Loving Styles [Brac Village 12] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (10 page)

BOOK: Loving Styles [Brac Village 12] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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When he tried to turn his head, Robby placed his hand on the side of Styles’s face, refusing to let Styles look away. “I love you, Styles. I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted to be the light in your darkness. Let me in, please.”

Something inside of Styles broke. He buried his face in Robby’s neck, tightened his arms around the man’s body, and thrust his hips upward. He could feel a small part of him healing as he made slow, sweet love to his mate.

“Please…don’t…” Styles’s throat grew tight as he thrust his cock into Robby’s body. “Don’t ever…” He wasn’t sure how to finish the sentence. His emotions were raw, like an open wound. He hadn’t felt this vulnerable since…ever.

“I have you,” Robby whispered. “And I’ll never hurt you, Styles. I’ll never let anyone else hurt you either.”

Styles shook his head, feeling as if this moment was unreal. How could anyone love him this much? It was almost unbearable.

Robby began to purr, the sound vibrating his chest. It was the oddest sound. Styles pulled back and gazed down at his mate. Robby was grinning widely and then he chuckled. “Looks like you won the challenge, stud.”

Styles threw his head back and laughed, taking Robby down to the floor and driving his cock deep into Robby’s ass. His mate groaned, wrapped his fingers around his bobbing cock, and began to stroke himself.

Watching his mate try to get himself off was so fucking erotic. He wanted to make this last all night, but being inside Robby, watching him stroke his flesh was becoming too damn much.

Styles felt his balls draw tight to his body, a tingling racing up his spine. He reached between them and curled his fingers over the top of Robby’s, helping his mate get off as he kissed Robby’s shoulder and then sank his canines into the soft flesh.

He felt his mate’s hot seed spilling between them and his hole clamping down tightly around Styles’s cock as Robby shouted his name. With a flurry of hard and fast thrusts, Styles finally froze, buried as deep as he could be, his cock exploding in his mate’s ass. He growled around the flesh his canines were buried in before he pulled them free and licked the wound.

Robby lay there panting, his eyes glassy, a large smile on his face. Styles just knelt there, staring down into his forever. He had just claimed the man, the wolf, his mate and he couldn’t find it in himself to regret what he had just done.


* * * *


Robby woke sometime in the middle of the night. His body was sore as hell but he couldn’t stop smiling. He gazed over at Styles who was fast asleep. The man looked so damn peaceful with his eyes closed. Robby wished he would always look this serene.

Pushing out of bed, Robby headed toward the bathroom. Now that he didn’t have lust riding his mind, he thought about his house. Who on earth would break in? It didn’t make any sense to him whatsoever.

He didn’t have any enemies.

Robby spotted his cell phone on the bathroom counter. He had totally forgotten that he had left it there right before he took his shower. Using the bathroom, Robby washed his hands and then grabbed his phone.

There was a missed call and a voice mail.

It was probably Kenway telling him to show up early tomorrow. Robby loved getting the overtime, but hated the earlier hours sometimes.

He pressed his ear to the phone, glancing at the bathroom door and eager to get back to bed so he could curl in next to Styles. Whether the man knew it or not, he was a cuddle bunny in his sleep.

Robby froze, his heart beating out of control as he listened to the message.

“You have something that belongs to me. If you don’t return it, I’m going to make you wish you were never born.”

Chapter Eight


“I’m looking at him right now,” Kota said into the phone.

“Are you sure it’s him?” Maverick asked as he dropped down onto the sofa in his office, his mind racing as he tried to figure out exactly what was going on.

He had sent his second to the demon realm, wanting to do a little investigating of his own. Maverick didn’t trust that Panahasi would tell him if Kenyon was there. He wasn’t sure, but the niggling feeling had been with him since his meeting at Christian’s.

His hunch had been right. Kenyon somehow found his way there and was now trying to hide out. Maverick wasn’t sure what the man was up to, but his gut told him that nothing good was going to come from the head Vampire Hunter being in the demon realm.

“I’m damn positive,” Kota replied. “He’s using his real name here, not an alias.”

Odd. Very odd.

“All right. Get out of there. At least we know where he’s at.”

“Don’t you want me to stick around?” Kota asked. “We need to know what he’s up to. I don’t like the fact that he made it here. That means someone was paid handsomely to bring him to the demon realm and I want to find out who it was.”

Maverick knew Kota was right, but he didn’t want to risk the man’s life. This was a very dangerous game Kenyon was playing and he refused to allow Kota to get caught up in the middle of it all. Kenyon was lying low, biding his time. But for what?

“Don’t talk to the Demon Warriors,” Maverick said. “They’ll only tell Panahasi that you’re there. I want this very low key. Do not confront Kenyon, Kota. I just want you to gather intel, keep tabs on him, and let me know who he meets up with.”

“I’ve been staying under the Demon Warriors’ radar. I’ll keep my distance from Kenyon.”

Maverick hung up, his gut telling him to pull Kota out of there, but the man was right. They needed to know what was going on.

He dialed Christian. “Kota spotted Kenyon.”

There was a long pause before the vampire spoke. “So our suspicions are true. Panahasi is hiding something.”

Damn, and he really liked the demon leader. But if they were going to be a working group, shit like this couldn’t be tolerated. Maverick ran a hand over his chin, grinning to himself. God, was he really all for the
instead of moaning and groaning about the super-secret club?

He sighed as he sat back, stretching his legs out in front of him. “Looks that way.”

“Are you going to keep your man there?”

“For now.” If shit got funky, Maverick was pulling Kota. He didn’t give a shit about Kenyon or the Demon Warriors when it came to his pack. “I’ll keep you updated.”

“I sent someone in as well,” Christian said just as Maverick was about to hang up.


“Christo. I wanted to find out what was going on. I will call him and tell him to get with Kota. Two heads are better than one.” The man laughed and Maverick knew the pervert was talking about having two mates.

“Do that.” He hung up.


* * * *


Robby moved quickly through the door in the back of the bakery, the one that led to the alley behind the shop. Making sure no one was in the kitchen, he grabbed the manila envelope from his back pocket and shoved it under the bread slicer.

His heart was hammering in his chest as he took a few steps back. The envelope could be the only reason someone was after him. Robby didn’t have anything that belonged to someone else. For over a week he’d had the thing in his possession, constantly forgetting to take it to the post office.

He was even too afraid to look inside the envelope to see what the person who left that threatening message was after. He didn’t care. All he knew was that he had to figure out what to do. Whatever was in that envelope was spurring someone into tearing Robby’s house apart. It had to be something important.

“You’re here early.”

Robby spun around, clutching his chest. It was only Kenway. His boss stood there with a questioning expression on his face and then shook his head. “Styles still have you chasing your tail?”

He wished that was his only problem. “We’re working things out.” Robby grabbed his apron and pulled it over his head and noticed that his hands were slightly shaking. He’d never gotten a threatening voice mail in his life. It was unnerving.

“He’ll come around,” Kenway said before leaving the kitchen.

Yeah, Styles had come around all right. The guy had claimed him last night—and in the most erotic, sensual, and mind-blowing way. Robby’s ass still hurt. Thoughts of the envelope and threat were soon gone as Robby replayed last night in his head. Styles had been everything and more.

“Someone got lucky,” Baker said as he walked into the kitchen. “I know that look.”

Clearing his throat, Robby got to work. He wondered—as he did last night—if maybe Styles would mellow out now. He hadn’t taken Robby savagely, but gently, passionately. That meant the guy cared in Robby’s book.

“Styles is up front,” Kenway barked as he stuck his head through the door. “Tell me you’re not going to take off.”

Robby quickly washed his hands and then hurried over to the door. “Sorry, I can’t promise that.” They were newly mated and Robby could feel his cock perking up at the thought of seeing his mate again.

His steps slowed when he saw the agitated look on Styles’s face. Something wasn’t right. Even though he didn’t expect the man to be smiling, he at least expected him to look relaxed. But he wasn’t. His thumb kept tapping on his thigh and his jaw was set in hard lines.

Robby walked right out of the bakery, Styles following. When he knew they were out of earshot, he turned toward his mate. “What’s wrong?”

Styles crossed his arms over his chest, gazing out over the street. “Someone went through my saddlebag early this morning, before I left for work.”

Shit. Had the person after Robby known he was with Styles? Was he going to start harassing Robby’s mate now? “Do you think I did it?”

His heart sank when he saw Styles’s dark-brown eyes flicker toward him. His anger shot through the roof as he took a step forward, glaring at the man. “I would
go through your things. I can’t believe you would even think—why would I—” Robby walked away from Styles before he hit the guy.

And here he thought they had some sort of trust growing between them. He stupidly thought that he and Styles had some kind of understanding. The man was impossible!

He felt a strong hand on his arm as Styles stopped him from walking away. “No, I don’t think you did it.”

Robby was not appeased. “You thought it for a second.” And knowing his mate had any kind of doubt hurt like hell. He knew Styles wasn’t going to change overnight, but the man had to give Robby some fucking credit.

Styles looked as if a battle was waging inside of him and then he let out a long breath. “I’m sorry.”

Wow. Did Styles just apologize to him? The guy didn’t seem the type to tell anyone he was sorry. He glanced up to make sure the sky wasn’t falling. “Did they take anything?”


Robby reached up and snaked his arms around Styles’s neck, pulling his mate in close for a hug. He whispered into Styles’s ear, “Someone is after me.”

Styles stiffened, but held Robby close. “Do you know who it is?”

“No, but an envelope was delivered to my house by mistake. I think the person who trashed my house is the same person who left the threatening message on my phone last night. He could also be the same person who went through your saddlebag.”

Styles growled, his hold growing tighter. “Why didn’t you tell me you got a threatening message last night?”

Robby kissed Styles on the side of his cheek. “Because you looked so damn peaceful sleeping and all I wanted to do was get back into bed with my cuddle bunny.”

“Your what?” Styles pulled back, his brows dipping.

Robby chuckled. “You love to cuddle when you sleep. Trust me, I love it.”

Styles didn’t look happy about that. He nipped Robby on his chin before he pulled back, his voice still subvocal. “Don’t change the subject.”

Robby gave him a look that said he didn’t want to discuss what was going on out in the open. There was no telling who was listening. If the culprit was a shifter, he would be able to hear them even if he wasn’t close by.

“Come on.” Styles grabbed his hand and damn near dragged Robby along.

“Where are we going?” He glanced behind him, watching as they left the bakery behind. Boy, was Kenway going to be pissed.

“Someplace we can talk without worrying about ears.”

That was very evasive. Robby followed, trying to keep up with Styles’s long strides. They were soon in front of the bike shop. But instead of going inside, Styles straddled his bike. “Get on.”

“Saying please might help.” Robby crossed his arms over his chest, tapping his foot out angrily. He wasn’t budging on this. Styles was going to learn to stop being so damn irritable, at least with him. Robby wanted to smile when he saw the way Styles was staring at him. The scowl couldn’t get any deeper.

Styles handed Robby a pair of glasses and then narrowed his eyes. “Please.” The word was spoken through gritted teeth. Robby patted him on his shoulder as he climbed behind his mate, slipping the glasses into place.

“That wasn’t so hard,” he said softly into Styles’s ear. “If you say that word later, I just might suck your cock.”

He chuckled when he felt the rumble of a growl under his hands. “Now take me to your hidden fortress.”

Styles turned his head and stared at Robby for a moment before he pushed the bike backward and then took off. Robby gripped Styles’s waist tightly as they weaved through town and headed out onto the open road.

BOOK: Loving Styles [Brac Village 12] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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