Read Love & Redemption Online

Authors: Chantel Rhondeau

Tags: #New York City, #secret agents, #love, #Romantic Suspense, #Assassins

Love & Redemption (40 page)

BOOK: Love & Redemption
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Shelley sat at the main table with Nick, Carlie, and Emma. In addition, Carlie’s parents had come in from Africa to attend the opening. They seemed like lovely people, even if Shelley didn’t have much to say to them. Muhammad Khan sat in the seat nearest to Shelley, obviously dreaming of what sort of food he might convince Nick to donate to his soup kitchen. Even Sensei Hideaki attended, sipping tea with his wife.

Shelley was surprised Nick’s best friend wasn’t there, given the big turnout, but she knew they were coming in December for Nick and Carlie’s wedding. The only person who would have made things better was Gavin.

Chiding herself fiercely, Shelley tried not to feel sorry for herself. Everyone seemed so happy around her, and she really should be happy too. It was just being out in public alone and watching happy couples that got to her.

“Time for dessert,” Nick announced to the room in general.

Servers in matching black uniforms descended from the kitchen, bringing a cupcake for each guest.

“Did you make those?” Shelley asked Carlie.

“Carrot cake or red velvet,” Carlie confirmed. “I worked all morning.”

And then helped Shelley pull her hair up in a French twist and got Emma ready, knowing Shelley didn’t want to attend. She really was a good friend. Shelley felt bad that she hadn’t been more attentive lately.

Soon everyone had a cupcake. Everyone but Shelley. “Don’t I get to eat?” she asked, half laughing.

“Oh, no.” Carlie clapped her hand over her mouth. “I’m so embarrassed. I didn’t make enough.”

Nick shrugged and took Carlie’s hand. “Don’t worry, my lady. The manager can take care of this.”

From tables surrounding them, a soft murmur started up. A whisper of sensation crossed Shelley’s neck when a breath fell on her skin. She breathed in the scent of a familiar cologne and blinked back tears.

A man brushed against her back, placing a plate in front of her. “Here you are, miss. Enjoy.”

That voice. Gasping, Shelley whipped her head around, coming face to face with Gavin. He was dressed in a tux and looked good enough to serve as dessert himself. “Wait?
the manager? How?”

Gavin nodded toward Nick. “I quit the other job in June. I told my boss I had to stay in town and rekindle love in the heart of the most beautiful woman in the world. He decided to buy a hotel and give me a job.”

“Nick bought this hotel to give you a job?” Shelley’s mouth dried out as she thought of something else. “And you’ve been here all summer?”

“I had to do a bit more travel for work, but I’m here now.” He pointed to a table on the right. “You remember Iris?”

The silver-haired lady from the police station waved happily, smiling at Shelley and showing that she did, indeed, have her teeth today.

Shelley waved back uncertainly.

“She and I moved into a five bedroom house here in town. Grandma keeps asking when my wife’s coming home. She wants to enjoy her grandchild before she gets too old.” Gavin smiled down at Emma and tweaked her nose, causing Emma to giggle.

“You kept this a secret from me?” Shelley didn’t know whether or not to be angry.

“I wanted to prove to you that I was the gentleman you expected, by getting everything in order before asking you to marry me.”

“M-marry you?” Her heart wanted to scream ‘yes’ but Shelley held onto caution. “Where is that coming from?”

“I always planned to marry you, but then I let doubt creep in. I thought I wasn’t good enough for you and made a bad choice. I tried to tell you that the day at your house, but you were still so angry.” He dropped to his knee, taking her hand in his and pressing a kiss against the back of it. “Marry me, Shell. Make me the happiest man in the world. After all the horrible things that happened to us, don’t we deserve a happy ending?”

“We do, but I have to tell you something.” She stroked her fingertips over his cheek. “I’m pregnant.”

“You are?” He made a whooping noise. He raised his voice to include everyone sitting at the table, “I’m going to be a father.”

“You believe in me that much to know you’re the father?” Shock settled somewhere around her belly button. Gavin was the only person who hadn’t asked who the father was. Even though they split up months ago, he trusted that she never slept with someone else.

He laughed and placed his hand over her belly, patting it. “Of course. We’re in love. You wouldn’t be with someone else after loving me. You told me in the tunnel that night, remember?”

So she had. Not consciously thinking about the conversation since Gavin left, she hadn’t remembered that promise. It didn’t matter. The old Felicia who slept with men for comfort and a desperate need to be wanted was gone. She was a changed woman, a better woman. And she was in love with Gavin Hart.

He patted her stomach one last time before pulling a ring from his pocket and holding it to her. His hands shook slightly, proving he wasn’t as confident as he wanted her to believe. “Tell me, Shelley Daniels, will you,” he glanced sideways at Emma, “and your daughter, make me the happiest man in the world by being my family?”

Emma gave a fist pump. “Yes, we will!”

Everyone laughed, but Shelley tuned them out. She threw her arms around Gavin’s neck. As their lips met, it was all the answer he needed.

Gavin stood, never breaking off the kiss as he pulled Shelley to her feet. He deepened the kiss, sending a shiver of happiness all the way to Shelley’s toes. When he pulled away, he slipped the ring on her finger, beaming at the crowd around them. “She said yes!” he told them.

Amid the happy cheers and clapping, Shelley pulled him close, placing her lips against his ear. “Emma said yes, not me,” she teased.

“Oh, come on, Shell,” he whispered back, sneaking a kiss against her ear. “No one can go through life only making love twice. You need me.”

He had her there. “I guess I say yes then, too. Maybe Carlie and Nick can babysit tonight, huh? It’s been a while.”

Gavin laughed. “I love you so much.”

“And I love you. We’ve turned into a committed woman and a gentleman, who would have thought it with our pasts?”

“Our pasts don’t matter, Shell. We’re what we were always meant to be.” He kissed her cheek. “Made for each other.”

Author’s Note

I hope you enjoyed this second book in my Agents in Love series. While I was writing book 1 and exploring Carlie and Nick’s relationship, I knew that Shelley needed her own story. She was too fun of a character to not dig deeper into her life and find out about her. I had a great time, and I hope you did too. I was a little worried how I would find redemption for a former slut and a jewel thief, but I have to admit, I’m pleased with how their story turned out. Emma was an unplanned development, and one I fell in love with!

In the future, we will explore Jenessa Jones more. I’ve been curious about her from the very beginning. Why did she become a hacker and what lead her to work for the government? I’m afraid a murderer is loose in Washington, D.C., and Jenessa will have to use all her skills to solve the crimes and stop S.A.T.O.’s latest plot. All while putting up with the very annoying, but absolutely gorgeous, Kole Sharp, son of President Sharp. I’m anxious to dig into their story!

Look for
Love & Compromise (Agents in Love – Book 3)
early fall 2014.

If you enjoyed this book, reviews are always greatly appreciated. Reviews are the life’s blood for authors, helping us be seen by more people and sell more books, all to support our writing, passion, and keep telling our stories.

I wish you happiness and joy. Thank you, as always, for spending time in my world and reading my story.

All my best

~ Chantel



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DISCLAIMER: S.A.T.O., Staysville, Vermont, and Sayle, Washington are products of my imagination. This is a work of fiction and not meant to be my personal reflection on the government nor a conspiracy theory. It is purely for your enjoyment and entertainment. I hope you enjoyed!

Don’t miss Chantel’s other titles –

Stand alone books:

Always & Forever

Crime & Passion

Agents in Love Series:

Love & Deception – Book 1

Love & Redemption – Book 2

Coming soon

Love & Compromise – Book 3

Love & Murder – Book 4

Love & Vengeance – Book 5

Murderous Lies –
Coming July 2014

Love & Deception (Agents in Love ~ Book 1)

Release Date: October 18, 2013

What if everything you believed in was a lie?

In hiding for six years, Carlie Hollis is tired of running. All she wants is to stay in Sayle, Washington and make a success of her struggling delicatessen. Because of her past, she’s suspicious of anyone who takes an interest in her.

Nick Kendall works as a spy in a top-secret government operation, protecting innocent people from danger. Sent to Sayle on a mission to infiltrate a suspected terrorist organization, Nick finds himself attracted to Carlie, an alleged key player of the group.

Despite her misgivings, Carlie develops feelings for the handsome stranger, believing he is there to help her. But when Nick finds evidence of her guilt, he’s given orders to do the unthinkable—eliminate the target, one he's fallen hopelessly in love with. Will he follow orders...or become hunted himself?

CONTENT WARNING: Violence, language, sizzling love scenes.

Agents in Love Series:

Book 1 - Love & Deception

Book 2 - Love & Redemption

Book 3 - Love & Compromise
(October 2014)

Book 4 - Love & Murder
(Spring 2015)

Book 5 - Love & Vengeance
(Summer/Fall 2015)

Crime & Passion

Release date: March 15, 2013

A decorated police officer, more intent on justice than following the letter of the law, lands in trouble when a schoolteacher finds a dead body on the beach.

Always & Forever

Release Date: August 18, 2012

A suspected murderess flees her former life in search of tranquility, but the past refuses to die, threatening to destroy her new found happiness.

This year Chantel was asked to mentor a student for his senior project of publishing a book. She helped him with the steps, letting him know how she goes about publishing and proof reading and answering any questions he had, but the hard work is all his. Chantel was very humbled to help in a small way, and she’s proud to share the newly published book of poetry by Royal the 17th.

Just a Little Twisted

Release date: March 25, 2014

Literature is something that is read in a stuffy classroom; poetry is written in times of captivating emotion and tragedy. I have crafted these poems with the influence of happiness, sadness, inspiration, and twisted delusions. That is what these poems depict. Venture inside a mind that is not quite right; venture inside a mind that is just a little twisted.

BOOK: Love & Redemption
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