Love by Chance (A Contemporary Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: Love by Chance (A Contemporary Romance)
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Lisa looked at Scott and smiled. “Of course, no problem.”
“Oh, Lisa? One more thing, can you call for the limo?”
“Sure, what time do you want it?”
“In about thirty minutes. Mr. Anderson and I will be going for lunch at

Lisa nodded and slipped out of the office.
Scott looked at Alysa with one eyebrow raised. “
, huh? Expensive taste you have.”
“Only the best for one of my stockholders,” she said with a wink. “Now, what else do you have to show me?”
For the next thirty minutes, Scott explained his ideas for the company website, showing Alysa mock-ups of the designs.
“These are really fantastic. I’m anxious for Alan to see them. Would you consider coming back and presenting your ideas again to my senior managers?” Alysa asked.
Scott reached for her hand. “Of course, anything that would allow me to spend more time with you.”
Alysa leaned over and kissed him deeply. She had finally found the man of her dreams. She could hardly believe it. All her searching, and he was one of her stockholders all along. Fate was a fickle master.
She pulled back. “Oh my, I think we should go to lunch.”
“On one condition,” Scott said.
Scott pulled out his phone. “May I have your personal number?”
Alysa chuckled. “Of course.” Her intercom buzzed just as she finished telling Scott her number. “Oh, that’s the limo. Are you ready?”
Scott stood and reached for her hand. “I am indeed.”
The young couple walked out of the office hand-in-hand and went down to the limo. They enjoyed a leisurely lunch together and talked for hours. The limo was waiting for them when they finally emerged.
John got out of the car and opened the door. Alysa slid inside and Scott was right behind her. There was a cold bottle of champagne waiting for them. “A gift from Lisa,” John told them.
“Wow, that’s some assistant you have,” Scott said, pouring them each a glass.
“I know. I’m so lucky to have such great people at the company.”
“May I propose a toast?”
Alysa nodded. She raised her glass and looked longingly into Scott’s eyes.
“Thank you to whatever fate first brought you to that masquerade ball. For it was there that I met the woman of my dreams.” Scott clinked her glass, and they sipped their champagne.
Alysa pressed the button to lower the glass between her and the limo driver. “John, please take me home.”
John nodded and turned right at the next corner.
“Oh, Scott, that was a beautiful toast and I, too, thank the fates that day,” she said.
It didn’t take long to reach Alysa’s apartment building When John opened the limo door, she took Scott’s hand and led him up to her loft apartment.
Once inside she threw her keys on the side table and continued straight on to her bedroom, never letting go of him.
Inside her most treasured space, she turned to him. “I don’t usually…”
He reached out and put his finger on her soft full lips. “Shhh….My Lady. There is need to talk.” He reached up and pulled the hairpin out of the tight bun at the nape of her neck and her blonde hair flowed down over her shoulders. His bent down to kiss her and his hands dove into her hair, relishing the silky feel of it.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he said, between hungry kisses. “I knew you were special the moment I laid eyes on you at the ball.”
He helped her out of her coat and threw it on a chair nearby, then turned her around so that he could unzip her dress. Nothing would be rushed. He slowly pulled the zipper down, kissing every inch of skin that he exposed.
Alysa shivered under his touch, a moan of delight escaping her lips. The dress fell to the floor, she stepped out of it and turned to him. She wore only a lace bra and panties.
Scott inhaled sharply at the site of her. She was perfection, a vision, an angel on Earth.
Alysa reached up and began to unbutton his shirt. Her hands slid inside and roamed over his well-toned chest before getting to the rest of the buttons. She pulled it off his shoulders and it floated to the floor.
They pressed together, skin-to-skin and began to sway to an unheard melody. They only had eyes for each other. Nothing else mattered, and all their longing and frustration of their search for each other melted away.
Scott scooped her up in his arms and gently laid her on the bed, never taking his eyes from her lovely face. He shed his pants and sat down on the bed. His kisses started at her lips down her neck and to the swell of her breast.
Alysa never took his eyes off him.
“Amazing,” he said. His hands slid over her belly and down her long lean legs, her skin was as soft as velvet.
Alysa gasped with pleasure.
He was intoxicated with her and couldn’t get enough. “I’m at your service, My Lady, whatever pleases you.”
She pulled him down on top of her. “Make love to me.”
Her touch sent a shock through Scott. “My pleasure.” He kissed her again, a kiss full of love and pent up desire.
Their dance of love was exquisite, each of them perfectly in tune with each other’s bodies. Hands touched skin, lips locked and tongues probed every sweet taste they had to offer. They never lost their rhythm. He kissed her deeply, more deeply than he had ever kissed before, until they both rode the wave of ecstasy, shuddering and trembling with delight.
Scott was reluctant to break the spell, but after a few moments he rolled off her.
He leaned up on one elbow and slowly let his hand trace down the length of her body. “You were perfect,” he said.
Alysa gazed into his eyes, those beautiful green eyes that she could easily see herself drowning in forever. “No one has ever made me feel the way you do.”
Scott leaned down and placed a feather-light kiss on her lips. “That’s because you were meant for me.”
“Are you for real? Please tell me you’re not playing some elaborate game. You’re not d’Artagnan swooping in to rescue Constance. I don’t want to see you walk out that door again and disappear. I don’t think I could bear it.”
His finger traced the curve of face. “Alysa, I’ve spent the last six weeks searching for you, not Constance. It was you who captivated me. I never gave up searching for you. I knew one day I’d find you.”
Alysa smiled. “Thank you for not giving up.”
“We might have met eventually because I do have a vested interested in your success.”
“How so?”
“I’m your largest stockholder.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. “It was you? You’re the anonymous donor who gave me the start-up funds three years ago?”
Scott nodded his head, a smile nearly splitting his face. “See, even three years ago, I knew you were the one for me. Thank goodness you didn’t turn out to be an “Al” after all.”
That brought a full-fledged belly laugh from her. Alysa pulled Scott back on top of her. “Now do I look like an Al to you?” she asked teasingly.
“No, my lady. You’re my perfect Constance,” Scott said as he kissed his ladylove once again. She kissed him back and they were soon entranced in another enchanting dance of love--the next of many to come.


Dear Reader, thank you for reading
Love by Chance
. I hope you enjoyed the story. Please consider leaving a review. Reviews are a wonderful way for authors to know how readers react to the stories.


Other stories in the “Love By” series include
Love by Secrets (Historical Romance)
Love by Moonlight (A Contemporary Romance).
I’ve included an excerpt of
Love by Moonlight.


You may contact me at:
[email protected]


Love by Secrets
(Historical Romance)
Book blurb:
Eighteen-year-old Emily Stanton is excited to attend this season's society balls and begin her search for a husband. She is thrilled when the dashing and handsome Connor Preston begins to show her more attention. After each ball, Emily finds a love note in her drawstring reticule, and she expects a marriage proposal from Connor any day.


When her father objects and forces Emily to accept the proposal from Lady Tisbury's shy nephew, Ethan Richardson instead, her heart is broken. How can she love her new husband when her heart belongs to the man who wrote her such beautiful love letters?


Love by Secrets is a novella of ~21,000 words



Love by Moonight:
Book blurb:
Caroline Fleming had a perfect life -- a loving husband, 2 great kids, a lovely home -- or so she thought. When her husband of 23 years announces he wants a divorce, Caroline's perfect world crumbles in an instant.


She retreats to the beach house to clear her head and heal her broken heart. She swears off men, that is, until she meets a sexy stranger running on the beach with his 2 dogs. Will Matt Sylvan be her second chance at love?


Love by Moonlight is a novella of ~18,000 words



By Debra Elizabeth


Chapter 1


Caroline Fleming poured two glasses of white wine and set one in front of her best friend, Elena Hartlet, who was pulling out the bar stool at the spacious island.
"Thanks for coming over, Elena."
"No problem. You know I’ll be here anytime you need me."
"I know."
Caroline sighed and joined Elena at the kitchen island. Elena had been her dearest friend since college. It was the old adage: opposites attract. Elena was the adventurous one while she was quiet and practical. Nothing seemed to bring her down. Her two divorces certainly hadn’t dampened her fun loving spirit and zest for life. She was the kind of woman who knew what she wanted and had no problem going after it. Of course, it never hurt when you had a killer body like hers--natural blonde, slim build and an ample chest size.
"I know I should be glad everything is over, but some days it hits me that I’m really divorced. I never would have believed it would happen to me. The good thing, though, is getting the beach house in the divorce. I've always loved this place. The rhythm of the waves does wonders for helping me fall asleep at night. So soothing. Exactly what I need right now."
"You should have fought for the other house too, you know," Elena said, sipping her wine.  
"No, too many memories there. Besides, what am I going to do with a 15-room house?"
"Yeah, good point, but I was thinking that you let Richard off the hook too easily."
Caroline took a swallow of her wine while trying hard to forget that traumatic day six months ago. Richard had walked through the front door and she knew something was wrong by the way he carried himself, shoulders slouched, eyes downward.
“Hi, honey. You look upset. What’s wrong,” she asked.
“I need a drink first. Will you join me?”
BOOK: Love by Chance (A Contemporary Romance)
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