Read Love in Xxchange: Rory's Last Chance Online

Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General

Love in Xxchange: Rory's Last Chance (8 page)

BOOK: Love in Xxchange: Rory's Last Chance
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Chance pulled back and Rory protested in a series of incoherent grumbles. The cool feel of lube running down his crease stopped the grumbling and replaced it with a smile. One long, rough finger forced its way into Rory’s channel, slowly at first, then twisting in faster until hard knuckles rasped up against his opening.

Rory moaned and arched his back, pushing his butt down needing more. A second finger pressed in, burning as it stretched the clamping ring that was trying to deny Rory the pleasure Chance was giving him. Chance twisted his fingers inside Rory, crooking them slightly and pegging his gland and sparks exploded behind Rory’s eyes.

“God! Chance! Fuck me, please!” Rory hadn’t known until that moment that he wasn’t too proud to beg. All he knew for sure was if Chance didn’t fuck him now, he might do something mortifying, like cry and beg at the same time. He had never felt anything like this before, and knew it wasn’t only what they were doing, but who he was doing it with.

“Need to stretch you a little more, baby. I don’t want to hurt you.” Chance’s voice sounded strained, as though he were hurting with need as much as Rory was.


Bailey Bradford



“Just fuck me! I won’t break! Now, Chance. Don’t make me…” Rory had to pant as Chance rubbed his gland again. “Don’t make me beg anymore.” That came out less demanding and more pathetic than Rory had meant for it to, but it was done, and Chance’s fingers were pulling out. The sound of the lube opening and sputtering as Chance coated his cock sent goose bumps over Rory.

He wanted this, but he wasn’t going to deny that he was just a little leery of how big Chance’s cock was. Fear didn’t have enough time to latch on because Rory was spread wide once again. The sound of Chance’s sharply indrawn breath startled Rory and he tried to crane his neck around to see the man’s expression. When he did, it stole his breath. The wonder on Chance’s face did all sorts of warm tingly things to Rory’s belly.

“I told you, baby. Just perfect, so fucking beautiful. Your ass is going to be gorgeous swallowing me up.” Chance lined up his dick with Rory’s hole and grasped his hip. “You sure you’re ready, baby?”

Rory met Chance’s gaze and nodded as best he could, fear and want stealing his voice.

Chance rocked gently forward, nudging at Rory’s resistant entry. He clamped his other hand on Rory’s hip, locking him firmly in place.

“I’ll try to go slow,” Chance muttered, brown eyes conflicted as he studied Rory.

But Rory didn’t want slow. There was a panic building in him, a fear that Chance might still walk away. Irrational considering their current positions, but Rory couldn’t shake it.

“No. I want this.” Rory lifted his head from where it rested on his hands and took a deep breath. “I don’t want slow and sweet, Chance. I won’t break.”

Chance’s hand clenched on Rory’s hip. “I don’t want to hurt you. We should—”

“Fuck ‘we should’! I need you now!” He pushed up onto his palms and rocked backwards as forcefully as he dared just as Chance rammed his hips forward hard, shoving through the stubborn muscles.

Rory could only gasp, the burning and stretching painful despite the fingers that had worked his channel only moments before. He bore down as Chance thrust again, then he was completely impaled, butt and the back of his thighs pressed against Chance’s crinkly pubic hair and muscular legs. Rory struggled to breathe, feeling that the air had been pushed from his lungs by Chance’s thick length.

Before Rory could adjust to being filled so completely, he began trying to rock himself on Chance’s dick. Chance pulled back, sliding almost all the way out of Rory’s passage.


Bailey Bradford



Rory couldn’t keep still, pushing back to meet Chance’s thrusts. He welcomed the penetration, wanting this, pain and pleasure, all with the man he’d come to admire.

A strong forearm locked around Rory’s belly, pulling him upright on his knees. Chance wrapped his other arm around Rory’s chest and began pumping his cock into Rory in short, sharp bursts that rubbed right over his gland.

Every thought fled in the midst of such pleasure. Rory let his head fall back and rest on Chance’s shoulder, the harsh grunts coming from the older man feeding Rory’s need. He pressed his ass back as much as he could, wanting to feel every bit of Chance’s cock inside him.

He reached behind him and grabbed Chance’s ass, squeezing and moaning as the man fucked him harder and faster. Rory’s cock was leaking pearly white gobs everywhere—he couldn’t even think about it because everything in him was centred on the feel of Chance filling him, owning him and marking him with each thrust.

The harsh grunts from Chance grew louder, frantic. Rory didn’t register that the man was saying ‘soon’ over and over until Chance grabbed Rory’s cock and tugged hard, using his other hand to pull at the left nipple ring. Rory screamed, his balls drawing tight, then Chance bit into his straining neck and the scream turned into a strangled sound as Rory’s vision dimmed and he came, thick bursts of spunk spewing free.

His muscles spasmed and his ass clamped down hard enough that Chance’s dick was trapped in the tight confines of Rory’s channel. He felt Chance’s entire body shudder violently, felt hard fingers dig into his chest painfully—but more than anything, he felt the throbbing of Chance’s cock deep in his ass, felt each pulse as hot cum poured out in thick streams inside him. Nothing else existed in the moment other than that.

Rory’s muscles unclenched and Chance made a garbled sound that could have meant anything, though Rory was pretty sure in this case it meant the man had fucked his brains out. God knew Rory’s were shot to hell. Chance locked his arms around Rory and pulled him down and onto their sides, still buried deep in Rory’s warmth.

They lay for long moments, Chance holding Rory and Rory’s hands on top of Chance’s.

Rory thought he should probably say something, but he didn’t know what. He wasn’t used to anything other than a five minute fuck, really, more of a ‘drop your pants and take it, pull

‘em up and get back to work’ type of thing. He worried for a few minutes, afraid action or inaction would mess up everything that had just happened between him and Chance.


Bailey Bradford



It wasn’t until Chance jerked slightly that he realised the man had fallen asleep, still holding Rory in his arms. Right or wrong, Rory would take it. He closed his eyes and let himself feel wanted—the part of him aching to be loved was shoved deep down and locked away. Rory knew he was lucky to get this much from anyone, and especially from a man like Chance Galloway.



Bailey Bradford


Chapter Nine

Maybe it was just the fact that he wasn’t used to sharing a bed with anyone, much less a man as sexy as Chance, that had Rory’s eyes cracking open, his mind sputtering to explain to himself why he was in an unfamiliar room. The press of a warm body against his sent the answer screeching into his head, memories of Chance taking him, fucking him until Rory'd thought his heart would stop from the pleasure of it… Yet as good as that had felt, the present situation, sharing a bed with his lover, who was draped over him like the best sort of blanket, was even better. It was so…intimate. And Rory felt safe, protected, which was ridiculous given his size, but there it was.

He knew it was going to suck, having to get up and leave. Chance’s arms and strength offered a sanctuary Rory hadn’t even known he’d been looking for. But no matter how perfect and safe it felt, Rory didn’t go back to sleep.

Rory would have stayed in bed, cuddling—who knew he’d enjoy that as much as sex?—except he didn’t want Chance to think he was taking advantage. If anything, Rory would work harder to prevent Chance or Max from thinking he’d expect to get preferential treatment for banging the boss…or being banged by the boss. The last thing he wanted was trouble between Max and—

“Shit!” Rory sat up with a burst of panicked energy that dislodged Chance and nearly toppled them both to the floor. Rory looked for his clothes, spotting them in a rumpled pile near the foot of the bed. He lunged for them as he peeked at the digital clock by Chance’s bed.

Not quite 4:30 a.m. Good—if he hurried he might make it to the bunkhouse before Max woke up. If he didn’t, well, maybe the man wouldn’t see him coming out of the main house and would think Rory had just stayed out all night.


It took a few seconds for it to register. Rory pulled up his jeans and spun around to face Chance just as the man eased off the bed.

“It’s all right, just calm down for a minute. Max knows—he told me I’d be a fool not to go after you last night.”


Bailey Bradford



Rory froze, one boot on and the other in his hand. He tried to think about what that meant, but it only added to the confused mix of emotions he was already battling. Now he was awake and the sun wasn’t far from rising, doubts and fears were tearing at him. Rory didn’t know what Chance expected from him, not personally, and was afraid to ask if the man only wanted a night or, like Rory, something more.

He forced himself to move, to put on his boot and gather up the rest of his clothes, never looking at Chance. If he saw that distant look his boss had worn so often over the past two weeks, Rory was afraid something inside him might break.

“Rory, look at me, please.” Chance’s voice was warm and intimate, not the least bit distant.

Rory squared his shoulders and, clutching his belt and hat close to his chest, turned to face the man who suddenly had the power to shatter him. He swallowed nervously under Chance’s penetrating stare but didn’t look away.

“Why are you so scared?”

The question had Rory’s spine stiffening ramrod straight. He didn’t like being called out, but he wasn’t a liar, either. All or nothing. Better to find out now and deal with it.

“I don’t know what you want, what you expect from me.” Chance’s dark eyes bored into him, shaking his soul. “If this was just a one-night-stand for you or—”

Chance was on him before he could utter another word, taking the belt and hat from his grasp and tossing them down. Then those big hands were clamping hard on Rory’s biceps to pull him against his still-naked boss. The rigid length of Chance’s erection seared Rory’s skin through his clothes and had his own cock snapping to attention.

“I don’t do one-night-stands, Rory. If that’s all this was to you…” Chance shook his head, looking at some point over Rory’s shoulder. “If that’s all this was to you, then I guess I’ll just have to work to change your mind.”

Knowing he wasn’t the only one confused and wondering eased away a big part of the worry that had been riding Rory. He pulled his hands out from between their bodies, praying that it was okay to embrace Chance and hold him close. He felt the tension drain from his lover, Chance’s firm, sexy body relaxing as a soft sigh tickled Rory’s neck.

“I don’t want just a night, Chance. I don’t know why it is you think everyone younger than you is flighty, but I’m not. I haven’t had many lovers—” And that was an understatement, wasn’t it? Rory forged on. “And never with someone I didn’t have…”


Bailey Bradford



The sound of the alarm startled them both into putting a few feet of distance between them. It also made Rory stop the free-flowing information before he gave too much, even though he feared he already had done just that.

“I better go.” Rory turned and gathered his things, careful to avoid doing anything that would lead to questions. Desperation washed over him as he felt Chance studying him.

Please, let him leave it alone for now at least.
And please don’t let him notice the way my hands are

He caught a glimpse of Chance moving over to smack at the alarm clock, shutting off the god-awful shrilling noise. When the older man didn’t move again, Rory risked a glance at him. Chance was watching him, an intense look heating his rich brown eyes, holding Rory captive.

“Go on, Rory. But just a heads up, there’s no way I’m going to let you get away without explaining what you meant.”

Rory started to protest that there wasn’t time, but Chance waved a hand in the air to shush him.

“Not right now—you’re right, we have work to do. This evening, if you’d like to come have dinner with me, I won’t pester you with questions. I’ll answer some for you, though, and maybe that’ll help you to feel a bit less skittish about whatever it is you started to say.

How does that sound?”

It sounded perfect, and frightening—and Rory wanted it more than he thought was wise. “I’ll be here, boss. See you in a bit.”

“Boss?” Chance’s lips quirked with amusement, setting off a matching action on Rory’s.

“Well, you are still, and I don’t think I’m going to be able to break myself from calling you that.” Rory waved goodbye and left before the boss could see the smile that bloomed full force.

No doubt Chance would get off on being the
in the bedroom, at least some of the time. But Chance had certainly enjoyed it when he hadn’t been in charge, come to think of it.

Huh. That would give Rory something to obsess about all day. He groaned as visions of a submissive Chance assailed him. It was going to be a long-ass day.




Bailey Bradford



Rory finished brushing out Rama, the sorrel he’d ridden while moving the rough stock to a different pasture. He was bone-tired from working hard all day, but nothing could dim the excitement of knowing he would be spending the evening with Chance. He hadn’t seen much of the man during the day, and not seeing him meant Rory couldn’t be sure if Chance had changed his mind or not.

Maybe he was dumb to worry, but he had his reasons for being insecure when it came to trusting a lover’s professed feelings. He patted Rama’s neck and gave her the once-over, making sure he hadn’t missed a spot on her gleaming coat.

BOOK: Love in Xxchange: Rory's Last Chance
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