obligation. She doesn't understand, I want to give her the world and spoil her.

It's been two hours since she disappeared into the shower. I can't imagine what's taking so long. I hope she's not going crazy with make up or her hair. She's gorgeous as is, she doesn't need any of that junk girls use to try and make themselves look better.

As I wait for her down in the living room, I scroll through my email on my phone. I have a bunch from work. I really should check them tomorrow, put them in some order of priority before I go back. I see a new one from Cooper, too. Shit. Why can't he let me forget? Looks like it just came in a few minutes ago. Lexi probably didn't answer him, so now he wants me to reassure him all is good.

"Noah," she calls my name in a sing song voice. "Are you ready for me?"

I put my phone in my pocket. Cooper can wait.

"Depends on what you want me ready for. If you're looking for a quickie before we leave, all I need is to see that hot body of yours, and I'll be ready to go."

"Keep it in your pants, party boy. There will be time for that later."

"Promise?" I say as she steps out of the shadows and I get my first look at her.

My eyes flutter, I think I'm going to fall backwards. Her hair is pinned in loose curls on top of her head. Not big, thick curls. These are thin and sexy. The top of the little black dress is loose fitting with a plunging neckline that dips below her breasts, to just above her belly button. I don't even know how her tits are covered, but for the moment they are. It looks like a good strong blow of the wind, and they'll be on display. The rest of the dress hugs her waist and hips, accentuating her curves. It's not right for her to go looking like this. Once she walks in the room, all eyes will be on her instead of Dina.

I can't speak. My brain is actually mush; like a giant hand is kneading and massaging it, leaving me unable to function.

"Say something," she says with a smile, holding the banister as she walks down the steps, to me.

I swallow hard, searching for something to say to get rid of the hint of nervousness in her eyes. But I fail, because she's stunning. No, she's so much more than that. She's heart-stopping. Breathtaking. Mouth-watering.

"Something," I manage to get out.

"Noah, I can't tell if you like it or not. You're making me nervous."

"Like it? Are you kidding?" I answer somewhat recovered from my momentary stupor. I wrap her in my arms and press my hips into her. "Do you feel that? Just a look and I'm harder than a fucking jack hammer."

"You have such a way with words."

"It's what keeps you coming back for more."

"Come on, party boy." She flutters her long, thick lashes at me, and I want forget the wedding, and strip her down instead. "Let's go."

She takes a step toward the door, and I pull her back for a kiss. I'm not sure why, the longer we are here alone, the less motivated I am to leave.


Lexi and I hold hands as we walk into the reception hall. I search for the card with my name on it, Noah York, and guest. I don't know why the "and guest" part bothers me. It should say Lexi instead. From here on out, I want everyone to know we aren't Noah and guest, we're Noah and Lexi, couple. 

We're seated at table eight.

Marlena and Troy are already there. I bend down and kiss Marlena on the cheek so she doesn't feel obligated to stand. I can only imagine moving isn't so easy with that huge belly in the way. I introduce Lexi to both of them, but don't miss the questioning look Troy is giving me. I choose to ignore it for the moment. Jonathan and his wife Kara arrive next. I lost touch with Jonathan after high school, but it's good to see he's married and doing well.

We sit next to Marlena and Troy. The girls are chatting away about Marlena's pregnancy, while Troy keeps shooting funny looks my way. Lexi seems to be at ease with Marlena, so I excuse myself and head over to the corner of the room with Troy.

"What?" I ask once we're far enough that the girls won't hear me.

"That's Alexis Sutton isn't it?"

I nod. "And your point?"

"My point is you need to get it together. You can't touch her. Cooper's going to fuck you up."

I shrug. "Too late."

"What? Are you kidding me? You're fucking her?" He asks unable to close his mouth.

"Listen jerk-off," I say closing in on him. "Mind your business and stop thinking about who Lexi's fucking. Worry about who your wife's fucking."

"I'm just telling you as a friend, Cooper's not going to be okay with this. He knows where you've been and everyone you've been with."

"Yeah, and he should know that I'm his friend, and I would never hurt her."

"Then maybe you should've thought of that before you started sleeping with your best friends sister, because knowing you and Cooper I don't see any outcome other than her getting hurt."

"Fuck you. You just be nice to her. Treat her the same way you would if she were any other girl I brought."

"Sorry, can't do that buddy, I actually respect Lexi."

I grab his lapel. I'm so sick of everyone acting like I'm a piece of shit. Yes, I've been with girls. Cooper and I went out hunting pussy for years, but I never lied to them, never made promises I didn't plan on keeping. That was Cooper. I was straight with girls, and I didn't fuck nearly as many as everyone seems to think I did.

"Hey, Noah, calm down. I'm just playing."

"Yeah, well keep those comments to yourself around Lexi."

"You're really into her, aren't you?"

"I'm crazy about her." Hell crazy only touches the surface of what I am. It's so much more, and whatever it is, I'm in deep. Like up to my forehead-I'm-about-to drown-deep.

"For what it's worth, I hope it works out. She's a really nice girl. And if you need help with Cooper, I'll be glad to talk some sense into him."

"Thanks man. It means a lot."

We head back to the table to find Billy and Mickey have arrived. Billy's taken it upon himself to take my seat, the one next to Lexi.

"Sorry, buddy, that seat is taken," I say placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, Noah! It's been too long." Billy stands, and pulls me into a guy hug. He always was too touchy feely for me.

After introducing Lexi to Billy and Mickey who haven't yet made the connection, we head out to the dance floor.

"I can't believe you and Cooper still hang out with those guys."

"Yeah, well not all of them. Just Troy and sometimes Mickey."

"So the bride, she's um . . . pretty."

Lexi doesn't fool me, I know she's feeling me out for information.

"I guess, if you like that type."

She gives me a knowing smirk. "The gorgeous type?"

I shrug, because honestly, no one even blips on the radar next to Lexi.

"Nah, I've got the gorgeous type right here."

"You know what I mean. So did you ever . . ."

"Those idiots told you I have a thing for her didn't they?"

She nods.

"That's because they're jealous and they're hoping they could steal you away."

"Don't you worry, party boy. I'm not going anywhere. It's your intentions I'm trying to figure out."

The music changes. It's slow, a love song. The perfect backdrop. I pull Lexi against me and hold her tight. I wonder if she can feel how hard my heart is pounding against my chest. Her arms are around my neck, and her fingers play at my hairline. Even this feels great. Perfect.

"Truth?" I ask.

She nods in response.

"I had a mad crush on her for like two years in high school. I thought if we became friends the rest would come easy. It didn't. I moved on. End of story."

"Then why do the guys think you're still hung up on her?"

"I guess because I've never wanted a relationship before."

"Before what?"

"Before you."

"So you're not planning to walk away and not look back in a few days?"

I close my eyes and breathe in her sweet scent. She's already familiar, already like a piece of me. How could she think I'd walk away? I swallow hard before speaking, hoping I could find the right words.

"You're everything I've always wanted. Everything I've been waiting for. Lexi, I don't know if I could ever walk away from you."

"Want to know a secret?" She leans in and whispers in my ear. Without waiting for an answer, she continues. "No one's ever been able to make cum before."

"What?" I can't help it, I pull back and look at her in disbelief. "No way."

She nods. "Never."

She just inflated my ego so much it's ten times bigger than the balloons at the Thanksgiving Day Parade.

"No fucking way."

"I've had orgasms before, it's just, I had to take care of them myself. You tell anyone and you'll have blue balls for real, party boy. You got that?"

"Yeah, I got that." I smile down at her.

I feel a tap on my shoulder. "May I cut in?" Billy, that prick.

"Go to hell." I give him a warning look.

"Come on, Noah. Just this dance."

"It's okay. I don't mind."

Great that she doesn't mind, but I do. I don't want her body pressed against anyone but me. I don't want another guy's cock pressing against her. Especially not one I know had thoughts of her in that way. When the fuck did I become jealous and possessive?

"Yeah, sure."

I keep glancing back at them as I walk to the table. Even though I know its just one dance and that he doesn't mean anything to her, I can't wait for it to end.

"You look good together." Marlena says when I get back to the table.

"Thanks. How are you?"

"Fat and tired. Now let's get back to you and Lexi. I like her."

I smile. "I like her, too."

"So? I want details. I need to live vicariously through someone. Tell me, are you guys serious?"

I look at Lexi. I hope to meet her eyes before I attempt an answer. But she's not looking at me, she's looking at Billy, and she looks pissed. Fuck head probably passed an inappropriate comment. I feel the need to go rescue her.

"I'm sorry, Marlena. I'll be right back."

That's one way to avoid answers I don't have. Just before I approach Billy, I see them spin, and his hand is down on her ass. Motherfucker! I see red, and push my way through the other couples on the floor. I shove him away from Lexi.

'What the fuck, Noah?"

"You touch her again, and I'll fuck you up so bad you'll wish for the beating Coop gave you instead."

"Come on, I know there's nothing going on between you, she's just here so you don't look like a pathetic loser to Dina."

I get in his face, "You don't know shit."

Lexi takes my hand and pulls me off to the side away from him. I let her lead me and cradle her face in my hands.

"Did he hurt you? Are you okay?"

She smiles sweetly, all goo-goo eyed, like she's looking at a rock star or celebrity.

"I'm fine."

"Cause if he did, I'll take him outside and . . ."

She kisses me to shut me up. It works. Once I feel her mouth on mine, the rest of the room disappears. It's just Lexi and me. Her hand brushing over the side of my face, her lips making mine buzz and tingle, her body leaning against mine, teasing me.

She breaks away, and I want to pull her back to me, pick up where we left off. "Another thirty seconds, and I was going to reach down and squeeze his balls so tight he'd be pissing out of his eyes for the next six months."

I laugh. "So you didn't need me to race out there and save you?"

"No." She shakes her head, "I didn't need it, but it was a nice to have."

BOOK: Man Up Party Boy
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