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Authors: Anne McCaffrey

Lyon's Pride (26 page)

BOOK: Lyon's Pride
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Rojer said.

Sir, I'm ready to go to the
if they'll have me
, Thian said with quiet reserve.

HAVE YOU, Thian lad? You're top of the list. Ashiant's been bumped up to command the
Told that paper-asshole of a base Commandant that Ashiant had asked particularly for you

He did?
Thian could not restrain his elation and had a foolish grin of utter delight on his face.

Captain Spktm also implied that it would not budge the
out of orbit unless you're on the
as Prime

Rojer repeated, amusement at his brother's reaction turning to respect.

I hope you can think of saying something more than “Wow,” Rojer, when I inform you that you are also to be part of the Prime team on the

Me, sir? After…

That's better. Yes, you, sir. Your conduct during the
incident met with approval in many 'Dini quarters. And then there's the expertise you displayed during the debriefing of Operation Illuminate

After that?
Rojer's eyes went so wide that Flavia grinned at his astonishment.

“I told you you did well and you didn't believe me.”

Quiet, Flavia, I'm getting to your appointment. Let me add here, Primes, that I never expected FT&T would have to supply naval ships with personnel. But the distances covered and the lengths of these current voyages, as well as the need to maintain close contact, require the services only Primes can offer the Navy. You will not be under naval authority and I have specified that a Prime on a Navy ship has rank equal to the ship's captain

We do?
Rojer was delighted at that.

“Don't let it to go your head, Roj,” Thian said aloud.

I won't, but it's nice to know

They all heard a chuckle from Earth Prime.
I didn't get as much argument as I thought I might. AND I expect you lot to be cognizant of the fact that you ARE to conduct yourselves at all times with the same probity and discretion a captain uses

Yes, sir.
Even Flavia's reply was suitably ingratiating.

I'm assigning the Pursuit Squadron two Primes because
I am never going to leave my people open to the problems that you boys both faced. Bearing on that problem and preventing any sort of a repetition, I want you to give me the names of support personnel, Talents by preference, whom you would like to have, either overtly or covertly, on your staff. There is always the possibility that you might have to mobilize additional support

Lieutenant Commander Semirame Kloo
, Thian said immediately.

Clancy Sparrow
, Rojer said at the same time.

Lieutenant Alison Anne Greevy from the
Vadim, Thian added.

Good choices, all three. Especially Greevy, Thian, or had you heard that she's been taking extracurricular training in 'Dini diseases and problems and she was to be transferred to the
in any case. The
will have a mixed crew

Thian had had only the briefest note from Greevy, in which she had said she was “okay, and busy. Hoped he was, both.” He was inordinately pleased that she had the initiative to extend her abilities. He'd have to tell her that while
had kept his promise, she'd outmaneuvered him. He looked forward even more now to being on the same ship with her again.

I may send along some others who would have various duties, but they will make themselves known to you. Thian, as the elder, you are nominally in charge but I believe that you two brothers work well together anyhow so I anticipate…
and Jeff paused just briefly to emphasize his point…
no discord

Now, Flavia, I would like you to undertake the leadership of Talents in the Exploration Squadron. I know you have been in several Towers so you might know the specialists you'd like to have with you. I'll do my best to reassign
them to you for this mission—if they're willing. Tower experience would be helpful, but Talents in biology, engineering and sociological fields would augment the specialists already slated to join that expedition

I'd like Zara, Asia and…

You'd like Zara and Asia?

Thian and Rojer managed to suppress their glee that Flavia had totally surprised their grandsire.

Yes, Earth Prime. Zara has first-level therapy qualifications which would be invaluable on a long cruise. She can undertake further medical education with whatever medical personnel is aboard. Asia took honors, you know, in mechanical engineering, just two points below Rojer. Travel would be invaluable to personal development and self-confidence. She would be the responsibility of both Zara and myself. I would also like Rhodri Eagle, whose talents as a liaison officer are wasted on a queen who's going nowhere, and Morgelle of Betelgeuse because she's got archeological credits

I didn't know that
, and there was still a slightly bemused tone to Jeff Raven's voice.

That doesn't surprise me, considering her situation
, and Flavia's tone was terse.

Your selections are excellent, well thought out, Flavia, and I don't think those appointments will cause much trouble.
His mental tone held more than a tinge of amusement and satisfaction.
The newly appointed captain of the
which is Squadron B's flagship, is one Vestapia Soligen and, while her crew is as usual mixed, she requested a female Prime if that was possible

There are also two men of my acquaintance who would be most helpful, a T-3 and a T-6
, Flavia said in a bland tone. But her eyes sparkled at Thian and Roger who were grinning broad encouragement at her.

Their names?

The T-3 is my brother, Mallen, and the T-6 is my cousin, Jesper Ornigo, who has 'Dinis and is keenly interested in alien civilizations, though it has been more hobby than practice…


Both are Altairians, and currently in positions which could be filled by anyone of the same Talent rating

Never let it be said, Flavia, that I stood in the way of someone else's nepotism

I beg your pardon, sir?

“Family joke,” Thian and Rojer chorused while Jeff repeated it telepathically. That set them all laughing.

There is a serious aspect of this initial briefing, my young friends. I have laid down certain conditions on your assignments that must be upheld no matter what the circumstances: your duties are strictly outlined in the FT&T Charter and you are definitely aboard as civilian specialists and non-combatants. With the possible exception of launching the sort of surveillance probes Rojer used on Xh-33, you may give no more assistance than that to any explorations or contact, no matter what the provocation, up to and including the saving of lives. Any “projects” beyond the ordinary despatch of your duties must be discussed with me and I will answer the commanders involved

You may not like it, but you will preserve your own skins
although, as Thian was once instructed, you will do your best to rescue whichever other essential personnel are designated by the captains. The Navy is supposed to be able to fend for itself

Flavia, all you Talents are to be escorted at all times while on a planetary surface. Special suiting has been developed for Talents that might reduce the sting-pzzt of
proximity to Hiver artifacts and I hope the material proves effective

A final caution—the launch of the
has already taken place and she is well outside our system at this moment

They were afraid of demonstrations, sir?
Thian asked.

Around the biggest holograph ever attempted
, and Jeff's voice was amused but with a grim edge.
So common sense prevailed over ceremony and, should you hear that the
was blown up by isolationists, ignore it. You are, however, not to discuss your assignments with anyone, even your parents. Orders are being cut for the additional personnel requested. Rhodri and Clarence will receive ordinary Tower-hour communications, as will Zara and Asia. And the others will be contacted through proper channels. You three will report for transport to your respective postings at 0800 Aurigaean time tomorrow. Enjoy your last day dirtside

Before any of the three could even thank Jeff Raven, his contact was broken.

“That's just like him, too,” Thian said with a grimace of chagrin. “He plops exactly what you've dreamed of in your lap and bounces off before you can thank him.”

“Maybe,” Rojer suggested with unusual ambivalence, “we
thank him in the long run. That damned Operation Illuminate ought to have been a snap and it turned out to be a hangover from the Spanish Inquisition.”

“The what?” asked Flavia.

“Never mind, Flavia,” Rojer replied, grinning. “And I want to thank
for wanting Zara and Asia along. I really didn't fancy them on a pursuit mission….”

“I'll work their butts off,” Flavia said, being quite serious as she rose from her couch. Then she grinned. “I thought it was worth a try, but I never believed Earth
Prime would let me have them.
Mallen and Jes. They're both in such stultifying jobs and I
they're capable of much more. And if that's nepotism, I really don't care!” She gave her head a sharp nod.

“Good on you, Flavia,” Thian said. “And now, let's assume slightly lugubrious expressions and
hard to enjoy these last hours before the booms of hard work and long separation fall on our innocent heads.”

Rojer made a derisive noise.

going to be hard work at that,” Flavia said and started down the Tower steps.

The two brothers rolled their eyes at her pragmatism and, taking the steps three at a time, reached the ground level before she did. Rojer opened the door while Thian waved Flavia through it with an exaggerated flourish of hand, arm and leg.

“Great stars above!” Rojer said, stopping so short that Flavia nearly bumped into him. “Whaddawe tell the parents?”

“What's to tell? Our leave of absence is over. Grandfather is having us report to Blundell Cube at 0800 tomorrow,” Thian said in an airy tone and started down the outer Tower steps. “Hi, Asia, has Xexo let you get your hands oily yet?”

“Yes, he did,” the slender girl said with an air of startled delight on her face. “I greased and lubed one of the backup turbines. Xexo made me do it by myself. Though I had the manual open all the time!”

“As you should when working with unfamiliar machinery,” Rojer said, but grinned so proudly down at her that, for once, she didn't retreat into her usual shyness. “Which one? The 8-32-XR? Or the 184-QJ?”

“The QJ,” she said equably. “It's not that great a model but Xexo says it's given very good service with a minimum of trouble.”

“That's all to the good when you don't have easy access to spare parts.”

“You know very well that you'd have to
spare parts for the QJ,” she said, tilting her head up to Rojer with a grin for his forgetfulness.

“And have done, now you mention it.”

Asia cocked her head at him, a smile wanting to appear on her lips. “Did you have good news?”

“Yes,” and Rojer turned to both Thian and Flavia for support since her question took him a bit unawares, “I'd guess you'd say we have.” He heaved a resigned sigh. “But vacation's over.”

“Back to Blundell Cube in the morning,” Thian said in his easy fashion. “Done your lesson? Let's all go swim!”

*   *   *

If, occasionally, their parents regarded them oddly as departure preparations were undertaken, the newly gazetted trio managed to keep shields up and excitement down to an acceptable level. There had been a bit of a flurry from Damia to know that Asia as well as Zara and Clancy were to report to Blundell. Rhodri was surprised but delighted to get orders from his superiors to report to the Navy Base for reassignment.

A last long ride at sunset brought what Afra jokingly called the “Raven-Lyon cavalry” back with appetites capable of dealing with the masses of food that had been prepared. Even Petra was allowed a sip of the sparkling wine that was served as a special accompaniment to the feast. The evening was so convivial that even Kincaid appeared totally relaxed and smiled more often. It was, of course, possible that Rojer filled Asia's glass more often than necessary but she, too, beamed happily about and laughed at every joke, even the ones she didn't quite understand, which Rojer would then explain quietly in her ear.

During the week, her willingness to relax the tight control she held over her mind had verified her T-4 status. Toward the end of the evening, though, as she realized this was the last night of such a marvelous holiday, she began to brood with such intensity that Rojer very privately told her that the best was yet to come and she'd have to be patient until tomorrow. Between the unaccustomed wine and reassurance, Asia fell asleep, leaning against Rojer's shoulder before anyone, even he, noticed.

I'll take very good care of her for you, Rojer
, Flavia said when she noticed him sitting unnaturally still, so as not to disturb his sleeping companion.

Am I that obvious?
Rojer asked.

Well, not obvious to her, at any rate
, Flavia said with a ripple of laughter.
Right now you're good for her…

And when she gets more confidence and “finds” herself…
Rojer's tone held a cynical and skeptical note.

BOOK: Lyon's Pride
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