Read Lovers of the Galaxy: Book Three: Raiders of the Lost Heart Online

Authors: Trinity Blacio

Tags: #scifi, #paranormal, #menage, #erotic romance, #multiple partners, #alien sex, #guardians of the galaxy

Lovers of the Galaxy: Book Three: Raiders of the Lost Heart (4 page)

BOOK: Lovers of the Galaxy: Book Three: Raiders of the Lost Heart
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Finally, he released the tendon and asked,
“Forgetting something?” He slid a well-lubed finger into her ass as
he prepared her to take him.

She moaned when Volund raised his hips, his pelvic
bone bumping her clit. “I want you both inside of me,” she said,
panting. “All of us must be connected when I tell him, Jaxxon.”
Venus glanced over her shoulder, and he nodded.

“On the bed now,” Jaxxon said. He stepped back, when
Volund scooped her up and laid her gently in the middle of the

“What do you want to tell me?” He crawled in-between
her legs and separated her pussy lips. “You’re even beautiful down
here.” Volund bent down running his tongue and fingers through her
wet folds.

He withdrew his fingers from her. Jaxxon faced her
fully, giving her a show as he lubed his large cock.

“I still can’t believe you two can fit in me at the
same time. You’re lubed enough, Jaxxon.” Venus slapped Volund’s
chest after he bit her nipple. “Hey that hurt, watch it. These are
touchy.” She rubbed her nipple where he’d bitten a little too

Her outburst vanished as Volund slowly slid his cock
into her pussy, making her forget about her sensitive breasts.
“Always so tight and ready for us.”

He rolled over taking her with him as he plunged his
cock in and out of her.

“Hold her still Volund I want inside her.” Jaxxon
came up behind her and separated her butt cheeks. His cock breached
the ring of her anus and she let the breath she’d been holding.

“Just a bit more, little warrior. Ahh, there we go.”
Jaxxon kissed the back of her neck. “Now tell him.”

Venus grinned at Volund and then kissed his lips.
“You and Jaxxon are going to be daddies, three times over.”

Jaxxon kissed her neck again. She watched as the news
finally sank into Volund’s skull. His eyes grew bigger, and he
glanced down at her stomach as his hand slid between them.

“A child. Three? Are you sure?” he whispered.

“Yes, Volund, we’re going to have
babies.” Excitement danced in Venus’s heart.

Once more his gaze jumped to hers, but then he
frowned. “Multiple births are highly rare for Azutuans. Is
everything okay with you?” He tried to sit up, but Jaxxon put his
hand on his brother’s shoulder.

“I checked myself,” he told Volund. “The babies are
fine. I guess it is not rare for Earth women to carry more than one
child at a time. From what I have researched, one woman in the
early 2000s carried ten.” Jaxxon shook his head. “We are truly
blessed, Volund.”

His brother grinned, but his expression soon turned
to that stubborn look he always got when he was going to lay down
the law with Venus. “You will not take any more chances with
yourself. Is that understood? There will be no more trapping female
Bone Eaters, or hunting for you,” he ordered and slid his cock into
her while Jaxxon began pumping in and out of her ass, taking Venus
to a new high she had yet to reach.

“Guys?” Venus said loudly, her body burning and
twitching as sweat rolled down her face. She tried to raise
herself, but Volund held her to his chest. The slightly rough
surface of his tongue swiped along the mark he’d made when he and
Jaxxon had changed her to save her life.

Jaxxon repeated the same action the entire time they
both thrust into her.

“Do you know what it means to carry our child?”
Volund questioned. “To know you have not one but three children in
your belly?”

“We never thought we would have a mate let alone a
family. Wait until headquarters hears our news. There will be a
celebration like none other,” Jaxxon half spoke, half groaned.

A deep rumble erupted from both of her men an instant
before they once again sank their teeth into either side of her
neck. The warm gel-like aphrodisiac from their fangs moved through
her blood stream, and she screamed her ecstasy. The orgasm so
strong brightly colored lights floated in her vision, her skin grew
numb, and Venus could have sworn the air in her lungs disappeared
when two fingers rubbed and pulled at her clit.

She could move no more and collapsed against Volund’s
chest. “Please, I need to rest,” she whimpered. The instant the
words left her mouth, another orgasm crashed through her. Venus
cried out, the pleasure so intense she thought she would die.

Jaxxon released her neck and pumped into her twice
more before he released his seed.

“Ours!” Volund claimed and rammed into her so roughly
her body lifted up from the force.

“By The Twelve Galaxies, what is wrong with you?”
Jaxxon snapped. “She carries our children!” Jaxxon pulled out of
her and fell to the side of the bed, drawing her with him.

“I’m fine.” Venus snuggled on Jaxxon’s chest until
she noticed the clock on the wall. “Volund didn’t hurt me, but next
time he decides to get rough, I better be able to have some fun,
too. And no more biting and tiring me out,” she mumbled. “Only
going to get to sleep for two hours. Have to be up at three A.M. to
check on the woman.”

Volund grunted.

Rubbing her back, Jaxxon laughed. “We will see.”


Chapter Four


Venus peeked over her shoulder. She nodded to the
tray by Badden where he stood leaning against the doorframe. “Grab
that and bring it here, would you?” She smiled and swiped the sweat
from her forehead with her forearm.

“So what are you doing up at this ungodly hour?” She
grabbed the tray he handed her and set it by the older female
they’d captured first. She cleaned off the yellow goopy sweat
covering the creature’s face.

“I couldn’t sleep and I remembered you said something
about the Bone Eaters’ changing, so I wanted to be here for it.” He
crossed his muscular arms over his chest. “Plus, are you supposed
to be here alone? You know your mates will not approve.”

She noticed a small marking on his bicep. “What’s
that?” She nodded, indicating the place on his arm, not yet
prepared to answer his question. It was essential to take blood
samples from this female since she’d already started the
transformation. She knew Volund and Jaxxon would have tried to stop
her. Venus picked up the syringe from the tray and focused on the
female’s arm that was still strapped down. “This will only hurt a
moment, I promise.” She cleaned the creature’s skin with

Badden pushed her away from the table. “I will do it.
You do not need any of her fluids on you.” He frowned as he took
the syringe from Venus and quickly withdrew the blood from the Bone
Eater’s vein. “The mark on my arm is to indicate I lost my female.
It’s the way those of my family show our devotion. I carry her with
me for all times.”

Venus sighed, pointing toward the microscope set up
on a sturdy stainless-steel counter. “That is beautiful. Here on
Earth, before all this happened it was rare for a couple to be
together for any long period of time. My parents’ marriage was not
the norm. They were together for over forty years.”

Pointing to the slides, Venus sighed. “I’ll need two
samples on the slides and then two more to run through the
hemoglobin machine my father designed.”

At his curious frown, she motioned with one hand.
“That machine, over there on the right. Anyway, it will tell me how
the serum is working—if it is working—and then maybe I can pinpoint
the difference between the males and females. As for the other
test, I’m trying to figure out how old this female is.”

She laid her hand on Badden’s arm. “I’m sorry for
your loss. I know what it’s like to lose people you love. As the
years ago by, the ache slowly goes away leaving us with the
pleasant memories.” She smiled and sat on a stool opposite him.
“How are you and Acwel related, if you don’t mind me asking?”

Growls and shouts suddenly echoed through the heating
vents in the building. She jumped. Thankful she didn’t have
anything in her hands. Volund and Jaxxon’s angry vocalizations
followed the other noises.

Badden laughed, tilting his head back, his long pink
hair swaying over his shoulders. “I told you they would be

She rolled her eyes. “I’m not outside hunting and I
have a protective shield over my stomach that my parents insisted
pregnant employees wear when they worked in their laboratory.”

She lifted her shirt to show Badden the metal
sheath-like garment against her skin. “Besides, my mates knew I
needed to be down here. They’re bossy at times, but I know they
mean well.”

Running her hand over the metal, Venus could see her
father and mother laughing at the first experiment that turned out
right. “They were so proud to have finally made something that
would protect them while doing research on the Bone Eaters.”

She glanced up at Badden to find Volund and Jaxxon
next to him. “We had a special dinner that night. Mom cranked up
the juke box. Dad found two bottles of aged wine, and we all danced
and ate until early in the morning.” A tear slipped down her

Jaxxon kneeled in front of her, smoothing the tear

“That was the last night we were together, before
Randle…” The rest of her words lodged in her throat, her eyes
watered, and her hands trembled. Once again her emotions were all
over the place, but Volund and Jaxxon seemed to sense something.
Volund disappeared before Jaxxon scooped her up in his arms and
transported them upstairs. He laid her in bed next to Volund, and
both of them began stroking and comforting her.

“I’m fine,” Venus whispered and rested her forehead
on Volund’s chest. “I don’t know why I acted like that. It’s been
years and yet, it almost felt like it was yesterday.” She glanced
up at Jaxxon, who frowned.

“When our females are pregnant, their emotions are
chaotic, their sexual drive is fiercer. On the positive side, their
gestational periods are shorter than a humans.” He rubbed his hand
over her still-flat belly. “We were going to tell you today, but
you’d already slipped downstairs to work.” Jaxxon got out of bed
and paced the floor.

“Venus, you cannot go on like this. You work too
hard, pushing yourself, and this puts you and our children at risk.
We do not want you around the Bone Eaters. Stay away from anything
harmful after this.” Jaxxon paused and stared down at her.

She counted to ten and glared up at Jaxxon as she
wiggled out of Volund’s arms. “I have agreed to let you two take
care of the hunting. Also, I will agree to stay as far away from
the Bone Eaters as possible—except for the ones in the lab. I will
not stop working on Dr. Zeon’s serum experiment, but I will take
extra precautions.” Venus strode across the room. She held up her
hand as both men faced her ready to do verbal battle with her.

Volund clenched and unclenched his fists. Little
beads of sweat formed on his forehead. Sensing he held back the
demand he wanted to issue, she walked up to him and hugged him.
Venus knew this had to be difficult for him since he’d lost his
only child with first wife, Zi-Ahda.

She reached for his hands and twined her fingers with
his. “I promise, Volund.” She glanced up and held his gaze. “I
promise, if I need blood from a Bone Eater or one must be moved or
if anything else dangerous is required, I will have you two do it,
but I have to see this through. In a way, I’m finishing what my mom
and dad started so long ago. If we can at least save the females,
I’ll be happy for right now.
.” She waited.

Behind her, Jaxxon caressed her back. “You will wait
for us to be in the room while you work with the test subjects

She sighed. “You’re cutting my time in half, Jaxxon.
The two of you won’t be able to be with me all the time. I need to
work on the serum, and if it works, their rehabilitation.”

“I am sorry,” he replied, “but we do not know how
this pregnancy is going to advance. Three children at once is
unusual for our race. I want one of us with you at all times. We
need to carefully monitor you. This is one of the main reasons the
council sent us here. They will want details on everything.”

“I’ll be damned if you two are going to poke and prod
me like a guinea pig.” Venus yanked her hands out of Volund’s and
stalked away from both of them. “Why does it seem like I’m making
all the concessions, while the both of you have done nothing? I
know this is rough on you, Volund, but I’m not Zi-Ahda. If you plan
on reporting my progress, fine. But you will not cage me like a
rat.” She reined in her emotions. “Now, I’m going downstairs. The
first female should be changing soon.”

Once again, more stupid tears formed in her eyes, and
she whimpered, rushing through the door before her men could stop
her. She needed to talk to Badden and Acwel before the females’
transformations started.

Wiping the tears away, she opened the door to go
downstairs when Volund wrapped his arm around her waist and
transported her to the lab. “There is no need for you to keep going
up and down those stairs.”

She nodded and moved out of his arms, but he pulled
her back again and placed two fingers under her chin, lifting it.
“What’s wrong?”

She tried to pull away, but he held her still. “I’m
scared, Volund. You’ve seen how it is out there. How can we bring
babies into this ugly, dangerous battle zone? They won’t be able to
go out and play, and what about the other children?”

Venus stroked her stomach. “How long is it going to
take to make this area safe? What about a home?” She waved her
hand, indicating the room. “This isn’t a home. This is a refugee

“You’re an alpha female, my love. You’re strong and
determined. The three of us will protect our offspring and the
other children. Don’t forget we have Miln’s kin here and more men
and supplies on the way.” He studied her and then nodded.

“Okay, later today we will go out and search for a
place to call ours. One we will slowly make our home. One that is
safe and filled with love for our children, but we won’t give up,
we cannot. It is our job to make this world better for our young
and others, too.”

BOOK: Lovers of the Galaxy: Book Three: Raiders of the Lost Heart
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