Read Lusted in Las Vegas Online

Authors: Sandra Bunino

Tags: #Contemporary

Lusted in Las Vegas (4 page)

BOOK: Lusted in Las Vegas
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“It looks just like a giant crater in the desert floor. Oh, Jason look at the colors. It’s so beautiful.”

Jason gazed at the multicolored canyon that glimmered and reflected in the stream along the bottom of the crevice. He had never appreciated the true beauty of the natural wonder before Stephanie pointed it out. The helicopter dove into the gully and followed the stream. Jason flew this route enough times to know the oldest pilot trick in the book. Just as he thought, they were flying directly toward the canyon wall. Stephanie had a death grip on Jason’s hand and closed her eyes tight.

Jason chuckled and gave her hand a squeeze. “Open your eyes.”

Stephanie’s eyes opened just in time to see the last of the setting sun and the orange and purple haze of the sky. The canyon was below them once more.

Jason tugged her hand and she turned to search his eyes.

“I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. When you’re with me, you will always be safe. Never doubt that. Ever.”

The look in her eyes caused his breath to catch in his throat. He prayed it was a look of trust. He’d been waiting for her to tell him that she was divorced and didn’t have a husband home waiting for her. He had known since returning from Miami, but he wanted Stephanie to tell him. He kicked himself for leaving that morning. He was sure she was about to tell him, but he was preoccupied with business that he didn’t realize it until it was too late. He hoped he didn’t miss the opportunity for her to come clean with the truth.




They landed next to a resort on the canyon’s south ridge.  A man standing next to a white golf cart waved as they stepped off the helicopter.

“Mr. Royce, welcome back!” the man heartily shook Jason’s hand then turned to Stephanie. “Welcome to the Crimson Ranch.  I’m Henry, the resort’s manager. Chef Jamison has been preparing all day for your meal. Please come with me.”




Seated at a single table on a small private balcony overlooking the canyon, Stephanie enjoyed the view of the sky as it reflected the last effects of a beautiful sunset on the rocks below. Various wildlife calls filled the air. Owls hooting and coyotes howling was a welcome change from the usual dinner music she was used to. After an exquisite dinner, Jason reached across the table and took her hand.

“You wanted to tell me something earlier this morning and I rudely ran off to a meeting. I’m sorry. What did you want to talk about?”

“Oh, yes, I did.” Stephanie took a deep breath. “But first, before I forget, I wanted to tell you I ran into a friend of yours today.”

“A friend?”

Was it her imagination or did Jason’s body tense up? “Yes, she said she’s an old friend of yours and she recognized me because she saw us leaving La Cote Noir last night. Her name is Jessica and she said to give you her regards.”

Stephanie studied Jason’s face and watched his jaw clench. She saw the same expression when she woke that morning after he ended a phone call. She had assumed when she talked briefly with the pretty blonde woman that she must be an ex-girlfriend, but the vibe coming off of Jason told her there was something much more to this ‘old friend’.

“Is she just another one of the broken hearts you left in your path?”

Jason smiled. “Did she say anything else to you?”

“No. Why?”

“Just curious. Now, more importantly, let’s go back to what you wanted to talk about this morning at the pool.”

Stephanie pulled her hand away and sat straight in her chair. “You didn’t answer my question, Jason. Who

Jason stood from his chair and held his hand out to her. “Come, let’s take a walk.”

They descended an outside staircase that connected the patio with the resort’s grounds.

She walked quickly away from him but he easily caught up. Pulling her into his body, he whispered into her ear.

“I’m sorry, I’m not ready to talk about Jessica.”

Stephanie pulled away from his embrace. “You’re not the only one with a past, Jay. If you don’t want to talk about her, that’s fine. But don’t expect me to open up to you.”

She brushed a tear from her eye and he pulled her into his body and stroked her hair. He tightened his grip on her.

“You were ready to tell me something this morning.”

Two can play your game, Mr. Royce.
Stephanie nodded. “I was but now I’m not. Why is she in Las Vegas, Jason?”

He took a deep breath. “I don’t know.”

They were quiet for the rest of the evening, lost in their own thoughts. Stephanie wrestled with her own demons and insecurities. The tension evident on Jason’s face told her that he was fighting his own demons, too.




Stephanie fell asleep in Jason’s arms on the ride back to The Gates. He easily carried her into the villa and softly placed her on the bed. Jason was wired from the events of the evening. But something really bothered him. Jessica mentioned that she didn’t know where he was that morning, however she told Stephanie that she saw them at La Cote Noir the night before. That could only mean that Jessica followed him to Vegas and had been stalking him the entire time. She was even more dangerous than he’d originally anticipated.

He poured a glass of bourbon as Stephanie padded barefoot into the room and strode directly toward him. Wordlessly, her soft palm caressed his face. He took her hand into his, gently kissed the inside of her wrist and planted more kisses up her arm. Stephanie led him into the bedroom. Her knack of unspoken communication tore at his heart as he stripped her of her dress and laid her on the bed.

Chapter 6




Jason woke early and grabbed his cell phone on his way to the pool patio. He didn’t want to risk Stephanie overhearing the conversation.

“Hello, Jason. Now you want to talk to me?” the irritating voice squeaked through his cell phone. He couldn’t believe he used to think her high voice was cute.

“What the hell are you doing, Jess? Leave Stephanie alone. In fact, get the hell out of Vegas. Get on a plane and go back home. Now.”

“I’m not leaving so fast. I have some information you’ll want to know about. Meet me at La Luna at twelve. If you don’t, not only will I find your girlfriend again, but the Salt Lake authorities will also be very interested in what I have to share.”

“Salt Lake authorities? You really have gone crazy, haven’t you?” Jason took a deep breath. “Okay, fine, I’ll meet you there, just to put an end to this.”

Jason pressed the end button on his phone and ran his fingers through his hair.
Salt Lake authorities? Why would she bring that up
? He spent months and at least one hundred thousand dollars defending the payoff scandal.  In the end they had no evidence to charge him with.




Jason marched through the lobby and scanned the room for Jessica as he entered La Luna. He spotted her at a table close to the entrance and took the seat directly in front of her.

“You’ve got ten minutes.”

“So nice to see you too, Jason.”

“Stop fucking around and tell me what this is about.”

“I have proof that you were involved in the zoning official payoff scandal along with the other two Salt Lake builders who went to jail.”

“You have nothing on me, sweetheart. I wasn’t involved with that and you know it. ”

“I have proof: recorded telephone conversations.”

Jason shook his head and chuckled. “Look, you don’t have a leg to stand on. I had nothing to do with the payoff so there were no conversations to record.” Jason reached into the inside pocket of his sport jacket. He placed a thick manila envelope on the table and pushed it toward Jessica. “Look, I don’t owe you anything, however, there’s ten thousand dollars cash in this envelope. I want you to take it and leave Las Vegas. I want you to leave Stephanie alone.”

Jessica opened the envelope and looked at the cash. “I need more than this, Jason.”

“More? You don’t even deserve this. You lied, cheated and stole from me. You’re lucky to even get this from me. Think of this as winning the lottery, Jess.” He leaned closer to her. “Take it and leave.”

“I’ll take it, but you better watch your ass and your little girlfriend’s as well. I’m not finished with her or you. What’s her name again? Stephanie?”

His eyes bore into hers. “Yes, you are finished. If you as much as touch her, I will kill you.”

Chapter 7





Stephanie was about to go for a swim when she heard him shouting from the villa.

“Jason, I’m down here, in the cabana. What’s wrong?” Stephanie asked, alarmed at the tone of his voice.

She stepped out of the cabana and watched as he rushed to the patio from the villa. He pulled her into a bear hug.

“I just need to touch you. To make sure you’re safe.”

“Jason, what’s going on? You’re scaring me.”

“Nothing’s wrong. Everything’s fine,” he said as he stroked her hair. “I know I said we would see a show and go to that new club but do you mind if we have a quiet dinner at the hotel tonight?”

“Of course not, whatever you want to do.”

Jason traced his fingers down her face and neck. His thumb hooked under her chin and their eyes locked. Jason’s mouth was upon hers, his tongue hungrily intertwining with hers. With a fluid swoop, he picked her up and gently laid her on one of the cushioned cabana lounge chairs. 

“Don’t move.”

The low rustling of the cabana curtain behind her filled her ears as the room darkened. Jason was immediately back at her side and knelt beside her. He surveyed her body before raking his fingers through her hair until his hands cradled the back of her head. He lifted her head to meet his hungry kiss. Their tongues intertwined and his moan vibrated in her mouth. Stephanie fought for air as his impassioned need traveled to the pit of her belly and drenched the bottoms of her bikini. He hastily untied the sash of her paper-thin cover up and exposed her red string bikini she’d just bought at Caesars as a surprise for Jason. He growled and showered her stomach with kisses. His rough beard abraded her skin and she moaned at the vision of his day old stubble rubbing against her nether-lips and sensitive clit. Stephanie bolted up and shimmied out of her cover up and pulled the ties on her bikini top. Jason buried his face in her breasts taking a nipple between his teeth while kneading the other breast with his hand. Passion erupted from deep within. Her fingernails raked down his back and found the edge of his shirt. She yanked it over his head and dropped it on the floor.

“You’re mine. I’ll never let anything happen to you, Stef.”

His possessive words should have scared her. She should have stopped and calmed him. Instead, the ambush on her body drove her desire. She wanted to be his and his alone. She wanted to belong to Jason Royce.

Jason stood and felt the outside of his front pockets.

“Damn. I left my wallet in the villa,” he said in a husky voice.

Stephanie realized his wallet wasn’t the issue, but he needed what it contained.

“I’ll be right back.”

Stephanie caught his arm before he left and he looked down at her questioningly.       “It’s okay, I’m on the pill. I want to...” She gulped for air. “…make love with you without any barriers between us, Jay.”

Jason knelt down beside her once again. His fingers caressed her earlobe. “Are you sure?”

She nodded her head in the affirmative.

“You have no idea how happy you make me,” he whispered.

 He kicked off his pants and boxers before sliding her bikini bottoms down her long legs. Parting her thighs with his knees he drove his cock into her. She cried out as he ravaged her with insatiable need. The sounds and scent of sex filled the room. They were truly one. Her ex husband was the only other man she ever made love to without a condom. It was a big step for her. With every thrust and every stroke Jason wore down a piece of the wall she built between them. She made herself vulnerable to Jason and her heart swelled with love and trust. She dug her fingernails into his back as she climbed the mountain of her climax with each relentlessly thrust.

“Stef, baby, come for me. I can’t hold on.” Jason growled in her ear.

His words were enough to send her over the top. Her entire body shuddered with her climax and her pussy tightened around his thickness. Gripping his shoulders, she reveled in the way his muscles strained and hardened as he came.

Afterward they laid quietly while he was still inside her. He lifted his head and brushed the hair out of her eyes.

“I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

“I know there’s something going on, Jason. Why won’t you talk to me about it?”

“I will – just not yet.”

“Am I in danger? Are you?”

He ran his fingers through her hair. “No, no danger, as long as you’re with me.”

She gave him a suspicious look and his eyes softened and crinkled at the edges.

“Really. Now go for a swim. I’ll make dinner reservations.”




Thankfully, Jason relaxed after their tryst in the cabana. It was a side of him she hadn’t seen before. It was a dangerous, intense part of Jason that scared and excited her at the same time. He canceled his meetings for the rest of the afternoon and they spent the day lounging at their private pool. This was a life she could very easily get used to living, she imagined as she looked over at him on the adjacent lounge chair.

“What are you thinking about, sweetheart?” he asked.

Her heart fluttered for a beat. She knew at that moment she was in love with him. She wished she could tell him, but she wouldn’t dare. Not until she knew the complete story about Jessica and the reason he wouldn’t talk about her.

“Nothing in particular. Just about what a great weekend this has been.”

        Chapter 8




Stephanie rummaged through her purse, in search of her favorite lipstick and she came up empty. Then she recalled her small handbag fell off the table during dinner at the hotel the night before. The little silver cylinder must have rolled under the table. Stephanie hated going without lipstick, especially when meeting clients. She didn’t have a spare with her but it occurred to her that the hotel’s salon carried the brand she liked. She peeked into the bathroom and squinted through the steam at Jason’s near perfect form in the shower. Her eyes danced over his tanned skin as she knocked on the shower door. Jason held his hand against the glass exactly where Stephanie placed her hand.

BOOK: Lusted in Las Vegas
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