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Authors: Nicole Simone

Love of a Rockstar (28 page)

BOOK: Love of a Rockstar
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Luke and I met halfway down the porch steps. “Hi,” I said.


We stared at each other with goofy grins plastered on our faces. I still couldn’t believe he was here in the flesh.

“Did you get my message? Is that why you’re here?” I shivered.

Luke stared at me as if I had two heads. “What are you talking about? What message?” He shook his head. “Whatever, it doesn’t matter. I have something to show you.” Bounding off the steps, Luke opened the passenger side door to my car. “Get in.”

I glanced behind me at the farmhouse. My grandmother’s wedding was in three hours. I couldn’t leave.

Sensing my hesitation, Luke reassured me. “Don’t worry. I will have you there and back before the ceremony.”

“Where are you taking me?”

He winked. “Can’t tell you that. Now get your cute little behind into the car.”

Curious to what he had up his sleeve, I slipped into the passenger seat. Handing over the keys, we started to drive. The rolling green pastures gave way to cement sidewalks and skyscrapers as we reentered the city. Whenever I opened my mouth to ask a question, he would shush me.

“My lips are sealed,” he said.

Two surprises in one day were one too many for somebody who doesn’t like surprises. My knee bounced in anticipation. The car slid to a stop in front of a creaky old gate, overgrown with weeds. A cedar shingled house sat in the middle of the lot that looked as if it had been abandoned for years.

“We’re here,” Luke announced.

I glanced out the window, then back at him. “Seriously?”

“Yes, come on.”

Luke was lucky I trusted him or else I would think he was trying to kill me. I got out of the car and followed him into the front yard. The closer to the house we got, the more spooked I became.

As he was about open the front door, I laid my hand on his arm. “We can’t trespass. There might be bums in there ready to shank us.”

“Shank?” he repeated. “We aren’t in a prison movie.”

I eyed the boarded up windows warily. “This isn’t funny”

Ignoring my concerns, he grabbed a key from his pocket and swung open the door. “Give me your hand.”

Pitch-blackness greeted us when we walked inside. My grip tightened as he led me down the hallway toward a faint glow.

“Luke,” I hissed. “I think somebody lives here.”

The narrow passage way opened up to a living room lit with candles. Luke dropped my hand and turned to face me. “Marlene, when I left, you put your dreams on hold to raise our daughter. And you did a terrific job, but it’s about time you share your talents with the world.” He gestured to the barren room. “I bought this house in hopes we could open a restaurant together.”

My hand clasped over my mouth as I struggled back a sob. “Seriously?” I choked out.

“Yes, I’ll run the kitchen while you run the pastry department.” He cupped my face. “And we will call it Norma Jean’s.”

I threw my arms around Luke’s neck, deliriously happy. “You are an incredible man, Luke”

“There is one condition though.” He slipped a dainty diamond ring onto my finger. “I want to get married in Paris and have an extended honeymoon before we start our next adventure together.” His eyes twinkled with excitement. “Opening our own restaurant.”

“What about your tour?”

“I’ve already told Sebastian this will be my last one.” He brushed a tear off my cheek. “It’s about time I came home.”







NICOLE SIMONE WORKS in digital media by day and at night, pen’s character driven romance novels that will make your mama blush. She lives in Los Angeles, C.A with her fat bulldog named Humphrey. Love of a Rock Star is Nicole’s first novel but certainly not her last.


For more information about Nicole and her books, visit:

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

About the Author

BOOK: Love of a Rockstar
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