Read Lord & Master Online

Authors: Emma Holly

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance, #New Adult, #Contemporary, #contemporary romance

Lord & Master (21 page)

BOOK: Lord & Master
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He covered my mouth with his, molding us together there, warm and wet. His body lowered, his hips settling over mine. The heat of his erection excited me. Though my bondage prevented me from succeeding, I tried to wrap my legs around him.

Jake didn’t offer to untie me.

“You want me,” he growled, not making it a question.

“Yes,” I said.

He ran one hand down my side, securing my hip with his thumb and fingers. When he had me as he wanted, he notched his tip into me.

I gasped at the slight entry.

“You need to tell him you agree to this,” he said. “That you’re not ashamed of me pleasuring you.”

I met his gaze. “I’m not ashamed.”

He pushed and—oh—that was glorious. Sleek and hot, he claimed me, stretched me, until there was no more of me to fill. His eyes closed for just a moment. Then he drew back and thrust again.

My neck arched with bliss.

Jake nuzzled my collarbone, his right hand sliding upward to cup my breast. I rocked my hips into his, loving the slow wavelike beats of his pelvis. When I hummed my appreciation, he chuckled.

“You’re too easy,” he teased, low and male.

“You love my . . . easiness,” I said, thrusting toward him again.

“I admit it. I hope you never change.” Some movement caught his attention. He turned his head toward it.

Before I could do the same, Damien swung up on the table.

He’d taken off his clothes. His skin was smooth and warm, his muscles hard as iron under it. He settled on his side, his shoulders broader than I’d known a man’s could be. I sensed rather than saw his hand stroking down Jake’s spine.

The gesture simultaneously startled and seemed completely right. His expression was serious.

“You teach me how deeply I can love,” he said. “You make my heart twice as big.”

My eyes burned. Though Damien looked at me, I knew he meant both of us. I spoke the first words that came to me. “I’d be proud to have a heart as good as yours.”

“Me too,” Jake said and grinned.

Amused and maybe a bit embarrassed, Damien ducked his head and shook it.

“I want to feel both of you,” I said. “Could you take turns in me?”

,” Damien exclaimed humorously. “Lady Call, you really are throwing off your last shred of decency.”

“You forget, thanks to you, I’m not a lady anymore.”

Damien seemed to enjoy my retort. He elbowed Jake in the ribs. “Move over, you. I believe I’ll take my turn now.”

“Now?” Jake’s eyebrows twitched upward. When Damien shot him a look right back, he complied.

Damien took Jake’s place and, with minimal—but interesting—adjustment, slid his cock smoothly into me. He let out a hum of pleasure. I suppose he liked how soft and wet Jake left me.

“Well,” he said, repeating the long, savoring motion. “Jake certainly warmed you up.”

I groaned and arched at this new presence within me. It seemed decadent to partake of two men so skilled. Forbidden thrills truly had extra potency. Jake and Damien didn’t let me struggle with the dilemma long. I had two minutes to savor Damien’s individual rhythm before Jake insisted they change again. Damien rolled his eyes, but gave way to him.

This time, Jake surged into me a delectable bit harder.

As they switched back and forth, the period each spent in me extended. They made a competition of who could make me gasp loudest. Jake’s secret weapon was a gift for applying just the right the amount of force in just the right places. Damien—unexpectedly—had the swivel hips of a harem boy. He also liked whispering wicked things in my ear, which the nerves in my pussy seemed not to mind at all. My inhibitions faded as my gasps became moans, my hands twisting in the ties that held them.

Each time I was about to come, my latest lover pulled out of me. This helped them last. Me, it simply tormented.

On his fifth turn, Jake arranged himself so that he pressed my forearms and calves with his. Despite the breaks the men were taking, I sensed his self-control reaching its limit. Rather than frighten me, this filled me with expectation. Would I finally be allowed my pleasure? The weight Jake applied wasn’t heavy enough to pain me, but my impression of being restrained heightened. Coupled with the urgency of his thrusts and the rough noises he was making, this drove me rather wild.

He’d barely been in me thirty seconds before the ache in my sex soared to the threshold of releasing.

If I could have prevented him from noticing, I would.

“Please don’t stop,” I begged as he bit out a curse and withdrew.

He dropped his head to kiss me breathless, but didn’t thrust back in.

“I want to watch him finish you,” he said.

Finishing sounded lovely, but I had a demand first.

“Free my right hand. —I mean it,” I added when the curve of his lips turned down.

This time, he acceded. Fortunately, he didn’t have to cut the sash but only turn the ring that held it until a split appeared. The second my hand slipped free I ran it greedily over his chest and abdomen.

“All right,” Jake said, his breath breaking for my touch. “Maybe that’s worth partly untying you.”

I pulled him down by his hair to kiss me. Both our hearts were thudding, both our tongues striving carnally. When I couldn’t stand it an instant longer, I released him and turned to Damien.

going to finish me,” I said.

“Yes, ma’am.” He smiled slightly as he came over me.

“I want it hard,” I commanded, since the men were in an obliging mood.

“At this point,” Damien almost laughed, “that’s damn near your only choice.”

He dropped onto a forearm to fit himself to me. I registered what he meant by
being my only choice. Damien loved watching, and our game of trading places had given him lots to see. His cock was as thick as I’d ever felt it and as hard as if he were carved of stone. The padded leather creaked when his knees dug in.

,” I groaned as he shoved all the way into me.

Jake, it seemed, had plans for the hand he’d freed. I groaned again as he caught my wrist and wrapped it tightly around his shaft. He was as hot as Damien, filling my fingers like Damien filled my pussy.

“You’re good?” Damien asked him.

“Too good,” Jake answered laughingly.

When Damien kissed him, the reaction jerked Jake’s cock. I think Damien knew. As he broke free and pushed up straight-armed, he smirked like a stallion whose stud fee had just gone up.

He had the pair of us exactly where he wanted.

“Get to it,” I ordered.

He pulled back and began thrusting.

My body responded all over. Jake’s breath hissed as my hand tightened on his shaft. I started to relax it.

“No,” he said, rolling even closer to my side. “Don’t let go. That feels good. Both of you keep going.”

I didn’t loosen my grip. I trusted him to know what he liked. What I liked was everything the men did: Damien jolting into me, Jake stroking and massaging the places Damien left open. My bonds were a comfort. I couldn’t fly apart with them tethering me. I thrashed within their protective confines, my back arching with the escalation of my longing. Driven by urges I couldn’t fight, my pussy contracted greedily.

Damien growled as my flesh drew on his. It was a happy growl, because he slammed in hard and ground into me. He didn’t pull out, just worked and worked his rolling hips against the star-bright heart of my sensation. I was seconds from going over. From the corner of my eye, I saw Jake suck his longest finger before slapping Damien’s rear.

The smack rang loud, but Jake wasn’t simply spanking him. When Damien cried out and writhed, I guessed what Jake had done.

“Shit,” Damien said, his hips suddenly moving in new ways. They lurched back toward Jake and returned to me, as if neither pleasure could be relinquished.

“You’re not helping,” he complained.

Jake pressed his teeth into Damien’s shoulder. Jake wasn’t letting up. I saw his arm muscles work. “I don’t want to help. I want to rub all your good spots until you explode in her.”

Damien didn’t have the slightest chance of resisting—no more than my imagination could resist going feverish at the idea of Jake finding his prostate.

Damien groaned as Jake probed and rubbed deeper.

My passion broke when Damien jerked and flooded me.

I had an instant to be alarmed. I’d gripped Jake’s shaft so tightly it wasn’t sliding within my fist. But maybe he was glad. He sped the tugging up with his hips. He pulsed hard a moment later, his cry hoarse like Damien’s. His long leg trapped mine, his thigh muscle bunching as he climaxed.

This was too much for me. A second wave subsumed my first orgasm. The sweetness seized me body and soul. The three of us were bound together, and this was just what we ought to be. My vision blurred as emotions rose. When at last I subsided, tears had trickled from my eyes.

“Hey,” Damien said, gently kissing them.

“I’m good,” I said throatily.

“Very, very good,” Jake slurred in agreement.

Chapter Fifteen

say how long we three lay in our sated tangle, lazily stroking each other. I felt as if I lived neither then nor now but was a person out of time. In that tranquil, unthinking state, I knew I was destined to love these men.

Eventually, we set ourselves and the room to rights. Jake and Damien smiled as they pulled their clothes back on. Jake wasn’t in the habit of letting his tensions show. Nonetheless, I sensed a new restfulness inside him. Before my eyes, he was becoming his whole self—not a man who loved men or women but simply a man who loved.

The mood felt too golden to speak at all.

Servants were stirring as we crept out: tending fires and dusting this and that. We managed to avoid them on our way up the stairs.

“My room,” Damien said, pointing toward it.

Jake and I made no objections.

The moment we were inside, Damien threw his jacket over a chair and flopped face down on the bed.

“I don’t want to do a single other thing today,” he declared.

Jake laughed and sat beside him, his hand moving easily to trail his fingers down his shirtsleeve. “That’s a first.”

Damien mumbled an unintelligible response.

“If we’re not doing anything,” I said, “I’m going to get my journal. That was worth writing down.”

Damien rolled over and looked at me. “You’re keeping a journal? Like, on paper with a pen?”

Seeing I’d intrigued him, I smiled archly. “There’s nothing wrong with paper and pens, is there?”

“Of course not.” He rubbed his chin. “Can Jake and I read it?”

“Maybe. If I decide I want to share.”

Damien exchanged a glance with Jake. “Jake has a video file on a flash drive you might be willing to trade it for.”

“Really,” I responded, definitely interested.

“The other night, the one we spent apart, Jake and I reenacted our first time.”

I scrunched my brow as I sorted out what he meant. “You mean your Edwardian first time? When he spanked you in his rooms at Oxford after he saved your life?”

“That’s the one.” Damien was blushing and pretending not to, which I found adorable. “Jake thought I needed distracting. I was worried you were okay and wanted to return to the house to check. Jake said to give you time to mull things over, the same as I would want.”

“I was fine,” I said, remembering my night with his daffodils. “I slept in your bed, hugging your pillow.”

“Good,” Damien said. “I mean I’m glad you didn’t feel neglected.”

I had to rag him a little. “If I’d known how much fun you were having, I might have!”

“We didn’t— I would have asked you to join us, but Jake said he’d film it and you could watch later.”

“I’d love watching,” I relented. “I know how rarely you let yourself be recorded.”

“See,” Jake said. “Mia wants us to have our own connection.”

“Fine,” Damien said. “You weren’t wrong.”

“You mean I was right,” Jake teased.

Damien sighed, which amused Jake more. Chuckling, Jake flopped down next to the other man. “This is fun. I’m glad Mia convinced us to try this.”

Damien grunted his agreement. A moment later, he wriggled onto his elbows to consider me. He didn’t speak, but thoughts flicked behind his eyes. Something about their intensity kept me from leaving to get my journal.

When he finally broke his silence, I wasn’t prepared for it.

“I want to marry you for real,” he announced.

“Whoa,” Jake said as my jaw dropped.

“Seriously,” Damien said. “Would you consider it?”

“Is that an actual proposal or are you asking what I’d say if it were?”

He sat up and crossed his legs. “It’s an actual proposal. If you’d rather, I could ask Jake to marry me instead. People would probably think I’m hipper than they suspected. I believe, however, that I’m traditional enough to prefer the idea of taking
under my protection.”

My face broke into a smile. “You’d ask Jake to marry you?”

“Well, it’s legal now. The thing is, I can’t marry both of you.”

Amusement danced in Jake’s eyes “What if
want to marry Mia?”

“I decided first. And asked first. You should have been quicker on the draw. Anyway, you don’t care so much about putting your promises on paper. You just say them and that’s enough.”

“True.” Jake looked at me and grinned. “What’ll it be, doll? Do you want to marry him?”

“She didn’t take off her wedding band,” Damien pointed out. “She should have when she fake-divorced me.”

I looked at my hand where the simple gold ring still gleamed. “I forgot I was wearing it.”

“You don’t forget anything. You kept in on because it feels like it belongs on your finger.”

Damien’s logic was hard to argue with.

“We’ll leave the ‘obey’ out of it,” he added. “‘Honor’ and ‘cherish’ are good enough.”

They were good enough for me. “I wouldn’t have to marry you tomorrow?”

“No,” Damien said. “We can be engaged for a bit.”

I pressed my palm to my chest, where my pulse pounded crazily. “I really want to say ‘yes.’”

BOOK: Lord & Master
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