Made by Us: Giselle and Liam's Story (The Made Series Book 3) (9 page)

BOOK: Made by Us: Giselle and Liam's Story (The Made Series Book 3)
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“Please don’t cry.”

I sob. “I can’t help it.”

              “I’m sorry that in our relationship that you didn’t feel wanted, because I wanted you and still do. My fear of losing you drove you into the next man’s arms.” He briefly clinches his jaw. “The thought of you being with someone else drives me insane but it’s partly my fault.”

              “You can’t blame yourself, I made the choice to stray from what we had. I’m sorry I hurt you. I would do anything to take that back.”

              He sadly smiles, “I know, that’s what makes you so special. This is hard for me. I love you.” He gently strokes my cheek. “Our friendship means a lot to me and I don’t want to lose that.”

              “I love you too and we won’t lose our friendship.” I smile. “But can you keep your skank’s panties in your room and not the kitchen? Matter fact only have sex in there, please.”

              He lets out a hearty laugh, “I can do that. Besides I’ll be moving out next week.”

              “You don’t have to do that.”

              “We both know it’s what’s best.”

  “Can I have a hug?”

As we hug, I know this is the last time I will be held by Liam Jackson.




Chapter Fifteen


Since our talk Liam and I have been getting along and things have gone back to normal. Well, as normal as possible. I do miss him, but now we’re only friends and business partners. It’s funny how the saying is true: you never miss something until it’s gone.

The renovations are coming along nicely, which is extremely exciting because that means more revenue. Today they are completing the final touch ups with the trim work since everything else is finished. The bar area in the back corner will match perfectly with the dining area furniture scheduled to be delivered tomorrow morning. I’m thrilled to see what the room will look like once the light oak wood tables and chairs are arranged.

“It’s looking good.”

I turn around to a cheerful Liam approaching me. He places his hand on the small of my back and shivers go through my body.

“It does, and soon it will be complete. I was worried that it wouldn’t be finished for the Jones’s wedding.”

“You put them on a schedule, I think they’re too afraid not to do as instructed.”

“A girl has to stay on top of things. Have you seen Meagan?”

“She called and will be late, had family business to take care of.”

This is concerning, Meagan is never late. I turn to face Liam. “I hope everything is okay.”

Liam states that she sounded fine and he’ll call to check on her later. We go into our office and discuss the menu for the Jones’ wedding. They want a traditional yet romantic reception filled with colorful flowers and simple, but delicious food. Hours later we finally create the perfect menu for them.







During my drive home, my phone rings. I answer without looking to see who is calling.


“Giselle,” I know that deep and enticing voice.

“Ethan. Um, how are you?

“Cut the pleasantries, did you get rid of your boyfriend?”

“I didn’t get rid of him. If you’re asking if I told him about us, then the answer is yes.”

“Good. I miss you and need to see you.”

“I don’t know about that, it’s too soon.

“I wasn’t asking. I’ve booked you a flight. You leave next week, my assistant will be in touch with the details.”

“Ethan, I can’t just leave, what about my business? What about Liam?

“What about him? It’s obvious he didn’t fight for you because if he did, you wouldn’t still be on the phone with me.”

“Let me think about it.”

“There’s nothing to think about, it’s time for us to be together just like before. I’ll be in touch.”

My mind is racing and I don’t know what to do. Thank goodness it’s our girl’s night. I really need Carmen and Marcia’s help. We’re meeting at Desire’s for happy hour.



Carmen and I are chatting when the late Marcia appears, speaking on her phone.

“Girls, sorry I’m late.” Marcia apologizes while slipping her phone inside her bag and moves the tortoise shell shades to the top of her curled red hair.

“It’s fine. We both waited to order drinks until you got here.”

“Thanks, Giselle. And by the look of it, I would say we all need a round.” She raises her hand to call the waitress over where she orders us shots of upside down pineapple cake.

“Marcia you know I don’t do shots,” I declare.

“Oh, Giselle, live a little would you? Tell her Carmen.”

Carmen raises her eyebrows as to question whether she should agree or not. The waitress soon delivers 3 shot glasses that have a yellow tint with a red layer on the bottom.

“Bottoms up, ladies.” Carmen smiles while raising her glass.

After the clink, we down the tasty shot in one gulp.

“Wow, that was really yummy,” I state, wanting another one.

“See I knew you would like it. Let’s get another round.” Marcia raises her hand once again, signaling the waitress to bring us another round.

Carmen asks, “So, Marcia, what kept you? I thought you would have beat me here.”

“I’m interested in a new fashion line for the boutique and was putting the final touches on the contract. And what have you been up to, Mrs. Jackson?”

“I’m still trying to find the balance between being a wife and business owner. Cooper’s a dream come true, at times it’s hard to focus on the matters of the center when I want to spend every waking moment by his side.”

“Tell me about it, girl. Lately I find myself telling David not tonight, and you know that’s not me at all,” Marcia responds.

“Now we know you’re lying,” says Carmen laughing.

To hear the girls discuss their happily ever after makes me long for one of my own. I believe that every girl in the world has the same wish as mine. I start daydreaming about Ethan and my upcoming visit to LA, even though my heart will forever be with Liam.

“Earth to Giselle.” Marcia’s waving her hand in my face.

I shake my head to rid myself from the current reverie.

“Are you okay?” Carmen asks.

“Yeah, Giselle. You look stressed,” Marcia counters.

“I’m fine, just thinking.”

“I’m sorry we’re going on and on about our marriages, especially with everything you have going on,” Marcia expresses.

“There’s no need for either of you to apologize. I’m the one to blame for Liam and I no longer being together. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to see my best two girls happy. It’s just time for me to move on.”

“Giselle, we love you. We also know you belong with Liam. Right, Carmen?”

Carmen turns her head in the other direction and doesn’t comment, I’m not sure if I want to know what she’s thinking.

“Actually, I was going to wait until later to tell you,” I reply.

“Tell us what?” Marcia questions.

“I got a call today from Ethan, he has arranged for me to fly out to Los Angeles and spend the week with him.”

No one says anything.

“I burned my bridges with Liam, so now it’s time to start dating again.”

“Really, Giselle, you think this is a wise thing to do?” asks Marcia.

“Yes, I think so.”

Carmen asks what Ethan said. Marcia seems worried, but I can’t read Carmen’s expression.

“He told me his assistant has booked my first trip to LA. I’ll be staying for a week.”

As soon as Carmen goes to open her mouth Marcia puts her hand up to stop her.

“Giselle this isn’t a good idea. Don’t you want another chance with Liam or have you fully lost your mind?”

“Marcia, there are no more chances with Liam, I don’t understand why you don’t see that.”

“I think you should go, Giselle,” Carmen interrupts.

Marcia and I are shocked at Carmen’s statement.

Marcia raises her voice, “Are you kidding me? How could you say something like that?”

“Shut up, Marcia. Giselle’s a grown woman and she should see if things can work with Ethan, he’s her first love.”

“I’m sure Cooper wouldn’t be happy to hear you say that, especially since Liam is your family.”

“Family or not, I want Giselle to be happy. We hoped that they would be together, but things didn’t work out. You’re right, Giselle, it’s time for you to move on.”

“I told Ethan I wasn’t coming, but he refused to take no for an answer, so I take it as a sign that I need to go.”

Marcia rolls her eyes and throws her hands up. “Don’t you think he’s already caused enough pain for you already?”

“He has, but I took an active part too, what’s done is done, no need to keep looking back on the past. It’s time for me to move forward. Liam and I will always have
and thankfully now we’re on friendly terms. Is it so bad that I want to be loved, just like you both are?”

“Giselle, do you think Liam will continue being friendly once he knows you’re running off to see Ethan in California?” Marcia snarls.

“How hard do you think it was for me when he brought strange girls home nightly? When I found a pair of thongs in the kitchen, it broke my heart, but at least I didn’t invite Ethan here to rub it in his face. Liam knows I love him but he can’t seem to get past my one mistake. Instead of forgiving me, and us reconciling, he moved out. And god only knows who he’s screwing.”

That shuts Marcia up. Carmen has tears in her eyes and Marcia’s lips are pulled in tight. I need to escape and be alone. After paying my tab, quickly I hug them both goodbye. As I head back to the apartment, I know now is the best time for this trip.












Chapter Sixteen


It’s unreal that I’m on a first class flight to LA. This should be an exciting time, but in the back of my mind, I keep thinking about Liam and the sadness in his eyes when I told him about coming to see Ethan. He told me to be careful and enjoy myself, which was sweet of him. Carmen has been supportive with my decision and that in itself is amazing. Marcia instructed me to text them upon my arrival. The captain announces that we have been cleared to land and notifies the stewardess to have a seat.

LAX is enormous with nine terminals and an endless amount of gates that correspond with each one. It’s like a cluster jam of people, reminding me of the traffic in Washington DC at times. Either they’re rushing to avoid missing a flight, or simply because life is fast paced here. This airport is known for numerous celebrity sightings, I hope I’ll run into someone famous. As I look around there are multiple gift shops and the food court. My stomach grumbles as I walk by and intake all the smells, compliments of the fast food chains. I stop to get a bottled water from the vending machine and check the map to make sure I’m headed in the right location for luggage retrieval. Three escalator rides later, I arrive at the gate where my belongings are. I wheel my carry-on across the ridged flooring and head towards the crowded area. The circular metal area is crowded with people standing shoulder to shoulder waiting for a glimpse of their suitcase. A spot opens and I nudge my way in the close corners hoping my luggage will appear soon. I glance over my left shoulder and see some people holding signs to welcome loved ones, relatives or business associates to Hollywood. The crowd starts to disperse as more people grab their bags and exit out to the sunshine. Finally, I spot my luggage circling the conveyer belt and rush to retrieve it. I need some fresh air and time to regroup from the hustle and bustle of this popular city.

Ethan told me that his model friend, Delia, will be picking me up. He said she is fairly attractive and has a picture of me. I should have asked for a picture of her. On my way to the double doors leading outside, I spot an exotic looking woman with long legs coming in my direction. She’s dressed in an off-the-shoulder black lace tunic top with distressed cut off jean shorts. Her pumps are a black and white diamond pattern that tie at her ankle. It seems like she’s waving at me, but that can’t be the case. I begin to look around to see who she is waving to. God she’s breathtaking. She’s tall and shapely with long chocolate wavy hair that passes her petite waist. She gets closer and her facial features become clear. She has high cheek bones, crystal blue eyes and her skin is naturally tanned. When she smiles it brightens the entire room. I glance down at my attire which consists of a loose black and white striped blouse and fitted houndstooth skirt. My low-top red sneakers seemed like the perfect shoes to wear but now I’m beginning to second guess my decision.

              I feel like an idiot staring at this woman. My attention is placed back on my complaining tummy until a voice purrs, “Hello, Giselle.”

BOOK: Made by Us: Giselle and Liam's Story (The Made Series Book 3)
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