Read Lost Alpha Online

Authors: Jessica Ryan

Tags: #bbw shifter, #Romance

Lost Alpha

BOOK: Lost Alpha
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Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

A Note from Jessica

Other Books By Jessica Ryan

Lost Alpha: Part 3

By Jessica Ryan


Copyright © 2014 Jessica Ryan

All Rights Reserved

Published by Jessica Ryan Books

Cover Art by Christine Savoie


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


: This short story contains adult material with explicit sexual situations and language. All sexually active characters in this work are 19 years of age or older.



This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains sexually explicit scenes, graphic language and may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors



Chapter 1


Paige kept changing channels, trying to find something sufficient to watch, something that would drown out the two angry wolves arguing right outside her front door.

“I’m telling you,” Dario said. “We can’t just bust in and kill these people. To the townspeople they’re just normal humans. We can’t go around murdering.”

“I’m an alpha wolf!” Travis said. “Human laws don’t apply to me. I do what I want; these rats deserve to pay for what they did to my pack, to our pack.”

“Now you want me in the pack?” Dario asked.

“If you help me get our land back then of course I will welcome you back into the fold,” Travis said. “We can’t go home until we have the staff; the spirits will ward us off.”

“Do you actually believe that hokey story?” Dario asked. “I think it’s a load of crap.”

“Jacob would not lie about that!” Travis shouted. “How dare you question our pack founder!”

“Oh my god!” Paige said aloud, turning the TV volume up to nearly max levels. Luckily a song came on the TV, completely drowning out the two wolves.

It had been a tense day ever since they had discovered the scent of the wererats on her niece. Travis had wanted to charge into the parking lot and demand answers from her twelve year old niece, Lyric, but Paige had managed to stop him.

“How could I be so stupid?” she asked herself.

Travis had explained to her that wererats all live together in one house, like a big family. The Lockharts were known around town for cramming a huge family into the dilapidated mansion right outside town. She should have realized it the moment he explained wererats to her, it was so obvious now.

Unfortunately things didn’t get any easier when Travis discovered what he had been looking for since he arrived in town. Travis wanted to march right over there and murder them all, luckily Dario was the voice of reason. Listening to the intensity of the argument though, she didn’t know how much longer his reason would last.

The Travis she had made love to the night before was completely gone now, replaced by an angry alpha wolf thirsty for blood. His demeanor was no longer arrogant yet playful, instead he appeared to be on the edge of a breakdown. His eyes were wild and his muscles had remained tense since earlier today. She was afraid he would
and take off at any minute, a fact that scared the shit out of her.

Paige’s life was boring and she felt trapped in her tiny town. Travis had come on the scene like a wild flame that caught her attention. She was all in with the alpha now, ready to be his new alpha mate and restart the pack, but now he might be gone just as quickly as he’d arrived.

The front door slammed hard, rattling the entire trailer. She looked up to see Travis standing in front of her, his chest heaving from the deep breaths he was taking.

“That wolf has no guts!” he said, looking down at her. “None at all!”

“Why do you say that?” she asked, knowing the answer already.

“He wants to play this safe, study them and then move in. I think we need to go make the streets run red with their blood.”

“That’s one idea,” she said, turning off the TV and giving Travis her full attention. “Or you could play it safe.”

“Not you too,” Travis said, his face turning red.

“Of course me too,” she said. “You told me that there’s no way wererats can kill an entire pack unless they were in lunar form. Do you really think two wolves can take out a whole family of rats in lunar form?”

Travis stood there, his face twisting in concentration. She knew he hadn’t considered this fact. He had described lunar form as a twisted amalgamation of man and beast, much more powerful than either man or beast form. Usually shifters could only achieve this form during the full moon, but the rats had figured out a way to do it without the moon.

“You are right,” he finally said. “It would be suicide. I can’t let them get away with it though.”

“You need to calm down,” she said, getting up and walking over to him. “I know you don’t like Dario but he’s been around for a long time. Wisdom isn’t anything to scoff at.”

Travis nodded, not wanting to verbally admit that she was right. He was too proud to think any wolf could help him without being his subordinate. It had been several days since Dario had come into their lives and each day they had a new argument about what to do, never taking any action. She knew it must be frustrating for Travis, he wanted revenge but he knew the dangers of rushing in headfirst. He must have felt powerless right now, a feeling she knew probably drove him insane.

“You see right through me,” he said, smiling at her. “The perfect alpha mate.”

“I’m glad you think so,” she said, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him in for a tight hug.

She felt his hands work around her back, fumbling with the clasp on her bra. As she held him she felt the familiar poke of his enormous manhood against her thigh.

He must be insatiable,
she thought.
All of this going on and he still wants me.

In truth it made her feel like the sexiest woman alive that a hot alpha wolf would be attracted to her luscious curves. As she contemplated that thought she felt her heavy breasts fall out of her bra, her sensitive nipples rubbing against the material and sending shockwaves through her body as he lifted it.

“Again?” she asked.

“Of course,” he said, smiling at her. “You told me I need to calm down.”

She contemplated her earlier words as he fell backwards onto the couch, pulling her down on top of him. She ran her hands over the thick corded muscles that made up his neck and shoulders, her nether region growing warm in the process.

She leaned over, her tongue leaving a warm, wet trail down his neck as she worked to his nipples. He sucked in a deep breath and pinched both of her red buds hard as she bit down on one of his.

Her hips swayed back and forth as she the material of their jeans grinded against each other, their hot sex wanting to come together.  She could feel the power of his cock behind the denim, wanting to escape and ravage her waiting passage.

As she rhythmically grinded back and forth she leaned over, her lips finding their way up and down his thick neck. As she worked her way up and down her tongue darted out slightly, adding a touch of warm wetness to each kiss.

Travis responded by tensing up and reaching around her, his large hands cupping her ample rear. He squeezed hard, causing her to bite down on his neck.

With all of his strength Travis tossed her to the side, leaving her flat on her back on the couch. As he turned to her his orange eyes almost seemed to glow, the animal within him fighting to get to the surface. He let out a short growl as he yanked her pants off and unbuttoned his, revealing the thick rod that she so desperately wanted to explore every inch of her wet hole.

Travis fisted it and stared down at her, like he was threatening to use his most powerful weapon on her. She bit down on the end of her index finger, flicking her tongue as her eyes found their way up and down his monstrous offering.

He smiled, knowing what she wanted. She felt a jolt of ecstasy shoot through her pussy; the mere thought of Travis ravishing her created pleasure. Everything about his perfect, statuesque form made her body melt into the couch.

Without any warning he dove forward, the engorged purple head finding its way through the fold of her labia and deep into her waiting crevice. She cried out as the tip found its way all the way to the back. She arched her back and reached up, struggling to grab anything. Finally her claws found their way into Travis’ back causing a great hiss from the alpha wolf as she scratched down his shoulder blades.

He let out an inhuman growl as he put his hands on her hips, partially thrusting into her and partially using his great strength to impale her on his spear. She lay there, unable to move as he slammed her back and forth, eager to release his powerful alpha seed into her.

“Oh my god,” she moaned, digging her nails deeper into his flesh. She could feel the warm blood starting to flow under the claw marks she had made, but Travis didn’t seem to care, he continued to pound away, his beautiful orange eyes locked onto hers.

She turned to meet his gaze, trying her best not to look away. She found herself getting lost in a sea of orange as pain and pleasure mixed into one feeling that gripped her entire body.

The distraction provided by his commanding stare allowed her orgasm to sneak up, attacking her with a ferocity she had never felt before. She lost all control of her body, her legs bucking into the couch, lifting her rear to further drive Travis inside. She let go of him and began frantically grabbing at the couch around her as he let out an erotic roar that seemed to shake the trailer.

She felt his hot sex explode against the walls of her vagina, filling her up completely. At the same time, the orgasm melted through her body, blurring her vision and making her legs spasm uncontrollably.

In an instant it was all over and Travis was falling backwards onto the couch away from her. She moaned and tried to sit up, but no part of her body would obey the commands her brain gave. She was completely spent, ravaged by the alpha.



Chapter 2


The sound of Paige’s soft breathing as she slept made Travis smile. Before the last couple of days it had been quite a while since he had coupled with a female and then fallen asleep with her in his arms, now it had happened two nights in a row. He could get used to this, provided he got the staff back and avenged his pack.

He sighed and slid himself out from under Paige’s arm to sit up on the edge of the bed. Her skin was so soft and the curves of her body looked amazing, bathed in the moonlight that shined through her bedroom window. Jacob had always made choosing a mate sound difficult, but it had come as easy as anything else for Travis. Perhaps this was another sign he was destined to be a strong alpha leader, it took him no time at all to find a strong alpha mate.

The hour was late, but he couldn’t sleep. The human’s schedule was hell on him; he just wasn’t used to sleeping at night. Night was the time to hunt and live, day was the time to bathe in the suns rejuvenating rays and rest.

Paige abruptly turned over behind him, returning to her slumber without his body to comfort her. He had to get up and move; he couldn’t stay in bed all night. The wererats had to pay and they had to pay soon.

Travis walked out of Paige’s bedroom, the floorboards creaking under the weight of his massive body. The house was pitch black, but he could see perfectly in the dark. He found his way to the front door and quietly opened it, stepping onto the porch. The night air was cool, perfect for a good hunt.

Without giving it another thought he slid his underwear off and shifted into wolf form. He felt as if he had just unshackled himself from a body cast. He stretched his powerful neck, hearing the bones crack all the way down to the base of his spine. This was what he lived for, this was liberating.

After marking Paige’s front porch, to let all other males know she was taken, he bounded down the steps and down the driveway towards the store. He had explored the woods behind her house enough; he was going to get across the road into the wooded area there. Paige knew where the wererats lived, but she probably wouldn’t tell him right now. It was nice that she was worried about him, but he was an alpha and she had to respect his position of authority; they would work on this fact.

BOOK: Lost Alpha
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