Read Loving Lucas Online

Authors: Lisa Marie Davis

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

Loving Lucas (4 page)

BOOK: Loving Lucas
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Once this line was crossed, he would never be able to

reclaim his heart.

Dumbass, you’ve already lost your heart, so why stop


Knowing there was a logical answer to that question, but

unable to recall what it might be, Lucas lost all train of

thought as Nicholas pulled the ice from his mouth before

leaning down to press open-mouthed kisses along the inside

of Lucas’s thigh.


Loving Lucas /
Lisa Marie Davis

A strangled cry escaped him and he shivered from head

to toe.

“Oh, Nic.”

“What, Luc? You don’t like that?”

The answer, though Lucas wasn’t certain he’d have been

able to offer a coherent one, died in his throat when Nicholas teasingly nipped at the place he had just kissed.

“You taste good. So very, very good, Luc. I’ve never tasted anything better.”

Moaning, he opened his eyes in time to see Nicholas lean

closer and lick his shaft from base to tip. Lucas tangled his hands in the sofa cushions as best he could.

Head falling back, his eyes closed again, the sensations

were almost too much. It had been years since anyone had

touched him like that, years since he had known any touch

other than that of his own hand. This, Nicholas’s touching

him, was a dream come true and Lucas didn’t want it to end, even if he did have to deal with a broken heart when all was said and done.

“Like candy. Only better.”

He shivered when Nicholas licked him again and cried

out when the man he loved sucked one ball deep into his

mouth, licking and teasing, sucking, rendering Lucas a mass of quivering nerves before he turned his attention to the

other straining ball.


Loving Lucas /
Lisa Marie Davis

Gasping for air, Lucas arched his hips, silently begging

for more.

“Open your eyes, Luc. Open your eyes and look at me.

Watch me suck you off.”

It required serious effort, but he slowly forced open his

eyes, looking at Nicholas, who smiled, clearly enjoying

having Lucas so completely out of sorts.


“I want you to watch me. Look at me. Know it’s me and

know I love you.”

I love you, too. I’ve loved you for so long. I will always love

He didn’t say the words—he couldn’t—but he did nod, to

let Nicholas know he would do as he had asked and Nicholas

smiled again.

He’s beautiful. So damn beautiful. He doesn’t know what
it’s like not to be perfect


“You’re starting to think too much, darlin’, and that’s not allowed.”

Before he could respond to that, Nicholas slipped a hand

beneath him to cup his balls with gently massaging fingers

and Lucas ceased to think about anything but the pleasure,

the incredible, mind-shattering pleasure that consumed not

only his body, but his world.


Loving Lucas /
Lisa Marie Davis

As the sensations washed over him, they suddenly

became more intense as Nicholas again licked his cock

before wrapping his lips around the pulsing shaft and

sucking him deep into the wonderfully warm wet heat of his


“Oh God. Oh, Nic….”

Tangling a hand in thick, black hair, he watched,

fascinated, insanely aroused by the sight of Nicholas’s lips wrapped around his cock, sliding up and down, licking and

sucking, pulling off once to blow a breath over the wet,

aching skin.

“So very, very good, Luc. Now I want you to come for me.”

His mouth descended again, the hand that played with

his balls becoming slightly more aggressive, adding to the

building tension as he sucked Lucas harder, faster, licking and swallowing, to take him even deeper.


Hearing his voice cry out, Lucas hardly recognized the

sound as his body tensed and then, with another cry, a

nonverbal near-scream, he came hard and fast and Nicholas

stayed with him the entire time, even licking his cock clean.

Hand falling from Nicholas’s hair as he panted, trying to

catch his breath, his eyes closed again, until he felt Nicholas tug the jeans away completely and toss them aside.

“Come on, baby. You need to sleep.”


Loving Lucas /
Lisa Marie Davis

“No. I need…you.”

Nicholas smiled, dropping a kiss on his forehead. “We’ll

consider this as you owe me one, okay?”

Lucas opened his eyes, watching Nicholas pick up the

remote and click off the television, before he crawled back onto the sofa to easily pull a drowsy Lucas into his arms.


“Sleep. We’ll talk tomorrow. For tonight, let me hold you.”

There was something in the request, something almost

pleading, and Lucas nodded, melting into strong arms as

Nicholas laid down with Lucas half on top of him.

Reaching for a quilt at the end of the sofa, Nicholas

covered them both against the chill and Lucas sighed, feeling tender lips kiss his forehead again.

You just fell even deeper, Lucas, and you’ll pay for it later

He knew, of course, that was true, but for the moment,

as Nicholas reached back and turned out the light, Lucas

decided he didn’t care about the possible consequences.

He would worry about those later.

For now, sated, body still humming with pleasure, he

was content to fall asleep wrapped in the arms of the man he loved.


Loving Lucas /
Lisa Marie Davis


Loving Lucas /
Lisa Marie Davis

Chapter Three

WHEN Nicholas awakened the next morning, he was alone

on the sofa, but listening for a moment, he could hear the

faint sounds of Lucas in the shower. He was half-tempted to join him, but he knew that action would be pushing too


But last night…. He smiled as he lay there, recalling how

it had felt to watch Lucas come undone at his touch. It was a sight even more beautiful than he had imagined. He wanted

to see it again and somehow, he knew he would, but

Nicholas had no doubt that this morning, Lucas would

retreat back to his emotional safe place because that was

what Lucas naturally did any time they got too close.

That game is going to end soon, because he loves me as

much as I love him

Pushing himself from the sofa, Nicholas wandered into

the kitchen, where he happily poured himself a cup of coffee and drank it while leaning against the counter.


Loving Lucas /
Lisa Marie Davis

As much as he wanted to spend the rest of the day

plotting ways to seduce Lucas, he knew he had to switch

gears and think like a cop. If Miller had plans to come after Lucas, Nicholas wanted him to be protected, but he knew he

would have an argument on his hands. Lucas would insist

he didn’t need a babysitter and while Nicholas agreed with

that, he did intend to have one of his men near or inside the bookstore during business hours and at night he would be

with Lucas himself.

Lucas would likely argue that as well, but Nicholas didn’t


He wasn’t about to stand idly by and allow anyone to

hurt the man he loved.

Pulled from his thoughts by the sudden ringing of his

cell phone, Nicholas set aside his coffee and quickly

answered the call.

Recognizing his deputy’s voice, he listened to what the

other man had to say, looking up when he heard Lucas walk

into the kitchen.

He wore jeans and a long-sleeved black T-shirt and his

hair was still damp from his shower.

Nicholas wanted to hang up the phone and pick up

where they had left off the night before, but that wasn’t an option for a host of reasons.

“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes at the most.”


Loving Lucas /
Lisa Marie Davis

Ending the call, he shoved the phone back into his

pocket, watching as Lucas poured himself a cup of coffee.


“The usual shit. Mark and Barbara Delray are fighting

again and she’s having him arrested.”

“The usual indeed.” Lucas smiled.

“Are you running late?”

He shook his head, leaning against the counter, as

Nicholas had. “Sasha is opening today.”

“Ah. And what color hair does the lovely Sasha have this


“Neon orange. I’m actually surprised you haven’t gotten

calls about her blinding drivers when she walks down the


Nicholas laughed, but he knew Lucas cared a great deal

for the young woman who had worked for him for the past

two years.

At twenty-two, Sasha was a transplant from New York

and one of a kind in Cedar Point with her ever-changing

hair, countless tattoos, and nose ring.

Of course she was bright, wonderful with the customers,

and loyal to Lucas and for that last fact alone, Nicholas

admired her.

“Listen, Nic, I….”


Loving Lucas /
Lisa Marie Davis

“Before you say anything, Luc, there’s something I need

to do.”

Crossing the distance between them in two easy strides,

Nicholas plucked the coffee cup from Lucas’s hands and set

it on the counter.


“Good morning, Lucas.”

Gathering the other man into his arms, Nicholas claimed

his lips, locking his arms around Lucas’s waist as his tongue pushed eagerly into his warm, welcoming mouth.

He tasted like coffee and mint toothpaste but there was

something else there, something sweet and seductive that

was all Lucas and Nicholas loved it.

Pulling back from the kiss, he smiled at the obvious

desire in Lucas’s eyes.

“You know, I have all sorts of fantasies about you, Luc.”

“We should….”

“My favorite involves you and me in my office, with me

bending you over my desk and sinking so deep inside you,

it’s near impossible to tell where I end and you begin.”

He smiled, watching as Lucas closed his eyes, leaning

against him. Nicholas slipped his hands to Lucas’s ass and

squeezed, drawing a gasp.

“Nic, we can’t do this.”


Loving Lucas /
Lisa Marie Davis

“Ah, but we’re already doing it.”

Lucas opened his eyes. “The way you look at me….” The

whispered words faded, but Nicholas wasn’t about to leave it at that.

“The way I look at you…what?”

“The way you look at me is…. God, I love the way you

look at me and it might be selfish, but I don’t want that to stop, Nic.”


“And I know if you see me, it will.”

“You don’t know that. I love you and….” He shook his

head. “I’m not him.” Ridge “Fucking” Dallas, the bastard

Lucas had been dating when he was attacked. Nicholas had

never met the man, but he hated him with a passion.

If I ever see him face-to-face, I’m knocking his teeth down
his throat

He felt Lucas pull away emotionally, even before he

stepped from Nicholas’s arms and Nicholas let go of him,

because he didn’t want him to feel cornered or pressured.

“I know you’re not him. You’re a better man than Ridge

could ever hope to be.”

“But I still get judged by what he did.”

“I’m not judging you, Nic. I’m being realistic.”


Loving Lucas /
Lisa Marie Davis

“No, you’re acting out of fear, Luc, and I understand

that, but I’m not giving up because I love you and I know we can be happy together if you will give us a real chance.”

SIX hours after his release, Riley Miller was in Cedar Point, his dark hair cut and dyed blond but still concealed beneath a baseball cap while dark sunglasses covered his eyes. The driver’s license in his wallet listed his name as Kip Coleson.

He had a thousand dollars in his pocket, all that was left

of the two grand his mother had sent to him via his lawyer.

Five hundred had gone for the battered used car and

another five for his fake driver’s license and a fake social security number.

It was money well-spent, in Riley’s mind, as he sat

parked across the street from The Haven, the bookstore

Lucas Keifer owned. He had yet to see the man he had come

here to kill, but he had seen two uniformed police officers and a young girl with hideous orange hair moving around

inside, dealing with a host of customers.

It seemed Lucas had built a nice little life for himself, but it would end soon.

But not before we have some serious fun

He shifted in the driver’s seat, feeling his cock swell, just thinking about what he had in mind for the pretty blond. He 43

Loving Lucas /
Lisa Marie Davis

had spent years dreaming about this and he intended to

enjoy it. After ten years in hell, he was ready to make those dreams come true and he wasn’t going to do anything that

Lucas didn’t deserve for leading him on and lying to him.

He had been ready to give his heart to Lucas, but Lucas

had thrown it back in his face.

He just thinks he suffered, but he has no idea what’s


No one could use and lie to people the way Lucas did and

get away with it. Riley had already made up his mind that

anyone who stood between him and Lucas would die along

with him.

That thought in mind, he sat up further, watching with

BOOK: Loving Lucas
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