Read Lucy Surrenders Online

Authors: Maggie Ryan,Blushing Books

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Victorian, #Regency, #Historical Romance

Lucy Surrenders (10 page)

BOOK: Lucy Surrenders
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While they would pay the proper penance after a paddling, bringing their husbands to their own pleasure, he knew Louisa would never be sure she would be allowed her own culmination.  He felt his fingers, slick with her own arousal, her small chest heaving as she was brought close to the brink.  He slowly withdrew his fingers and allowed them to give her straining clitoris a small pinch.  She gasped as her hips lifted, her head thrown back as she felt her body begin to spiral up to a great height.  Edward smiled as he withdrew his hand and wiped his fingers on a cloth.  Louisa moaned, her body throbbing with the denial.  Edward bent to place a quick kiss on a rigid nipple and then the other before placing a kiss on her lips.

"Naughty little girls don't get pleasured," he reminded her as he pulled the nappy closed over her throbbing bottom and aching sex.  "Perhaps you'll let this hurtful bottom and aching little pussy remind you of that fact."  She nodded, her face flushed with embarrassment at her wanton display, her need seeming to grow as he denied her release.  Edward pulled a nightgown over her head and soon had her settled into her crib, her doll in her arms.

As Edward placed her pacifier in her mouth and buckled it behind her head, he spoke firmly.  "I know you believe I wasn't aware that you continued to speak after I warned you of the
consequence for doing so," he said and saw her flush of acknowledgement.  "While I always expect an answer from you and appreciate your apology, you disobeyed my instruction to remain silent.  You shall not have your pacifier removed for the rest of the day, except to eat."  She slowly nodded, her eyes showing her acceptance, as well as her knowledge of the embarrassment she would feel as she spent the rest of the day sucking on a pacifier that so completely filled her mouth that she was rendered unable to speak.  Edward laid her onto her back and placed her restraints on her wrists, as well as her ankles.  She moaned, knowing she would spend the next few hours trying to sleep despite the burning in her bottom, only rivaled by the burning between her legs.

"Sleep well, little one," Edward said, and bent to kiss her cheek.  "I love you, little lady," he said and then ran a hand across her body.  "Perhaps if I feel you are obedient and accept your lesson of silence, I shall allow you to scream with your pleasure tonight."  He adored the flush that suffused her cheeks and left her to think about her own need to remember to behave.

Molly ran into Lucy's room and was soon at the bed spreading something across the quilt.  Lucy watched, trying not to wiggle while Mrs. Bremmer finished brushing her hair and braiding it.  As Molly moved away from the bed, Lucy saw a large rounded pillow lying in the center of what appeared to be some type of red mat.

"What ... what's that?" she asked, though her voice seemed unsure of desiring an answer.  Anna stood and took her hand.

"That, young lady, is a rubber sheet and a punishment pillow," Anna said firmly.  "You will lie over the pillow on your tummy so that I can tend to your bottom."  Lucy's eyes seemed glued to the bed, even as she felt herself being helped up onto its surface.

"But ... I ... I don't understand," she finally managed to squeak out.  "I thought you were going to ... to bathe me.  Why ... why is there a rubber
mat?""Lucille, you aren't a stupid girl," Anna said as she guided the woman to lie over the pillow.  "You are to be cleansed, Lucille, not bathed.  The mat assures that your linens will not be soiled during your cleansing."  Lucy was still confused but felt immediate shame flood her as she realized that both the firmness of the large pillow as well as its height would force her bottom to stick up high into the air.  She whimpered as her shoulders were pushed down until her torso lay flat on the rubber surface.  She shivered at the unpleasant chill of the rubber as her breasts came into contact with the mat.  She seemed to suddenly realize once again that she was totally nude.  Lucy attempted to rise, only to feel the housekeeper's hand on her back.

Lay still, Lucille," Anna said as she moved the small woman further forward so that her bottom was properly positioned.  "You did not learn to curb your tongue when you first had it soaped and were warned at that time that this would be the next step in attempting to teach you not to curse.  If soaping your mouth is not enough to cleanse you of filth, I am sure that a hot and soapy enema shall do the trick."  Lucy's eyes flew wide as she again attempted to rise, the words finally making the promised cleansing clear.

"No!  Oh, Lord, please ...
please...." she began to beg only to have her bottom slapped hard. “Stay still!" Anna ordered.  "If you attempt to rise again, I shall tie you to the bed, and you can explain to your new husband that you still continue to be disobedient!"  Her threat froze Lucy for an instant before she collapsed onto the bed.  She felt a shame she had never before experienced flood through her at the thought of what was going to happen.  She began to whimper, her eyes filling as she saw Molly step from the water closet and saw what she was holding.

A large, bulging red bag was in one hand while a length of tubing was coiled in another.  Lucy slammed her eyes shut when she saw what was dangling from the end of the tubing.  She had not been given an enema since she was a very young child, and
her mother gave that when she had been ill.  Lucy understood that this was not going to be the same.  She continued to whimper as Anna took the bag from Molly and hung it from a newly installed hook on one of the four bedposts and allowed the tubing to uncoil.  She laid the tubing on the bed at Lucy's side while she nodded to Molly.  Molly removed the top from a large crock of lubricant.  She held it steady and watched as the housekeeper picked up the nozzle.  Lucy smelled something unfamiliar and opened her eyes to see Anna dipping the nozzle into the jar.

"Ohhhhh ... ohhhh please," Lucy begged, her eyes refusing to look away.  The nozzle appeared huge, and her bottom clenched tightly in frightened anticipation of where the nozzle would soon be going.  "It ... I can't ... it's too ... too
big...." she stammered and then again attempted to rise when Anna lifted the nozzle and spoke to Molly.

"Go ahead and put a small dollop on her bottom-hole," she instructed.  "You will not normally allow the additional lubricant, especially when giving a punishment enema, but since this is Lucy's first, we may be a bit more lenient."  Molly dipped her fingers into the jar and moved towards the bed.  Lucy screeched and rolled off the pillow, only to feel her leg captured and herself being hauled back over the pillow.  Molly froze and then accepted the nozzle from Anna as the older woman reached into her pocket.  Before Lucy could even think, her already-tender bottom was being smacked again and again with the tawse Anna had pulled from her pocket.  Lucy was soon screeching and attempting to roll off the pillow and away from the hated leather.

"I warned you, young lady," Anna said calmly as she easily pulled the girl back into position and kept her there with one hand firmly planted against her lower back.  "If you want to have your enema only after having your bottom thrashed, so be it."  Lucy was promising to be good, to be still, the entire time Anna spanked her.  Wanting to make her point, Anna gave the girl two-dozen swats with her tawse before allowing it to come to rest on Lucy's now welted and red bottom.

"Are you going to behave, or shall I call for your Papa?" Anna asked, and almost smiled with the quickness of Lucy's answer.

"I'll behave ... I ... I'll be goo ... good," Lucy hiccupped her answer, knowing she would die if Lucas were to see her in this position, nude, her bottom striped and pointed up and out into the room, an enema bag over her head, the awful nozzle waiting to be inserted into her bottom.

"Move an inch, and I shall send for your Papa," Anna warned, before returning the tawse to her pocket.  "Arms folded behind your back, legs wide, if you please," Anna further ordered; Lucy sobbed, but obeyed.  She felt the woman's fingers pulling at one of her cheeks, opening her bottom.  "Apply the lubricant, Molly," she ordered, and Lucy felt consumed with mortification as her maid's fingers dipped between her cheeks, something cold and slippery being applied to her bottom-hole.  "That's enough," Anna instructed and retrieved the nozzle from Molly.  Lucy continued to sob, but forced herself to remain still as Anna pressed the lubricated tip of the nozzle against her tightly puckered bottom-hole.

"Relax your bottom, Lady Huntington," Anna said as she began to press the nozzle against the resisting orifice.  "Stop all that ridiculous clenching, unless you wish to have Miss Molly hold your bottom open the entire time you take your enema.  You will not keep the nozzle out of your bottom but will only earn additional punishment."  Lucy attempted to obey, her mind seizing on the fact that the housekeeper had called her by her new name as if to remind her that even titled women living this lifestyle were subject to immensely embarrassing and intrusive punishments.

Anna ignored her sobs as she slowly but firmly pressed the nozzle into the small, virgin hole.  Lucy continued to alternate between attempting to obey and attempting to expel the nozzle.  When her muscle finally yielded, she screeched at the sharp but brief pain, her embarrassment acute.  Anna didn't comfort the girl; she was being punished, and it should not be an easy thing to submit.  She made sure she held the nozzle in place a few moments before removing it, to force the girl through another humiliating insertion.  Lucy tried to block out what was happening, but her mind refused to allow her to escape.

"Instead of wasting your energy with needless worries about the nozzle not being able to fit into your naughty little bum, Lucy," Anna said, as she slowly inserted the nozzle back into Lucy's bottom, "You should instead spend your energy remembering the rules that your Papa has attempted to teach you."  Lucy felt humiliated as the woman lectured her.  She kept her eyes tightly clenched as the nozzle was again extracted only to feel it being reinserted for the third time, unaware that Anna had passed the duty to Molly.  As it slowly entered her bottom, Lucy finally accepted the fact that she would find the nozzle seated and removed repeatedly until she showed her submission.

"I'm ... I'm sorry.  Please ... please ... put my nozzle in my ... my bottom," Lucy whispered as she accepted the punishment.  Her words seemed to be what Anna needed.  She nodded at Molly who pushed the nozzle into Lucy's bottom until it was deeply seated and allowed to remain dormant, deep within her bowels.

"Cup your hands around your elbows, Lucille," Anna instructed, and helped guide the girl into the desired position.  "Keep your legs spread wide so that I might be able to determine if I need to make any adjustments."  Lucy flushed but nodded.

"Ye ... yes, Ma'am." Anna made sure the length of tubing was unkinked before reaching up to begin the flow of liquid.  Lucy gave a small jerk at the sound of the click as Anna adjusted the clamp.  Warm, but not hot, water began to enter Lucy, and she began to cry softly.  Anna again ignored her, knowing the girl's tears were not caused by the pain of the enema but from the shame of it.  She also knew the little one would soon be doing far more than crying.

She stepped away from the bed and washed her hands at the bowl on Lucy's washstand. Anna took a seat at Lucy's desk and waited for the girl to take the full measure of her punishment enema.

She turned to Molly, who was watching the liquid flow. While she had been the recipient of several enemas, she had never helped administer one.

"You may go, Molly," she said, and watched the girl move towards the door. "Remain in the kitchen until I am done. We shall discuss your forgetfulness in your duties at that time."

"Ye ... yes, Ma'am," Molly said, and knew she would soon receive some type of punishment for inconveniencing both Mrs. Bremmer, as well as interrupting the Lord of the manor.

Lucy tried to lie still and accept the horrid enema as the punishment she knew she had earned. She silently promised to never curse again, never to force her husband to declare she needed her bottom cleansed for her foul mouth. She soon realized that this was not a normal, medicinal enema. Her insides began to burn, and the water continued to flow. She moaned softly and then louder as her first cramp hit.

"Ohhh, please ... it's too much ... it ... it hurts," she said, her eyes opening to see Anna calmly watching her.

"You've barely begun, child," Anna informed her as her eyes moved to the bag. "Your bottom has far more medicine to swallow." Lucy groaned as the soap continued to irritate her bowels. She felt full and was suddenly terrified she would be unable to hold all that solution inside her bottom. She suddenly understood why she had been put down on a rubber sheet. Anna saw the realization in Lucy's eyes and nodded.

"You will take every single drop of your medicine, Lucille," she said firmly. "Even if you do have an accident, I promise you'll wish you had been a good girl and dutifully accepted your due. If I have cause to repeat your lesson, I assure you the burn you are feeling from the soap will be far worse when I add pepper juice to your solution." The threat of additional burning didn't outweigh her fear of having an accident. She would be mortified if unable to hold the enema, and she clamped the muscles of her bottom tight. Her hands moved off her back to clutch at her sides only to hear Mrs. Bremmer order her back into position. She sobbed but forced her hands back, her stomach filling and pressing hard against the mattress with the weight of the water.

"How ... how much ... much more," Lucy gasped after another several minutes. "I ... I feel so ... so full ... I...”

"Hush, child," Anna said, standing to check the bag. She palpated it with her hands, sending a flood of water along the tube. "You have another third to go." Lucy moaned and closed her eyes. Anna watched as Lucy spread her legs even wider and lifted her bottom slightly as if trying to make room for the enema. The bag wasn't the largest in the
house; Louisa often took time-and-a-half what Anna had prepared for Lucille. However, this was the first enema the poor girl had received, and Anna knew even its smaller volume would make quite the impression. She stepped to the bed and ran a cool cloth across Lucy's cheek and the back of her neck. Lucy shuddered and moaned.

BOOK: Lucy Surrenders
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