Read Maliuth: The Reborn Online

Authors: Stormy McKnight

Maliuth: The Reborn (3 page)

BOOK: Maliuth: The Reborn
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Chapter Five

Alea talked to herself the entire time she followed Ori.
It’s just a man. You are just meeting a man
and not the King of the world. Wait a minute, how do you know he’s not the King?
He might be!
At that thought, her nerves shot into overdrive. She felt her
hands sweating and was pretty sure she was going to be sick. The man she was
meeting might be some kind of King. In addition, she hadn’t even asked Ori what
it meant to be a “mate”. Maybe that was like a concubine or mistress to them.
Maybe he just has sex with you once and left
you for the rest of the men to take their turn.
Now her imagination was
getting out of hand and she hurried to control it before she got so scared she
was running the other way.

She had to stop suddenly when Ori and the others all reached a circle in
the floor and parted away from her to create a line behind her. She took in the
chaise type loungers with their plump pillows and a variety of occupants that
were standing as she watched. Her eyes fell first on a very handsome, blond
haired male as he stood up. His warm brown eyes were fixed on her, his mouth
open. She could see that he had age lines around the mouth and eyes. He was
wearing a loose fitting white shirt, tucked into black leather looking pants
and his feet were encased in black boots. Strapped to one thigh was a wicked
looking bladed weapon. When her eyes went back over his body she noted that
what she could see of his skin was tanned and his tall frame was nicely
muscled. She wondered for a moment if this was Maliuth, and then he held out
his hand for a female that was sitting next to him.

As she watched, he helped the slight framed, blond haired female to stand
next to him. Okay, so this must not be Maliuth. The male and the woman stood
side by side and eyed her with interest. The female was tall. Not as tall as
the male next to her, but much taller than Alea. The woman’s warm brown eyes
were taking in her appearance and Alea grimaced. Though dressed similarly, in
body shape, height, skin tone and hair color they were opposites. In addition, she
was barefoot and this woman was wearing some type of sandal. It was taking in
the woman’s dress that Alea noticed a very feminine, intricate tribal tattoo on
her right shoulder.

Not wanting to stare and appear rude, she dragged her eyes around the
room. She saw another blond haired male standing by a different lounger with
his mouth gawking open. Both of the male occupants of the room had brown eyes.
Both of them were tall and muscular. Both wearing the white shirt with black
pants and boots.

She was seeing a trend here with the blond hair and brown eyes. Maybe
going for black hair and blue eyes hadn’t been such a good idea. Feeling a
sense of doom come over her Alea finally looked straight ahead and it was her turn
for her mouth to drop open.

He was breathtaking. She would put his height at over six foot tall. He
wasn’t wearing a shirt and with his back to her, she got to see his broad
shoulders and muscled back taper to an indented waist and hips. His pants
covered his lower body but the material was form fitting and his ass and thighs
were muscled as well. As she watched, he seemed to flex the various muscle
groups, showing off for her perhaps. Then he turned and she wasn’t looking at
his back. She was getting a view of his chiseled chest, stomach, thighs and…blushing
hotly she hurried to look into his face.

His eyes were a deep brown with nicely arched brows. The warm color
reminded her of melted milk chocolate. His cheekbones were high, with a chiseled
jawline. She would swear that he had dimples on either side of his lush mouth.
The lips were full and he wet his lips as she watched. Like the others in the
room, he had dark blond hair. The silky strands could be wet she supposed since
she saw what looked to be water on his pants and the floor around his feet.

She vaguely heard Ori asking the others to step outside the chamber. His
words barely registered with the blood pounding in her ears. Maliuth hadn’t
moved since turning from the mirror. They both just watched each other, neither
seeming able to move. Alea waited, unwilling to break the mood.

Then he was walking toward her. His eyes were drinking her in from the
top of her head to her toes, covered in material as they were and back again.
When he reached her in the circle, he tentatively held out a hand as if to
check that she was really there. His fingers were light as a butterfly as they
traced a path down her arm. The skin where he touched flared to life. She had
never had this kind of physical reaction to a male before and was stunned. His large
hand engulfed her, his fingers entwining with hers for a second and then
dropped away. She immediately missed the touch and was about to say something
when he grabbed the material of her dress at the hip. Feeling the material rise
along her leg she started to tremble in the circle.

Was he going to rip her clothes off right here? Would she mind? He must
have seen what he was looking for because he dropped the material. With his
hand level with her hip, he circled her in what she could only describe as stalking.
His hand burned through the material of the dress and branded the skin
underneath. First along her hip and lower back, then across her stomach.
Against her will, the muscles bunched and trembled. Stopping behind her, his
free hand was now playing with the thick fall of hair at her back. When she felt
his fingers brush along the small of her back and lower to feel out her ass
cheek the gooseflesh and prickling sensation that followed added to her
awareness of him. She couldn’t see his large body behind hers, but she could
feel the heat of him. When his light touch went along her neck toward her ears,
she suddenly felt like it was too much. She went to turn to offer a protest,
but she was engulfed in his arms. One forearm was pressed under her breasts, lifting
her slightly. The other hand moved to massage her thigh. She felt his hot
breath at the base of her sensitive ear. Her back was completely pressed into
his chest and her heart raced at the feel of him against her.

“Do not be afraid.” The timber of his voice was like a tuning fork and
she was suddenly trembling all over. Her breasts grew heavier and her nipples stiffened
into harder nubs. The moisture began to slick the cleft between her legs and
her breathing became rapid. The thumb splayed along her ribs moved slightly to
press into the underside of her breast. “I have never seen a form like yours.”
The thumb pushed higher and the hand on her thigh was bunching the material of
her dress. “So small in stature, yet so perfect.”

Turning her in his arms she found herself pressed face first into his
chest. He had one hand on the back of her neck and the other arm at her lower
back. Pulling her up and bowing her back at the same time, she was suddenly
face to face with him. Her breasts were smashed against his pecs and the energy
flowing between them was electric and stunning.

“I claim you as my mate.” He growled fiercely and Alea felt a sharp sting
along her collarbone and rising over her shoulder.

“Cease!” Alea heard a voice call out but she was so enthralled by
Maliuth’s eyes that she didn’t register the request. “I said cease at once.”
Maliuth blinked and reluctantly put some space between them. When Alea felt
that her feet were solidly planted on the ground, she took a shaky step back.
Looking at her shoulder, she could see the faint glow of a tattoo had been
forming. It wasn’t the same as the one she had seen on the female from before.
Each mating tattoo must be unique. She looked at Maliuth and noticed he had
been forming one also. When pressed together, they would fit together like a
puzzle piece. Not understanding why he had let her go she looked around.

“Drace!” The rage in that one word made Alea shudder. Maliuth was more
angry than any person she had ever seen. “What do you—”

“I am challenging mate status.” The male named Drace yelled out. “You are
not to complete the bonding until after the challenge is settled.”

“How dare you!” The older blond male from before had come storming back
inside the chamber from yet another set of doors, along with the other two from
Maliuth’s party. She didn’t know who everyone was, but since she had mistaken
this male to be Maliuth before he had helped the female with him, and since he had
a vague resemblance to Maliuth, she was figuring he must be some form of relative.

“Father it is okay.” Maliuth had gotten hold of his temper, though Alea
could feel his fist clenched against her side.

“It is not okay. Where are the Oracles?” the older man’s voice was
thundering in the small chamber.

“Dear. Maybe it is best if you let Maliuth handle this. We are here as
guests and should not interfere.” The statuesque blond female tried to reason
with the enraged male.

“I accept your challenge and ask Galan to be my second.” Maliuth pulled
her into his body and carried her to stand away from the circle they had been
standing on. Alea was grateful since she was too stunned to move on her own.

“You cannot have the Crown Prince as your second.” Drace taunted as he
too prepared for the fight. Clothing was being removed and blades handed out. “Icus
is my second.” He nodded to a male that had stormed the room with him.

“Then I will second Maliuth.” The older male called out and Alea noticed
that Drace paled under his tan.

“Father it is beneath your station to stand in as second. The King will
not be happy if he hears of this.” Maliuth had moved to stand in front of his
father. “I am honored that you would do this for me but I cannot let you.”

“Let me?” The older man had taken his shirt off and Alea noticed he was
extremely fit. There were slightly pale scars crisscrossing his back and sides.
His shoulder had an intricate tattoo that she bet would match the one on
Maliuth’s mother. “You cannot stop me.”

Turning to look at the males as
they all formed a circle in the middle of the room. She asked the female
standing next to her. “What are they going to do exactly?”

Whispering down to her the female replied, “They are going to fight of
course.” Alea paled and before she could respond, the woman went on. “I am Sartya
by the way. Maliuth is my son. The stubborn ox preparing to stand with him is
my mate, Malendroch. You can call him Malen since we are to be family.”

Alea was still stuck on the ‘fight’ part of Sartya’s statement. “You mean
they are going to use those blades and attack each other?” The men in the
circle were doing some sort of ritual and then only two were left in the
circle. Maliuth and Drace were facing each other, both with a very sharp
looking bladed weapon in their hands.

“Yes dear. One of them must die since this is a challenge for mate
status.” Sartya stated matter of factly. “Maliuth was chosen by The Elder for
you, but if challenged by a previously chosen male, then he could lose the
right to be your mate.”

“What is a previously chosen male?” Alea jumped when Maliuth and Drace
suddenly started swiping at each other with their blades and spinning to avoid
being hit. She had to turn away and looked at Sartya. “I don’t understand.”

Sartya looked at her with sympathy, “A previously chosen male is one that
was given a chance at a mate but was unsuccessful in getting her through the
shadows. It is a very heavy burden for a male to carry. I could almost feel
sorry for Drace if he was not trying to take you from Maliuth.”

“If Drace wins, then I am to be a mate to him? I have no say in the
outcome?” Alea was stunned that she didn’t get a choice in the matter.

“Drace will not win.” Sartya didn’t even sound sorry, “Maliuth is the
First Prime of Abondiel.” As to her having a choice Sartya conveniently didn’t
answer that part.

As if Alea knew what that was. It sounded impressive and when she could
bear to look at the fight she saw that Drace was taking far more damage than
Maliuth. She wasn’t familiar enough with the ways of this world and she really
didn’t want to interfere. That didn’t mean she was going to watch and cheer
Maliuth on in his attempt to kill someone. When there was an especially loud
groan, she couldn’t help but look. Seeing Maliuth on the ground, she gasped
loudly. “Mal—” She went to step forward but Sartya stopped her. Pressing her
fist into her mouth to keep from crying out she watched as Drace jumped
forward. Maliuth used his legs and Drace’s momentum to hurl him across the
circle. Drace went slamming into the ground and slid a good ten feet. Maliuth
was stalking toward Drace and Alea couldn’t help remembering being in his arms
and the physical attraction she felt for him. She didn’t wish death on anyone,
but she refused to think of being a mate to anyone but Maliuth. He was the one
for her. She knew it deep in her soul. She had come through the shadow for him.

Both men were getting fatigued and Alea wondered at the stamina that kept
them going.

“It will be over soon. Drace is making too many mistakes.” Sartya placed
her arm around her shoulder.

Suddenly a roar shook the temple and another voice yelled for all to
cease. Not sure who the newcomer was and why everyone stilled at his command
Alea looked to the male in the doorway. She saw Ori and Jerr with a much taller
robed figure entering the room. The newcomer strode purposefully in. His gaze
taking in the males fighting in the center and then his eyes landed on her.
Where the others had warm brown eyes, this male had black empty ones. Even
though he was wearing the brown robes, he had his hood down and Alea could see
some type of adornment around his neck that the other oracles didn’t have.

“Maliuth.” The male walked furiously into the circle, “Drace. You will
cease this fight immediately.” Since Drace was weakened by blood loss, his
blade fell to the ground and he stumbled. “Orihin see to Drace.”

Ori went to the male as he stumbled and was trying to help him stay on
his feet. He wasn’t able to keep Drace upright and the large male fell onto the
ground. “Elder.” The poor Oracle moved to stand up. “There is nothing I can do
for him.”
So…that is who the taller
Oracle with Ori was. The leader of their order and the one who chose males for

BOOK: Maliuth: The Reborn
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