Read Lovers in law Online

Authors: Exley Avis

Tags: #Romantica

Lovers in law (5 page)

BOOK: Lovers in law
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Unfortunately. Because I
missed the excitement.

Rather than upset Radford’s
meticulous filing system, I began laying out the new evidence
across the floor, making neat piles according to where they might
fit in the case. So there I was, three hours later, on my hands and
knees with my backside in the air, when the door opened and Radford
walked in.

“Well that’s a lovely big smile,”
he said, staring pointedly at my bum as he flung his court gown
across a chair. “I hadn’t realised it was my birthday today.”

“Would you have made that kind of
comment to Mike?” I asked, forcing down the thrill at his obvious
appreciation of, what many men have called, my best feature.

“No. But I don’t find Mike’s arse
half as appealing as yours.”

I deserved that, I supposed. It was
my own fault for kissing him. In my experience, that sort of thing
always gives a man ideas.

I sat back on my heels and watched
Radford shrug off his jacket, catching a glimpse of a Saville Row
label. I expected nothing less: he struck me as a man with
expensive tastes.

The movement stretched his shirt
tight across his broad chest and drew my attention to the way his
body narrowed to a taut waist and trim hips with tightly rounded
bum cheeks. I deliberately kept my eyes off his groin, terrified I
might give myself away by unconsciously licking my lips at the
thought of what off-the-scale delights lay inside his trousers.

The world might have entered the
digital age but formal court dress for British barristers was still
stuck somewhere in the eighteenth century. A black gown, horsehair
wig, wing collar and white bands instead of a tie. It’s not a look
that would have suited every man but Radford carried it off with a
certain panache.

He untied the bands, removed his
shirt’s detachable collar and undid his top two buttons. When he
sat down next to me I saw his hairy chest where his shirt gaped
open and wanted to rip the rest of his buttons off for an
uninterrupted view.

I adore hairy men and don’t
understand the obsession many have with waxing their chests. Let a
man look like a real man, I say, and give a girl the chance to run
her fingers through untamed territory.

And I doubted there’d be anything
wilder than Radford’s body once it was unleashed.

Apparently unaware of my impure
thoughts, he stretched out next to me on the rug, appearing even
taller lying down than he did standing up. Again the image of him
sprawling naked on crisp. white sheets popped into my head and I
gave a heavy sigh which had Radford looking up at me

I quickly replaced my mental
pictures with a report on girder span tolerances and tried not to
drool. To take my mind off Radford’s reclining figure, I began
explaining my new research to him in excruciating detail. It was
difficult to make it fascinating but he seemed impressed and
suggested a couple more avenues for me to explore.

I can’t say my mind was exactly on
the job. But whose would be with six foot three of gorgeousness
stretched out next to them?

“This is a great start,” Radford
said. “You’ve come up with some interesting ideas.”

“Thanks but there’s still plenty to
do. Where do you want me to start?”

I made a move to stand up but I’d
been kneeling down for so long my legs had gone to sleep and my
knees had locked. I winced in pain.

Radford got up in one fluid
movement and held out his hands to help me. I grasped his
outstretched fingers and stood up gingerly, grimacing as feeling
rushed back into my calves. I focused on the pins and needles, not
on Radford’s reluctance to let me go, nor the pleasure at finally
feeling his skin against mine. I remembered how well those broad
palms had fitted the shape of my backside when he’d pulled me
against him and I’d felt his erection against my belly.

My insides liquefied with lust and
I wanted to feel his lips on mine again – and more.

Thank God he couldn’t read my

“Are you okay?” he asked, smiling
down at me and looking as though he could hotwire straight into the
area of my brain reserved for impure thoughts.

He had the cutest dimples in his
cheeks when he smiled. If it hadn’t been for the devilish way he
kissed, I’d have called them angelic dimples. But his blue eyes
hinted at sinful secrets I so much wanted to be party to.

“I’m fine, thanks,” I said,
circling my ankles to restore sensation. “It’s just the floor’s
hard and my legs are stiff.”

I could have kicked myself. What
Freudian impulse had made me slip hard and stiff into the
conversation? I blushed uncontrollably.

Radford’s mischievous smile widened
into a grin, telling me he’d noticed but let it go without comment.
Instead, he pointed to my laptop way over the other side of the
room, obviously thinking he’d feel safer with a bit of distance
between us.

“Why don’t you carry on with your
research and I’ll have a proper look at what you’ve found so far,”
he suggested. “Sprawling on the floor isn’t exactly the most
dignified position.”

No, I thought. I’d much
rather be sprawling naked on those crisp, white sheets of

Chapter Four


Hard and stiff, she’d said, summing
up my current physical state exactly. And I couldn’t get within a
hundred feet of Allie Lawless without feeling that way. Even now,
with her sitting on the other side of the room, tapping away at her
laptop, I was still achingly conscious of her and relieved she
couldn’t read my mind.

Or could she?

There was no knowing what
superpowers the woman possessed. She’d certainly bewitched me the
instant I’d laid eyes on her and, for a man who likes to be in
control, it was a strange to be so utterly at a loss.

From the moment she’d rounded on me
in the clerk’s room that first morning, my cock had stiffened and,
five days later, it still didn’t take much to make it stand to

After she’d kissed me – and there’s
no arguing who’d initiated it – I’d rushed home, hoping a cold
shower would drive her out of my mind. But I’d emerged naked from
the bathroom with my cock still uncomfortably hard and had had no
choice but to lie back on the bed and give free rein to my

In my fantasy Allie had been naked
as well, kneeling astride me and watching my hand move up and down
my cock, her eyes heavy-lidded with lust and anticipation.

I’m as proud of my body as the next
man, and have lost count of the number of times I’ve touched my
cock in front of a woman, but my fantasy-Allie had made it feel so
much hotter than ever before. I’d closed my eyes and visualised her
running her tongue down my chest and taking my cock into her hot
mouth. She’d licked her lips at the taste of my pre-cum and moaned;
the deep, throaty sound sending vibrations down my cock and into my

Fantasy-Allie had made me so horny
I’d wanted to come in her mouth but she’d backed off with a
devilish grin. She’d then looked me directly in the eye, climbed up
over me and impaled her soft pussy on my shaft. Her gasp of
surprise at the size of my cock had boosted my ego and she’d slid
down it tentatively, her green eyes wide with pleasure. Her sweet,
wet sex had clenched around me, inch by inch, and I could tell from
the delighted look on her face she wasn’t used to being stretched
so wide.

Even though I’d not yet had the
chance to prove it to her, I knew I’d be able to push that hot,
sexy body of hers through the boundaries of pleasure and into
territory no other man had taken her to.

But I suspected she held a few
surprises for me too.

In my imagination she’d moved
slowly above me, savouring every stroke along my cock, her pussy
hungry for me and wanting to delay the moment we came. I’d allowed
her to take control at first, until I could stand it no longer, and
then I’d flipped her over onto her back, spread her legs wider and
rammed myself into her with faster and faster strokes. Abandoning
herself to pleasure, fantasy-Allie’s hips had picked up the tempo
of my thrusts, pitching us both toward orgasm.

She’d felt good beneath me, hot and
hungry for me, her pussy wet and tight around my cock. We’d come in
the same explosive moment, her ecstatic cries driving me on faster
and harder and accompanied by my deep groans of satisfaction.

Alone on my bed, my tight balls had
emptied themselves and my cock had shot cum half way up my belly.
Had Allie been there with me, I’d have feasted on her, kissing her
from head to foot and savouring the taste of sex on her skin. I’d
have made her come a second time, and then a third, unable to
satisfy either my lust or hers.

Even though I’d lain exhausted and
spent against my pillows, my cock had refused to lose its hardness
while Allie still lingered in my mind. My cum-wet hands had slid up
and down my shaft, slippery like her imagined pussy and oh so

If I didn’t substitute my hand for
the real thing in the very near future, I could quite possibly die
of frustration before the Zeus Developments case was over.

I ached for her. My cock ached for
her. And between us, we had to find some way of having her.

However, by the time Wednesday
arrived I’d convinced myself I’d overreacted, and that a couple of
weeks without a woman in my bed had made Allie Lawless seem far
sexier than she was in real life. But when I’d walked into chambers
and found her on her hands and knees with her perfect arse facing
the door, I realised my imagination had skipped over a few
important details.

Not even a white-hot fantasy could
come anywhere close to Allie in the flesh and I needed to kiss and
lick every inch of that soft, honey-gold flesh before I got too
much older.

Or too much hornier.

My body simply didn’t contain
enough blood to run my brain and my libido simultaneously with
Allie around and, that afternoon, I found myself staring at the
papers without taking in a word. I decided to call a halt. There
was no way I’d accomplish anything with Allie in the same room. She
was far too much of a distraction.

And for a man who liked to win, I
knew when I was beaten.

“I think that’s enough for today,”
I therefore said, breaking into her concentration as she stared at
her laptop.

Frowning, she glanced at her watch,
looked surprised at how late it was and stretched her arms up high
to loosen the tension in her shoulders. I imagined slipping her
blouse off over her head and burying my face in the warm cleft
between her breasts while she wrapped her arms and legs around me.
I inhaled deeply the imagined scent of her and decided to push my

“You look exhausted,” I said.
“You’ve been staring at that screen for hours. May I buy you a
drink as a reward?” I made it sound like a casual invitation but I
was silently begging her to say yes.

I don’t think that would be
a good idea, do you?” Allie stood up and stretched

Her body was long and
curvaceous with a perfect hourglass shape that would look so
beautiful against my white sheets.

“Why not?” I asked. “It’s been a
long day. I’d like a glass of wine and I’d prefer not to drink
alone. Where’s the harm?”

Allie’s eyes narrowed suspiciously,
as if they saw a great deal of harm indeed and I could see her
mentally weighing up the situation. “Where would we go?” she asked,
hedging her bets.

I’d have preferred to take
her to my apartment to drink red wine from her navel but doubted
she’d go for the idea. I therefore suggested a bar a couple of
minutes walk from chambers.

Catching me completely off guard,
Allie smiled that heart-splitting smile of hers and picked up her
jacket. “If that glass of wine could be accompanied by a bowl of
pasta, I might well take you up on your very kind offer.”

My stomach tightened in
anticipation. I hadn’t expected her to want to make an evening of
it. “If you’d like dinner we can go somewhere more up-market.” I
had a favourite restaurant in mind where the food was excellent,
the service discreet and the meal always ended with a

Allie wasn’t falling for it

“The local bar’s fine,” she said,
zipping up her bag. “No harm at all in a couple of colleagues
having a drink at the end of a long day.”

She stressed the word colleagues,
laying down the boundaries very clearly. I’d need to work extra
hard to talk my way around them. But I always rose to a challenge,
so to speak.

The bar was already full of lawyers
winding down after a tough day in court and I acknowledged a couple
of my regular opponents. I saw Allie drew far more attention than
I’d ever commanded from my peers so I sent her to find us a table
while I bought the drinks.

“Don’t often see you in here,” one
of my sparring partners said beside me. “And certainly not in such
good company.” He glanced back at Allie who’d found a table in the
far corner. The guy’s eyes were almost out on stalks as they
feasted on her curves. “Very nice indeed.”

“She’s my instructing
solicitor,” I said, struggling not to sound territorial but
deliberately placing myself in his eye line. “We’re working on a
building negligence case. It comes to court next month.”

“Well you’d have to be built of
stone not to notice the architecture on that woman.” He dodged
sideways so he could see Allie around me. “I’d get nothing done if
she were working with me.”

“You know me. Never mix business
with pleasure.” I fobbed him off and ordered a bottle of very good
red wine, renowned for smoothing the way toward seduction.

My fellow barrister laughed
cynically. “Even a workaholic, control freak like you would break
the rules for a woman like that.” He nodded towards my order. “And
before you argue the point, no one spends eighty quid on a bottle
of wine when it’s strictly business.”

BOOK: Lovers in law
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