Read Love Slave for Two: Family Matters Online

Authors: Tymber Dalton

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Love Slave for Two: Family Matters (7 page)

BOOK: Love Slave for Two: Family Matters
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She made another note and looked at them. “Obviously you’re financially able to take care of him and he’s in no danger that I can see. I doubt my supervisor will dig deeper into this. I can’t promise you anything, but I’m planning on telling her this is a case of a vengeful sibling trying to cause her brother trouble, while keeping as many details out of it as possible. There are God only knows how many unmarried couples living together who are technically breaking the law. I’m not wasting my time going after people who are fit parents regardless of their marital status.”

Thomas grimly nodded. “Fine with me.”

Nevvie remained at the table, crying with relief as the men escorted Ms. Jameson to the door. Peggy stayed behind and put her hands on Nevvie’s shoulders. “It’s okay, sugar. It’s over.”

“No, it’s not. You heard her. She still has to take it to her supervisor.”

“It’ll be okay.”

The men returned. Tyler rubbed his chest. “Well, thank goodness that’s over. Bloody hell, my stomach’s upset.”

“No, it’s not okay!” Nevvie cried. “It’s not over now, it won’t ever be over. What happens when she tries again?”

“She won’t try again,” Peggy said, “Because I’m talking to all her sisters and telling her if she ever tries it again she’s out of this family for good. Her sisters will skewer her when they find out what she did.”

Tommy snorted. “I’d love to be a fly on that wall when Karen gets her hands on her. She’ll kill her.”

“No, it’s not officially over yet,” Bob said. “Considering the workload these people have, I’d be willing to bet they sign off on it and close the case. Try to relax, Nevvie. The worst really is over.”


Chapter Five

Thomas and Tyler asked Peggy to stay with them for at least a week. Until they heard back from the CFS investigator, Nevvie wouldn’t relax no matter how many assurances they gave her. Two days later, Nevvie was outside doing yard work with the men when Peggy stepped to the back door, Adam cradled in one arm, the phone in her other hand.


He looked up and nodded, flexing and stretching his left arm and shoulder as he walked over and took the phone from her. It’d been bothering him off and on for a couple of days, probably aggravated by the yard work.

“It’s Bob. Good news, I just heard from Ms. Jameson. The case is officially closed.”

Tyler breathed a deep sigh of relief and flashed an okay sign at Thomas and Nevvie. Nevvie burst into relieved tears. Thomas reached for her, holding her. “Excellent. Thank you for calling.”

“She told me she’d note the file about Emily in case there’s ever another call. They might still have to investigate future allegations, if there are any. At least with that in the case file, it’ll hopefully be resolved immediately.”

“Very good. What would we do without you, Bob?”

“Hey,” he laughed, “it’s just billable hours.”

Tyler grinned. “Right. Milking the cash cow, are we?”

“My most famous client. Take care. Try to relax now.”

“Will do.” Tyler hung up and looked at the others. “I say we celebrate.”

The timing couldn’t be better. Tommy had to leave for Ft.Myers in two days to be on-site at a construction project. Peggy and the men knew it would take Nevvie several days to emotionally recover from the traumatic experience.

Peggy went to the grocery store and cooked a full southern feast for dinner. They all laughed and relaxed for the first time in several days. Their best friends, Pete and Eddie, ate dinner with them. While Nevvie tried to enjoy herself, she still felt on edge.

Too exhausted to do anything but cuddle that night, she curled between her men and closed her eyes, breathing in their scent. Her boys. She didn’t ever want to choose, how could she?

The next morning she felt a little better. Peggy had already called the other sisters and told them what happened. Even Kate, the other sister almost as reluctant to accept Nevvie into the family as Emily, felt outraged that her sister had put the three through such hell.

Nevvie noticed Tyler seemed unusually quiet. “I thought you said the worst was over? What’s wrong?”

“I’m all right, love. Just tired. I think all the stress has caught up with me.” He pulled her to him, hugging her.

“Are you feeling okay?” Nevvie asked.

Tyler forced a smile. “Just worn down, I’m sure.”

Tommy looked concerned. “Do you want me to postpone my trip, Ty?”

“No, no. Not necessary. I’ll be fine.”

Nevvie helped Tommy pack. He’d be gone three days, and after some deliberation decided to take the bike. “You don’t mind if I ride it, do you sugar?” he asked her.

“Why would I mind?”

Peggy chimed in. “
mind. I hate that thing. I wish you’d get rid of it. They’re dangerous.”

“It’s okay, Mom,” Nevvie reassured her. “I don’t mind if he rides the bike.”

Tommy decided to stand his ground against his mom. She never had liked him riding a motorcycle, had forbid him to own one when he lived at home. “It would do it some good to go on a long trip. And it’s easier on gas than the truck.”

That night they curled together in bed and made love. Nevvie straddled Tyler and kissed him, rubbing herself along his stiff shaft.

He rested his hands on her hips. “You know what I love, pet.”

Thomas grabbed Tyler’s hands and slid them down to her ass. “You know what I want too, don’t you?” He held a bottle of lube.

She wiggled her ass as Tyler spread her cheeks. “I sure do. Why don’t you get busy?”

Thomas froze for a moment, then softly said, “Dammit, you know what that does to me!”

He slicked his shaft then gently worked lube into her. She impaled herself on Tyler with a satisfied moan as Thomas gently pressed his cockhead against her tight ring of muscle.

“You ready for it, baby girl?” he softly asked.

She wiggled her hips at him again. “You’d better believe it.”

He carefully pressed home and held still for a moment, letting her get used to him. He caressed her back as Tyler moved his hands to her hips. “You okay?” Tom asked her.

“Mmm hmm!”

Tyler snickered. “I suspect she’s more than okay.”

Nevvie rolled her hips, drawing soft moans from both men. “Don’t keep me hanging, boys.”

Once he was fully seated inside her, Thomas pulled her up against his chest and played with her nipples. Tyler stroked her clit. The feeling…amazing. This wasn’t something they did all the time, but when they did she never failed to enjoy it. Something about the way their two large cocks stretched and filled her added an extra measure to her orgasm.

“Look at me, love,” Tyler whispered.

She did.

“You’re so beautiful like this, with both of us inside you. You enjoy this, don’t you?”

She nodded, not trusting her voice. She wanted to loudly moan but couldn’t make too much noise with Peggy in the house.

“I want you to come for us, angel. Give it to us, let us feel you squeezing our cocks.”

Thomas gently nipped her shoulder as his fingers tweaked her nipples into hard peaks. “Do it, babe,” he coaxed. “You know we love feeling you come.”

Between the men’s persistent fingers and gentle encouragements, within minutes she felt the familiar explosion start deep within her. Unable to keep her eyes open she threw her head back against Tom’s shoulder as he kissed her, muffling her moans while Tyler relentlessly stroked her clit.

She finished, gasping for breath. Thomas lowered her to Tyler’s chest. He grabbed her hips and slowly fucked her. “Dammit, sugar,” he said, “you’re so good.”

Nevvie tried to help but felt too exhausted. Tyler cradled her against him and thrust into her from below.

“I’m close, Ty,” Tom hoarsely said.

“Go ahead, love.”

With a final groan he buried himself deep inside her as he came. He leaned over, gasping for breath, and kissed her between her shoulders. “You okay, sweetie?”

“Oh yeah.”

He carefully withdrew and walked into the bathroom. A moment later he returned with a damp washcloth for Nevvie. “You’re a slowpoke, Ty,” he teased.

“I didn’t know this was a race.” He rolled her over and kissed her as he lifted her legs to his shoulders. “You don’t mind if I take my time, do you, angel?”

Nevvie stroked his arms. “Of course not.”

Thomas knelt behind Tyler and Nevvie wondered what he was doing until Tyler jumped, then laughed. “Ah, you’re cheating again.”

Thomas didn’t respond. Nevvie could easily imagine what he was doing as Tyler’s eyes closed and the pace of his thrusts increased, grew more jerky. After a few moments he gasped, softly crying out as he buried his cock deep inside Nevvie when he came.

He carefully lowered her legs and curled next to her. Thomas stretched out on Tyler’s other side.

“How was that, buddy?” Thomas asked.

Tyler nodded, his eyes closed, and snuggled against Nevvie. He pulled Tom’s arm around him. “It was bloody wonderful and you damn well know it.”

“What’d you do?”

“Played with his balls.”

“No, he licked them.”

Nevvie giggled. “You play dirty, Tommy.”

He winked. “I know how to motivate him.”



* * * *



The next morning they gathered around Thomas in the driveway after he wheeled the bike out of the garage. He hugged and kissed Peggy and the baby, then Nevvie, and then Ty.

Peggy looked worried. “Tommy, I wish you’d drive your truck. I don’t like you riding that bike.”

“It’s okay, Momma.” He turned to Tyler. “I’ll call when I get checked in tonight.”

“You do that, love,” Ty said. “Be careful. Stay safe. Come back to us.” Then he patted him on the ass and all three smiled. It was their good luck ritual before either man had to leave on a trip, and so far had not failed them.

Nevvie leaned in for one last kiss before Tommy slipped his helmet on. “I love you.”

“I love you too, sugar.” He smiled. “Keep our boy safe for me.” Yet another old ritual between them, “our boy” referring to Tyler, not Adam.

They watched as Tommy cranked the bike. Then he waved as he pulled out of the driveway.

“I wish you two would make him sell that thing,” Peggy groused.

Nevvie took Adam from her. “It’s okay. He’s safe on it. He’ll be fine.”



* * * *



That night, Tyler and Nevvie curled together and fell asleep after talking to Thomas on the phone. Nevvie suspected Tyler still didn’t feel well from the way he’d been acting, although he hadn’t said anything. The next morning, Nevvie stood in the kitchen and thumbed through the newspaper while the coffee brewed. Adam and Tyler were both still asleep. She heard the shower in the guest bathroom and knew Peggy, normally an early riser, was up and about.

She poured herself a mug of coffee when it finished brewing. A few minutes later, Peggy appeared, ready for her day.

“Mornin', sugar,” the older woman said. “How’d you sleep?”

“Like a rock! Did the baby even wake up last night?”

“If he did, he didn’t fuss. That means he’ll wake up screaming for breakfast.”

“Like the other men in this house,” Nevvie said with a smile.

Peggy laughed. “Tommy could eat his weight in groceries when he was growing up. I had to shop for the girls and then shop for him. I swear he had hollow legs.”

“I can believe it.” Adam’s keening cry from the bedroom drew her attention. “Ah, perfect timing.”

“I’ll go change him if you want to fix his breakfast,” Peggy offered.

“Thanks, Mom.” Peggy disappeared down the hall while Nevvie got it ready.

By the time Nevvie had Adam’s breakfast ready, Peggy reappeared with him. “Here’s the hungry guy.”

Nevvie took him and fed him, watching his blue eyes while he ate. It wouldn’t be long before he was eating solid food. He looked more like Tyler every day, the spitting image of him. Speaking of…

She glanced at the clock. It was nearly seven-thirty and Ty hadn’t emerged yet.
Very odd

As if sensing her thoughts, Peggy spoke. “Is Tyler feeling all right this morning? He’s been acting a little off lately.”

“I was just wondering that myself. He hasn’t felt good the past couple of days. Then again, with all that crap, none of us did. Maybe he’s coming down with something. I’ll check on him when this one’s done chowing down.”

Twenty minutes later, Ty still hadn’t appeared. Nevvie handed Adam to his grandmother. “I’ll go check on sleeping beauty, see how he is.”

Nevvie walked to their bedroom and found Tyler in the shower, where she quickly joined him. “Good morning, handsome.” She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.

He offered her a half-hearted smile. “Good morning, sweetheart.” His color looked bad. “I’m sorry I slept so late.”

“I think I need to make you an appointment with Dr. Aston today.”

“No, I’m just worn down. Too much excitement, that’s all. I’m sure I’ll feel better in a day or two.”

She studied his face. “This doesn’t feel right, Ty. I think we need to get you checked out. If it was me you’d hogtie me and drag me down to her office.”

He attempted a smile. “At least the hogtie part.”

She laughed. He couldn’t feel too bad if he was trying to crack jokes. “All right. If you’re still out of it tomorrow, you’re going.”

“Agreed, love. I promise.”

She kissed him. “I love you.”

“Love you too, pet. I’ll be along shortly.”

She stepped out of the shower, dressed, and returned to the kitchen.



* * * *



Must be a bug.
Tyler didn’t feel at all well, but he didn’t want to worry Nevvie. Maybe he should ask Peggy about it. He would go see Dr. Aston tomorrow if he woke up feeling like this again.

He finished his shower and sat on the bed to catch his breath, rubbing his chest. His left shoulder was really bothering him. Maybe he overdid it out in the yard with Thomas. He should leave the landscaping chores to him and Nevvie, but he’d wanted to help.

He wiped a hand across his forehead.
The A/C must be turned up high
. He was sweating, even though he felt clammy.

BOOK: Love Slave for Two: Family Matters
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